The Open Championship as we know it right now is one of the biggest sporting events in the entire world this year celebrated 150 years at the home of golf Saint Andrews I was there the atmosphere was electric thousands of people were on site watching millions of people around the world were tuned into their TVs to watch cam Smith pick up the cleric jug however. it's not always been like that let's rewind time a little bit 17th of October almost this is that date in 1860 from this very spot where we are today.

Here at Prestwick golf course on the west coast of Scotland eight golfers went to battle over 12 holes to find out who is the champion golfer of the Year this here is where the open started how crazy is that now Prestwick right now is 18 holes at the beautiful golf course in fact I did break 75 here not long ago. And if you remember I also did my Charity Walk starting from this location back in June well today.

The 12 holes the original 12 holes that hosted the first ever open have been laid back out. And I'm gonna see if I can try. And break 47. [Music] so why you break 47 well back in 1870 young Tom Morris went round this 12 holes and shot 47. it's a course record here he started with a three on the first hole which is a 578 yard bogey six. So he was using clubs similar to this Hickory clubs very very small headed thin tiny little things. And he was using a golf ball like a gutty golf ball basically Lev feathers wrapped in leather I mean can it really get any harder now today.

I know if I played with these there's not a chance I am going to break 47. So we're gonna have a little twist I'm gonna go around these 12 holes which have been laid back out here at Prestwick with my golf clubs my modern state of the art all designed r d the clubs are hopefully are going to help me shoot a best score around here today.

And I'm going to use a modern golf ball however. you have a little twist the last hole is a 417 yard Hull which comes right back to here to wet from where we start from I'm gonna put that last hole with that set of golf clubs. And check out this I'm going to be using the modern golf ball. For 11 of the holes the last hole I'm going to go with this old gutty. So he's gonna go one of two ways if a good score is going I've got to try. And battle with those golf clubs to continue that break 47 and if it's going horrendous if I'm having a nightmare it's only going to get worse with those clubs it's gonna be fun I'm also joined today.

By head professional Dave Fleming who is going to host us around the golf course today.

Gonna give us some advice because. So this is a very unique opportunity to play as golf course. And Dave knows it very well so he's going to give us some guidance without further Ado let's get to it. So first of all 578 yards the maximum run out here is 319 yards. And I think you can throw all the way down on the bottleneck there it's narrow you've got a bit of wind assistance right this feels like a bit of life history I know it's 162 years later. But pretty much on this very day and this very spot history was made let's see if we can make it again hey right this is a long one. So nope it's a tough opener David but just straight down at the red building yep foreign yeah I do let's go. So 319 yards to pin okay there's a blind bunker which is about 230 yards from here. So you want to go left down the left-hand side you see that seagull yeah just the right hand side of that seagull that'll keep you away from this Willy Campbell's hidden bunker. And you'll have a wedge in half I'd already hit it you know it's far you want but just that's the line all right let me go through iron foreign the pictures we've got of the opens here were of baskets. So that's the reason for going back there. So I'm not sure what they wear in 1860 but I suspect some form of a basket so you can't tell where the wind's going. And we can't tell whether it's going. So this is on two levels here Rick. So you're it's the front level 84. it will probably bounce on a wee bit when it lands okay third shot into the first hole now mad story on this hole on the scorecard they used to call Par bogey effectively this is this was a bogey six par six nobody ever made a four. But uh young Tom Morris actually made a three on this hole right 84 yards it's been hard we might be making a four ladies and gentlemen right let's see if we make history for a four on the opening hole with the the wicker baskets whoa that is heavy that is a bizarre feeling okay down the hill I don't see a lot of breaking it come on this would be momentous start oh it's a five oh I really wanted a four then.

Never mind it's a strong start again I've got them I'll say that many times. For this video but you've really really got to respect the level of golf those guys were playing in 1860.. So a couple of really cool things check out this there's actually a course planner that I've designed with the original 12 holes and a bit of history about the open and old Tom Morris and Etc that played here they're all the Champions Willie Park actually won it in 1860. and then.

