00:02: Rob versus Grant two Gladiators

00:06: battling it out here

00:10: wall it's a grudge

00:15: match I'll be looking out for him I

00:19: will game

00:21: on it's Bally game on

00:24: definitely it's not over till the fat

00:26: lady

00:28: sings little fist pump means a lot to

00:31: him yeah that's a big

00:35: one this is going to be epic

00:43: finish right who's going to take our

00:45: first Let American guest pick yeah

00:48: absolutely okay right or

00:50: left left well that's my left oh I meant

00:55: it's okay I was wrong he looked and

00:57: pointed at that he was inverted

01:01: okay Rick's calling me uh he says I'm a

01:04: typical American that brings his 2our

01:06: into the

01:06: UK to hit Stinger so I'm going to I'm

01:09: going to do it here on the first hole

01:10: hit a low Runner is that bad to say

01:15: okay low Runner Rick do you like that I

01:18: like it just write at the bunkers are

01:19: good I'm not giving too much advice for

01:21: the person you're not on side I'm a

01:24: complete neutral I'm I'm a fan and a

01:26: spectator just like you guys I can't

01:28: wait for this I was going to ask you for

01:30: reads and everything no okay just right

01:32: to that bunker yeah play well jents okay

01:36: play

01:42: well that's going to be

01:45: fine left of the bunker but it's

01:48: absolutely fine good shot yeah good shot

01:51: okay I have a four iron just going to

01:54: play a normal shot let the Wind Drift it

01:58: into the Fairway

02:02: J James ni nice

02:07: work let's go let's go I'm excited about

02:10: this I really have nine holes stroke

02:12: play who is going to take the

02:15: win all

02:18: right match play today it's going to get

02:20: pretty intense I can feel it that first

02:23: swing by James he's got a beautiful golf

02:25: swing and I know he played in a major

02:28: played in the open he qualified for that

02:31: so I got my work cut out but I'm feeling

02:34: good with my game

02:35: so 135 here to the pin I feel like with

02:40: match play I'm going to take it at every

02:41: pin and play Super

02:46: aggressive Oh no just a little

02:50: left yeah it's dancing okay on the

02:54: green just pulled it a hair just a hair

02:58: I've got 128

03:00: wind slightly off the left so I'm just

03:02: going to hit a pitch and wedge just left

03:05: of it let the Wind Drift it onto

03:11: it spit

03:13: left I think that's a little short not

03:16: far off from what I've been told by Rick

03:19: James makes no mistak so I know one

03:22: thing day I'm going to have to go get it

03:23: I don't think he's going to hand any

03:25: holes to me so it's up to me if I'm

03:27: going to go make birdies and actually

03:28: win the hole oh we got a giant green

03:31: we're dealing with who's who I'm way

03:34: left okay interesting start two

03:38: professional golf shots middle of the

03:40: green gr a little bit further away James

03:43: in

03:44: close anything can happen in match play

03:48: okay first putt here I don't see a ton

03:51: of

03:51: break James is in there pretty close

03:54: he's got a good look for

03:56: birdie just trying to get this up close

03:59: having easy

04:05: par nice roll you speed very good speed

04:09: yeah that's good thank you okay so Grant

04:12: in for four James has this

04:15: put for a birdie and to win the first

04:19: hole so it's slightly left to right I

04:23: think not doing a great deal try and

04:26: give it a a run at the

04:28: hole

04:32: no left to

04:33: right fairly

04:37: straight silence gosh silence silence

04:43: gosh I'm bad I'm bad it's a grudge

04:51: match made

04:53: it good hole Yeah first hole haved in

04:58: fours hey match play is a funny thing

05:01: cuz like James just gave me that Putt

05:03: and like I wanted like that's what made

05:05: me really want to give that to him

05:07: but I'll be looking out for him I will

05:09: just outside the Friendship Circle yeah

05:11: it really

05:12: is wow what a beautiful Golf Hall I'm

05:15: just trying to take this in this is

05:17: unbelievable so the hole goes that way

05:19: pal to the right okay so the bunker

05:22: there that's in your view you can I

05:24: don't know if you can carry it the safe

