Hi my name's rick shiels down here at trafford golf center in manchester and today.

We're going to be testing the hottest three woods out on the market currently at the moment we're going to be comparing them we're going to be putting them up against each other i've got all the names in the hat this came from a facebook comment from tim williams who said i've done driver reviews before denying reviews why not three woods. So hey presto we've got some three wood reviews so we've got them all lined up we've got all the names in the hat we're gonna get them on flights up with real golf balls we're gonna choose the best three out the five if it's horrendous shot we're not gonna count it so only ones that hit him fairly straight that's down to me if i hit it endlessly but hopefully i should be able to hit some straight ones so we get names picked out the hat so first one up we've got the callaway razor fit extreme so the callaway rose effect extreme versus let's see what it's against oh we've got it against the cobra amp so the cobra amp so this is going to be an interesting match up join me in a moment i'm going to get all that set up on flight scope i'm going to get the two golf clubs ready. And then.

We're going to test the callaway razer against the cobra. And three wood so we've got the callaway against the cobra we're going to hit the callaway first the razorfit extreme both adjustable. And they've both set them exactly the same loft and same shaft flex they're almost identical in length so this should be a fairly decent match up the cobra head size is slightly bigger than the the callaway i'm going to hit them off the t though just to get a cleaner strike to get a bit consistency on the results we're getting a flight scope. And then.

We're going to choose the results. Or we're going to see the results shall say. So let's go with the callaway first let's say i'm hitting real golf balls down here it's slightly windy it's just off the left-hand side so setting up the callaway it does sit behind the golf ball really nicely it's very slim profile quite a small head. So it looks more like it's going to be able to be very useful out the the fairway. Or off longer grass but like i said we're going to make it a fair comparison. So it's going to have a very very small tee let's give it a whack that's a nice looking club that's a really nice feel to it nice bit of height i said i've got these set up as close to 3 wood stretchy as i can possibly get it. So i'm gonna leave you some live figures on that so that's two five eight i'm just gonna make the screen slightly bigger so i can actually see the numbers are touch more otherwise i'll be guessing it slightly. So eight for the starting shot it's not too bad for a three-wood that was really nice probably not quite as far. But a little decent hit nice and straight anyway that's what you kind of want from a three with more than anything 240. surprisingly very low ball fight considering such a shallow face you'd almost imagine that could pop underneath it and send it quite a bit higher 242 so it's consistent that's kind of touch higher that's a nice hit that'd be perfect down it into a short path four or long par three into wind two three eight okay got one more with this that's nice a little bit riding on the wind now just turning that route inside. But very nice feeling of strike so we'll have a look at kind of some distances on that two four eight so generally a pretty consistent golf club it's giving me some nice distances giving us some nice flights and it was very very easy to hit a cobra. So i'm just going to change this screen over to the cobra screen. So i can keep track of everything that's happening. So we've got the cobra amp cell 3 wood coming up now we've got this in the silver design so we've got it in stiff shaft same loft as the callaway fit extreme okay. So this couple of times so slightly bigger head it fills me with more confidence about hitting this one well i must admit certainly off the tee it's a really nice ball flight very very penetrating through the air there so this slight left to right wind today.

That probably helps 251 good start. For the cobra amp that was really nice just riding off the wind there it feels like it's got a bit more kick in the shaft on this one they are stiff. But it feels like you almost have to wait for this one to touch more two five six in distance on that one this certainly feels like an easier golf club to hit than the the razer fit extreme so two three nine not quite as far that last one just riding on that left to right wind the touch again but feels great it really does feel very nice i wasn't a massive fan of the driver version of this i think you might have seen my review in the past i really wasn't a big fan at all. But the 3-wood i'm very much liking let's go one more and we'll get some figures on it oh that was really nice that's the best one i've hit out the five there beautiful flight really nice hitting. And because it's got the adjustability or two four three actually didn't go quite as far but it felt beautiful it's got the adjustability it's got the the slightly thicker profile than the callaway fake stream let's have a look at the results see which one has got the best distance out of those two so as a side-by-side comparison this is very interesting the stats that i've just got from this. And both felt fantastic to hit both felt like they were going very similar distances. And that's actually very true to what the flight scope's telling me i've taken out the worst two from the callaway and it's given me an average distance total distance to two four nine so not a bad hitting three but i'm quite happy with that that's probably above slightly above average for myself with the 3-wood and the amp has gone exactly 250 so it's beat it by just one yard so the cobra amp beat it just by one yard personally the amp was easier to hit it was slightly bigger head slightly deeper profile whether it would be as easy to hit from the floor off the roof questionably. But on the t hitting a normal three-wood tee shot the amp came triumphant there just by one yard both phenomenal golf clubs really like the feel of them both do try them do test them out if you enjoyed the video please do check out my previous ones. And my future ones that are coming up check me out on facebook. And twitter and do subscribe to this channel it really does help me produce more videos thanks very much. For watching you.