Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf central manchester. And today.

I've got my hands on the new callaway x2 hot pro version. So this is the the smaller headed one that's more suited to better players. So it's supposed to be less forgiving off the face it's a definite smaller head shape and on the top it's not got quite as much graphics as the x2 hot does x2 has slightly bigger. And it's got a little bit more orange in the in the graphics where this is just a completely blank top it looks great behind the golf ball it looks a little bit more compact a little bit smaller head these two golf clubs are the same comparison as the nike covert standard. And that covert tour this is just a slight smaller like this is the tall version of callaway's x2 hot. So this obviously the pro version i've got this in nine and a half stiff shaft at stiff flex this is the aldela atx 65 gram. So it's it's 10 grams heavier than the standard x2 hot shaft um i'm guessing again because it's going to give you some bit more feel on the golf club like i said this golf club is designed. For the better player so off-centered hits it's not supposed to be quite as forgiving i'm going to get it on gc2 hitting real golf ball see how far this is going at the end of the video i'm going to present some numbers to you as well to see how far this shot actually the ball's actually going it's really good because it gives a really close data. So it doesn't matter about the conditions out there today.

Even though it is actually a beautiful day down here in manchester doesn't really matter. So we're gonna get it up on gc2 interesting that's the first shot i've just hit there that's just i was introduced in the video it went 262 yard carry distance. So not quite as far as the x too hot keep getting mixed up with the names the x2 hot not quite as far so far but we'll see we'll see if it's a little bit easier to well i don't know whether it's straighter or workable a bit more maybe off-centered hit see if that gets punished anymore with this golf club um right let's get cracking so we'll use that 262 put that in the gc2 bank so it's uh ready for the averages at the end of the video it's a significant lower ball flight it really is a much much lower ball flight than the x2. And that's gone 270 carry distance it spun a little bit less it's launched a little bit lower so that's interesting when i mean this is this golf club i've got the luxury to be able to change the loft of it this i've got this in eight. And a half i can put it up to i can go one degree down which who uses seven. And a half degree drivers now i'm not too sure but you can go also two degrees up obviously it comes in different loft availabilities anyway. But i've got this one degree up and in neutral setting neutral club face setting so 270 is still not quite as far as the x2 which i wouldn't expect it kind of be to be fair i mean that was good okay i'll take it all back when you middle it it flies 288 carry distance when you middle it it absolutely flies. But you've got to be hit in the middle the first two didn't obviously hit the middle as much as that last one and that last one was ridiculously good 288 fantastic spin rates 2 300. So very very good spin rates oh god that felt good so that's what you need to do with this club you need to hit the middle of it rick oh it felt good again that felt really nice off the face 275. And again it just i mean it was good don't get me wrong that was a nice hit that was not far off centered. But it still doesn't you when you middle it middle middle it you get distance let's go one more then.

We've got an average of five should be in the 270s oh 269. so again offer not quite middle strike you don't quite get the forgiveness with this golf club you know it's if you were middling it every time which if i do i don't play a great deal of golf even though i do quite a lot of videos i don't play a great deal of golf if i was playing a lot. And middle in this this will go far this is a golf club that will go massive amount of distances i'll pull up the information upon screen. For you now so you can have the averages if we look across the columns we've got good ball speed which you would expect nice thin fast face 163 is pretty hot low launch that's interesting whether you would play this a little bit higher loft angle see if it gets a little bit more distance. But i still think. For me the loft angle wouldn't make a huge difference on this it's where you hit it on the club face is going to make the huge biggest difference it's just not as forgiving of off-centered strikes spin rate was pretty good 2 800 tiny bit higher than what you would expect um carry distance average. So this is taking all of them into account was 273 if i take out the one bad one if i take out the one bad one it's 276.. So that's very similar distances well to be fair i think the other one was let me just check what the other distance is what it was anyway the other distance was 276. that's after taking one bad one out. And this after taking one bad one out is 276.. So for me distance-wise between the two is not a great deal of difference there really isn't when this is hit out the middle it performs best. So guys this driver for me is more suited to a golfer of a very good standard you know single figure handicap a pro golfer don't get wrong i still hit it nice it's not the worst club in the world if off-center dates. But you've got to be striking it well if you strike well out the middle you will benefit benefit from it massively guys if you've not seen my callaway x2 hot review do check it out in the window just here if you click that link it'll take you straight to the video i'd love you to also subscribe by clicking the link down below. And do check me out on facebook. And twitter and guys that was my review today.

Of the callaway x2 hot pro version the not quite as forgiving version as the normal version. But still an incredible golf club golf club and if you're in the market in that kind of night covert tour market maybe the um or the sldr kind of the 430 market that's coming out soon this is definitely one to put on the wish list to compare against those drivers thanks. So much for watching and that was the callaway x2 hot pro driver you.