Great hit that wow that is a couple of Eagle opportunities go on be phenomenal oh wow what's the shot that was naughty right come on Zane we've not had much Eagle sauce on the channel go [Music] all right guys welcome back to a brand new episode of break 75. now today.

I'm gonna make a promise to you I will break 75 today.

And if I don't I might be quitting golf because today.

I'm down here at the Magnificent Sunningdale Heath this is absolutely gorgeous it's 18 holes yes. But it's a par 58. 14 par threes four par fours that doesn't mean it's easy because a lot of these part three is another 200 yards I've enlisted the services of someone very talented today.

There's gold. So it was five handicap at the moment aren't you unfortunately yeah yeah former tour professional now coach. And pundit for Sky Sports uh you've only played a handful of holes around here right yeah put a handful of holes around here it's not easy it's a low par you might think that's easy it's definitely not It's Tricky glass over here Danny when it did make a hole in one. For the part four so that's the standard for the guests I've had here so oh wow we do it we'll make sure we're filming yeah sorry James anyway right let's get to it I'm excited Zayn should you go you know what I'll be more than happy even pa okay yeah. So a couple of 59s a couple of 59 we'll take that yeah that's us you're in. For a treat first of all playing 190 yards to the middle kind of a bit of a blind opening shot oh you can't just see the top of the flag should I kick things off go for it okay seven iron land it sure run it up oh that is. So far left [Music] I might still have a full shot in there then.

After that that's a weird interesting but right well I went last year right right y we'll see you down on see on the green Pub right interesting here not the ideal t-shirt I mean this is this is crazy down the last use the Contour now that is such a good shot that's a joke well played that was pretty phenomenal okay. So after the Brilliance there of Rick's playing there probably the naughtiest flop shot I've seen this year this is a lot more straightforward I've got more pressure on this one now. So it's about the hill got a sandwich 55 I'm gonna try and Pitch it short of the Hill into it and then.

Let it just trickle out sit down very good although the difficulty level yours was more like a nine out of 10 mine was a bit more three out of ten right. For possibly one of my greatest up and downs ever and that's not and we don't do no gimmies oh is that right oh come on palf stay level take a one shot lead those didn't go ah I didn't go oh I feel like we did the hard work. So giving ourselves three or four foots of for power and then.

Both coming off with bogey second hole par three 174 yards did you say 133 to the PIN still down Breeze I'm gonna go eight time I feel like it's gonna it's gonna bounce if it lands short get there you're right there you know wow I thought they're easy isn't it is that balancing gone through I can't even hit that like well either yeah good. Or easy I've got eight iron as well I'm gonna try and get it going left to right I'll be very good go a little bit be very good go oh dug in all right let's get the pace here dropping in that left Edge a little pop today.

All right all right just off the green downhill uh oh hit the flag hit it hit it oh my goodness [Music] there he is there he is standard yeah well the mate it's soft I bet your foot looked a lot longer yeah the side door in the article we're reading just before we came. And played the course dranks is one of the funniest golf courses to play. So I can definitely see that already makes you think makes you laugh. And it certainly might make us cry okay third hole part three down the hill back into wind now quite a bit as well can't see the bottom of the flag. But can see the top of the Triangular flag fluttering down there it's really nice I only got six iron. And just try and flight it lower again big left again it's in the mountains I think it's a bit of wind out right especially if you're watching your ball move that much in the air it did move on it was drawing. But it moved I'm trying to hit neutral the wind did the rest all right tracking strike wind. Or wind now none of it is left now that's pretty good maybe pin high right might have just grabbed the piece yeah okay second shot here on the third I've come way left. And big I need to chip it back over this little hump and then.

The green looks like it's going to break quite a bit to the left hand side I feel like this is really going to test my irons from kind of six iron all the way to two iron today.

And then.

A lot of chips Chase just dug in a bit I thought it was going to run out a bit more than that then.

Come on Zane long range one pop it in do it do it great foot mate thank you don't fancy putts like this all day. For parsing it's gonna be another low stress path yeah I think it's good to kind of drop in oh I needed hitting right online it was absolutely perfect right well two over three three you're one over yeah this isn't a walk in the park is it it's not. But we have got the part of what holding one part four I mean okay it's reachable. So hopefully it's gonna give us something back coming up now so I'm sure they won't mind me saying this you've got to check out you gotta check out the video because it's funny so my pals tubes and onions you've got a great YouTube channel check it out you brought Danny willit down here former Master previous Masters champion and Zayn was actually here on the shoot as well you were playing weren't you as well yeah yeah it was playing. And uh Danny Willy on this next.