Some marcinia and then.

It was this run here Tom Morris Jr went back to back to back to back. And after three attempts after winning it three times he actually won the championship belt so next.

Year they couldn't have a tournament because there wasn't a belt until what we know now is the cleric jug was made okay. So first hole I scored a five and it's really interesting scorecard here they before Parr even existed they called it Bogey and as we know now power is what a good golfer should get on that hole back then.

It was almost what the score of an average golfer should get on that hole. So so far I'm doing a little bit better than average which I'll take [Music] pull to 385 yards unchanged this is exactly if you come to Prestwick today.

You'll play this hole exactly as it is 385 yards. And this is the 17th this is the 17th in normal play. But it's a second hole today.

And it will be four absolutely massive Sahara. So you play you play over the Alps and over the Sahara wow right side of the Fairway here is better than left is it is the church too far right that's too far right yeah yeah over the corner of that path good foreign [Music] okay look at that. For a lie granted I've missed the Fairway but that is horrible now I think he's worth noting as well golf courses weren't Immaculate back then.

You know there was no fancy lawn mowers. And Machinery it would have been much more rustic and a bit more kind of raw so I reckon this type of lie would have been a lot more uh common really it might mean I can't go. For the green I might have to chop it out yeah I think get it out just even 15 20 30 yards um. And then.

You'll be able to go out and have a look and see where you're supposed to be going. For the Third okay let's just try. And get it back on The Fairway good along the flat not bad not bad right unique around this golf course you get a few little blind shots like this 104 yards and there's three basically wooden blocks on top of this hill and I'm going straight over the middle one David's guided me got a trust his yardage. And has it straight over that line that's perfect line about an inch away from coming all the way back down it's just stayed a bit above the whole good shot though this is the Sahara I think that's quite a fitting name. For that size of Bunker it's absolutely massive I'm guessing again back in the day this would have just been a big sand scrape almost it's been a bit more manicured now but you want to rate that every morning would you it's absolutely huge you're the best spin and you needed one more rotation of the ball it was all the way back to Penn High now you've got a really tough two-part [Laughter] you're gonna get this within 12 feet at best I would have said okay right misjudged by about 10 yards there I mean maybe even one yard because it would roll all the way back I've now got practically a sideways port. And it's going to trickle down that hill. And then.

Pick up speed like you won't believe two Port from here be astonishing hit the flag oh such a good try wasn't it I couldn't have hit that any softer and even if I did it wouldn't have mattered it would have all gone down to there. So close we hit the hole but uh got a long testing put now for a five now I know this is dead straight because I've just seen it run the other way let's knock it in. For a five ah pushed it ah okay that's a six. And a real not a nice one there because that's actually a hole out of all the holes I'm playing today.

That's actually one I've played previously not the greatest start five on the first six on the second part three coming up next.

[music] all right guys just a quick one hopefully you're enjoying the video. But I want to do a quick giveaway Prestwick golf club Dave Fleming supplied this fantastic bag of swag from Prestwick golf clubs Pro Shop. And if you want to win it all you've got to do is like this video subscribe to the YouTube channel. And leave a comment on this video now quick warning as well I will pick from my verified YouTube account one lucky winner I will never tell you to Whatsapp me. Or telegram me so please be wary for those spam accounts check out Dave's website here and then.

Back to the video so right I've got some bad news for you but you know three shots behind young Tom Morris be on the course record performing behind the course record okay you're gonna get have to get going third hole par three 170 yards I'm gonna go a Time see if we can get one back here okay pin height okay. For a two here on the third good look at this up the hill right to left it's got quite a bit of swing in it stay up ah I think speed lost me there a bit more speed. And that would have had a chance in for a three and on to the next.

It's a 448 and buggy five and you're gonna lay up short of the Cardinal bunkers complex so your the Fairway is as it is there you can see just to the left of that basket yeah. And you can hit it to 10 marks a little far right slightly into Breeze a little bit that bad might get away with it yeah you'll get away with it. And you've you've shortened your uh your next.

