All right guys we're down here with the rob potter mid handicap tester testing the new callaway big bertha alpha 816. now at the moment stay tuned because we might change the waiting depending on where rob's hitting from we've just hit the great big bertha check that out on my channel already um we've stayed with the same shaft the project 6.0 stiff flex shaft which is rob's current driver shaft in his xr the reason why i'm saying hold on because i've got my wrench at hand ready to change that weight in the bottom yeah because it is ideal to be suited at a different position yeah talk us through the club love the look of it uh sleek simple um very very nice uh i i do i think. For for drivers on the market he says if you're not gonna offer the big capo moment yeah uh shazam that's really nice. And discreet um i do i look at it looking down behind behind the ball um it's identical to my xr pro um. So they've done nothing in terms of it does look very similar doesn't it he's identical he's absolutely identical genuinely it looks exactly the same. So i'm happy with that i like the look of the xr pro from from looking down to the crown uh this bit at the bottom like the look of all that reminds me a little bit of like the taylormade r7 series where you just wait for the two little things these being the back ender seems more simplified okay the slide rule thing despise it ridiculously despise it as much as i don't like adjustability i like that. So i'll show you this in a moment but there's a gravity core in one of these ports sounds like mystery door yeah it's actually in the toe at the moment it's in the toe. And high is where i have it we've got this driver in 11 degrees of loft is what rob's been hitting with mainly. So we've got this weight currently in the toe and high now looking at his last shot he absolutely middled it yeah there's no point in changing that weight just. Yet i want to see where he hits it if there's any pattern emerging and we can change that weight into a setting that would suit him best should we give another go yes cool yeah i've got the wrench at hand ready to go. So looks a little bit like your xr yep same shaft as your ex are there should be no difference no it should be in theory it's a good flight very good work. So the white line is coming up on the uh alpha the red is the great big bertha lovely shot well done let me just see again where you've hit that from because there was no evidence of do you do you have a tendency of hitting if you don't hit the middle rob where do you tend to hit if if i donate the middle it's either a straight push right no if you're not in the middle of the club face sorry oh in terms of what in terms of the direction no club face where you strike where'd you strike we're a strike generally toei uh more a little bit on the high side with my launch angle you know something we're doing well that is where you've got that weight in the most optimum set at the moment that one then.

If you just saw let me just throw that back up again um the first shot you absolutely middled your second shot you hit slightly toe right let's go one more see if there is any pattern emerging because then.

We might just switch that way if there's no pattern emerging there's no point in changing the way every now. And again i've it a little one at the heel uh every now and again but that's again i'm putting on i'm going to be made handicapper well it is that's that's why it's there there's never always a complete consistency is it that's a big old push i'll tell you what let's put that in the draw setting okay okay. So that's in neutral at the moment i'm going to move this to draw certainty if there's any difference at all we're going to put it in drawn high off the face you hold that rob yep because we had the difficulty with this a minute ago yes that's the gravity call okay. So you got the silver at the top what exactly what they've had in the alpha last time yeah i don't like this don't like it don't like this i really don't that that. For us for me all right if you're gonna get fitted and you put it in a spot then.

That's what it's always gonna be that's fine if you start having less than you start to correct it you get right that means that ideally really you need to go back and get refitted on it i put this now high and heal it okay the idea is that with the heavier weight the toe will rotate slightly better let's see if that works okay. So we just saw the first three of the white lines all little pushes uh rubber of hitting up and in um so if that heal the weight is more in the heel will it just make the face square to his. Or close to his path and hit an ideal straight shot or draw shot in fact let me just so we can get a real comparison let me change the color of the line yeah okay what color would you like to go. For not red green i'll go for a lighter green yeah okay okay. So this is now in draw setting effectively notice it's a green. And not another random color for what green is just thought to put that one out there tiny difference a little bit straighter shot felt nice felt really nice it was a single half a yard straighter than the last shot just just that way that weight makes such a big difference such a big difference okay let's go uh let's go two more would that weight slightly better. Or hopefully better positioned chunky that's rob back to all rob that's rob back to old rob yeah that was pants you all right we need to get the senior chef back out are you are you all right we may need the senior chef boys. And girls all right little uh we'll have a little mulligan there let's go two more with this just so we can get a good comparison. But that's what we want to see honestly bad shots rob yeah thanks. For that everyone wants to see it yeah nice shot see how it's drawn back to middle yeah nice shot does it feel any different in the head it does feel different by the way i can feel a bit of flex in it um i know i've hit it which is nice uh again these number manufacturers you can do that these days let's go one more all right that those apart from that chunky one that you hear most these have been straighter than the when the weight was in the toe in its neutral setting okay. But then.

You pushed it again pushed it again yeah i lost it i couldn't see that at all bit of a push further push. So it kind of again i love this because it's the idea that everyone wants to see this does the weights do a lot. For a sign we'd say it almost did well you struck it you absolutely struck that last one watch this look how well you struck this last one amazing. But we know your face is too open to your path there yeah. And one before that that came down a little bit that was the one that drew. But yeah i mean that's rick earning some more money off me. For a lesson letter down on the left rob just put that repeat um so interesting there because i would say well sorry i've never pulled up the actual numbers if there's any difference in distances at all uh so the red ones at the top are the uh great bertha we've got the white ones then.

The green ones the white one was when the toe the weight was in the toe. And high and then.

We had it heel and high club head speed about the same we expect it would be ball speed about the same but slightly one mile per hour quicker with this i mean you were striking amazing spin rate was 2 300 compared to 2000 of the great big bertha even though there was that slight rogue measurement in there. And the great big bertha carry distance was longer on average of 225 yards right. But there was that one bad shot again in the great big bertha total distance two four eight not as far as a great big bertha dispersion has been everywhere this definitely didn't suit you as well as the great big bertha yeah he's he's he didn't really uh. But yeah i was a couple of times today.

Where you've looked like the look of the club more. And it's not obviously produced but that's yeah that's how it happens sometimes i wouldn't personally i wouldn't go out. And buy the great big bertha because i don't like the look of it with the slide rule don't like it this i like more of the look of um but this gravity core thing it's just confusing if i'm gonna i'm gonna rate both of them at the same time okay eight point seven. So that the great reverse has come down a bit yeah yeah just based on that i don't change my mind slightly on it i'm going to rate them the same in terms of what i can get from it myself okay i don't feel like i can get the best out of my game with either two of these clubs perfect what a great rating guys hopefully you've enjoyed the video there with rob as always he's brutally honest i love that about it uh guys comment down below rob will be on there commenting as well i'm sure we will uh it's been a fantastic sport we've got a few more clubs to test. And i think we should maybe do what's in the bag as well nice little idea to do. So stay tuned for all of that guys lots coming up uh do subscribe do comment uh do check rub out. And also we want to massively um pass on our our love and our support for one of will one of rob's friends william partington who unfortunately was in a bike accident um depends when you're watching this. But uh middle earth end of august in a coma we hope you recover soon uh so hashtag get well soon we'll yeah. And hopefully hopefully one of one of rob's good friends and a two handicapper so we really do pass on our support. And i love for will. And hopefully he will recover very soon he needs more love than me right now. So remember that when you're putting the hashtags on please guys thank you so guys stay tuned we're gonna do some more testing. And we'll see you next.

Time you.