Hole hit driver and actually boxed it for a while yeah I don't know if the cameras were fully rolling right where they're like actually swing. So this time we're gonna capture it part four first of only four on the golf course uh it's actually it's definitely not a shot or 328 yards it's a good air in it still it's a good it's a good hit it's a bit it's a bit downhill [Music] one wind that's helping that's going to get there you hit it well enough yeah good that yeah please do that that's I'm very pleased with that going in where you going with this left right right to left a really fancy draw on this okay yep great hit that wow that'll be phenomenal a little hop to the right any good that get up I think it's Gotta Go It's gotta go Hustle get there it's a great swinging that mate very good mate wasn't bad it's quite a cool Flex just walking down to the green I'm gonna put her after my tee shot I'm not on the green I'm actually just On The Fringe here Mr Scotland pin High just to the right it's slightly alarming though how we've got closer to the pin on this hole than we have of the previous three par threes we've just played right a couple of legal opportunities [Applause] [Music] I suggested it got to here yeah I just thought it was gonna go oh God that was close very nice birdies never complain with a tapping birdie there we go right come on Zane we've not had much Eagle sauce on the channel go yeah just [Laughter] that was really good yeah I've always found mad with these clubs how many grooves are off Caesar Zane's floods the colorway Legacy black I've always found it incredible how many grooves are on the actual face it's got me double the amount of Vibes yeah they did that when they made the crew change the Callaway then.

Went into like having more grooves to try. And get the spin back up yeah yeah. So I did it okay. So playing one five one we're gonna two for seven and the chip of seven try and keep it down nice I'm excited about seeing this truck get right back get up okay I'm actually gonna go. For a slightly almost a full seven iron I was gone 50 yards done it again get through uh okay third shot into this path three. And I've still got about 40 yards left let's leave you on this that's a really good shot that yeah very well placed a lot of sand in that as well. So yeah we're on the green eventually it's done it again hustle great read thank you cheers I thought you've gone 2-2 though that would have really started to open up a lead yeah when we've got out. For this path right for a four which feels like would be a hell of an achievement on this hole after the three shots I've just hit go on taking the flag out shoulder oh I mean to be honest the hole probably stopped it from going off the green the other side could have a drop though I thought that could have dropped I wanted to be aggressive I like it's a double bogey from absolutely nowhere okay. So six hole 204 yard par three down the hill if I go wide and hit a tree this time of the video over because this is wider than wide what are you thinking Zane throw forward down the hill. And the memory the I play the told the green runs from worthy from front to back with most greens go back to the front don't they so I think if you can get it I think in five. Or six got six yeah that's a good number yeah 185 shot yeah I think it probably is playing about 185 yeah beautiful strike It's gotta go right a bit right a bit oh I think that's sure yeah maybe you shot a bunker I'm gonna go five okay come on Shields the meter this is maybe this one turn it in need to hit a green I'll be phenomenal be phenomenal [Music] yeah. So I'm saying Scotland's used to play on tour play golf for a long time I was fortunate enough to qualify. For the open when I was 16 which was a little while ago now. And then.

Yeah played on tour. For a little while got injured so that didn't really help my career very much and then.

Now just moved into coaching still play a lot I love playing like games like these and uh and then.

Do a bit of TV work do some work. For Sky Sports and a bit of punditry in the studio and then.

Yeah. And then.

Do BBC Radio. For the majors and then.

Um yeah some link to the Blackheart Foundation they help under resource Talent. So people have a talent but maybe they don't have the finances to get there so wherever they need that bridge they kind of help it out so yeah just which which sits in really well with the coaching really just getting people who are really into it like-minded people. And uh yeah if you can help Talent come out then.

