All right guys welcome back to this channel well today.

I've got a very interesting video coming your way now you might have seen recently I've been playing very well off the tee however. my shots around the green have uh left something to desire my chipping's not been great my putting's been pretty Dreadful. So come up with a little concept today.

I'm going to hit all the tee shots where I feel most comfortable in the world. And I'm going to enlist the services of one one of the best short game players in the world Wesley Bryan nicknamed wedgie Brian Wesley Brian is a PGA Tour player with one PGA Tour win three corn Ferry tour wins. And he's playing all four majors it's the other half of prime Bros YouTube channel and he has an incredible short game my short game is somewhat lacking in confidence the concept is simple I will hit all full shots. But then.

Inside 125 yards Wesley will take over that includes every approach shot every chip. And every report the courses are past 68. And our goal is great 65. let's get to it really quirky golf course I can't wait to get started an opening hole path. For 413 yards this is where I drive a shot today.

I've been in drive a brilliant all whole week hey you got some room out here uh just over almost on the edge of this bunker on the in front of us. And if it's grass it's Fairway it's completely fine just get past these bushes oh yeah oh yeah there we go I think I might have taken the fast truck don't think it finished on grass. And I'm not sure if we're going to be inside 125 yards I might be hitting the second shot okay 154 yards second shot into this first hole I've actually found what is this Wesley it's like a path slash bunker yeah. So what you see a lot of courses are trending towards getting rid of the physical asphalt cart paths expensive to put in a little difficult to maintain. So they just go with this this crushed seashell sand it's actually a pretty delightful playing experience okay place just like Fairway okay a tie. And I'm gonna have to draw it high over these trees the greens already I'm so glad I'm not hitting into these greens from around chips and pots because they look outrageously complex oh I fatted it well that's fine it's inside 125. yeah that was a bad strike that was I wasn't quite sure how to play it from there I think in my head my brain ball first ball first just just like those places buffers all right there. For that second shot I feel relaxed I feel chilled I can hear the birds tweeting. And the trees kind of brushing around because I'm not hitting the shot and this would be a shot I would hate how far have you got one I got 50 yards it's uh false big false front runs away from me there's like a little table top to finish this one on I'll be honest you didn't leave me in the easiest spots to start off with oh that is my magical go in the hole sit wow just a little deep a little long. But we could we couldn't come up short we can't be throwing away shots this early and that was a mega strike mega strike not a great shot. But we had to take uh take the danger of short out of play about 25 30 feet straight up the hill sorry man I've left I didn't leave you an easy one I I don't I still don't think we're off a 59 watch Rick whoa whoa whoa whoa first putt of the day they're a little quicker than they were a couple days ago I'll be honest with you I'm always knock it in yes all right you're not phased over those ones are you no that's why I I like to putt pretty firm because I like getting all the information I possibly can same thing with around the greens chipping. And that would that would be one tip that I would have for you is keep an aggressive mentality get the ball past the hole. So at least you have some information coming back yep uh so I don't leave a lot of putts or a lot of chips short sometimes though my my Psy kid when I'm chipping Wesley is just to hit the green pile just hit the green [Music] okay second hole little path three 159 yards uh again looking down there I mean it's a beautiful hole I love the sleepers Wesley it looks really good yeah uh slightly into Breeze I'm gonna hit an eight iron we were one over which is not the start we expected. But that's okay we'll get it back got plenty of room to make up some ground oh I love it [Music] went just a little deep um also you were dangerously close I didn't connect I didn't to be honest I actually didn't mean to hit such a draw no that wasn't like it's on the green. But as you'll see out here you can get in some really really weird spots. And this might be a little bit of a peculiar one oh no nothing we can't handle though notice notice some of the the architecture they've they've got literally everything from basically every idea from every designer on one of the greens out here I've never seen anything like that I mean it's actually landed they're right on the top of the ridge it could have it could have backed down to there. And if you'll notice Rick I brought the wedge up here just in case we had some I know some weird stuff to navigate you might have had to chip on the green yeah yeah these are super funky are these have these got much grain on them these greens uh yes they got a I mean they're new green. So that it doesn't pull as hard as ones that have settled in but you can tell these are going to be on the grainy side. For sure all right got a little right to left swinger got some birds going absolutely Haywire in the background they're coming out yeah they're coming at you they just kept getting louder. And louder dude I'm telling you those things they're they're not they're not afraid to charge you that was what the hell there was like a little Flinch there I was like that I thought they were what the hell that was. So weird just keep growing up it was a it was a part nonetheless we got out of here no more damage done on the wrong end of the score card that was very weird what what are these there's some sort of sand Crane. And they they're loud and obnoxious and they're highly protected here in the State of Florida so they're like four foot tall I wouldn't do anything to disturb them. Or you know catch some Flack from some organizations over here they were literally heading right towards Wesley as he was taking that Port two holes done bogey first part of the second one over wow this has been an interesting start this round of golf hey they actually will charge you though okay. For 430 yards as Wesley was just saying I'm gonna have to absolutely Crush one to get inside that 125 number see what we can do [Music] a little bit pulley give you an open look to the green yeah I'm probably gonna have probably 140 150 left in okay second shot into his power four I actually caught up in the pine straw here. And it's not rolled out as far as I was hoping I'm 184 yards left into the flag. So most certainly hitting the second shot any advice down there Wesley what do I need to know uh this is one if you could get it on the green it'd be appreciated I could make. For a stress-free par maybe even a birdie look okay. But uh traditionally speaking out here short is better than long Simba [Music] it'll be fine [Music] a little bit of drug going on today.

