[music] hi guys my name is rick shields down here traffic gold center in manchester. And we're doing some three wood testing today.

We're going to see which one's the longest out the 16 hottest three woods on the market currently i've got them all lined up they're going to be pitching up against each other i've already done one of the videos if you've not checked out go. And check out my channel you can click on the link just here. And you can see which one of those two clubs kind of got through to next.

Round. But today.

It's about the big bertha callaway big berth. And the newest 3-wood that they've got and the ping g25 so i'm completely picking all these up at random and then.

Testing them on gc2 hitting real golf balls off just a really small t just to get the best quality of strike i can it's got to be inside a 20 yard radius that's the kind of the rules on it i'm gonna be hitting five golf balls. And after the five scene which one is average hitting it the longest out of the two golf clubs the one that wins goes through to next.

Round. And competes against another club the one that loses is out of there it's gone it's lost. So we're gonna call away big bertha first now interestingly i've got all of these golf clubs in as close to 15 degrees i possibly can some of them maybe 14. And a half or 15 and a half but as close to 50 as i possibly can both these two are in smack banging 15 both in the standard stiff flex. For the the manufacturers and practically exactly the same length so as closely matched as we can possibly get it we're going to callaway big bertha first because that was the first one that was in the in the line um now this one interestingly this is a much smaller head than the g25 um. So possibly might be a little bit more suited to hitting it off the floor it's quite a shallow face but also that could lead to it being slightly harder to hit so we're going to test that theory then.

We're going to test the g25 which is a bigger head probably a better club to be hitting off the tpeg. But might not be quite as good as hitting off the floor but we've got it on a very very very small tpeg today.

Right let's go callaway big bertha first i love the look of this club i've tested this product before if you've not seen that you can check out my channel i've done a full review on this product. But today.

It's the head-to-head against the g25 yeah it seemed like a nice start probably not the furthest i could i could get well oh take that back 248 yards of carry distance. So interestingly that's carried an awful long way it seemed to go quite high and i think the perception that didn't go quite as far. But it it certainly did. And it was only well it was hitting the fairway 13 yards offline was pleased with that great start. For the callaway oh now that shows that this club might not be quite as forgiving as the others that was much more off the bottom of the golf club i didn't particularly hit that one great at all. But still carried 233 yards so not not too bad for a missed strike really it's inside the fairway which is great. So it's a it's a good bad one really now that was a good battle. And that was a good good one that one felt amazing that one felt amazing i think it went exactly the same distance. So it shows there that the bad one can go as far as far as some of the good ones really still hitting the fairway nicely. So i've got two more shots to go yeah nice hit well there's three shots in a row that i've carried 233 yards. So talking about it being you know consistent that's pretty good the third one was still the longest at two four eight we're going to go one more i'm going to get the ping testing up against it that's a nice flight nice. And low nice and penetrating and believe it or not 233 yards again that's quite scary all very consistent hitting apart from the first one that seemed to go an awful long way there's four shots there in a row or without different figures otherwise different launch angles different spin rates but all with exactly the same carry of 233 that's going to be some sort of fix. But it's not genuine data so average carry distance of 236 yards which is nice that's a nice hitting average carry distance the dispersion they're all inside the the radius that we've we've set at the very start. And all very very good data what was interesting about this club even on the off-centered hit which a couple i just cut out the bottom because it's quite a shallow face i didn't get that punished they still went quite a decent length right g25 let's see what this bad boy does if this starts hitting 233 then.

We've got issues. But i don't i don't think it will now quite simple design there's no adjustability on the neck. And again this is this is aimed to the higher handicapper this is aimed to the to the player who wants a little bit more forgiveness with the 3-wood it's a much bigger head it's got a lovely little design on the top with the arrow um might not be quite as easy to off the deck because it is such a big head. But it it's still got quite a shallow profile so yeah you know what they probably a player would still be able to it'd be quite still encouraging club to hit off the floor as well right let's see if it can beat the two three six that the callaway set oh it's low it's come out super low 224 yards of carry distance inside our radius which is great got no issues with that at all it's a definite lower more penetrating flight 236 yards of carry distance that time arrow straight only three yards off target line there it's definitely more like a tall flight it's very very penetrating i love the flight of that two three one now these are definitely coming out certainly a lot low. And these are all carry distances. So potentially potentially with a bit of firmer ground this might run a little bit further but i kind of try and test it on carry distance because it's closed 80 you know guys you watching all the way around the world very different ground conditions that you might play on was in the uk we don't have the the luxury of having firm ground conditions where if you're in hotter climates you would. So try and do it on carry distance to give the best data okay we've got two more to go that was nice a little bit higher that time 233 loving 233 today.

Must be my average kind of hitting distance which on the clubs i've hit. So far has proven to be almost the point so we've gone two three one average carry distance at the moment so we've got one more to go well that felt nice two four six so it's a definite better hitting i've just caught that one a little bit better but it has pulled slightly offline so that might be why it's going to touch further it has gone into the left corner of the fairway that time. But if we look at the averages it's only missed out by two yards so the carry distance of that was two three four where the the big bertha was two three six. So it's only two yards different but the callaway big bertha there is just snook it through i definitely think this golf club the ping g25 is very much suited to a player who kind of wants to get the ball rolling a little bit further once it lands because it was a definite lower ball of flight. But again this test is all on carry distance now i can make that the fairest comparison i can it always got to be carry distance um all inside the radius which is great. And an average carry distance of 234 where the big bertha managed to rack up 236. so the winner in today's test and going through to the next.

Round is the callaway big bertha. And unfortunately the ping g25 just misses out and is out of the round guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up you can subscribe to my channel just by clicking the link here to check out all the other tests i'm going to be doing. And you can check out my next.

Video in the window just here thanks. So much for watching and that was the g25 sorry the g25 just losing out to the callaway big bertha thanks. So much for watching [Music] you.