[music] hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic golf center in manchester. And today.

I've got my hands on the new callaway x2 hot i tried the other two callaway drivers last week that's the big berth. And the big bertha alpha but i've not yet tested the x2 hot now i loved last year's model the x-hot it was an incredible golf club i really really enjoyed it. And test if you've seen it in the past i was a big fan of that. But obviously this is new version it's a slightly different color it's a slightly darker finish on top it's still got the adjustability in the neck now you can adjust the loft. And the the face orientation so you can go one degree downwards. But two degrees upwards which is very interesting that's another thing that they're doing in their big bertha range that you can go one degree down on the left. But two degrees upwards you can change the orientation of the face by making it a bit more upright. But i've got this normally now i've got this set on nine and a half which is the the loft that i normally play that's in kind of every club apart from taylormade taylor made the scene to be up in the lofts i'm going to do some videos on that today.

So you can check that out on my channel soon. But today.

I've got this the normal version i've also got my hands on the pro version that'll be coming next..

So keep an eye on that and that should be coming out in the next.

Few days if that's not already out already i've got this in normal standard shaft now this is quite a snazzy shaft this is the alveolar atx 55 gram instead flex. So it's pretty pretty handy shaft they've this is stock they've specked up their stock shaft a little bit looking down behind the golf ball it's got a much much darker finish than what the x2 hot x2 x2 the x-heart had last year the last year's model was a very classic callaway gray this is a much darker finish now a couple of designs on the back a bit of orange. And a bit of detailing but nothing nothing too special really it's got the dead simple callaway uh arrow on the top for alignment which helps obviously square up the club face at set up i've got it on gc2 so i'm gonna hit in real golf balls uh it's a nice day but the gc2 doesn't really affect that doesn't really bother that at all this is uh monitoring the launch conditions. And then.

Giving us the data from that i'll then.

Present the numbers to you at the end of the video to show you kind of how far this golf shot's going also as i'm hitting them give you a bit of a reading as i'm hitting them as well. So let's get cracking let's get hit in a few now this does feel like quite a long golf club. For example i've got the knight cover tour here just by the side of it and it is definitely longer in shaft. And the covert tour that this is the 2.0. So it is about an inch longer than standard which is kind of a way they're trying to get the ball to go a little bit further this is the jet speed it's about the same length as the jet speed this is the taylormade jet speed. So it's about the same length as that and so obviously they're trying to make a club that's going to go long. So why not make it long by making a long shaft um it does sit real gorgeous behind the ball it really does alex i was a big fan of last year's model it's the 460 cc head this is nice. But big head let's give it a whack and see how far this bad boy is going oh that is nice i fit that a little bit above it that well to be fair 278 yards of carry distance that's about the same figures i was getting with the callaway big bertha alpha that was an awesome hit i really enjoyed that it felt great off the face it gave me some good ball flight it's spinning at 2500 it's launching at 15 degrees. And this is 9.5 setting like i say that feels great oh that does feel good 277 yards of carry distance that time it spun a little bit higher 2800 these guys aren't um kind of um obviously that everyone's advertising this low spin rate at the moment. But not quite as heavily as the taylormade products that are out on the market at the moment. But 278 277 consistent distances so far it's got such a good feel off the head and acoustically it sounds amazing 274 carry distance on that one again it's offering me great numbers so far averaging 2761 spin which is a tiny bit higher than kind of what i'd be looking. For personally 14 degree launch that's it two more that was interesting that was more off the bottom of the golf club that. So we're interested to see how much distance we have lost on that two five six at off a slightly off-centered strike i've lost 20 yards of distance there which is a bit of a shame really because this club is designed. For to be forgiving it's designed to be hit well off off centered strikes and it wasn't that bottomed bottom groove possibly spun up a little bit more as you would expect let's see if we can go one more good one oh that's as good as i've hit any of them as it got over the 280 mark 277 carry distance. So very very very consistent unless i slightly miss struck that one so there was one there that i didn't quite strike as good. And to be fair i feel like i've been punished a little bit there if i was to look at the average i'm going to throw them up on screen at the moment that's all the five shots that i've hit. And if we look across the columns we've got the ball speed on the left hand side 162 which is pretty hot off the face. So obviously this is offering quite a thin face not trampoline face the thin face it's offering lots of ball speed 162 is pretty pretty good decent launch angle that's the the second one down there was the one i just slightly missed struck. So you can see there it's come out a little bit lower. And spun a bit higher now if i kept that in if i kept that that shot in the average would be 272 so not a bad carry distance at all when you've seen me test the other products in the past that should show you different comparisons that to me it's not quite as far as the big bertha alpha but it's definitely bigger than the big bertha and possibly even bigger than nike covert tour the one that i tested recently at thornby hall if i was to take that one shot out it's like one bad one if we just get rid of that the actual average is 276. And we can see how consistent those distances were over those four shots we had two seven eight two seven seven two seven four two seven seven. So pretty consistent distances when hit relatively okay like that one that i missed it wasn't that bad a golf shot. So guys that was my review of the callaway x2 hot driver it is great design it looks fantastic behind the ball it feels amazing when you when it's it it's a quite a long shaft. So it's not always that easy to control and for me off off an off-center strike i got a bit punished there to be fair not not as forgiving that i would hopefully like it to be but guys this is aimed. For kind of well it's game for every golfer as callaway would say they've got the pro version of this which i'm going to be testing next.

Would be interesting to see the numbers on that you can check my channel out soon. For that video if it's not already on there um i would expect that i want to be less forgiving but we'll see so you can this to me aimed at kind of the mid to lower handicap range because of the length of shaft i feel that a higher handicap wouldn't suit this golf club massively only because it's. So hard to control and if you've got a long shaft it's really difficult to actually control the club head down at the golf ball which is the most important bit loads of adjustability great feel off the head looks amazing guys it's definitely worth a try. And it's one to put on the wish list that was my review of the callaway x2 hot you can check out this window here. For the pro version which should be coming out very soon thanks so much and do subscribe to me in the channel below just here. And do check me out on facebook. And twitter i'd really appreciate it thanks very much for watching my name's been rich heels dad here at traffic golf center in manchester with the callaway x2 hot driver [Music] you.