Some people think if they buy expensive golf clubs it's going to help them play better golf other people think it's all about the individual the skill level we've got a little test today.

These set clubs i bought a couple of years ago. For 70 pound it's a half set of clubs and it's a package set now i've also enlisted the skills the services of the one of the best players i know ex-tour professional james robinson [Music] right james these are the clubs. And the challenge is fairly simple nine holes can you break par now i'm gonna let you use your own golf ball that you normally use. But this is a half set 70 pound what's your first impressions can it be done possibly make a cheap set. But i mean only time will tell. So i'm going to be caddy today.

I'll give you distances to front middle. And back yeah that's the only help you're going to have i'll do right you got driver hybrid six eight pitching wedge putter grab the driver out. And give it a bit of a describe this 11 degree yeah regular it's not something i'd normally go. For so in context you're normally extra stiff shaft right what's your normal swing speed about 114 okay nine degrees okay it's gonna be interesting you keep that club out because you're gonna need that. For the first time you need that tenth goal par four just under 400 yards let's go bat nine can james break part with this set of clubs i'm actually genuinely excited to see you hit these clubs i'm sure you're maybe not. So i'm a little nervous on the first one i'm actually it might get better already i'm fully i don't think there's gonna be a harder t-shirt on this either. For the first shot oh do you know what already i am fully enjoying this video like this is just chilled out relaxed i'm just going to carry the bag. And hope james can break power oh that's actually really good let's go champ let's go i'll take that that was absolutely mulled you know what james kudos there that was a very good opening t-shirt you won 62 to the middle pin's probably playing a fraction further okay i mean you're limited you've got a six iron a hybrid. Or an eight iron one six two into can you get six there i'll try give it a go back foot it that's not bad you know what ladies. And gentlemen felt alright two shots with a 70 pound set of clubs. And i think he's putting. For birdie that is very very good that was a pretty impressive shot to get to here slightly a bit long. But considering he's not got seven iron it's the only option you had really for a long range birdie on the first go on go on not bad a little bit pacey all right for par i feel slightly helpless i feel like i can't really guide you much even though i know these greens i feel like you you're a better skilled golfer okay okay that's good pardon the first sermon you give that to me you don't worry about that very very good well done james cheers all right james 11th hole par 3 up the hill it's playing uh 180 to the flag again slightly into breeze 180. you can muscle the six odds you think it's the hybrid good six isn't it uh is it a good six normally would you say i'm gonna do it hard good hard low six okay don't fancy hitting a hybrid oh it's leaky short tried to squeeze it sure you know we're chipping right club drunk there's a pitching wedge oh there's a pitching match the picture dude would you i'm guessing you normally have more loft. For this shot i'd probably use a 58 normally and land it just short of the green with a little bit of check and but that's not an option no it's not today.

We're limited get through it get through it that was actually really unlucky that could have been very very close just a little squirty right one come on james knock it in. For par [Music] love this putter this guy's good enough this guy is good level far through two well done mate okay 12th hole now this is normally a very drivable par 4. downhill it's playing just over 300 yards yep. And i'm sure with your own driver you'd knock it on comfortably it looks that way let's say you've got that so let's see how you get on with this one it's a very chance if you get a good one away front edge is playing two nine three i like harry asks what the front edge of uh this green is using that driver he's played well. So far his swing is class such a good golfer you've not seen the clip that we did with james. For the podcast definitely worth checking out a bit of story behind james he played in the uh the open at carnoustie in 2019 after qualifying this guy can properly play golf oh it's not high you know what though that's not a terrible golf shot. But you're right it went very very high it's a bit spinny that went so high so after that t-shirt he's probably hit about 280. he's now got to play a lob shot with this pitching wedge with a pitching wedge yeah not not optically straightforward. Or easy shot that's mightily impressive though oh okay it's got a tricky one here down the hill this is gonna be absolutely rapid he's really just gotta tickle this about six inches onto the green it'll just shoot down this almost ski slope esque slope on this putting green he did play that shot very nicely with the wedge just didn't have quite enough loft hit the flag hit the flag hit the flag oh no oh absolutely smashed it that was pacey really crazy no weak bogey disappointed silly bogey i'm ready i'm really disappointed james that was poor all right james we'll overlook that little mistake on the last sorry about par five coming up next.

