[music] hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford gold central manchester. And today.

I've got my hands on the new callaway big bertha alpha. So this is the there's two drivers that calloway have brought out they've brought out the big bertha the kind of original big bertha with the sliding weight along the back. And they've brought out the alpha version which is a real new uh innovation in golf club technology. And design because it's got a gravity core this is a segment in the middle of the golf club that we could taken out. And the center of gravity can be changed from either high on the golf club. Or low on the golf club and it's a golf technology that's not been used before they're talking about kind of as it's newt and laura physics with the apple falling from the tree that's their kind of big advertising campaign at the moment but it's a golf club that is as custom fit as adjustable as any golf driver out there it's got the two weights on the side it's got the toe weight. And the heel weight which you can change to make the face orientation different you've got loft adjustability. So you can this is nine. And this is nine degree you can deloft it by one degree. And add up the loft by two so if you change the central gravity and the loft that's obviously going to change your distance i've got this set up as nine degree everything neutral. And the cap gravity core down at the bottom so it's a high launching gravity core it's interesting when the clubs when the core is in there there's no indication which way that golf claw is in i'm going to change it halfway through this video. And test it the other way around and see the distance i've got on gc2 technology now i've just looked down at the screen there and i've just seen the carry distance that was off the first shot i've just hit it carried at 288. So a decent hit you know that's that's longer than what i normally hit about 268 270 on the carry you've seen my videos before but 288 with the new callaway big bertha alpha right now four more real golf shots uh like sound gc2 so it's really closed measurement so on all the other equipment i've tested in the past this is exactly the same data. And circumstances that all that other equipment has been tested under so we get really good closed accurate data um right that wasn't a bad start let's go for more let's see if it can maintain its its length. And its distance weird hit that i was a little bit from the heel actually not quite as solid as i'd like it to be there. But still a 280 yard carry distance a very good hit that was a real weird one it didn't feel like it was centered. But it still performed incredibly well actually i'm just looking down at the data there 163 ball speed still and that didn't feel quite as middle as i'd like it really that is really nice 272 carry. So a little bit less distance than the than the the first two but about average where i'd like it to be what i do like about this club head behind the ball is it sits nice. And kind of compact and a little bit smaller it's not as kind of big or bulky as a lot of the other drivers so whether this driver would suit the higher the better player of golfer so someone who prefer prefers to see slightly more compact head behind the ball it's still 460 but it's been squashed into different dimensions so it doesn't look quite as bulky behind the ball i've got it in the this this is the stock shaft actually it's the fubuki stiff flex. And this is a 60 gram where the other one was in 50 the big bertha stock one is in 50. So obviously with the different dimensions of the head and the swing weight and everything else they've made this shaft a little bit heavier that is nice oh god that is nice 290 carry distance was a bit shocked with that i don't normally carry it 290. you might have seen on flight scope in the past i might be able to carry it 300. Or whatever but unfortunately they were very dependent on weather this isn't now this is just really closed accurate data 290 carry distance 13.3 of launch angle. And 1760 so 1760 of spin it's pretty pretty good got one more to go then.

We've got an average of these oh not quite as well here i'm gonna i'm gonna delete that one because i didn't feel like i was very well hit. But considering it was what wasn't a very good hit still went 266. But to be fair that wasn't as good as the other ones that's an unfair one that i'm going to give go one more. So i've got a nice five average there's no point in you seeing me hit a duff one i never hit a duff under. So cut one more that is really nice i'm really liking the feel of that golf club it sounds solid it sounds flush it sounds it feels easy to hit apart from the one previous. But it feels pretty consistent that's gonna average that's gone a distance of two seven five so we've got two eight one of average carry distance that's a decent hit for me you know i don't normally hit the ball that far carry distance um i've tested quite a lot of clubs already on my channel as you can see all them the only one that's come close to that is the ping i-25 the i-25 was a pretty decent it you've not seen that video going check that out on my channel um. But that's as close as as these two are the biggest ones i've hit. So i'm going to change the gravity core this time you can use any wrench i've just got a tailor-made wrench. But you can use any wrench they're all pretty universal now. So all you do is you unscrew the little cap. So the cap just comes off and inside we've got this this makes all the difference apparently which is what callaway is saying oops i don't lose it rick it's not mine this is what makes all the difference you've got one end that's heavy one hand end that's a bit lighter. So you've got two sides to it that time i had the heavy bit at the bottom of the golf club this time i'm going to put it up at the top. And see if there's any difference i'm going to pop it up at the top side. So it just slips in there you can see how it's just fitting at the top. And then.

