All right guys welcome back to the channel today.

Is a fun one down here at Rocket Hall playing the Palmerston golf course now normally as you know Fridays we have our break 75 specials. And last week you'd have seen myself and gaikano yeah absolutely rip it up around JCB indeed playing Scramble he's not seeing it go. And check it out but we're feeling pretty confident and maybe a little bit too cocky we had a Vibe and it was working. But today.

We're going to be playing scrambled again this time with a Twist because we are playing against two Time Professional winner Tom Lewis yes Tom it's me guy Vu yeah how you feeling um probably less confident yeah because you seem hyper confident. And the last time you said you played here you shot a stupid number it's a course of one round. So it's gonna be it's gonna be a tough day I think um 18 holes yeah strobe play because it means anything can happen all the way till the final hole now last time I played this golf course I was a teenager insert picture here just actually replicate the same picture not what you changed I look pretty much the same I remember last time I played here I snapped a golf club across my knee oh you're hard showing off because which I'm a little bit embarrassed about. And hopefully that doesn't happen again today.

And I remember this course here at Rocket Hall of Palmerston being very tree-lined and somewhat of a challenge the thing is I'm confident we will make birdies together as a Texas scramble team that's going to happen. But we also might make doubles or triples so good luck play well enjoy good luck with your individual Target score today.

I think if I get close to about five. Or six under I reckon I'm going to be all right okay I think you will be as well our objective is certainly to be shooting in the 60s right that's battle commands would you like to take the honor top I'll go I'll go you tears off all right. So the golf course today.

Is actually since I've not played one of these. For a long time a par 753 6 800 yards off these tees I'm glad this isn't a break 25 because I wouldn't have many shots to play with right Tom show us show us what you got what's this opening hole doing it's pretty straightforward I think down the right side is probably better. For that PIN but it's pretty straightforward okay play well all right. And you mate there's a lot of drivers on this car yeah that's the sound of that oh wow I say wow that was fast don't look green nearly look at his face look at that smugness oh no what did you just say nothing we're in trouble Richard oh my goodness how long is this hole 390 387 yeah now the format with mean guys scramble. So we're gonna hit both hit a tea shop choose the best shot at the two and both play from that location until we complete the hole tied a bit left all right okay we're in play don't think I've got it past you there Tom no it just carried that 220 bunker there I like this ring. And bring in the heat okay Ricky you're in played I give it a bit yeah I'm sorry it's not perfect I think one down the right could be more ideal to try. And follow Tom big ass huge ass so I think we'll take your mind that's fine good shot we'll go with Rick Rick. For us to have any chance today.

I think we need to have responsibilities. And almost rolls okay I can't even drive very well at the minute it's very consistent as you just saw you're pretty good driver you're not the best at chipping I'm okay chipping. So you can drive I'll chip okay yeah perfect. And then.

What happens when we get on the Green pray and three one playing one three seven the wind's quite behind do you think you can pitch. Or yeah soft pitch I want a 130 shot. And I do it pins at the back quite a bit back left stay there stay there that's good nice is it all right yeah it's all right I thought it was a tiny bit deep okay cool let me grip down the pitch wedge a little bit then..

And take a little bit off it slight little drawer on this one that looks good so if it's short things a little short is it good shot though foreign a couple of nice shots into the green there these greens look exceptional yes. For March these greens are phenomenal I think we need this one Rick well Tom's put it in close which I think is going to be the theme of the day. So yeah any opportunity we have we need to capitalize on left to right yeah quite a nice put there here it is Green's a. So bloody nice come on let's start this off with a bit of Birdie sauce Oh my days I can't believe that didn't go that's a good Port though I can't believe that didn't turn man okay sorex that's a good put to be fair hey there's no leaving this short one high. And one low all right Tom what are you seeing it's a little right to left a little up the hill. So we'll open things up with a birdie on the first oh that might be a little Lifeline there that's a shame I feel it's up a little nervous a little nervous straight up the hill it's quite a long hole actually I think it's like four 440. Or something is it yeah win's helping yeah well it's 406 off this too okay we're uphill straight up probably playing more like 440. [Music] it's supposed to be okay there's little trees down there though it was getting close to them come Rick no pressure. But man's gonna go anywhere so we need one flag I'll use that wind a little bit [Music] great shot pretty good thank you you know what I'm gonna let into a little secret I feel quite nervous today.

Like this format is great because obviously if you do hit a bad shark. And you fix good shot whatever but there's something about playing with the golf hoos when the silver medal at the open won two times on the European tour had a second on the PJ tour I feel a little bit nervous we've got any advisory for me to calm me down a fraction well it's the same feeling every time um they have this kind of air of light Swagger and confidence it's not yeah it is it's like it's not like a Cockiness as such it's just you have to be to be this good at golf Assurance yeah if you're going winning on the European tour the DP World Tour you've got to be confident. Or else you wouldn't get to those positions so it's like I feel a bit like a hacker so I want to end up again 133 same shot 135 133 right pitching wedge little one three-quarter similar shot to the first oh that's loose that is a Miss green I kind of got a bit trapped down yeah sorry guys that's okay the good news is fingers crossed no matter what happens you've got two shots everything. So even if I can't beat that we've got two chips two putts we're gonna power this whole I'm confident I'm not confident I'm actually quite nervous don't pretend I'm confident should be good shot yeah that's all right got 102 yards here pretty straightforward great shot Tom oh [ __ ] in the hole that looks really good didn't strike that very well two good shots into the green there more looks at birdies who's gonna take the first birdie are you a man. Or a mouse I'm ready for this one this look very very makeable you've seen Rick give me some not a lot in it no I can't see much it's dead straight oh it just sits like is it life I think it comes up the left off the right slightly here oh my word that one the opposite way how did that do that I literally got to there you know when sometimes it's just not your date don't start that too old come on then.