05:25: option is just go slight to left okay I

05:28: feel like this is a hole I've seen like

05:29: on a painting or like on a picture frame

05:32: you know Par Four here we go second

05:41: hole should be good yeah it should be

05:43: fine if it misses the

05:46: bunker yeah oh I think it went in it did

05:48: it yeah think it

05:52: did it's going to be hard to get there

05:54: in two the door may be a

05:56: jar I think it's creaked a little bit

05:59: little bit

06:03: creaky nice swing yeah really good drive

06:06: jeez that was

06:09: pretty yeah bed that one oh boy

06:13: absolutely horrible break here H

06:16: probably going to have to lay up

06:19: shouldn't hit more than like a 52 Dee

06:21: just left of that

06:23: bunker try and hit a wedge close make

06:25: par that's what we got to do so Grant's

06:28: actually found himself in a bunker

06:29: trouble here that's one of the things

06:31: with link sclf you cannot GR in the

06:33: Fairway bunkers James at a great t- shop

06:35: middle of the Fairway so Grant's going

06:37: to have to wedge it out and hopefully

06:39: get up and down for par all right we're

06:41: going right over to the left

06:43: here just getting it back in the

06:48: Fairway well out great shot heavy that's

06:51: all you can do didn't need much more

06:54: okay that lip was scaring me allarm me

06:58: gr gr I I

07:00: oh Rick allow me you shouldn't you you

07:02: get yourself get your head in the game

07:03: it's been my dream to rake a gr harvat

07:06: bunker a pretty good drive here I've got

07:09: 145 into a bit of breeze so I'm just

07:11: going to hit a little knock down a try

07:14: and knock it somewhere just right at the

07:16: flag it'd be

07:20: nice oh my looks nice oh my oh

07:26: my oh tiny bit long but it's good I

07:30: thought for a second when that was in

07:31: the air he was going to take me out of

07:33: my misery on this hole really quick but

07:36: I got a chance I'm breathing it's

07:38: breathing I'm alive it's been good this

07:40: so far two Gladiators battling it out at

07:44: here Wy effectively the Coliseum of golf

07:49: right how far have you got Grant 121

07:53: here going to go with the pitching wedge

07:56: just got to get up and down for par it's

07:58: basically it's black and white when it's

07:59: match play what you got to

08:01: do up and down here got to take it right

08:04: at this

08:08: pin it looks

08:13: nice you give yourself a chance good

08:15: shot yep we got a chance a little

08:18: short got a

08:23: chance okay both players on the green

08:26: James is putting for birdie bu

08:29: it's got quite a long way 30

08:31: foot quite a bit of slope right to left

08:35: um two puts is going to obviously ask

08:37: questions of Grant whether he can hold

08:39: quite a testing 20f footer I think two

08:43: puts here for James possibly gets the

08:44: win on this hole but never County

08:47: chickens so it's quite a swinger right

08:49: to left

08:51: mine but it's it's all about good pace

08:55: and put the pressure on

08:58: him

09:05: good it's not a bad good bit short on

09:08: juice James in for

09:10: four Grant has the hole this put to half

09:14: the

09:18: hole oh it's a great

09:21: P that was

09:24: close jeez he threatened the hole score

09:27: after two James Robinson one up thought

09:31: that had a chance there but James now

09:34: takes a oneup lead after the second

09:37: hole swinging good though I got some

09:39: confidence today so just going to keep

09:42: keep chugging along I know the putts are

09:44: going to fall I'm going to hit some good

09:46: shots this looks beautiful 357 it's a

09:49: short hole what a beautiful looking t-

09:52: shot it's got a nice Gathering Fairway

09:54: hasn't it yeah this is so sweet I'm just

09:57: trying to take it in too you got the

09:59: honors let Pretty ho yeah so it's

10:01: slightly into the wind so it's probably

10:03: playing closer to 400 up the

10:12: hill left on the M on that might be okay

10:15: though I think it's going to kick

10:19: right I think it's okay can't see it I

10:23: think he's going to be just fine he's

10:24: gonna have a swing still got to focus on

10:27: hitting this Fairway