The cap just goes back on gives it a little twist that's the only thing with with the cat bead on then.

We can't tell can't tell which way that is now. But it is now at the top where it was at the bottom before. So i'm gonna hit five shots again and we'll see if the average change is there. So 281 was the average last time get five more shots with the core gravity in a different location now this shouldn't be as high launching now. And that proves to be the case that wasn't quite as launched up in the air that time because the central gravity wasn't quite as low but it still went 275 yards of carry distance that's interesting that's that's come out at 10.9 degrees but spun quite nicely 2700 for 275. this club is nice this club is. So so nice to hit 285 yards of carry distance there launched a little bit higher spun even less very very good data i like that a lot and whether it's just me but i do prefer this slightly smaller head shape. Or certainly a dress it looks a little bit smaller anyway oh rick that was a bad golf shot right in the delete that looks that was rubbish that was completely my fault i can't have callaway ringing me open getting the dogs on me canna. So take that one again cause that was a bit of a crap one it's a nice solid hit distance wise 291. So a pretty solid golf shot there pretty long golf shot the spin character is on that 15.9 of launch. And it spun at 19 15. so pretty good spin rates let's go one more i don't need to go too much because i deleted that other one it's got two more god it feels good feels really nice now even though that's not gone quite as far as the other ones it's gone 268 that's still about the same distance i would normally hit my driver so 268 drive carry distance is pretty normal. For myself that's just spun up a little bit higher let's go one more that's nice yeah not bad at all 275 of carry distance there. So if we pull up all the data up on screen now so we can see all this uh interestingly not a great deal of difference between the two. So let's start off with the with the gravity core down on the face first so at the bottom so it should launch higher i've got a carry distance there of 281 which honestly that's long for myself you know carry distance i'm not about 268 so it's a good 13 yards further than what i would normally carry the golf ball so pretty decent hit um it's spinning at decent numbers it's 2127 the average on those and i've launched it at 13.2 so pretty decent launch angles there let's try it the other way around this time the center of gravity was higher on the face. So it's a different location so it's supposed to come out a little bit lower and it's supposed to help perform and not not hit the ball quite as high or as high launching um launch angle 13.2 almost identical to when it was the other way around. So is it making that bigger difference not too sure how much of a difference that's making to be fair it spun a little bit more. But that could be human error 2 500 it's not a great deal more it's not it's only 400 revs more and the carry distance was 279. So only two yards less distance so if i was using this golf club i personally would have the center of gravity at the bottom. So it would launch up high and spin less but there's not a great deal of difference between the two and when i took that weight out it doesn't feel a great deal of difference to be fair so guys that was my review of the very long callaway big bertha alpha much longer than i felt than the normal version you've not seen that review just. Yet do check out my channel. For that because i didn't feel like that went quite as far as it should have done but this has lived up to everything it should be so just the other one might not suited me quite as well as this one did still go out. And check them go and try them definitely get custom fit from as well guys so that was my review if you've not seen also i might even do a match up of this this against the i-25 the i-25 was one that i hit really long surprisingly long i'm going to test that up against this. And i'm also going to test the callaway the big burster against the taylormade sldr because they're very similar golf clubs to aimed at very similar markets with very similar adjustability levels guys if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do comment in the description below. Or not description the comment box below i'll try and reply to as many as i can. And also do subscribe to my channel more subscribers i get the more videos i can do. For yourselves thanks so much for watching my name's been rick shields down here with the big boy callaway big bertha [Music] you.