Tom punish us welcome to the birdie Source Club turret one [Music] okay third hole 317 yards off this tee I feel like in the summer this is one that you've been smashing it on the Green we're not doing that today.

All right okay okay come on though Tom it's cold all right if you get there in March everybody impressed oh my word well [Music] oh my word tell me you got that that was a joke wow wow wow you know I don't think I think that might have been the most subtle Flex ever mid-fly Tom clicked his fingers. And told it to six so I'm sorry that might be the most thing I've ever seen wow I'm speechless you got this Rick I can't reach that yeah you can no I can't. So [Music] sick go yeah yeah lovely I think the wind picked up. And come into your face a little bit I think it was integrated yeah I'm sure I thought you were downwind like a mini tornado just came in. And just shoved you up for 50 hours I like that swing Rick thanks Tom [Music] just normally get it past me I couldn't yeah it was nice only 40 shot of him right we've got I was a little bit further to write. And over the bum because we're going to go with guys it's not far off as good as we can hit our driver mine was genuinely 10 out of 10. For me and what were 30 yards back from Tom yes okay. So that's what we're contending with and this is tight slightly wet ground condition. And we've got to pitch it all the way there and get it to stop but that's fine we've got two attempts yeah hearts are too bit big shot there thanks mate great shot there from the DP World Tour winner I mean no biggie oh lovely wow sure right Tom after driving the green Eagle put they say don't leave it short. But I'll be quite happy with two pups yeah I think the two Port from here is acceptable he's played aggressive yeah nice very good all right guy we need one of these pal do you see it favoring off that right side slightly down the hill yeah yeah just inside his Market yeah yes your own birdie path oh I felt good very good very good hold on right yeah good bats about birdies the plain stroke play. So we have to see it in we have to normally that would have been an easy give me but stroke play and we need every Advantage we can possibly take Tom's two under wrecking guy one under. But it's a little dog leg right you want you don't want to avoid down the right side really try and take it free wood where do you want to hit it Tom see them silver Birches yeah you want to be just right at those really okay. But you see the sign in the um yeah in the mound there I think if you were to hit driver straight over that that would end up in the trees all right okay you know. So so in the in the v i find it easier to draw three wood so that's why I'm gonna hit Three Wood okay nice yeah golf shot yeah it really makes pretty much on the line that you said really good usually in the summer that will hit hard. And bounce left yeah. And we'd end up in the same place but I think because it's. So wet well it's a bit wet it's a little bit you're not gonna get much role no it might be a bit okay second shot here into the fourth just down the valley this is taking my tee shot Tom's 20 yards further on with his three wood. But that's all right I did see that um pin I mean this is a lovely inviting t-shirt a second shot into screen uh 165 yards I think anything gets old above those trees the wind's gonna start even the flag is blowing quite a bit still. So I'm gonna try and fly in a low seven iron I like that play nearly called it stay there I think it's like left left Fringe just shorten the PIN I'll fight it as well go quite punishing this ground yeah it is this is like a 165 Club. But I mean it's quite cold isn't it yeah it's 145. And I my 99 is a 150 Club I just think it's gonna have too much spin on it. So just gonna try and flight down yeah I just hit a little knock down like I don't really know I'm just gonna try don't get too precise get too nervous strike was pure that's just sit down yeah get down you know I was watching then.

Where his ball was. And then.

Works at the divot and the ball was like there. And the divot obviously went after it my shot was completely opposite do it first that's one quick one as well just appreciate that bag I think it's one of the nicest golf bags I've ever seen it's nice. And if you can guess the logo comment down below it's a clue it's a golf club not far from here. But it's a pretty special bag it's nice and he's absolutely stiff that's a bit nice Tom birdie making machine right now birdie making machine I think we've already seen three. Or four world-class shots from Tom Huntly it's brilliant is about four foot away from the PIN. For a possible third Birdie on the bounce right this is a massive left to right put kind of goes up over the hill. And then.

It actually will really speed up as it starts to go down yeah that's it nice put inside Toms would be brilliant that's a great Park brilliant great dude can't really see me get inside that. But I'll have a go I'll give you that yeah just a really good effort fits off my speed. And you're alive yeah Tom Cruise's third birdie in a row after playing this shot brilliant play this whole brilliant with today.

To go three on the par through four holes of course hold on mate thank you that was a very classy buddy thank you it's really bloody good [Music] okay par three down the hill fifth hole playing 164 today.

Slightly into breathe come on baby in the hole oh my oh this is actually this is not playing a video game it is pretty good it's pretty good it is I think we should just retire [Laughter] it's only getting worse from here Tom just become a YouTube golfer no well this is this is you if I play like this on the tour I win. So I should just pretend I'm playing with you yeah we'll come. And follow you with a gun yeah just come. And follow me with a drone okay. So we need to hit a good shot oh where you going ball oh oh my God that's even annoyed me. And I'm playing with you as a team I've got other crew up there throwing stuff out the trees oh my goodness so I've hit the tree on the right on purpose obviously and it's a done a little Ricochet across the green and we've got a little 15 footer for birdie I'm gonna try a new tactic I'm gonna try and be like Tom it's like a tour throw so here we go 180 Club take a little bit off it start to write the pin draw it in thin it does it work they're the only big differences how many golf balls do you reckon you've ever hit in your lifetime well I grew up on a driving range oh wow with my dad I never paid the ball. So I run from school onto the mat and never get off it so for about I reckon 10 years I hit a thousand balls a day every day oh my gosh yeah yeah honestly yeah no that's what happens your hands. And stuff your wrists no because I hit off mats. And I was just like used to it as like from a four-year-old oh my word. So I just got used to it so when I see guys having wrist issues and stuff I've been really lucky because I think I I grew up with strength in that in that yeah because I fell down on it all the time. And I always liked Hitting off of really solid mats as well right I didn't write the spongy stuff so when a new mat come in I'd like try and hit as many pot as possible to make it like harder harder yeah. And then.

