Hi my name is rick shields down here at trafford center in manchester. And we are going to be doing some three-wood reviews today.

And some testing some comparisons i've got the 10 hottest three woods in the world right now i've got the names in the hat i'm gonna do draw two out the hat compare them on flight scope see what's going the longest see which ones are going the straightest the reason why i'm doing this video i put a facebook question out there yesterday about what would you like to see me review i've got loads of answers. And thanks very much for all your answers i really do appreciate that the one that came through was from tim williams. And he said i do drive reviews i do iron reviews what about three wood comparisons. So today.

Tim three wood comparisons is. So i'm going to draw two names out of the hat get them on flight scope see which ones are going the furthest i'm hitting real golf balls down here i'm sunny quite a sunny manchester day right let's go. For the first two so the first i'm going to pull out the hat it's completely random there's no kind of um free decision on this. So it's the callaway three deep so the new callaway three deep against which one's it gonna be it's against the taylormade rbz stage two that's a great competition so i'm gonna get all that set up i'm gonna get it ready on flight scope join me in a second and we're gonna see which one of these two is gonna be the best. So we've got the callaway deep and the taylormade arby's head stage two now i've both got these in stiff shaft and as close to the 15 degree mark as i possibly can. So we've got them as closely matched as we can the taylormade is ever. So slightly longer but i'm being very picky on that but generally as close as i can get i'm going to hit the callaway first because that was the first one that came out the hat the way this is going to work i'm going to hit five golf shots we're going to choose the best three. And then.

Compare them against the rb's at stage two i'm going to be really kind of conscious about not trying to hit this completely out of the park because the 3 wood's not designed. For that it's designed for for a bit more accuracy so i'm going to try. And give these a slightly straighter if they go completely offline i'm not going to count them. So even if it's a great shot it goes offline that does not count. So it's a bit more about accuracy i'm gonna hit him off the t to try and get a fair comparison on strike so i'll get a a more consistent strike every time uh fairly nice day a bit of left to right wind but apart from that it's all looking good so let's try with the callaway first it's quite a deep face actually i'm glad i'm hitting off the tee that felt lovely that felt really nice okay i've got flights got working on the background. So i'll try and give you some live figures how those are going off as well. So two three nine first shot with that that does feel really nice now with the deeper face i wouldn't say it's going to be quite as as easy to hit off the deck oh big one two six one that feels really nice i say i'm glad they've got it off a tee i think on the uh on the floor it might be slightly harder to hit that's gonna even longer two seven four i'm really not trying to hit these that hard they've all gone nice. And straight two five eight and then.

One more beautiful great golf club really like that a lot it's got some distance on it as well so i'll do the three in a minute i'll do the best three in a moment. But let me just pop this on the taylormade setting so we've got the taylormade arby's head stage two coming up next.

Now a lot of players our coach actually have squat their driver for this club uh finding that actually goes an awful lot longer than their driver so we'll see how that fares today.

It's got the callaway x x deep to. Or the colorway deep to beat today.

Much slimmer this one much flatter on the lower profile. So it sits behind the tee a bit better probably easier to hit off the floor as well it's come out a tad low but it's gone straight probably not got the full distance on that one two three seven it's gone a little bit wayward just down that left hand side a fraction too much so see what numbers that's coming out with that might just be off the fairway actually so i might not count that one it's two five nine nine but it is a bit left. So that one might not count that one certainly will snuck down the left-hand side. But i've hit that really nicely so look at the distance on that one surprising two three five it's gonna be higher actually right last two that was a nice one i had a nice ball flight to it. And i would say at the moment the callaway as a personal preference feels better to me it feels like it's easier to hit 250 nowhere near the same distance as the callaway was going it's got half a chance doesn't seem to come out as long. But it's that's probably gone a bit longer two five seven so what i'll do i'll get the results up on screen we'll have a look out the three. And see which one out of these two is the winner i think there's a clear winner today.

But we'll have a look at which one out of these two the callaway deep and the taylormade arby's head stage two has gone the longest [Music] so we've got the flight scope figures up and running i've taken the wayward one out of the rvs at stage two and also the shortest one i've taken the two shortest one out the callaway exot deep and there is a clear winner there really is a clear winner the taylormade arby's at stage two scored 248 yards. So that was after the the two that i've taken away. And the the d i've just missed the page total the distance of 260 yards it absolutely battered it and i must admit easier to hit off the tee i'm not going to say it's going to be easier off the deck. But certainly was much easier off the tee. So if you're after a 3-wood that's going to get you distant. And is easy to off the tee might not need it off the fairway you might have a hybrid. Or a rescue for that well then.

The the ex hot deep was absolutely bob on in today's session. And today's test so that was interesting very different results to what i thought was going to happen leave your comments. And you and your views down below if you liked the video give it a thumbs up please do subscribe to me on facebook. And twitter and i do ask questions on there. So you can get involved in some of these thanks. So much for tim for the question today.

And we've got another eight more drivers to review so stay tuned for that and hopefully you'll enjoy them as well thanks very much for watching.