Hi guys my name is rick shields down here traffic gold central manchester. And we're doing the three wood testing today.

We're already done a load of three woods we've got the the winner's circle the ones i've not tested. Yet and currently the ones that have not won so check out my channel for those you can see them by clicking the link there. But the next.

Video is going to be about the adam's tight lies this is the adams wood that i've not really tested actually at all just. Yet and the callaway x2 hot deep this is the almost the driver replacement 3 wood it's interesting these two have been pitched up against each other because these are two slightly stronger lofts than a lot of them. So a lot of them have tried to get 15 degrees but these two are actually set in 14. And a half for the callaway 14 in the atoms so these are slightly stronger three woods. But hopefully a one degree is not going to make that much of a difference it's definitely a bigger head in the callaway x2 hot deep. So like say it's much more of a driver replacement and it's slightly longer than the atoms so even though the adams is only 14 degree this one's slightly longer in the shaft the callaway. So we're gonna be hitting five real golf balls on gc2 we're gonna be working out the carry distance and we're hitting five for the average and they've all got to hit the fairway and we're kind of saying that the fairway is going to be inside a 20-yard radius. So if it's outside that that shot gets replayed i'm hitting off a really small t-peg to get the best quality of strikes and we're going to go with the adam's tight lies first. And then.

After that we're going to see what the average carry distance is. And that one goes through to the next.

Round right so with this bad boy we've got a couple of features we've got the velocity salt slot tech apparently at the bottom it's easy for me to say and a little bit of a slot here at the top it's to produce faster ball speed so it reacts a little bit more like the almost like the trampoline effect let's say it's not quite trampolining but it's got quite a thin face technology so it's designed for quite a lot of distance it looks awesome behind the ball even that big slot behind the head looks pretty comfortable and nice behind i've got these both in stiff flex so the manufacturer's stiff flex it's very shallow and good looking over the behind the back of the ball right let's give this a hit oh that's missed the fairway that has definitely missed the fairway that's not a good shot so first bad one there with the the adams that's going to get taken away that's more like it that's hit the fairway quite nicely 229 of carry distance there. So i would say the average of the testing so far is around the two three four mark. So two three four two three five mark so a little bit short of the average of the three wood so far that one should be longer yeah two three five nice hit. And it's down the fairway line which is great. So we've got two so far two out of three are counting yeah it should be down the fairway again two three five exactly the same distance. So like i said before that's about the average that i've been hitting these three woods just in general the three was our hit normally would carry about two three five let's go two more that count that felt awesome. But it is a bit left uh shame it's 240. But it has missed fairway so that one's not going to count. But it was a really good solid hit i felt that was nice. So if i can get one of those in the middle of the fairway that'll be perfect yeah that one should be good yeah two four five. And it's smack bang down the fairway so we've got one more to go because i've just missed the fairway twice there so far so we've got one more and we've got a decent decent test result then.

It should be down that should be down the fairway two three three so not quite as far as the last one but we can work out the averages off that now i'm going to take the first one off. And also the fifth one which is the ones i missed the fairway on slightly my error. But it also highlights the forgiveness level of the golf club we've got an average carry distance of two three five so pretty much exactly where i said the average of the three was i've been hitting. So far are felt nice felt relatively easy to hit certainly when i hit it well it definitely flew a lot further the two that had really well into the 240 yards carry distances. So pretty decent hits right the x2 hot the deep version this is the three deep version 14.5 degrees no adjustability in the neck stiff flex a little bit longer than the atoms. And let's see how far this goes i'm just going to change the screen over. So we've got the the correct setting okay let's see how far this goes. So on a tee it definitely looks a little bit well it's deeper into it it's the deep version so it's a bigger face on it i have tested the callaway x2 hot you've not seen that in the past check that out and also i've done the head to head as well so see if it managed to get through you know the normal x2 x2 hot right let's give the deep a bit of a hit it felt good but it might be a bit right no it's all right two four six it's on our fairway that's safe enough it's a great start 246 yards are there's a great hit. For a three would or should we say a driver replacement three would cause like say that is what this club is designed. For but it still classifies in the fairway market oh that might be too far right yes it is it's too full it's 251. But it's just missed the fairway so we're not gonna count that one it's a good hit though two five one get some of them down the fairway and they're flying that felt nice two three two but it's also missed the fairway this is interesting because this is the same kind of feeling that i got with the x2 hot that the distance was massive. But hitting the fairway wasn't quite as easy all right come on let's get four more down the fairway that felt pretty good yeah it's on the fairway two four two. So not a bad hit at all we've got two more to go so average so far is long it's killing it. So far it's got two more where's the bullet it's a low one two four three dead straight down the middle of the fairway a little bit lower in height but absolutely nailed okay let's go one more average is way up there two four three at the moment nice two three five dead straight down the middle okay. So if we look at the averages of these now i'm going to take out the two that i've missed the fairway on. So two bad ones granted and we've got i've miscalculated that i need one more shot actually i've only done four there that counted let's go one more now i've miscalculated that i just need one more to count oh yeah that's really nice i think the average was beaten already. But that's completely concreted in that's 249 yards worth of carry distance and dead straight down the fairway so we've now got our five shots my miscalculation there i need to take two out not one so we've got if we look on screen we've got the carry distance of two four three battered the adams 243 one of the longest so far i've tested um pretty decent to hit a couple of missed fairways granted but not stupid limits fairways even the one that i just missed the fairway still carried over 251 yards i'm using five that have hit the fairways that's really important and we'd like to say i'll have a look at the adams figures again and the adams came in at 235 so it beat it by a comfortable eight yards of carry distance so the callaway x2 hot deep goes through to next.

Round and unfortunately as nice as that golf club was it wasn't the longest the adam's tight lies it was tested up against one of the the longest hitters guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do subscribe to the link just down here just in the window. And also check out my next.

Battle just in the window next.

Door thanks so much for watching and that's the callaway x2 hot deep going through to the next.

Round thanks. For watching you.