We'd spin it so that where I was standing it was easy. So that's the difference that's all it is we didn't grow up on a driving range otherwise we'll be doing shots like that maybe the same time a best just uh let's just fix my pitch mark let's hit that. And then.

Literally bounced across the green to pretty much the perfect distance away so we can try. And capitalize on it okay. For birdie oh I just didn't fit in [Music] wowzers I had to go for it good try rim for three we remain one on the par M has a possibility of getting to four under par I want to beat him Rick but I also want him to go and believe the Underpants yeah it's a win-win oh yes this is looking good. For birdies in a row mate it's unreal guys I just wanna long time viewers new time viewers this isn't the type of goal you expect to see a lot of the time okay in fact never. So enjoy it soak it in because Tom's on a on a roll insane birdie machine six hole path five it's like Doug leg left looks like quite a narrow entrance to the Fairway yeah it's pretty hard yeah because the wind's down off the left. And we've got to keep this in the Fairway if you want to get to the green into Green's over here actually you see it all the way through there oh God yeah. So we're going all the way yeah that's the left side of the green no way yeah. So we're gonna go around you're gonna hit Three Wood I'm gonna hit low three we're down down hopefully just a little draw around that tree come on keep drawing I think that's okay yeah. So you we drive is it slightly left it out I feel like three Woods would leave you too far in. So I think you have to hit driver. But I think anything left of my ball I think you're good okay. So in between the tree and your ball perfect yeah with the wind off the left side. So I'm gonna do that do I draw it hard I think you got an old-school drawer draw it hard Against the Wind I think. So that's what I'm gonna try and do oh it's up there. So it's all right actually that might be okay to be honest I hit it bad enough yeah that might be all right if I'd have crushed down that line I think I would have got in trouble I know what two trying to draw it yeah yeah don't worry we've got one in play okay Second Chances par five after revealing the green with 250 yards away it's a fantastic view hole here kind of really goes down into the valley then.

Back up uh 250 yards from here we're just in the rough meeting guy Tom's a little bit further on again just in the rough 250 yards from here. So it's Three Wooden every single bit of it all Bluey all the blue stuff can it do it please I don't know if it's still got the legs in itself it has I feel like it's about an old girl like he's about to go to the retirement at home oh good strike right I shot right go ball s oh Bluey away that straight from Perfection it's just caught the top edge of that bunker which is from from here five yards away from the pin good shot sounded cool any advice. For me for this do the same. But maybe slightly right right here catch a bit okay it's a long pot we'll have to have a look at whether the bunker shot is easier than that all right I've got 249 yards I think the wind is down at my left my three iron goes about three uh 230 235. So this should be pretty good let's go straight at it maybe drift it to the right um it's on the green but it's even longer than longer than us oh I'm absolutely gutted I literally ripped that three wood and I hit the bank yards away from Perfection let's come down as this bunker it's a tough one because my mine's on the green we say on the green it is on the Green. But it's might it's probably 50 foot maybe with a big hump so it's just what's what's going to be closer to your temps at that long put. Or two one because shots are both pretty good out of bunkers what do you think I like both sugar bunker beautiful I've got to show the viewers how to hit a bunker shot let's go this could be the worst call of our life. But in reality I think if one of our putts from there can get within about four. Or five foot he'd be chuffed so we just gotta beat that yeah okay simple as that come on Rick let's make sure this wasn't the stupidest decision of Our Lives I've made many more than this right I feel like it's a better chance of holding I think there is open the face bit of speed commitment you can do it one bite hard coming back that's okay that that is okay that that with a bit more sun would have been spawned okay I want to go nice line not too nice yeah nice we might have got better than we put up maybe. But two decent shots there YouTube in it all right you want a bit of drama don't you well we give it you okay we'll hold one also birthday well Tom's putting. For Eagle again basically I'm only gonna try and hit this right speed because I don't think the line's that important it's a little bit it's just going to go to the left at the end I think that's pretty good we'll keep going that's very very good from there mate right let's make sure we don't regret this decision guy you know what this putt is Rick slippery in hindsight we should have left ourselves short in the hole we had to go. For it this is YouTube you said it tell you what then.

I'll just hold it first off yeah do that what you've seen happening to this a little bit off the right yeah go on then.

That's the two under a doubt all right Tom I've never seen this in my with my own eyes five birdies in a row that's what this is. For right now oh did you see that that actually weren't horrendous part which wasn't one-handed just saying I've never ever seen five thirties in a row I jinxed it I jinxed your time did you yeah can you just not say that again I've never ever seen with my own eyes five birds in a row I've got another opportunity though I don't know if I've ever seen four birds in a row either. So you've probably still got the record and there's still plenty of holes to go okay seventh hole what we got here Tom it's sort of a dog leg from left to right down the hill it obviously is a lot of rubbish down the right. So it's about if you can carry it a long way you can take it a little further to the right. But if not down that tree line on the right side hitting iron I'm a little longer than you nice you got it I asked for it you're right well we've taken the honors let's see if we can keep the honor going. So just smash it down there yeah just down that right side wait. For it oh yeah that's okay just inside that tree. So what you didn't see on camera then.

Was when Rick was having a sausage roll had a protein cookie. So expect big drives fastball speed nice that's good it worked up thanks mate it's kicking it back it's funny we're thinking Tom it's 142 but it's down Breeze I think it's going off his 52 if he's got one yeah that's what I was actually thinking. But I don't know if it gets there but I will hit that this is a 120 Club I just can't see that being 20 yards. But give it a go why not that's a bit fun that's a bad idea a little wedge 135 Club off the downslope probably play this about one 25 swing something like that looks very good tear down great shot mate go that's hard when you're so elevated did you go one Club more. Or less one more so you made the right decision I backed up a little bit that's why I hit a bit funny you know one thing I've noticed Toppers do a lot more than probably we would do they actually are more conservative like I would go there. And I'll go for the club less and lift it up and the wind will help. But they're a bit more like the thing is I always find to hitting those three court ones I can't judge my direction as well true well they don't have that smooth their direction is nailed regardless. So my drive was actually decent then.

