So what i'm going to do is we're going to take this driver which isn't your usual driver. So it is the g30 head it's made in exactly the same way it's just set up a little bit differently just a bit what you can see here is it's 44. And a half inches in length as opposed to 45 and three quarters that you get in the standard g30 um he's got this bi-matrix extra stiff shaft in the in this in the golf club he has had it tipped half an inch as well so technically it's almost a 2x flex now if that's not look at these macy's if that's not difficult enough bubba is a little bit different when it comes to the setup of his grip. So it's been well documented that bubba not only has a midsize grip on the golf club he also has an extra 10 layers of tape under his top hand and 12 extra layers of tape under his bottom hand so a lot of people describe it's a bit like hidden uh holding a cricket bat that's crazy okay. So what i want to do i've held more sensitive cricket bats okay. So what i want to do is i want to get you hitting the bubba driver are you any good left-handed no okay. So i'm gonna go with this as well mike i'm gonna have a go yeah okay. So what i'm gonna do we're gonna take the left-handed head off put in a g30 head button right-handed. So the guys have at least got half a chance of hitting it let them have a blast we can then.

Compare their figures directly with bubbles. And we'll simulate it on the computer you guys look like you're hitting a wedge compared to bubba who's hidden a dream sounds good let's do it when we add ours together you might need to okay just an idea let's get cracking first right. So we put a right-handed g30 in this shaft same setup is exactly as bubba has it using bubba's shaft using bubba's grip let's see how the guys get on are you ready. For this pete no i want to see your airborne please grip is. So thick unbelievable right jump on it does it feel stiff give it i want two more of that all right i'm going to properly smash this i think bubba's a bit of a soft if i'm telling you that had to go right with that grip. And that shaft i have one logo as well there's literally a small town between miner and rick's last shot how the hell do you control this thing let's go always set up. For a cut you're going to go above that let's go a bit bubba. So what we can see is we've simulated bubba's shot here which is in the gray color you can see they're going to 328 yards pete was up first. And he managed to get his out there at 278 in a respectable 270. so you can see this is in orange. So the visual between peat and orange and bubba in grey oh my god that's ridiculous quite embarrassing so it does honestly look like pete's hit a pitching wedge it's embarrassing i think we'll agree uh then.

Can you have a better one compare this to poor old rick i had a shocking one like you can see here is rick's over in the trees on the right. And he's only managed to get it out there 240 yards i couldn't generate any corvettes yeah true that's one thing i've managed to beat him at. So safe to say we got absolutely battered by bubba what do you say pete um you're welcome yeah you.