10:34: it'll be okay but come off that

10:37: Hill

10:39: o it stayed up there so live on the golf

10:43: course live interiew James how do you

10:45: feel like the first two holes have gone

10:47: for you so

10:49: far pretty good so far um yeah I've

10:53: played solid golf just regulation golf

10:56: Fairways and greens couple of paths what

10:58: do you think of Grant golf he's a very

11:00: good golfer very good golfer he plays

11:02: good he just got unlucky on that second

11:03: in the Trap but that's Links Golf isn't

11:06: it it is do you think uh where do you

11:10: feel like your strengths are going to

11:11: lie in this

11:13: match consistency to keep wearing him

11:15: down hopefully is that the plan yeah

11:17: just wear him down with

11:20: consistency if we can get the putter

11:22: going it's uh it'll be good well good

11:25: luck thanks for talking to us today

11:27: thank you have a have a great round

11:28: thanks Rick

11:30: that's James Robinson there live on the

11:31: golf

11:33: course yeah tp5 I think that's it I'm

11:38: getting the test of lyx golf right now

11:42: I'm in the rough once again I just

11:44: missed this Fairway and this is what

11:45: you're greeted with this is thick I

11:48: don't even I wouldn't call this Fescue I

11:50: got like Thorn bushes around my wall

11:51: these are all like Thorns right here so

11:54: I really looking for the green I might

11:56: hit a pitching

11:57: wedge try and just see where this

12:01: goes I don't know if this is even going

12:03: to come out it's that bad it's sitting

12:06: down in this

12:09: hole got it get to the Fairway go go go

12:13: that must have been a horrible

12:15: eye oh

12:18: yeah there she is

12:21: okay sometimes got to take the little

12:24: winds that's a little wind right there

12:27: okay I've um

12:29: stuck on this bank that's quite sloped

12:32: Ball's well below my feet here got 118

12:35: yards so I'm just going to hit little

12:38: pitch and wedge try and keep it left of

12:40: that

12:47: flag

12:48: run okay not the best how far do you

12:52: have from there 118

12:57: okay

12:59: I'll get

13:01: right yeah looks good for length got to

13:04: make it good Rick no got to make some

13:07: parts you got good distance control then

13:09: yeah so after a bit of a safe shot there

13:12: left of the

13:13: flag left with a long put uphill quite a

13:18: lot of left to

13:19: right got to be 45 50 ft this one just

13:23: going to be one of those

13:26: puts it's quite cool this is like being

13:29: up close and personal to like a

13:31: professional one-on-one match play

13:34: event just sitting on a mound just

13:36: chilling

13:37: out James for a long range birdie

13:43: P that's halfway he's got to go that is

13:46: not a good P

13:49: wow that is not a good P big mistake

13:52: youve Grant a big chance there well golf

13:56: is a crazy game here it is if I am able

13:59: to sneak this in for par classic match

14:03: play situation

14:11: classic wow

14:15: good take it away wow wow wow I really

14:20: thought that was in okay James forar to

14:23: go two

14:27: up

14:29: nice P got it he's got it wow that was a

14:33: big po deserve that one big that would

14:36: have been a sloppy three put guys pace

14:38: is

14:39: key that would have been interesting if

14:41: that fell in the cup I would have loved

14:42: to see what happened but he now takes it

14:45: to two up through three holes we're

14:47: going have to make a comeback okay live

14:50: on the golf course here with gr H how

14:53: you feeling Grant I feel good I uh we

14:55: just filmed the video where I felt

14:57: really good throughout the whole video

14:59: and I know it's in me I know I'm going

15:01: to make some putts I know I'm going to

15:03: hit some good shots it's just about

15:04: doing it now but with that being said

15:08: this view I was just going to ask you

15:11: the next question was how are you

15:12: enjoying Link's golf oh my gosh it's

15:14: unbelievable this is my first time ever

15:16: on a lyx golf course and it feels so

15:20: different but the ocean that's pretty

15:22: common for me just come up just come up

15:24: on this tea wow look at that W you might