It looked like their protein cookie has worked see how long it works. For Rick's zapping us I'm gonna guess 112. it's 1 30. playing 108. wow playing 108 bit down okay I think it's 50 degree. For me I think that's 100 degrees. For me yeah you think it's a fallen. Or no I don't actually no I'm thinking kind of Tahir 90 90 one we need to start making more birdies we just made one. But let's go on our own five birdie in a run a bit blocky get down oh that's gone huge mate that was only a flick that was only a flick of a 50. 56 then.

I think. So yeah wow I suppose it's. So easy it's so downhill it's it turns you 50 into a 99 almost okay. So I'm gonna go Sandra Edge that could be in the hole oh great shark go yep nice it's good friendly right next.

To Tom's honestly no word of a lie these greens are absolutely phenomenal. For this time of year so impressed right go on then.

It's like we're playing a three-man scramble as soon as it is I'm behind the hole looking don't make it hit it it's right to left oh my word what a put can't believe that got there what are my days why are you. So good at golf and that would have been six in a row as well like that would instead it's one start again you go again right yeah just do what he did you've seen it that swung. And you know what it was quite fast you didn't like it again it's a hell of a lot come on outright you got this Rick come on definitely I've just seen it this is just people are gonna think this is Action Replay get out the hole. For you oh it's hot though right come on guy there's no excuse here is there literally none Tom can do it why can't I good oh my goodness me oh my goodness flippinack in. For fours Tom makes three Tom's five under yeah yeah yeah all right. So here we have the sm-9s the Titleist Smoky wedges 52 and that is actually a 58. But it's been ground down and then.

I've got Pitch and wedge up to three iron in the Seabees here I have the Titleist driver tsr3 that is 10 degrees I'm not sure if it's maybe a little less it might be you know maybe one degree less. And then.

I have tailor-made Woods stealth 2. 5 wood free wood these have actually been great they sit lovely and then.

I also have um this custom made Scotty Cameron which has been lovely actually with it's a prototype 11.5 and then.

I've got a carbon Max shaft in it which is basically light. But super stiff so it's got zero torque in it I'm not a brilliant putter so I feel like there's less like there's more stability in this for me so I'm really happy with the equipment I'm the type of person that doesn't change it too much either so I'm happy [Music] athel par three beautiful hole I really like to look at this huge Valley as it approached it up to the green it's played 190 hours today.

Slightly into Breeze pin looks like it's kind of back left um well that wind is really kind of gushy. And sometimes it's into sometimes it's not as strong I've got a six but I'm not sure if it's a five I think that pins right at the back of the green I think it's about left. So I might just hit a little trappy six sign make sure I'm short of the pin really explain a trappy one so I'm gonna move it back in my stance a little bit Yeah close the face at a dress. And start it in the middle of the green and then.

It should just drift and love it oh no oh it's drama look at the tree. And go in oh no oh how good your editing skills oh if that was Ricket I'd go in the hole they're quite a little squirrel I am thinking seven wood one you eat it. For Ryan are you in a choppy one. Or a float we want to cut you want a stinky one what are you gonna do no I couldn't trap a little low draw you thought are you at your trap same I hope yeah a wish. And pray that's lovely there nice shot that is a real choppy one great sounds nice as well yeah a couple did you go forward as well yeah oh shots there boys next.

To each other look we've got him now. And do these on tour events. But we're gonna we've got him rattle yeah he has gone real sorry I mean I don't even know from this point whether Tom's gonna break 90. I'm kind of in a bit of a rubbish light got a little bit of a twig here. But I can't move that I'm thinking with a Toyota 52 or whether to it 58 just trap it a little bit into that I might just hit 58. try and trap it into that slope just short of the pit like that oh that was actually played. So nicely come on Tom knock it in go on do it bit oh God if you were to box that that would have been fun I would have actually thought we were playing the simulation. But you can have that Tom are you sure yeah that's very kind of yeah very very oh boys that was a shame bloody hell that's two good chips I played there actually God that was close I thought you had it I mean gave it two good shots into the green really half uh I think it's just on me. But yeah Rick's a better shot. But happy with that one this will be a good one to hold this Rick if one of us could get this with this two shot swinger it'll be a big swing up the hill right to left I don't see a lot in it it's got enough it's in uh it just didn't quite hurt I thought I hit that firm enough then.