Oh that was that was wind induced the last two holes a little bit of Rights left going on I'm not sure if you might be chipping that huh oh that's where it landed yeah ah. So it pitched there and then.

It's skipped down this Bank ah run I am yeah I'm glad I'm not playing that yeah this doesn't look like that much fun it's more like Wesley to the rescue today.

This might be I don't know if the camera's showing about the five foot of elevation change down here oh that was very good that was not that was not fun I don't want to hit it again. So even the shot like that just kind of puts you a bit on edge uh yeah I mean because it's all running away from you it's it's awful little. So when you hit from a down slope to an elevated green running away from you I don't know anybody that loves that no. But you did what you said on the first you've run it past the hole yep there's no chance of leaving it short to be honest. But a bit of knowledge easy for Rick easy honestly now that one that one was good I that one was good that was a phenomenal up. And down I I hope that it gets a little easier moving forward you mean I've got more greens that was stressful honestly genuinely I don't think I would have done down there I wouldn't be able to put it I think chipping it I'd maybe left it down there I could have I could have easily been walking off with seven now. But with the superpowers of Wesley on my sides we've walked off with a nice power we got a four we need some birdie looks coming up right fourth hole half four 327 yards and bunkers down the left there's a little bit of a wall Hazard down the right right yep you just want to hit it right at those straightaway bunkers [Music] nice so I own a bit left of them but no that's that's a delightful angle is that good yep all right guys after a good t-shirt I've left Wesley a little 60 yards pitching this green pins front right be a shot if I'm honest with you I haven't got the biggest fan off. But it's right in Wesley's wheelhouse time to go to work here Rick this is on you well that could be nice one hop [Laughter] I'm just completely. And utterly baffled I missed the little downside I'm you know what I deserve to walk I deserve to walk I need a lot of time to think about that one all right Rick. So we've we've taken our relief from these verification holes I really not like I just kind of disappointed the team here I've got you put but I'm hoping you're not going to need still a birdie opportunity nonetheless oh very nice it's very nice it's just a shame though we left ourselves in that situation Rick it's just you can finish that one up look at that nothing's just fine from that range yeah this is interesting you see this that's when you know you're not putting enough work. And enough practice enough dedication when you look at Wesley's putter the PGA Tour player is practically worn out The Sweet Spot okay part five coming up now I'm going to take it over the trees here on the left I don't think it's a particularly long one right we won over we need to get on the path Beauty Great Mall Rick yep that's ideal sounds good I don't think I'll be inside 125 yards. But I don't know have you hit a hard one okay. So after a great tee shot A1 position 157 yards into this flag half five a little bit further on Wesley would have been hitting the shot but I'm gonna try and give him a really Easy Eagle opportunity oh I've thinned it that's fine there's a little slope over there kick left Get Lucky yeah that's fine I think we're on the green terrible strike. But we've got a look at Eagle so this one right here as I'm reading it uh it's a little shiny going this way I know the Green's going to be pushing the ball a little bit right to start as we Crest this hill it gets shiny going down there. So I know it's gonna be a little bit quicker getting to the hole so really when when it comes to reading grain you got to use your eyes a lot to see the different colors um growing up in the South a little bit of an advantage grain wise uh because this is just what I see on a daily basis right all right let's get this train rolling yeah we got it breaking just a tick to the right. And then.