15:28: have your Pebble Beach you might have

15:31: your Tory

15:33: Pines but we have wallacy golf club

15:35: right here wow how nice is that this is

15:38: like Pebble Beach if it had a baby in

15:40: the UK you

15:41: know yeah it's pretty special right

15:44: fourth hole par five elevated te

15:48: straight down playing 533 yards game

15:57: on Drive nice swing really

16:01: good thank

16:03: you great shot okay okay got to follow

16:08: that up now he's not missing at

16:15: all right there hit it wind slow it down

16:19: sit

16:21: there I can't really see it down but I

16:24: think it's

16:26: okay we have 26 five to the pin I have a

16:30: two iron or I could hit a three

16:33: wood I don't know okay we're going to go

16:37: with a two iron here guys try and get it

16:39: to chase this is a link style shot it's

16:43: like my first time really running a two

16:45: iron

16:50: here it is get up there

16:54: go great shot yeah

16:57: nice

16:59: just

17:00: short think it's okay so after a good t-

17:04: shot I've got 233 yards wind off the

17:08: right so I'm going to hit a three iron

17:11: try and find the Dam's floor par five

17:14: try to make an

17:18: eagle stay

17:20: right we get

17:24: left not sure if it's in the bunker or

17:27: over the bunker it looks straight in it

17:28: to me but don't know James is striping

17:31: it right now he's pin High he's probably

17:33: going to make biry so we got to get this

17:34: up and down we haven't really been on

17:37: offense yet this

17:43: match oh good shot didn't quite grab

17:47: good effort I think again that's that

17:49: little adjustment to Link's golf that

17:51: slightly firmer ground condition doesn't

17:53: get the ball to grab quite as quick yeah

17:55: so after a bit of a pulley three iron

17:57: I'm not in bad play place just On The

17:59: Fringe just left of the green so I'm

18:01: going to choose Rick's choice of Club

18:04: here I'm going to use the flat stick

18:06: look at Eagle here for James it's uh

18:09: just off the green avoided the bunker a

18:12: bit of good fortune

18:16: there well shot

18:19: left coming back not B for Speed really

18:24: little right to left

18:26: here my Pro shot actually landed right

18:30: in here I just fixed my ballmark and it

18:32: released so looks like the greens are

18:35: firm big put here from Grant we filmed

18:38: the video earli this morning and he hold

18:41: everything putter just feels like it's g

18:43: a little bit cold into this match but

18:46: only takes one go put to heat up this

18:48: for birding to have the

18:54: hole great good great P little pump

18:58: means a lot to him yeah that's a big one

19:01: I don't want to go three down well done

19:03: okay so through four holes there James

19:05: Robinson two up okay fifth hole here

19:08: path three beautiful hole 180 yards back

19:11: into the breeze what you hitting Lads

19:14: I've got a six I'm going to hit a five I

19:16: feel like it's playing pretty long the

19:18: breeze is coming off the ocean

19:23: there wind needs to bring it back do

19:26: something miss the Trap

19:29: in the bunker

19:33: yeah nice

19:39: swing yeah yeah great shot nice golf

19:41: shot shot Grant well

19:44: played need to hit it to the center of

19:46: the green there he's in a deep pot

19:49: bunker it looks

19:50: like I think if we can maybe make a p

19:53: get one here I hope

19:55: so okay so not ideal in the back of this

19:58: bunker on a bit of a down slope down

20:01: green h downwind no green to work with

20:04: so apart from that with bottom this will

20:07: be great up and down from James if you

20:08: can get up and down from

20:12: here what a shot that is really good

20:16: what a shot 20 20 OD footer 25 footer

20:20: for birdie here on number five he was

20:23: pin high with his approach

20:25: shot see much break in this grant yeah

20:27: what do you see Rick I'm not saying

20:29: anything it was a test I want to see how

20:31: much you like me I want to keep this

20:33: fair and you might not want my read

20:36: anyway okay I think it's just a little

20:38: left to

20:41: right it's a good roll as it got the

20:45: legs pick it up I knew it right when I