Down wind it's playing just over 500 yards let's do it oh no pushed it sit down that's okay actually you know what that's short enough to be okay 255 to the front of the green james is slightly out of position here i was hoping you could hit driver. And get on there but you can't what do you want to hit because there's two options here we can either hit hybrid. And kind of muscle one and try and get close yeah play it back into position with like an eight. Or a wedge play it back into position with hybrid combination so you're gonna go with the hybrid first time you've hit this club yeah nice big tree in my way oh plenty of loft on that should do the job yeah it just gives you confidence this thing at the flag as long as you hit it far enough you'll get past all the trouble okay go. For it oh that is. So good that is actually if that kicks. And bounces and hops oh my goodness you put on the green ah get up there oh my great shot god what you've just hit that hybrid about 260 yards on the green point for eagle honestly i've got my marvel at shot you just hit that's a good one ridiculous i didn't think you'd be able to get on the green just walking up there just saying like that was almost a perfect club yeah like gave me confidence with all that loft on it like a little lofted like hybrid just knocked it straight over the trees i didn't think we'd say this today.

I'm going to be honest with you we're putting. For eagle this is. For an eagle opportunity here on the 13th hole it's a long one granted up the hill just noticed by the way i'm using the terminology we i mean it's like a team effort yesterday it's not james putting. For eagle we are putting. For eagle come on keep coming this looks very good this looks incredible wow you happy with that or oh yeah take that yeah 50 feet isn't it. So tap it in for birdie get back to level par there we go five holes to go level par double bar 14th hole par three it's playing 150 but it's a little bit downwind i'm seeing pitching wedge here james it's a good one well it's not a time is it let's be honest it's got to be a well-hit wedge let's go. For it imagine just imagine if you got a hole in one on this hole i mean it would cause pandemonia yeah may have is it going to get there no it's sure big bounce oh my goodness oh oh it's not bad i like how you say it sure like when i say short that means it's missing the green short you're sure it's 10 foot short of the whole that's a lovely golf shot thanks mate a little left to righter james is saying left to right i'm going to go with that come on jack thanks a little left to right yeah hey listen i'm i'm gonna go with whatever you say. So when it comes to putting and reading ports go go go oh it was right in the middle a little breath of wind downwind may be a bit softer it was right in the middle par we move on to next..

And we're still level par big dog thank you let it eat james par four dogs left yeah slight dog leg just over 400 yards you kind of you can take on that court that bunker on the left yeah yeah sure 100 if we got a number on it uh to 40-ish okay. So you can easily cover that bunker i'll do champ that is a good golf shot do you like a caddy that talks. Or doesn't talk james um a talkative why would you think grabs your nerves. But not talking about golf but what about on that like me saying good shot oh yeah yeah happy with that yeah okay james after that t-shirt you're 107 to the front slightly in the rough downhill downwind it's going to kind of release down you've really only got the pitching wedge to go. For right yeah what one option it's nice. And simple this set you are going yeah it stops making too many decisions. For you you can't be indecisive with it i'm guessing you're going to land it short of the green are you. Or you're going to i'm going to land it ideally just a few yards short the green. And just let it release up it's not going to spin out of this big chase big hop big skip slow down not too big go in a lot of mixed emotions on that shot there james i'm not sure did you hit it good yeah that was just a little chippy one just trying to run it in well that came out uh zero speed you're putting uh yeah. But i would plan to stick here without question a good play like you you might get a little love wedge underneath it and flip it up into tempted if i have the full set would you maybe so i'd pull this every day just show us the different levels of confidence without question james is playing well he really is his swing is just pure. And he doesn't even play competition golf as much anymore he's going to do open qualifying this year at san andreas links which is one of his favorite golf courses the fingers crossed he does well there this is good preparation. For that for birdie and then.

Start to break and then.

Keep coming down keep coming down they're all online i thought that was good i thought that was good we'll knock in. For another par [Music] nice three three holes left to go medium power four short par four very getable par five underpar is still on like it know what guys hopefully you enjoy this video if you are hit that like button i'm thoroughly enjoying watching james play incredible golf with this set of cheap golf clubs we got three holes left to go par four up the hill into win this is a much a bit more of a test than it normally plays those bunkers are easily clearable you kind of want to hit it straight between those two bunkers on that line where that bird is in the fairway yep straight on that line on that line oh that is. So color that is. So so good you've got a future in cadmium so they say so they say nice work fal cheers after a ridiculously good tee shot you are one two four to the front one fourth is the middle pins just short that's probably playing like a one three five one three five into wind now i know you said before that's normally a pitching wedge. For you isn't it yeah it would be definitely quite a lot of wind there hopefully it is is it is it a floaty eight iron yeah it's just a knock down eight you probably hit nine normally maybe with my own set a bit lower spinning shafts maybe yeah. But uh eight eight should be good here i think eight just land it just at that front of the green the wind's just gonna hold it off up a little bit with a proper strike oh that is gorgeous in the hole oh my god james actually managed to spin the a tire back to the front of the green. So maybe yeah not as good as i must admit i first thought it was james got this. For birdie now slightly up the hill come on come on come on come on come on yes let me get that golf ball. For you james that was absolute joke good read i'm tough. For him but it makes me sick is that freaking good i mean that is a joke well done mate that is classic that second shot one under. And two very easy holes to come up unbelievable that 17th hole par four not super long two eight four and now normally for a golfer like james it'd probably be even three wooded get there maybe not in this win maybe it still will be driver got the big stick out the 11 degrees 11 degrees you've hit it well you've done flex you just can't hit it too hard right no not what you found if you hit it hard it just spins up. So you've just got to smooth it nice and easy into the breezy that's not bad it's bang on line with it make sure it's got the legs bit spinny sneaky little flag that isn't it is a sneaky flag i'm guessing we've just got the one option the pitching wedge it's nice. And simple isn't it it was the wedge just give me the wedge uh what'd you see this james landing just short on trundling down yeah i'm going to try. And pop it up a little bit open the face fund it into that upslope and then.