It's going to straighten up down that Hill hopefully drip right over the front great pot oh great pull didn't get it out there far enough to the left. But I'm very intrigued how are you this about. For I'm not quite sure that was amazing tap in back to level par back now now it's time to play a little offense yeah now it's time to I think we gotta drivable powerful coming up as well we do I think it's about 270 yards. So perfect okay let's go. And get another bird here path for 270 yards slightly down Breeze I'm gonna rip her three would at it blank it's on the Green oh close that was a good shot it's close I think at the distance we're greenside yeah it climbed up on top of that Hill it rolled just off the left side of the green honestly some of the positions I've been hitting Wesley into today.

Just around these greens I would have had no talents. And I mean that right look at this one here I've gone. For this Par Four in one it's landed up on the top there and just rolled down and suddenly you're faced with a six foot bang probably even more seven foot Bank up and over the Green's running away from you all right we're going a little bit upstairs not too high gonna use a little bit of check to stop the ball uh should be breaking right hopefully give it a little chance to go in the hole on the way by whipped it wreck get it back I whipped it a little bit yeah I don't like leaving it short. And I know I left that one short yeah to be honest it landed in here. And it kind of grabbed first a couple of years I just see those are the things that kind of disgust me that's the sound I like to hear my friend gentlemen it was pretty straight I had. So much trust in you I wasn't even watching I just listened to it dropping all right Rick Shields where's the Brian one on the park stressful 400 yards powerful super straight uh just got to avoid trouble I think I'd be really think about this to get within I might just get him inside 125 yards yeah I should do if I hit one hit one well get down the Fairway nice it's a bit high. And floaty it's gonna do it it's Gotta Go oh I don't know I think that's going to be a bit shy yeah we might need a front pin placement we might be like 127 yards away there okay yeah it's still on me I didn't hit that drive well enough 144 yards um needed to hit more centered strike to get it inside that 125.. Or chip a little nine iron looks an interesting green again Wesley yeah the pins back on a Shelf. So you need to fly it pretty much to the hole real good Rick go in oh another look that I think that had a nice look yeah look inside of 10 feet there it's got a little drawery spinning one in there we pointing. For birdie see I'm all right on the Fuller ones all right all right we got a nice one in there after that I mean that's delightful I'm glad I wasn't hitting it because there's just there's just such a slim chance I would have done any better than that I must admit how complex this green is it's pitched it's pitched up here with a little bit of drawer backspin. And it's kind of filtered into something it probably only missed the hole by two feet yeah we've had a look right come on. For three birdies on the bounce it goes on the bounce mean in a row yeah still learning I love these flux by the way look at that oh beautiful nice touch right well right to left. Or early left to right late going uh inside left here inside left inside oh my gracious that was an amazing catch hole wow amazing see. For me they lift out for you to go in hey go ahead and check those uh FedEx Cup rankings the last few years I promise there's not that much going in I promise three birds on the bounce two on the par beautiful little par three coming up next.

We're getting in the groove [Music] okay eighth hole par three uh this is one of the most unique greens I've ever seen you might see from the aerial footage a flat front there's almost one green. And it dips right down into this kind of Cavern the Grand Canyon of a green and then.