You know be aggressive get it to the whole guy oh it was in the Jaws that's not what you should do not good enough guy that's not what you should do got a shopback disciplinary ah I forgot airtime. For par five here right yeah into this Breeze because you want to stay down the right side really. But with this Breeze these trees come into place so so he's not going to run it you're not going to run out if you hit it dead straight anyway you've got to be right at that bunker though okay two under place four under some real Ballers out here that's what we do we go deep under path we might talk about it it's not a big deal okay I'm gonna go at the bunker. And fade it off that oh be God don't look too sweet Rick right swing yeah should be good okay. So um Rick has hit us in what looks like position a would you agree I would agree so I thought I might um activate Dyson mode you ready you thought you could hit it a long way I think I'm gonna be surprised that's liberation [Applause] I mean it was here it was here it went a long way last it's impressed he's really there's nothing better than playing with the tall Pro two-time DP World Tour upload. And pressing it makes you feel good I I'm intrigued now you play this one song I'm gonna hit a low squeezing driver it's going to start left. And fade a little bit love it slipped going rolled it was squeeze on it I might have to reload that one's good tight again yeah that's bad as well this is fun to be fun you'll find them yeah this wouldn't be a bad option. But this tree trunks in the way all right it's going to be a tough one. But I'm just gonna have to get it out that was nice sharp mate really good that thank you um 250 again well last time I had 250 we'll pick good three Woods this is really into win this time. But no no trouble there though it's not ideal it's no trouble worst case it's a three-shotter I hit it well yeah okay he nailed. And even do it that way a little bit right might be bunker hit it really well that wind's just. So strong once it gets up there it's just pushing it away happy with the strike though great recovery out the trees there Tom yeah have you got in I got 165. slightly hurting. But it's mainly out the left so I think I'm just gonna have to hit a little knock down seven nine okay strikes money wind be good to the ball come on that's a nice golf shot mate I think that's a little long tiny bit long I think. So it's good really good so it's a bit of a bit of an up and up in the air year to be honest so being over in the US I lost my status and that also made me lose my status in Europe so I've got a low ranked European tour card like DP World Tour so I'm gonna probably play a little bit on the DP world you know small some smaller events hopefully get some wins and then.

If I want to I've got some winner status over in America you know on the corn Ferry tour so if it fits into my schedule I'll play a little bit of that and if I have some big you know gaps maybe I'll play some challenge tour so it's not ideal you know it's all up in the air it's not ideal but you know I've just got to focus on the little areas that are going to make me better. And fingers crossed it all comes together by the end of the season okay. So this is where my thrilled went to rich is a good shot as well a bit left. And quite a tricky shot to a bit of a blind pin that much green toilet so we're gonna go with the bunker shot again and it meant we have to chip off grass yeah I'd rather hit this bunker shot before we made the great choice without the bunker we did again different shot though in it let's be honest it's a long one the the pin is right up on a little Plateau at the back edge of the green Tom's managed just to cling on to the to The Fringe you'll be getting putter on it it's got a chance of making bird you have to find in trouble off the team that's what good players do last week capitalize on this shot could all be to waste though we're thinking all the way there yeah it's enormous then.

I'd normally in a Bunkie. For 58 degrees where I feel comfortable it's so far I'm gonna go down 154 Jordan is similar 36 yeah. And into wind we should be able to fly this almost all the way commits to a nice low handle an open face bite hard bite really hard oh sounds silly it wasn't a million miles off you know right there ah collaborate no pressure put it close great shot bite hard yeah that's nice uh stay pretty good pretty good excuse me I was sick seven out of ten seven a tough school here very punishment I'll uh rate the big man go ball take it yeah tough couple of holes there. For me okay right to left slightly up the hill I promise if you miss it I'll hold it okay promise you I ain't missing good good part there Rick oh that was a very nice part just the speed I think then.

You're not in that Gus you see that feel that that wind uh rim. For Five Guys start that how far right um probably about there okay forget that don't watch that anyone that's watched that just forget you even saw that ridiculous scores after nine Rick. And Guy two under Tom Lewis or under now again a long time ago since Players golf course the bat nine is trees are plenty it's like it's been carved out of a forest. So that'll be interesting back to about power fives longer than though this time 550 but it's now downwind and this if I've ever seen one is an inviting t-shirt yes I mean oh my goodness I'm guessing you want to stay right of that kind of dip in the on the left-hand side. Or did you carry that Tom I carry it. So you want to just stay just to the right of it Rick should be okay fit right. But it'll feed in sad yeah a little bit tiny bit right of where I wanted. But fine that's a nice guy really nice ball thank you oh oh Mr Lewis if he carries me then.

I'm gonna quickly we're going up pass your ball if it carries yours I've hit a career 10 out of 10. he carried it by 25 yards. But no danger oh dear that was ridiculous she got to my ball it was a career drive. For me just worked this out for context I've hit man well overnight you eat that nicely as well as I can hit it when behind total distance on mine was 300 312 yards which is really good that little white disc you can see miles away how many yards further up only 44 44 yards ahead. So he's comfortably like 350 plus three yeah nearly 360. that is just not fair should be a band right anyway it's not all about distance as we know 2 30 what are you thinking here three iron three. Or four oh four I think it's seven. Or two I don't have a thrown anymore having four or two iron I only got seven wood they're not playing very far there I think. For I think I can get that with four. Or four then.

I don't want to have nine to go too far I think four gets there two three eight is at the back of like okay middle to back the pins at the back I think if you start it on the right side. And hit like a low little draw like the one the the par three we played yeah okay A little trappy four Ryan little tenth par five no told it wow I don't know if that would have got there hit well to be honest with you right there's a club has made its way back into the bag after many years being sidelined because of the injury Callaway Apex UT 18 degree I've had this in the bag. For years I actually took it out because in a practice round I think it was. For JCB the first ever break 75 or the first break 75 we did at JCB they broke it's been sidelined since. So this is its debut it's back oh no it's not even over the bunker ah all right time after your 350 odd yard Drive yeah how far have you got left I've got 209 yards. But it's cold so it's probably playing a little more there site 215 and then.

It's straight down the breeze so we're gonna hit my six signs are 195 Club feels like a lot of Club. But I think that's the right Club yeah it's about 20 yards of wind isn't it maybe a little more be embarrassing if you hit 79 onto screen give me a try no I don't six times perfect six sounds embarrassing enough I feel like this is quite a lot of Club. But greens are soft yeah pin is at the back all right win draw it oh it's not going to draw that wind does it kick my feet they're friendly get friendly yeah it's like that I eased offset a little too much I think at what point you know when obviously wind behind helps us yeah we hear out like it Knocking it down when when does that happen when it starts to almost punish you oh it's really cool I think when you go into them five iron. And four irons I think that's when it probably doesn't help it as much right the way I see it if it's into the breeze let's say 10 miles an hour it's going to hurt at 1.5 yards okay. So you would say that that would be 15 yards of hurt right right and then.