Just over the hill and smelly flag so let's just try and get it as close as we can smelly flag i've never heard that turn before no no no nothing no too far long didn't pop it up enough i can't even critique you on that shot james come i still think it might have been better than my attempt up the hill chipping birdie who knows come on take the break that's a lovely shot let me let let me get your putter you you stay there you know let me let me get up. For you sir well done buddy lovely golf let's knock it in let's stay 100 with the par 5 left to come clean that ball superstar superstar golf club for you james well done right one to go one on the power and getable par five coming up so as we get to this last tee shot i think this video was highlighted a few things i kind of want to do is a bit of fun one to see how a skilled golfer such as james which ridic your skill level has far exceeded my expectations you've been awesome today.

How a skilled golfer who has been a tour player who's played in the open could play with a set that is absolutely not suited to him that's cheap as chips at 70 pound. For this full set of clubs and it's only a half set and he's under par i mean that tells us a lot about the price of equipment what our expectation level should be about equipment yeah you can spend all the money you want with golfer gear. And i don't blame anyone for doing so because it's great why not but just show you don't have to buy a golf game by buying equipment getting good at golf let me get some lessons improving your technique may be the fact that it's going to help you play better what have you thought of this kind of setup. And this little challenge it's been fun so far obviously when you asked me i was a bit a bit worried i would hit these clubs. But so far hitting them pretty good they're fairly decent for uh such a cheap set and you as a coach now obviously you coach now for a full time if you want to check out james i'll put his link down below like would you advocate the skill the golf technique over maybe investing a lot of money in new golf clubs you're definitely going to get more out of like tuition definitely you can't buy a golf game unfortunately you have to earn it with the right skills i want to buy your golf game like you put a price on your golf game. And i will buy it off you beauty bit little bit a little bit high bit necky that one go a little bit fadey all right james second chance is par five you are uh 257 yards to the middle i'd normally like a three wood. For you would it could get three wood there normally and we've not got three woods we've got three wood we've got a hybrid which i don't think would get there into wind. Or we've got an 11 degree driver that's it driver good fun let's finish this off with a bit of a flurry driver off the deck oh no i think it's short of the bunker bit of a drop kick a little bit a little bit of a drop kick i was over it thinking when was the last time i actually did this driver off the deck it was a big ass you just mentioned then.

The walk up you feel like you could have even shot better if there was a slightly more lofted club option in this as well wouldn't you if there was a sand wedge in the set like you gotta think of that flop shot i had before i've had it on two occasions where i've just not had enough loft really take that poppy shot you've got nowhere close to the equipment that you needed it makes it even more impressive right let's let's see if we can finish off 102 flags you probably want to land this maybe a 95 do you think yeah into breeze out the roof no don't know launch it i've got to be honest you can't go long okay it's a little short of it though yeah pin high right is good caddy tip though caddy would say just short though just short he's good. So not the negative it's the positive one so just short right it'd be perfect okay let's do it i'm learning as we go along come on james stick it close oh that is absolutely beautiful go a bit sit down a lot my judgment is shocking with ice that's okay all right oh hello nothing too bad it's all right okay birdie opportunity on the last let's go. For it to finish two on the par would be incredible far beyond what i expected to finish on the part is just an amazing achievement. So two put to achieve that one put to finish two on the par i'm proud of my boy he's done well i feel like we've done well as i think that's the thing i'm going to take away from today.

Come on baby come on baby no not bad. And the last swing at the end tap that in finishes one on the par with that set of glove clubs james phenomenal guys if you like seeing james on the channel i might do more videos again in the future definitely check james in social media one on the part using ridiculously cheap clubs awesome thanks.