That's what we're about all right little bunk shot normally people talk about a big splash shot. But here I'm actually going to take kind of minimal sand not too much speed it's pulled up a little bit okay that's lovely those lovely soft hands yeah it was quite soft little touch there's aim right come on big Point here big opportunity bounce back ability is right now yes it's a big one little fist pump very nice that felt important really important after that horrendous double burger in the last hole I think I think I'm just about to find my feet around here now go on Zone good up. And down from the sand we'll be left straight away left off the blade back to level plays two over [Music] oh dig your feet in it'll be fine yeah okay I've got three iron wind gusts up there I think it's all of this stay there neutralize it wind didn't think I'd be faced with a birdie opportunity on this hole big swinging right to left [Music] oh it's a bit slower right come on saying this would be a phenomenal two on this hole slower mate it's got it though oh great pop mate did the hard work in hitting the green I have three putting oh that's things yeah ah these greens are interesting they've got a lot of slope in them there's never an easy putt no there's always some work to do [Music] professional golf shop [Music] oh that one hurt all right 75 yards got my 59 degree wedge down a bit down good line. So that's that terrible 2i and I've kind of got lucky actually another two feet in and it would have been dead 60 hours left in that'll be phenomenal oh wow what's the shot [Music] [Laughter] that was naughty. And luck is going to go in I did yeah absolutely did the one hop. And spin that was a very look at that flag. For it what's up come on join me Zane I love the idea though I wouldn't have seen that much break he played that nicely speed control was epic yeah just two more rolls it would have been in right check out this. For a hole absolutely glorious pins kind of took left corner Big Pop bunker a big bunker on the right hand side just slightly back into Breeze then.

Now Zay attached back into the breeze I think it's in here you can't feel it can you no the flag is limp all right come on this might be I'm gonna guess this is the shortest pathway on the course this is the big opportunity you know thank you very much reply to wedge travel a bit all right sure that is only 30 yards short what happened there I actually don't know if I'm quite embarrassed about it come on Zane bit of magic I think I'm Gonna Bump this I'd be putting it. So don't worry okay after my one-handed finish wedge shot into this green this is to set up back to that birdies stay up yes thank you very much thank you very much [Music] are you joking me that was criminal. And you're joking me that was criminal oh that looked in all the way okay okay tenthal par three 180 yards slightly into the wind. And off the right and it just lights like a five iron in the [Music] no tried didn't it [Music] I bet it's gone really big wind. And it's too high doesn't it Go got above the trees yeah they're stalled okay got a bit long there I hit five iron. And it's definitely come out a bit too far chipping to keep the birdie streak alive yeah pretty nice that's aggressive in come on oh do it please oh all right take that effort okay okay knock her in yeah I've seen yours this seems pretty straight yeah good part thank you very nice roll thank you very much okay 11th hole it's the long one minute Beast is a beast let's try. And drill the four lines how's the cab oh the one time I want to draw there's a nice hit there it's fine though nice layup yeah. So it's trying come on not quite enough second shot over this little bunker I can only I don't like to call it too early though all I can see is hole yeah that's a nice shot that yanked it oh okay it's the right hand too much pull out go go oh no I'm saying yeah well done okay 12 fell we've just been debating genuinely whether this is a power three. Or four it's actually a par three it's a dog leg part three it's got a slight dug leg to it pins back left and do not adjust your sets. So I'm hitting the driver oh it didn't draw went dead straight get down rip that outside [Music] go go get lucky oh yeah that's right it bounced okay. So my driver shot pretty much got pinned High I'm just on a bit of a path here so I'm gonna just drop it into that roof there no nearer to the hole okay second shot from the back of the green here sit stick. And such a hard bounce not a great lie here all running away from me and it's firm get down there if you get through the rough okay. So four a three I'm just off the green back up the hill left to right [Music] thanks yeah another stress free pathway. For rituals with six to go break 60's still on right 13th hole it's a part four 256 yards I actually think it's playing less distance than the last though which was a part three. But it's right around the corner on a little plateaued green in the top right corner requires like a Big Slice [Music] oh B come on baby keep going keep cussing oh that's nice that oh that is. So safe that is absolutely Sensational go in the hole long long right over it oh it's a second shot into this part four I'm really surprised my Boston is short of the green to be honest with you I thought I had enough Club not that aggressive bother that well I've got a shot have you got shot yeah don't we get a stance go in sit sit sit okay yeah it's not bad very good. For a birthday and to get back to level par [Music] oh to go come in [Music] I don't even know what to say I don't know what to say on that part because that that was cruel 14th hole par three slightly into a breeze I'm gonna just chip a six iron don't pull it get down oh my Lord that is in the car park that literally landed in the car park foreign right well my first one has literally flown the green. And it actually might be in the car park so I need to hit another ball I hit too much Club six times wasn't the club it's a seven line and not even a big one straighten up put a piece on just gonna repair my pitch mark apparently it hit there it's hit this tree and thankfully big thankfully it's stopped there just next.