If you um if you were to downwind yeah it would only be. For every mile an hour would be every yard okay. So it's it's less of a benefit when it's downwind than it is writing with you yeah okay we are going with guys ball after I've found the bunker short of the green down on the left you can't see the bottom of the cup obviously the top of the flag more likely Tom's gonna make dirty from where he is. So an up and down needed for us should be and the keyword then.

It should be a pretty straightforward shot doesn't it yeah decent Turf it doesn't feel too soft nice floaty uh lob wedge in one hop stop dirty sauce yes pin. For a fiver okay grab great great shot great shot it's quite nice. For it to play now it's been 500 quid because I wouldn't as a boss he's a nice guy that's very generous very very generous so it's five grand right about to be [Music] a little pushy a little pushy thank you squire a big putt here I think would be nice to illegal. But legal look Third Run of the round that you've had stay up stay up they'll really stay up oh wow oh wow come on Tom this is a this feels like a real a real a real one big moment in the match we're currently 200 we've got this put to go to three which would only close the gap to one if Top This is this the big if it holds it five on the path that was a disappointment disgusting yeah disgusting with that drive as well that's probably why I'm about 780th in the world [Laughter] the constellation that's uh you're 35 462 aren't you I think it's 350 000. right Let's Get Serious on this we need this is everything looks like on the left yeah left side firm up the hill okay just outside the hole okey-doke you want it you're only birdie they kind of mean like that your own bird ah that was you're right it's on the left side I didn't quite commit to it right to close the gap to just one good part yes that camera in fact I fancy a birdie birdie grenade [Laughter] yes we are grown men. So Rick you're well known for your sausage roll reviews famously you do a good job of it thank you congrats I'm a connoisseur I am a big fan I have a ball washer okay. So far I'm liking the brickery at the bottom very nicely done wow I'm liking this uh wood okay plastic wood clean there's no dirt that's all the big tick if you have nine out of ten this however. is the main course soapy. So just something small simple things 12 doesn't Baker doesn't know 30. that's a decent effort get it out that has come out so moist and then.

As well I like there's also a towel again clean towel no mud no mess you wipe it like that yeah okay 12 a dozen pumps wow okay wow oh okay wow. And then.

You just need to wipe yourself down this is going south in it everybody used to be a really professional. So overall that's a 9 out of ten for this year and we'll see you next.

Time on ball wash reviews voiced okay um hole number eleven we've calm down a little bit. And we're ready to play some good golf we are now having in a par three Tom is four four. So we're catching him which we knew we would let's be honest so I'm having a bit of a mirror a bit of a yeah. But it's all right because that's what happens in golf you have about three or four holes for it and then.

You get it back so if I can just hold on where I am at the moment I'm fine I think. So bottom mindset that's why this guy's good at golf and why not what do we do on this whole time basically you just got to hit the fairways key because it's quite narrow it's quite narrow up the right hand side there. So does it kind of left the trap in the tree. And in that little bit as long as you're left of those traps you're gonna be good okay yeah um wins off the right slightly in. So we're all interacting a little drawer off those bunkers that's nice real work shot there yeah it wasn't my best strike the button Brewer. But it allowed to shape oh blocked it get up hurrying now that is the benefit when you are very long like me you carry a lot of traps all right come on then.

Tom yeah we're getting good here we're getting above our station that's all right you need to have fun Knuckles down. And play Lord see that was a nice swing that was a very nice swing mate great job good shot thank you sound on that's just different in it yeah it's different second shot here into the 11th 243 playing 149 99.. So you're thinking are you thinking what eight eight one four nine hey 99 150 normally been behind you go night yeah we're trying to finish I think the tin's very much at the back. And we try and play a little control on it little Tom Lewis said Tom Lewis said stop drawing he's all right I think it's big because it's drawn great strike bit turn you over e. But it's on the Green I got 141 here the wind's slightly across so I'm gonna take a little 99 just left to the PIN can't go long uh Tom okay right. So I've gone big no that's okay though that good shot then.

It's not a very easy shot there. But on the green guy was right with the 99 my iron went long pinhai interesting green this very difficult thing to get close to to be honest we both left ourselves pin High Tom's at a great shot What's it gonna do about snaking it looks exactly that it feels it ought to go that way then.

That way. And then.

Back again so I'm only gonna hit it straight and then.

Maybe give you a better line okay I'll try. And read it got it good part guy a few more roles straight straight it does move Every Which Way. But okay come on we need to hold a snake maybe a bit too hard through the pace with a break good try. So the power on the card still three under nothing to complain about just yet but this is as I mentioned on the tease the past 73. we've got to be shooting getting in the 60s more bird is needed it's it's arm struggling here anyway it seem to come off the bat slow yeah well done sorry to make your whole lap no that's that's important 14th hole Par Four Tom what is that down there in the Fairway that is a huge like crater okay full of like rocks okay the maximum you want to hit is about 2 30.. So I'm gonna go forward and we need to win a tiny bit I'll get as close as I can go okay without going in I've done what you said he's gonna do perfect yeah nice shot mate I didn't get every bit of it it's slightly from the toe. But it's fine [Music] we use it all your sound shot guy [Music] shot there yeah lovely very well that's really nice that's on the little thing great hit sounded like this side of it sounds like yours yeah it did didn't it laughs second shot here into 12. really nice layups by our team. And Tom and you can see this massive like drop off in front of us it's quite impressive 132 yards to the PIN right between clubs I think it is a nine honestly I think it's a you're going wedge time when you win nine I got a 58 no way I [ __ ] he's always playing games the thing is I just don't know if I'm as accurate with a nine three we need to go first. Or no it's dark all right that's really nice out what I mean that's about shot from Rick trying to get inside that I think we should have a birdie chance either way though now oh that's nice as well wow great shot okay a couple of players right here three DP World Tour players Tom how do you apply. For a tour bro you go for a life of pain foreign [Music] go on roll out go on tell you what mate we can have that talk us through the cat candid grip when you get it when you when you get the hips you go left right I've always struggled always struggled with my chipping especially simple chips like that if they're like flop shots over bunkers fine bunk shots great because they're just normal swings. But when it's just like nothing in front of me I sort of always block it so when I just go left below right I just feel like it's just more straight back and straight through and something like that so simple it's just literally have a little bit of Loft and then.