20:48: hit it I knew it wasn't

20:50: enough okay little

20:55: test that's a good up and down that is a

20:58: very impressive up and down well done

21:00: James whole Haled James Remains Two up

21:04: through five six old Power four 342

21:07: yards from the T here however it's down

21:09: breezing if he can get it bouncing

21:11: there's a chance this could get on the

21:15: green holy I mean you can't hit any

21:18: better wow cannot hit any better than

21:20: that if it gets the right kicks and

21:21: bounces and hops oh it's Ki left got to

21:25: be in that trap on it I don't think

21:27: that's the bunker green side yeah Green

21:29: side you think he's in it even I've

21:30: driven on this green before Believe It

21:32: or Not Grant

21:38: okay oh that was it this is the one stay

21:43: straighter it's kick right kick right

21:46: yeah I think that's

21:48: on can't see okay so after a good t-

21:52: shot we're nearly at the front edge of

21:54: the green just here but now we're faced

21:56: with a bit of a flop shot shot over this

21:59: trap and uh not a lot of green to work

22:01: with but we're on a nice lie so Loft it

22:05: up get it

22:09: close wow seriously

22:13: bad jez drove the shaft on that

22:17: one this what I see on the clips on

22:20: social media see the pros warming up

22:22: like

22:24: this but I think I can keep my foot in

22:28: just going to be up in my stance and to

22:31: swing hard

22:33: left Drive ended up in a really good

22:36: spot

22:37: here should be able to get this up and

22:46: down it pretty good for that felt like I

22:49: was going to fall in but we made it work

22:51: it's pretty good from there P so after a

22:53: really poor chip shop SL Duff another

22:57: bunker shop see if we can hold

23:01: it

23:03: no shocking no

23:06: good yeah I'm on I forgot to do your

23:10: last one sorry sorry you know what's

23:12: funny there James is like terrible I'm I

23:16: that was pretty good go shot but that's

23:19: where the standards are different all

23:21: right to put a lot of pressure on me

23:24: yeah put a bit of pressure on

23:26: him

23:28: got little right to Le right to

23:31: center try and box it

23:35: off nope pick it up boy that is shocking

23:41: Grant wins the hole James now one up

23:44: through six seventh hole here par five

23:48: is there any I mean there's nothing

23:50: really to know you can just split those

23:52: bunkers and you're in good position

23:54: there okay then get after it from there

23:56: yeah

24:01: no get R of it get R of it get R of

24:05: it stay right yeah oh yeah just right of

24:08: it okay it's a good break right try to

24:11: split the Fairway get the driver

24:15: working

24:17: wow came out of that

24:22: one okay it's okay we just got through

24:25: like six holes there it suddenly feels

24:27: like the tension's just gone through the

24:30: roof this is getting tense you can feel

24:33: it couple of shaky t- shots there but

24:36: it's a very getable power

24:38: five but I don't know if they can

24:39: actually get there now after finding the

24:43: roof game on it's b game on

24:52: definitely she looking bad you're not

24:55: going to like

24:56: it

24:59: Jesus she did want to find it so I've

25:01: leaked it right off the

25:03: tea found a shocking lie some like 12in

25:07: rough with a baby sapling next to it so

25:11: uh double trouble going to have to try

25:13: and just gou something back into

25:17: play oh

25:20: sugar that's wrapped over gone on the

25:23: bank on the left tree safo didn't damage

25:26: the sapling James is in a little bit of

25:29: a tricky position I'm going to try and

25:31: chase this two iron up to the green it's

25:33: 240 yards the only issue is my feet

25:37: might be kind of hanging off the end of

25:40: this bunker so I better not fall

25:42: backwards I can choke up on

25:45: this Chase it down there it's going to

25:48: come out super

25:50: low oh boy that's

25:56: scary

26:00: it

26:01: there it

26:04: there okay yeah it's okay is that

26:07: finished came out very L on the left

26:09: yeah okay so we're slowly getting closer

26:12: to this

26:13: hole we've got 147 to the

26:15: flag bit of a down slope out the

