All right guys the bunker challenge down here at sent hanzo links got the team if you've not seen part one going to the art. But this is the bunker on the watts hole list 12th 13th 12th bunk shot pretty tricky little pop bunker we'll do closest to the pin just. For bragging rights just for bragging rights individual this no no team effort anymore individual mark yes in your pocket mr matt frye you can check him out here on twitter on youtube okay. So relatively straightforward i reckon we have at least halfway in the bunker that's that's adequate enough we'll play off your lie there mat as close to you as we can go go go go go go go it's not done bad it's not done terrible that gone on carter seeing the itching to go the car the wizard bunker player i'm going. For the high one going. For the high one i'm not actually sure if i was in a better player i have a bunch of cartoons i don't think i've yeah i think he's actually a guy who was that guy yeah i don't think it's like he was born in the sahara little one with the sound that frame on your face. And andy smith face he's the worst face in the world that shot right pete see that bad boy are you going higher as well i'm getting out get out of degrees is it too much sand yeah a bit too much santa right here from left to right i think. So he's playing the runner oh he's playing a nice one he's played a nice one oh nice yes he loves it my smug face face that wasn't a smoke face that was an ecstasy face. But we're actually actually going to go down there now. And just look at these close-ups the works i love it caster sorry yeah then.

That's quite confident ricky shields a great shot that's cool that's what guys. So if you've not seen the actual challenge that we're playing here at san andreas links do check that out on the channel there's a link at the end of this video. And also you can check out all these guys wonderful people on twitter. And facebook and the youtube thanks for watching i'll give you that and i would awesome you.