Put it Forward I just wish I could chip normal but if I can just do that I know he's done great. But does that give you confidence of doing it a bit more. Or are you already doing it I was I was flicking between like I just depends on how I feel like. For me there that's all I need to do because I know I hit it well how many grip Styles is acceptable now putting exactly left below right standard claw reverse claw up here you know. So a little dick tweaking the grip on chipping yeah I might probably be trying it it's certainly not my strength by a million miles I could do it I could do with something like that the two chips you've added nearly hold them both right come on then.

Guy this right here is to close the gap both four. And the power if one of these goes in hung out right hung up right it's a straight eye mate straight I'm going to read I'm just going to take your advice oh how does it do that the whole stir the balls of it up there boys I do I am happy about that let's move on oh no [Music] 13th par five huge banana slice required off this tea because the Green's over there on the right um are on still yeah nice hit mate too far left it's nice though yeah nice little cut a little bit too far away yeah a little bit it looked to be fair all right it's not familiar guy you can really probably take that 40 yards further right if you want okay you see the gap between the two trees yeah if your ball finished like in between them you'd be perfect okay. So I'm gonna try and cut one so I'm gonna take it down really low on this hit try and encourage a bit of a downward blow I won't be offended by a little bit of a healing strike as well oh no it's a block. So I'm sorry Rick's in play yeah like just a few holes left to go now it's getting quite tense Tom doesn't want to lose this we really want to win foreign [Music] well I never okay second shots here uh guys was down the right. And unfortunately about to find it mine's here just in the slightly hampered by that should be all right par five we're absolutely miles away you know I'm gonna try and do something stupid this is this is stupid you've heard it guys told me not to do it. But I'm like whatever whatever is like a a teenager that will listen to his mum brush your teeth Rick comb your hair I'm gonna try to hit a big load drawery bullet hook [Music] yeah that's stupid all right okay though they've gone under the tree it would have been fine yeah if it hits it the perfect shot it would have been okay what do I do now then.

Where is where's mine well I think it's all right. But I don't ever put I don't know go for it for a good time not a long time don't tell me twice okay. So um well I don't know what to do though the cookie three would hit the tree that you did hit it louder than me I think hockey 3 will be slightly lower than me perfect great shot absolutely sensational out when he draws it sensational are you gonna be stupid too yeah love it well it's not actually that stupid of a shot because I've got to keep it below that Branch. So I think this is the only shot well 305 yards I've only just realized you're holding your driver yeah no it's not that stupid of a shot in the rough with driver he's got to hit a low cut to a green that's about 260 away oh my golly gosh a bit right in it not a strike was phenomenal you cut it too much that's a shame that that could have really been nice let's go. And deal with it so that shot of mine although I didn't want to play it and Rick that really pulled me into it I actually played it very very well massive snap hook right on the tree down the Fairway and here we are 86 yards Remains the PIN we've not got a birdie. For a couple holes two holes car five tenths so a few holes now fun to get one now I think we should right eight six yards let's zip it close what are you gonna go with 54 degree wedge three-quarter swing great strike I think it's good I feel like that was starting to filter in I think it's just a touch right this is a little hooded 58 hopefully it might just clip these trees here. And it might clip that tree what the hell have you got on here Tom I'm thinking of a little hooded 58 I like it let's see like a hockey one yeah that's a nice shot from there mate not bad is it very good I've really missed this round up though playing like a terrible tall price [Music] it's the most adventurous birdie said left side of the park come on left side firm well done needed that one well deserved five left to play both four on the path 14th par three we're racing against the lights we're going to hit less shots. And score better five iron one eight six pins back right I'm gonna hit a big cut higher cut super high floaty cut into that PIN or fat it nope okay all right get caught. So how nice that oh this is all on it stop cutting now that's a great shot okay return on here it's not fading Pinay it's not bad a little downhill. But it shouldn't be too quick a little lofted same shots as I've been hitting all day delicate delicate delicate two and a half in there really hard with a two shot swinger could be it's not going to be Tom you're gonna hold yours what jumped a bit unlucky not good in the air it's the big put there. For an amazing two no that was a horrendous horrendous putt well done Rick thank you teamwork too thank you thank you oh [Laughter] okay. So this is a part four is it Tom yeah part four just a little dog leg left. And just for a change why not I'm going to take off before Rick normally goes first that's how we do it. But big Power draw good swing [Music] please time to make some birdies boys come back 108 yards of the PIN quite a weird little tucked away very inviting this oh it's a bit thin but it might feed in got really close it's about 15 foot short I think okay 50 degrees well [Music] yeah nice shot right really good it's time to question Who is the tall throw is it Tom. Or is it me. And Rick really starting to question it I'm not 80 yards boys well that could be nice yeah drop oh robbed huh robbed that's good okay A little right to left there oh that was a weird one it hit something right missed opportunities 16th hole Par Four 403 yards they left in the bunker. And Bob your uncle a little less bit of uncorrect [Music] oh God good swing good ball needed [Music] Tom you are a good golfer. And also too behind second shot into 16. Tom's a good spot we're doing all right 125 yards let's see if we can put a nail in this coffin nice pitching wedge I feel like I've been dialed today.