Shot I feel like back in the day that would have really hurt the hands you've shortened your your root in see if this new three Iron Works I actually can't see the flag from down there on the basket so I've got a bit of a blind one I've got to commit to it left my friend I've got to hit it super high [Music] okay right foreign you're going to be down the other side of the green. Yet okay [Music] all right we're in a little flat spot here by the side of the fourth green yeah it looks like I might have to go aerial because I've got this big old hump in my way. So I've got two options cord it's far enough smooth enough just say to put it I could go this way up the hill down around this hill and kind of double banquet almost or get a bit of Loft on it take the legs off it and see if I can land it straight on the Green gotta be confident if I'm going. For cross records I feel I'm gonna go with the aerial route [Music] ah it's a bit slow yeah I didn't quite go up it kind of went a bit too forward ah it's a shame got a little put from there though I didn't get much elevation then.

Okay long range put. For four I watched it as it rolled past it doesn't seem like there's a lot of breaking it come on need something to drop oh a little bit shy we'll take a five yeah not setting the world alike just. Yet but getting into it easy my way in [Music] fifth hole 440 yards straight back into wind is the bogey 5 which probably is that seems like a reasonable score today.

Let's see if we can do better [Music] I'll be all right I think. So I don't like being lazy David okay last time I played this hole in break 75 this green uh killed me off because I hit a wonderful tee shot middle of the Fairway get this beautiful I think it was a four iron. And to win 200 yards it's a pin High left and then.

A three-point for a five so Redemption hopefully 190 yards away into wind but let's have a look at this this is these are the little details in Lynx golf that you're sometimes missing in more constructed Parkland golf courses I've had a decent t-shirt I'm in the Fairway. But right in front of me there's there's a hill of about two feet or so which absolutely might mess in my golf balls I've got to now hit the golf ball up in the air but I don't want to hit it up in the air because I'm playing into wind hmm okay four iron I think it's too much Club. But if I hit it up in the air the wind should just stall it and hopefully it lands nice and soft on the Green oh thinned it hit the bank nearly kill the seagull I would say that's a textbook layup check out this for a green it is. So fascinating right got a flight there one hop straight over the the hill get it to stop pretty quick up and down for four come on bend it ah that's gonna be in trouble I'm afraid oh silly shot there this goes to show the modern clubs if you're not striking it well still don't help you [Music] [Music] so close almost got one back okay important put this up the hill right to left foreign Ty it's not good looking sometimes. But a five is all that matters. So front of the Green's about 300 yes 314 is a total yardage you see the church steeple yeah. So you need to be left of that 20 yards 30 yards left of that and if I miss I want to miss life yeah be mate run out of everything this is yeah hold your breath moment here I feel like David's not not uh subscribed to this method. But I'm chasing [Music] right so it's left to where you want to be it just depends if it runs out let's keep our fingers crossed if it runs out well you're probably into the very close to that third uh you know the tea that you laid up with the food and then.

Heading in towards the barn I think it's fine lemon is soft yeah yeah be brief. But I must say that's not in the course guide Tech driver Okay. So after going with driver without David's guidance he was very much against it I've managed to get a bit lucky I'll be honest with you wasn't a great strike. And it's pulled up here to the left and we're going back to this green this was the third hole we played the Red Basket this time we're going to the white basket I mean it's only a little chip from here need to start making some lower scores. So I'm gonna try and challenge this break 47. because again I've got to use the old school Hickory clubs on the last hole so I feel like I need a bit of a buffer getting into that point as well come on let's hit a nice shot here go oh Rick it's on the green but it's it's not great kind of slid up slid up the face out of that rough right for a three I should have taken advantage of there but yeah I mean one of these might drop in Long Range across the green over a little hump [Music] get up get up get up get up it's not too bad [Music] I feel disappointed with that after hitting out an aggressive Drive I should have been giving myself a better chance of the three. But another hole complete we'll move on still plenty of times to make some score up [Music] where the hell are we going yeah if you stand in the corner here you'll see it the red flag it's you won't see it you actually won't see it from the tee um. But at 140 is a number okay seventh hole 140. a little chippy a tie-in absolutely on it that is on it I mean that's a seriously good line. So tell me David then.