26:18: roof so it might jump a little

26:21: bit I'm going to try

26:23: and back foot a pitch and

26:26: wedge Chase it in

26:30: there it's come out good wow what a

26:34: shot what a golf shot I'll take that one

26:38: James that's really

26:40: good thank you required a little bit of

26:43: concentration letting this slip away

26:46: falling asleep guys two kids at home

26:48: late nights you know the

26:51: drill any

26:53: excuse that was tough there James after

26:57: finding that that real rough lie over

26:58: there off the t-shot hits it up there on

27:00: the hill it wasn't a great lie there and

27:03: he's managed to play a really really

27:05: nice shot to about 15 foot he's set up a

27:07: bird the

27:08: opportunity we're over here almost pin

27:11: High actually after that low two iron I

27:13: just chopped straight down on it to get

27:14: it to

27:15: here he hit an unbelievable shot James

27:19: that was crazy out of that Fescue he's

27:21: got a decent look for birdie I just want

27:23: to Snug this up there put some pressure

27:25: on

27:26: him

27:32: oh very nice nice shot very nice the

27:36: whole way

27:38: but went right right off the face but it

27:41: worked out great it released we have an

27:43: uphill

27:44: part so let's jar it seventh green Robo

27:51: versus Grant both got birdy

27:54: opportunities James is just a little bit

27:56: further away than Grant

27:58: so James to James to throw

28:00: first so a little left

28:03: rer not going to overthink this one I'm

28:05: just going to nice and

28:12: free

28:14: oh

28:16: wow right behind the back wow that is

28:18: good thank

28:20: you to win the whole Grant and to bring

28:23: this match to all square with two holes

28:27: to play

28:40: taking it easy on me pick it up wow I

28:44: halfway there I thought that was

28:46: in seventh hole played rubo still one up

28:51: Jin by a special guest here co-host of

28:53: the podcast Mr guy Chet guy you're live

28:56: on uh Rick Shield's golf

28:58: welcome wow what an honor first time

28:59: here it's great to see you in real life

29:01: mate you're better looking in real life

29:02: and taller and thinner a a lot of people

29:04: say that uh you enjoying the match very

29:07: much so at the start of the day I'll be

29:08: honest I said my money was on James

29:10: because he's just solid golfer doesn't

29:12: make a mistake that's the way it's going

29:14: so far but there's two holes left two

29:16: good holes left Grant could take it I

29:18: don't know so close it is so close let's

29:22: get back to the action eighth hole here

29:26: 387 I'm going to hit a low two iron just

29:29: Chase it down the

29:31: Fairway go straight to the right

29:34: unfortunate Miss there I thought I made

29:36: it halfway to the hole but it broke

29:42: off nice really nice Sensational stay

29:46: left of that hole Yeah that done nice

29:49: yeah great shot it's a lovely flight

29:50: that Grant been dying to hit that two

29:52: iron haven't you yeah wanted to hit that

29:54: but unfortunately that kind of faded off

29:58: okay I have opted for a three-wood so

30:00: I'm going to try and hit a low

30:02: three-wood just right the traps down

30:10: there nice shot yeah good shot we

30:17: go yeah is that stay short is it it is

30:21: it I think so it was touch and go it

30:23: landed short 264 that touch and go what

30:27: that

30:28: bunker right gentlemen you're putting on

30:30: a show here for the audience I'm loving

30:32: just watching from the sidelines um at

30:35: the moment there's two holes left to go

30:37: this really interesting Par Four and the

30:39: par three finish do you feel like it's

30:41: been a a solid match so far Grant yeah I

30:44: mean when I had that birdie putt on the

30:46: par five I thought for a second I was

30:48: going to lose this thing in five holes

30:50: so I'm just happy to make it this far

30:53: and now you know I think it's going to

30:55: come down to the last hole that was a

30:56: huge clutch put uh something you really

30:59: needed to hold and then you went on to

31:01: actually win the next hole with a

31:02: another birdie and then you kind of kept

31:05: it in play um James kind of two two up