Let's keep one more nope dialed the wrong number [Music] okay little 90 wedge that's dialed go on get up be the good oh my word shot Rick I love that hit the PIN it's been hard oh nice is that gonna come back nicely as it's really come back a couple of opportunities. For birdie Tom's Little Wonder shot in screwing it back like a tour pro this is pretty much straight up the hill oh let's talk about these cups yeah it's all broken right I'm gonna be a tall Pro that was a terrible point I need telling off Naughty Boy right Tom all right this is big this is bloody huge. For the program Tom holds this there's just one in it with two holes left to play yep well done mate solid no to steal well done path four on the plays Five under 17th par three I have to hit this big nine nine times four under me. And guy are five under going down to the wire that delightful stay there really good golf shop not sure oh that's a nice golf shot it's enough oh lovely lovely thank you very professional I'm liking you all that was not good as well that's in the hole oh close good shot though that was money yeah lovely oh it's not going in the hole right that was right on it. So Tom's just long mine's here which is a great shot. But it's not good enough it's a tough school with Rick stiff in it which is great because we've got two good chances at birdie if I know Tom I know it's gonna be a left below right chip it's probably gonna go within. But hit the flag and go in oh just released a bit more than probably thought I hate that I had to give it a go yeah you miss it really nice right come on let's close the door the opportunities to get us to six under left to right right one of us has to hold this. And ideally you should've got a real birdie but if not I'll do it I like it stay up stay up there oh it's nice Port just fell away [Music] right Kevin guy I gave that quite a bit feels like a pivotal moment that my whole life has led up to I need to be banned from golf club I know how to put from anymore yeah never in doubt one in it one to play you know what's mad regardless of what happens in this match obviously at firstly I've loved playing this form of a Rick it's fun it's um probably something we should do more I think oh amateur should do more when you go. And play if you do get obsessions with scorecard on your own. And being too serious but that side how good is Tom honestly it's ridiculous the blitz he went on the front nine I feel like that slight that missed opportunity on the sixth yep kind of knocked him a little bit I think if that would have gone in we would have seen some records being broken today.

Yeah I think he's got the potential to go 10. under comfortably without even breaking sweat the big thing that I've noticed I've alluded to it a few times off the T insanely long his eye interesting. And the Portal's not been amazing from today.

But you can imagine when that's on it's all going well like you said 10 under it's doable sure the other positives he's been saying about us really long off the tip incredible iron strike possibly the best he's ever played with yep you can only take our word. For that last whole 18th hole here at Brockett Hall and let me first say this golf course is really impressed me today.

The quality of it has been incredible I just had a great Hospitality here as well. But with Tom has been phenomenal as we've just mentioning that marriage comes down to crunch time one hole left to play par five snakey one as Tom describes it 550 yards off this tee good t-shirt required let's be honest Tom's making birdie so we need to match him to win [Music] need you guy okay I need your bowel [Music]. And we've both done exactly the same shot [Music] I know well listen we're gasmed what do you want us to say what when the pressure I mean I'm kind of excited we're getting excited related right Tom uh we'll find him probably hopefully fingers crossed I think this changes this tee shot. For me okay no it means I'm just going to hit loaf shot just to make sure I put it in play because I can get up in two. But the drive is important oh yeah it's like the left side is that all right though yeah okay yeah a really good drive oh really good drive thank you [Music] right well we've got good news. And bad news the good news we found my ball yes the bad news we lost guys yes the other bad news is we are in a whole world of troubles over here. And the even worse news is this is probably always a guaranteed birdie. For Tom yeah he's made birdie already might even make it Eagle. So the pin is 270 yards that way um we we've got no hope. And Bob Hope and nowhere I think we have to chip right let's chip out. And then.

From there one of us can get it on the green clothes how much this can I move oh loads of it oh give me a minute this will be this will be perfect okay I'm gonna chip out I'm also gonna try. And cut it oh wow oh found it oh Rick you tried to cut it yeah I just want to try to cut a bit more off you're good at these shots you're fine okay. So I'm gonna go for the most sensible chip and run hold the face a little bit keep it low trickle it out there well out well out some said the tour pro to a couple of hackers well done boys I think it's left no idea sorry didn't sit down okay we've got my safety shot we've got 205 205 yards to the flag third shot into a par five playing Scramble it's going very dark um a bit of wind into the face it's getting cold now as well. So this is a four iron I'm gonna start a bit right. And hope that it draw in but a bit of a hitting hope I'll be honest come on we need to make power at the worst right strike [Music] just short right to short right okay four iron as well I'm gonna try. And drill mine and get it running up is there is this something who sells there's something short of this green pop bunker I think oh yeah it's a little cheeky pop bunker right at the front of the screen you may as well go. For it because I'm fine I think I'm going to try. And start on the right side of the green and hit like a Chasey drawer it's a bit too much I'll be okay though didn't catch it either no we'll be all right we'll get a par from there I think. And up and down [Music] so in reality if we can get one of these two chipped clothes which is a big ass [Laughter] command no joke um if we do get it closed I think that could be us winning numbers if we get it close time has to hold his to tie. So it's a pretty stupid the nice smooth 58 degree hop it over that bank and feed it in come on let's get on clothes for it do it it's been a great day let's finish it nicely [Music] good shot pretty good I'm just going to chip this in okay it's over a Time Instagram. So this is it come on this this just goes in you can see it just just over that bank on the right massive celebration [Music] we call that you call that you called it oh wow wow I thought I had it wow wow had it wow wow is this that was big pressure was on. And the boy delivered that was big it's looking good come on do it get there do it get there get there great foot that was incredible I thought you had it in. For four uh in for five four under Legend thank you appreciate that guys if you enjoyed the video be sure to like And subscribe and go and check out Tom on all the social media um that was epic thanks rocket hole thanks guys 500 by 4 under I feel like a rematch might be in store sometime we'll see you next.

Time peace.