This is this is where the location of the original Greenwood is correct. So we looked at different books and journals and information in our archives and spent quite a while figuring out exactly but this is the location of it. And then.

Have you returned it and then.

This was actually not really tough. But this was just um just cut down. And dressed and over the space the last uh six or eight months okay. So for a two here on number seven I'm guessing the screen's not gonna be quite as fast as the previous ones but it's going to be a little bit downhill come on let's see if we can let's see if we can make one drop oh that's. So close I really really thought that was gonna go in poured right over the top it wasn't even going fast no oh I honestly thought I had that never mind in. For three right so the bad news is well he made a three the great man made a three here. But you're three back on him now yeah. And what's the bad news well you didn't gain one on them that's all okay. So 1869 young Tom Morris made a hole in one here so it's the first recorded ever hole in one in the open wow um it's a good whole station Hall number eight your actual yardage of is is one seven eight whoa oh [Music] yeah yeah they're probably in the rough yeah certainly a good bit right just didn't come back in the wind. And uh another absolutely fantastic lie but that's what happens if you don't hit the Fairway and you don't hit the green and pin High here on this path three but I'm in this real bad header and I must admit sometimes it can sit up. And be quite nice other times it'll dig its teeth in and be absolutely nasty I've got to play a delicate one here which is always more challenging when you've got next.

To no control over the golf ball let's see if we can get on the green. And give ourselves a put for it you know what I'm not too disappointed that is uh that's the one of the better shots I could have done from there okay. For three foreign the edges I mean it was going fast granted. But on a day where I need him to catch the lip and go in I'm getting a few that are catching a lip. And staying out running out of holes we've got we've got to start really shooting some good scores now oh silly four on there [Music] so the whole is 395 yards boggy four you lean up short of the Cardinal bunker no you don't need driver. So there's a bunker 297. I think your line is over left-hand side of that bench yeah. And just hit Three Wood down there you've got a room you can go right to that if you want. And then.

It's just that we flick on Three Wood yep so Rick has got a wee bit of work to do he is four back. But he's got some chances okay he can definitely claw that back. But he is playing the last hole with hickories. And that's going to be challenging. So all to play for yep that's good drawn back well that is absolutely over the bench David yeah I'm keeping my fingers crossed I've given you the right line here okay. So second shot into the ninth 100 yards on the nose now I've got to go over the cardinal bunker yeah there's a several ones up there it's not the main one. But yeah it's an island in amongst the Cardinal bunkers. And that whole complex here so it's like the modern it's like the old school Sawgrass but with bunkers rather than water 100 jobs let's see if we can get one to drop. And stop get nice and close um looks okay. For distance yeah a little bit right in the air a little bit of Breeze out. And I forgot about it okay. For three come on this would be a real turning the tide for this course record attempt not a lot in this hit it ah you fool oh Spangled line can't seem to get it going with the putter well I'm using the modern stuff right whole 10 213 yards boggy four it's called The Lunch Hut. So you're into the wind but it's a good chance that's the existing Narrows green that you're playing towards so that's one of their existing greens and bring it in you had it right to left bring it in from the right side so you think I need to it's about 220. uh yeah it's a 213 into the wind yeah there's a backstop that'll help you if you're a bit long okay three iron coming into all of this foreign that's not it is it not in a bit of trouble yeah you just you'd be short at the bunkers you'll be a simple chip on okay. So found my ball here in sis bogey four we would probably call this a par three now but it's a bogey four um very very undulating green I've got a bit of a backstop to the left which I might play for foreign need to get this up and down with if I'm going to continue any help of breaking 47. hit the bank come on ah I've overflown it. And it's I must admit I didn't mean to fight that far. And it didn't it didn't take the bank anyway I feel like I needed to go more left and more up or just actually try and Pitch it next.

