[music] hi guys my name's rick and i'm going to be testing today.

The callaway bertha mini 1.5 this is the mini driver the callaway's version of the mini driver looking forward to hitting it because it looks immense looks awesome it's got adjustability. So you can change the lofts which i think has got a massive advantage. For this type of club because you can make it strong if you want to use it off the tee if you wanted to use it off the fairway as a fairway replacement you can make it a little bit weaker. So i've got it in 12 degrees but you can go one degree down to make it eleven you can go two degrees up to make it 14 which i think is just awesome i'm gonna test it on gc2 hit real balls see how it flies how it uh moves through the air. And then.

I might even change the loft to see what the events are of it as well. So it's the first time callaway have brought a mini version out and i know another manufacturer has been quite a popular model it's been a popular a piece of equipment for a lot of players great for driver replacement if you struggle with driver so if you if you find you know what i just don't hit driving particularly well but i hit the fairways wood well well this is this is just perfect it's that kind of it's a big chunky fairway wood you know it has. So many advantage to it it's not super long so it's not as long as a driver but longer the fairway wood i've got this in the kuru cage extra stiff flex um and i'm looking forward to giving it a hit i think the looks wise behind the ball it's amazing it's. So it's so polished it's lovely looking it's got the callaway arrow at the top helps the alignment i still feel like the deeper face personally for myself off the floor scares me a little bit with a deeper face but it you know you don't have to use off the floor you could use it as a driver replacement like i say i'm going to hit some off the floor anyway i've got it in 12 degrees. And let's see how it flies using gc2 so let's give it a hit i'd say it does look it looks amazing i do love the look of it. So it flies it's come out like an absolute bullet that's an amazing lynx golf shot it's really come out firing all cylinders really low ball flight getting up there to nearly 260. and that was off the floor in 12 degrees. And that'll be just superb for a windy condition a windy day lynx golf and you've just got a bullet one down there i love that i love the flight i felt like i probably hit it off the bottom groove but i find that's quite easy to do with such a deep face wood off the floor i said i probably would prefer it as off a little t. Or a bit more loft and we might try that in a moment let's go another coupling 12 degrees oh it's just a flying machine i hit that one better much sweeter and it still has that really low penetrating ball flight i mean look at that. For a a wood off the floor and i'm getting near to 280 total distance the wood off the floor i can't get out with the three wood that's impossible to get i use a 15 degree three wooden all this this is this is a mega strong fairway with 12 degrees. But you know what i can't particularly hit driver off the deck that well with a big deep face driver i don't feel like i can hit driver that well off the deck off the floor. So this this might be that kind of club i still don't quite know where a lot of players this club would sit but it's very individual it can be a driver replacement absolutely there's nothing wrong with that because it still will go a long way. But it can also be a fairway replacement if you want more distance with your fairway woods. Or you could have all of them you can have driver this. And fairway wood i just think you might sacrifice the lower end of the spectrum it's got one more in 12 degrees off the floor it's a little bit further left that time. But it's still an awesome hit i still felt like i smoked that i'm gonna go one more actually i felt like i hit that really well nearly 290 pulled it a little bit granted but felt amazing off the face now like i say when you actually look at it for me the ball doesn't look like it's going to fit in the sweet spot you almost feel like you have to take a little bit of surface with it otherwise if you hit it completely clean you almost get it off the bottom groove like i did in that first shot. And get quite a low flat it's got one more nice one with 12 degrees off the floor bullet absolute bullet not my straightest hit in the world granted but a really you know i love that ball flight really really solid ball flight so let's change the loft so you can change this now say i've got it in 12 at the moment i could go to 11 i'm going to go up to 14. that's where i'm going to that's where i'm going to go i'm going to go up to 14.. So let's say it was a driver replacement you might. And you you are mostly going to hit off the t you might stick it in 11. it makes sense why would you not. So i'm going to go two degrees more loft. And it's just got the normal callaway twisty bit which isn't the most i won't say it's the most user-friendly it's a lot of numbers and a lot of uh letters but i think once you've obviously i've got the chart over there as well. But i know in neutral two degrees plus it's going to set me in 14 degrees screws in. And i think that's honestly i think that's a huge huge advantage. For this club that you can actually change a lot i think that's massive because. For me if you can change the loft of this golf club it really does become much more versatile to individual players it becomes a lot more a different a different club. And you might even use it for different circumstances you might wake up and go on the golf course and go you know what it's a really tight golf course and it's a really windy day i'm going to leave my driver at home. Or in the car i'm going to take out my mini stick it in 11 degrees. And you've got that slightly more accurate driving club or you might go you know what today.