To the car no damage one of the cameras guys said it didn't hit the car well I'm applying that okay eventful around the golf. So that's three off the T this is now. For bogey are. So online as well right Zane big chance to close the gap good right right for double let's put me back at three over par yep oh no if you hold yes pal well done we're back to neck. And neck oh it's made it interesting move big move right for a moment we have a little bit of respite this lentil scares The Living Daylights out so maybe it's not respite there's a part three the 15th it's actually seven to seven yards about 177 not 250 to 77 yards and it's off a mat if we don't get holding ones we're letting ourselves down travel don't spin that was a very professional fight okay only got 60 degrees. And go aerial [Music] oh nice just over right come on bounce back ability I've done it once this round can I do it again nice tip oh you fool foreign this is to take a lead yes baby finally here we go uh oh Zane takes a one shot lead oh three to play nervous all right short Par Four is possibly reachable I think I think it's a real tight Gap up there. So I'm gonna hit a three wood hug the left a little bit and travel on my wedge game is the plan mute really nice shape thank you come on three to five one shot back now from nowhere I thought I'd be dead. And buried that's not so nice that not to write down it go on get up big bounce good one great shot really good drive it's putting yeah 57 two hops. And stop that's the idea heavy that was it's heavy go go I'm not super close. But I am going to put it. So I think I've got better chance of getting up. And down if I put it from here I need to get one back on Zane oh right after that silly hammered looking back from here it's actually back it's actually sloping away from us I should have come and check that out so this is back uphill it's a birdie wow wow what's the part that was that was big that was nice that was me that wasn't big that was massive all right hold this. And you take still keep your one shot Advantage with two to play no way right now 17th hole things are starting to get very spicy very spicy indeed [Music] is it there touch shorts took a bit too much yeah. So I'm gonna go I'm gonna actually go slightly Fuller wedge I think it's everything on a wedge here. And stick it in close closer than you would be my goal [Music] good shot right so Zayn came up a little bit short but the professional Mist to be honest with this pin position the pins he's got a nice little uphill put from here I've just flown it through the back and I've got to come over the back of a baby buried elephant and it's going to drop down quick pretty fast jump around a bit oh then.

Get rolling past yeah I didn't didn't get the roll on it needed hits in oh it just needed hitting I've had the lines pretty good right it comes down to the last I've got to make birdie to break 60. shoot a 50 night career first ever 59. come on once ago right last hole 18th here Sunningdale T it's a par three it's 141 yards it's slightly down Breeze pins at the front I think it's I'm gonna hit wedge as well similar to the last hole. But hits it full you get a bit of a gust no I've got wedges well as you say you've always got to hit the shot in between the gusts yeah coming back get left a bit yeah nice. And sharp some reason the nerves just hit me now I was like you've got the last two I feel like I've just gone come on grandstand finish let's go like that like it yeah coffee shop all right this is it this is to shut the door good night come on Vienna to shoot level par 58 . I mean it's hell of a button I run you know when it's knowing my fortune has changed it was actually yeah right back I gave uh Zayn a little Masters marker on the was it the 15th 15th yeah. And you've been three under since then.

Go go go go go go go oh I thought you had it door is open mate okay. So I'm just off the green just a tiny bit closer and zones approach if I'm honest with you this is pretty flat as well it's ever. So slightly off the left guys if you have honestly enjoyed this be sure to like And subscribe it's been a hell of a treat this is not good this is not finishing short I'm just like that right now that's it ah that was a good apartment slightly pulled it ah good part slightly pulled it oh that might be my only other chance of shooting a 59. what a match we enjoyed that quality awesome pal guys thanks. For watching be sure to check out Zane thanks so much for sitting down Thief scores on the doors one over 59 2 over 60. we'll see you next.