To the flag okay. For my three to stay just four shots back I didn't think I could leave it short didn't think I could leave that shot that I thought it was gonna be absolutely rapid we're in. For four what an average golfer should make can happen that's quite a fitting. For today's performance [Music] okay we've got two holes left to go at the moment it's looking unlikely I'm gonna be young Tom Morris's course record of 47. this is the last hole I'm going to be using my clubs. And then.

I'm gonna make it a bit harder and use the hickories there's still a chance because I mean slim chance granted on this hill we actually made a four. And the last hole we made a six so you never know you never know could be the greatest comeback in the world or you might see me struggling to do in break 75 at this rate right uh it's 130 yards it's called short it's going to be a little pitching wedge downwind a bit skinny kick left on that Hill kick left on that Hill. And then.

Spin it hard oh 's an ass from the gallery but uh I think it's spun off a little bit off the front of the green right I'm actually on the green which I didn't think I was I thought I'd spun off the front up here this is a funky green it's uphill right to left come on Rick make a two here make a three down the last using the Hickory golf clubs. So we might just be matching his course record come on Rick up the hill right to left let's not leave it short [Music] oh nothing has dropped in for three I actually think on the score card that might be the only hole that I've beat him up I think he got four on here. And I'm ready to get a three quite incredible right now last hole at the thumb commence hi David I'm now presenting you with our version of young Tom Morris's Hickory clubs what's crazy as well and not to take away from this challenge one bit these are actually not even dating back to 1860 they're a little bit more modern. But still unbelievable I mean this is a one iron it is thinner than thin the head looks even smaller because how thick this kind of huzzle section is I mean just a thing of beauty I've got a funny feeling though I'm not going to be hitting this club I'm gonna go one of the Woods first. And I'm going to take my premium golf ball out of play. And putting this the gutty and I think even this was kind of modern compared to all you know 1860 days. And lastly these things weren't invented back then.

You have to use this wet sand come on show me David how do you do it how do you not know your guess is good as mine yeah how high do you want it I'm gonna hit a three wood okay let's have a look. And see a wee bit less than that make it a bit pointier okay yeah is that better that's actually quite a nice yeah what about top dressing there as well nice there you go old school all right any any tips I have done Hickory before. And it's bloody hard yeah I think it's just taming isn't it yeah. So your lane is you see the flagpole you want to be right of that there's the two modern buildings. So the kind of one on the left-hand side and between that and the flagpole is good all right hole in one to match the course record what oh it's. So hard we're down there yeah you're on the short stuff I think that's gone 90 to 100 yards yeah I'm just gonna pick a club that I want to hit. And I think it's the one iron oh my goodness is it the one iron David I think you need to hit everything here oh oh just clip off the top ball really thin Club head [Music] oh not bad bad that's gonna come short of that I think hopefully yeah okay we're down there okay third shot into this final hole that's the course record well. And truly overdone let's see if we can hold some level of dignity with a couple of nice shots into this last hole one four two. So that would be normally a soft nine iron uh six years or a six or five there's a seven seven I go with seven oh it feels short I know it's all right yeah keep it left right Good Hat it's a really good strike yeah yeah I was very cautious there you were cautious of that one golf ball kept it left well this isn't a shot I am looking forward to gonna flip it over the road with the old gutty off a tight lie oh just dug in. So quick actually that wasn't a terrible strike but I've just misjudged the distance completely last Club to hit on this Hull come on I'll tell you what this has been a hell of an experience one that I will never forget being able to play the original Golf Course how it was laid out in 1860. For the first ever open just goes to show how good those guys were they were absolutely exceptional still got some work to do now the advantage is the ball is a little bit smaller it might go in this hole a bit easier. But for a 52 frustrating 53 hopefully just guys thanks for watching be sure to like And subscribe David it's been an absolute pleasure thank you so hopefully it's fantastic great to have you be sure to check out Presley one of the best places in the world for golf I'm never going to be open Champion I wasn't back in 1816 I definitely won't be again in the future we'll see you soon peace.