I'm going to be playing a lot of path fives. Or a lot of path long power fours and i need something that's going to be able to hit it well off the deck going into these holes you can crank up to 14 degrees. Or 13 degrees or 12 degrees and be able to fill a gap that you might be missing with a regular 3-wood i think it's a bit more versatile i'm going to change the color on the uh on the sim. So i've just changed the color now on the sim to a red colour for to dictate the 14 degrees of loft for me now straight away it just looks so much more appealing it actually now looks like more of a chunky three would rather a small driver off the deck it actually looks like i can see the face i can see the face. And that helps visually that really helps feels like i can actually get this flying up in the air a little bit better this time still quite deep obviously still still the same dynamic diameter in the head. But it just looks like it's a bit more friendly and it is just that look at the loft change that felt to me. So much more friendly to hit and it's still done well on distance it's still done very very well you know 2-6 that's still it's closer to where i'd hit my 3-wood but it's still longer 14 degrees it's still longer but it felt just a little bit a little bit nicer to hit certainly looks wise gives me a lot more confidence so i might if i was to use this i might go 11 degrees if i was taking off a t. Or 12 degrees if it was hitting it off a tee. But if i had to use it off the fairway i think i'd want to keep the loft. So i think those are the decisions you've got to make when using this club oh yeah there we go that's the one it's beautiful yeah. So i thought before it felt you know you're using your base look at the distance wow you know it is it's just a super charged fairway wood it's just just injected with. So much power it's longer than a regular fairway wood but not as long as a driver it's got a you know the hyper speed face cup as callaway clubs have but for me it's not that it has so much more versatility because you can change a loft that's. So valuable for this club it's one more in 14 degrees i love that so see how much more consistent they've become because i've added more loft i can become a little bit more my dispersion becomes tighter i'm not actually losing that much distance right one last test. And i'm going to crank it down to 11 degrees stick it on a little t. And see how it performs off the tee so it's almost more like a driver so see if it actually performs closer to a driver distance wise etc when i stick it down to 11 degrees let's stay tuned for that we'll see how it performs as a proper mini driver right so it's cranked down to 11 now 11 degrees i just i do i love that fact that you can change the loft of it i just think that's such an important fact of this club i really do now now off the deck that would scare me 11 degrees would scare me a little bit now some golfers might be able to hit that still you know you out there might be able to still hit 11 degrees off the floor. And you're better than me if you can. But i think now 11 degrees off a little tee is a perfect driver replacement. And i think that's how it. So much differs from other drive for mini drivers i've got a white line that's going to pop up on screen now very small tee i feel very confident with this okay. So that's down now i'm going to show you something that's quite interested on that that wasn't the best hit in the world. And i want to show you the data on that because that wasn't i'll be done honestly that wasn't the best hit let me show you just which is where i hit on the face i've hit very low. And off the bottom okay. So just remember very low and off the bottom and it still got that there about 260. that was not a good hit it wasn't a good hit i feel like i did that with a proper driver i'd have been punished more. For that i felt like i was going to look up. And that ball was way further to the right. And it actually wasn't that far off line for me it wouldn't have got the distance but it would have still hit the fairway and i think that's what's mega important let's try. And get a proper strike this time let's get a proper hit again just off the bottom let's see how it performs even though it's just off the bottom i'm have to go for a slightly higher tee what is still done amazing off a bad strike promise you both those two were poor strikes. And they've done still amazing i i'll try one more off this team i might just have to go a tiny bit higher on the t just in this 11 degree setting but i think i can get it we can get it there if i get a good strike on this that's closer that could be very good. But look how look how accurate those shots were now. For a driver if i honestly felt like i hit that wrong that would have been punished i do honestly i'm gonna go slight i'm gonna go slightly higher t right. So i've gone slightly higher t i certainly think with my kind of attack angle i prefer that t a little bit higher if i hit up on the ball let's now see what it's like off that slightly higher i feel like if i can strike one of these it's going to be really impressive that like that golf shot that was much more in the middle of the face wow that was much more in the middle of the face. So i just needed to slightly adjust the the t t-height and it's nearly got to 300 yards total distance with a with a supercharged fairway wood an 11 degrees mini driver let's go one more more on the toe it's a little bit turning but it's still finding the fairway it's still finding it down there and again i feel like offer off a regular driver that would have been punished more now the reason why i keep calling it a supercharged fairway because actually on the callaway's website it's in the fairway section which surprised me i thought it was going to be much more in the driver section. But they're kind of categorizing it as a fairway wood it's in their fairway wood setting right last shot 11 degrees off the floor off the tee sorry beautiful beautiful it's got so much versatility to it nice grouping there in the middle when i've got it i've got it flying well with really nice grouping in the middle i feel that club is incredibly consistent a couple of shots right in life that's that's me you know most of them look at the screen there most of them are in the fairway most of them are down there in the fairway from hitting it off a deck off the decking 12 degrees taking off the floor on 14 degrees then.

Hitting off a tee that i probably just needed a little bit higher to nearly knock on the door of 300 yards that's quite amazing it's quite amazing. For such for one club to have that much versatility to be able to change the loss from 11 all the way up to 14 degrees i think it comes in other loss settings as well very very impressed i do think this has a market without question. For players who struggle with driver who want to get who are good with fairway woods. But want more distance bang this is your club the guys who play long golf courses who want to be able to hit uh long fairway shots into greens into par five star fours bang the city club. And also the golfer who plays a really tight golf course really tight and wants to play something off the tee that's going to give you a little bit more safety this is it guys thanks. For watching hopefully if you enjoyed the video this is the callaway bertha mini 1.5 loads of options you can do this club i think it's got. So many different options and we'll be trialing in my bag without questions to check me out on facebook and twitter for that because i will be putting in my bag at some point to give it a go see how it performs subscribe as always become a free subscriber by clicking the link down here below it's completely free to do all it does it keeps us in connection together comment down below let me know what you think of the callaway bertha 1.5 minute we shall see you soon next.

Time thanks. For watching [Music] you.