31:09: lead early doors yeah did you feel like

31:12: there was a a couple of shots there you

31:14: were starting to throw it away uh not

31:16: really it was more like more grants

31:20: mistakes to be honest at the start like

31:22: he just didn't get off to a great start

31:24: couldn't get the driver going until um

31:28: fourth hole but it's just one of those

31:30: games it's uh it's not over till the fat

31:33: lady sings it ain't over till the fat

31:36: lady sings right one and a half holes to

31:39: go this is going to be epic

31:41: finish okay going right for it can't

31:45: really see anything up there I just see

31:47: the pin so hopefully there's not too

31:49: much trouble up

31:55: there I'll be good

31:59: good it's great

32:01: shot okay so very nearly a good t- shot

32:05: but it's just snuck into this bunker the

32:07: LI is not amazing but a little bit of an

32:10: up slope we got 138 yards so I'm just

32:14: going to hit a little 99 try and smooth

32:21: it we go that's really good just right

32:23: the flag sit down

32:25: Sit nice shot yeah thank you well done

32:30: mate thanks boss give give me something

32:32: to do

32:34: it you can make my tea tonight iow

32:37: me Molly cheap jacket potato cheese and

32:40: beans will do okay interesting James

32:44: looked dead and buried in that bunker

32:46: then he really did Grant looked like he

32:48: was in the driving seat middle of the

32:49: green actually get up here Grant's ran

32:52: through a little bit he's got a 40

32:55: footer and actually James out the bunker

32:58: there put it to about 15 20 ft very

33:01: impressive all right I don't see a ton

33:04: of break here maybe left to right and it

33:06: should go right to left at the end it's

33:08: kind of a double breaker overall pretty

33:11: straight if this misses James actually

33:13: got a put to win the

33:22: match got that oh

33:25: no

33:27: short right this is actually a port to

33:33: win the match I'm going to double read

33:35: it double read it tell the audience what

33:38: you're thinking here James it looks

33:40: different from that side so it's

33:43: slightly uphill right to left at the

33:45: start left to right at the

33:48: end so that to me quick Math Makes about

33:54: straightish well this is it this is the

33:56: wi in the

34:02: match no weak didn't it it

34:06: weak it's

34:09: poor right big putt here big putt Grant

34:13: to have the hole and to get it to go

34:15: down the

34:24: last damn thought I made it thought you

34:27: made it gentleman oh dang it good match

34:32: James good match lovely to meet you hope

34:34: you enjoyed your first experience of

34:36: links it was good it was a good

34:37: experience I enjoyed the course the

34:38: match unfortunately didn't really have

34:41: my aame today but no James you played

34:43: good and D thanks for having me on the

34:46: channel That Was Fun that was honestly I

34:48: was so looking I was so enjoying

34:51: watching that and I'm hoping you guys at

34:53: home enjoy watching it too two

34:55: incredible talented golfers James and

34:57: Grant be sure to follow Grant on his

35:00: YouTube James on all of his social media

35:02: thanks for doing that jents I really do

35:04: appreciate that and to be honest fair

35:06: play to Grant first links experience and

35:10: he came out playing that good yeah it

35:12: was I just struggle off the tea and it

35:14: kind of hurt me being in that Fescue but

35:16: overall it was really F takes a while to

35:17: get used to that stuff yeah it does

35:20: thanks for the match I think a rematch

35:21: will have to be planned in the future

35:23: got to do guys thanks for watching the

35:25: video hopefully you enjoyed it be sure

35:26: so like And subscribe and we shall see

35:28: you next

35:29: [Music]

35:30: time this is the big one 18 holes me

35:36: versus grant

35:40: pvat me and Rick probably are both

35:43: dealing with a little bit of adrenaline

35:44: right now trying to beat each

35:46: [Music]

35:48: other big moments lead to Big

35:52: Shots absolute

35:54: mustn this is tense this really is is

35:57: boy can I feel

35:59: that oh be

36:06: [Music]

36:08: phenomenal