All right guys welcome back to the channel now today.

Got a hell of a challenge possibly my tough fish. Yet and obviously I'm a human being right well I'm gonna challenge today.

A machine now this machine has been created by my really good friends at play demic. And you know pandemic creators behind golf Clash now they have a fantastic mobile game which I play loads of and I'm sure you guys do as well well they've created lean mean golfing machine now this has been designed to be unbelievably accurate consistent. And Powerful it's taken hundreds of hours to build and cost thousands of dollars and it might just be the greatest golfer on the planet it's gonna be me with my golf clubs versus a machine down here the wonderful Centurion and this is gonna be fun it's going to be very hard there's gonna be a couple of challenges sit back relax I think you'll really enjoy this let's hope I'm not being replaced Too Soon by a machine [Music]. So let's get going with the first challenge I mean there's the pin we have a three shots each nearest to the pin we'll go in 50 points next.

Nearest will be 40 then.

30 2010. And finally Five Points I think I've got the skills to beat this machine let's get to it okay. So this is the machine that's right Dave nice to meet you nice to meet you this is phenomenal foreign well uh yeah I've heard that you can play golf. So yeah we'll see well let's see let's see you can win this first challenge nearest the PIN I think I'm gonna touch it I don't want to touch the wrong button let's get going okay. So we're gonna be hitting three balls each in this Challenge and it's quite cool we've had actual Pro V ones low growed up with golf clash and machine on for the machine and then.

Also golf Clash a man for me just hope these ones are the closest okay I'm gonna go first lay down a marker try. And get something for this machine to be [Music] on the green but it's going to be super close [Music] yeah we're on the green. But I think you can beat that one right go on the machine all right let's give it a go okay three two one oh that looks really good go go oh very good strong start bangle line just needed a few extra yards right learning from my first shot that club didn't get there that was my gap wedge. So I'm actually gonna go with pitching right you're gonna take one more Club [Music] should be better a little bit stop stop yeah it was better still not super close. Yet I think you could you might have me again this next.

Shot still pretty impressive three two one oh a little bit to the left. But it's coming back with the Wind oh I came back very nicely yeah nice shot okay last shot best clean my club in preparation come on I need a good one now I really need to get one close gotta try. And get maximum points on this one come on [Music] come on come on wind [Music] well that's not bad come on get a bit closer get a bit closer oh yeah that's that's come out nicely that might be the closest okay last year I was gonna say no pressure. But the pressure's actually sucked quite high so come on last one oh that looks good it's gonna come back again as well oh this looks fantastic this looks fantastic very good it might have just kept rolling a bit too far it's hard to tell from here but you know what there's some very good shots the positive all six of them are actually on the Green I find out who actually won that challenge. So after round one the results are in I'm currently in the lead 85 points golf class machine got 70 points. But not bad it was a fun Challenge on to round number two. And check this out it's a huge board with smashable Windows nine of them the challenge is gonna be quite simple each player is going to get 60 seconds on the clock to smash as many windows as possible each window pane smashed is worth 10 points the deficit at the moment is 15. we're leading the humans are leading I was moving to round two let's see what the machine can do. And because it's trailing I'm gonna let them go first the machine is going to be very accurate however. it's going to be slow to load. So it might not get a lot of shots me on the other hand I'm going to be really really quick. But I don't think I'm going to be as accurate as the machine all right Dave all right machine you're 60 seconds starts now look oh nice two. And two oh brilliant three in three boom four shots for Windows smashed and that is it time is up put your weapons down Dave four shots four Windows smashed that was pretty impressive great job all right let's do this 60 seconds is gonna start on my first shot three Windows to smash. For humans to win oh I've missed the first one oh no that was a bad one oh really messed up wow [Music] two three four that was a nice one [Music] [Music] [Music] how long left ah that wasn't my finest I've got to be honest with you I expected to get going I hit some really bad shots. But by the looks of things four Windows smashed it's 40 points so in total I'm on 125 and the Machine finished with 110. we take the victory just all right guys one final challenge man with a driver versus golf Clash machine at maximum power one shot each one this drive winch okay I'm gonna give it my all right that's not bad at all 290 yards of carry happy with that we'll take that let's see if the machine can beat it [Music] okay the golf class machine is at maximum power. And I'm going to help pull the trigger you ready three two one oh man [Music] ah that has gone about 350 yards that is ridiculous. And uh that was very loud very good good button pressing hold on that's good very good machine long drive is definitely where the future this could sit amazing incredible.