Goes up onto a top tier uh the pins back right sure is not a miss it's the same distance as the last shot. So let's hope I can put it in as close [Music] great swing here Rick carry that ring good shot is it in the dip no that's a good shot is it I can't see it I think it's in the dip might be. But it was still a good shot. So I'm the green but I think it's in that kind of Grand Canyon bit I don't know what to say I don't know what to say I thought it pitched right there it's pitched that's right there. And then.

Jumped unfortunate instead of circumstance that was a great swing let me tell you I'm glad it's you you know the thing I like about this shot is that it's coming back into the wind. And it's kind of uh it's kind of this way where if I get it left to the hole it's going to go right if I get it right of the hole it's going to go left I don't know why I've got that feeling in my hands I just got the feeling I get that feeling in my hands on a shot like this as well Wesley. But I don't think it's quite the same feeling as you get powerful oh set whoa whoa I kept going kept going yikes you're missing a touch didn't really check up. But we got some Intel as it went past the hole saw it breaking a little bit left as it went by the hole so we know this one's coming back a little bit up to the right just around left foot brick yep roller in I pushed it I pushed it there's no oh no that's about it that's a bad it's a bad bogey I mean to be honest I shouldn't have put you in that position like impossible up. And down from there it's not it's not about I see I felt I felt very good about that one like that's a spot where I feel like I'm I sh I'm gonna make two more than I'm gonna make four just because it being into the wind and like I had like a bowl to chip it into and just our birdie run comes to an end we're about to run on the path right so lots more goals to go foreign looks like it's my time here hole number nine 114. oh yeah 114 First full swing of the day huh right high expectations now we've just dropped one on the last which was frustrating. And we've got the wind just dead off the left it feels I'm going with a little knock down 51 degree okay be good. For distance oh that's saucy using the back stuff to backstop two Perfection lovely shot really nice well pulled but like I said first swing of the day can't be too upset yes we didn't land it two yards further yeah we got a little I think the wind was helping use this backstop perfectly. And I'll be honest didn't even know it was there those are the ones you like the best got grain going every which way up here. But should be breaking a little left to right about 12 feet you go for about a cup and a half a break maybe two cups okay [Music] oh slide over Reed wow give it a good chance yep can't make them all you also can bang them bang them back in off your foot anything how does it get me right uh what did we say we are one under lots of golf to play you know what's interesting you just kind of shows that even the nine holes you've played. So far is that it puts less pressure on your long game when your short game is. So good if I had this short game I honestly don't see around the golf I'd ever be over par I need to practice a bit more par five straight down 500 yards let's make some birdies thank you there right ball thank you [Music] right down the middle I mean you can't place it any better than that. And I'll tell you what there's one bunker that's over there to the right of the screen you see just to the right of the cart yeah just don't you can hit it anywhere else you want up there just don't hit it in that. And the boom could walk just right at the cob just ride the car now there's a hazard left to the green I'm giving you I'm giving you 30 yards up there to play with okay put that bunker to the right it's a little donut okay. And it ain't fun so we're playing about 225 yards right let me go two iron two two five slightly into Breeze sit down a bottle sit down sit down a bit sit down I came on heart rate sit great swing stay visible ball there we go we're on the green on the green good shot came out like a rocket we're putting for iglow that was our main objective [Music] that was a great shot that pin is dangerously close to the front it really is yeah we're up on the back here luckily it clung onto the back of the green any Gators out here uh yeah uh there I wouldn't I definitely wouldn't advise swimming in there is that one actually no it's not I thought that was one there yeah I ain't going looking. For my golf ball down there right come on then.

Let's get back on this birdie run long range how's your distance putting um don't really do it that often. So probably not probably not great as then.

You're not the you're not always you're not this far away from the hole normally uh well let's just say my good shots are usually really good. And my bad shots don't hit the green got about a 75 footer a lot of Bend from left to right here feels like it's got to go a bit come on down come on down yeah not the greatest of putts. But definitely not the worst yeah it's tougher up there just inside the left side of the hole come on let's get another birdie back to two under yes yes never in doubt there was a doubt there I pulled it. And hit it real hard still burning nonetheless you check out that donut over there that I was telling you about I'll swing fast okay part three 165 yards wind into. And off the left but it's getting Breezy so I'm gonna hit a six iron in there all right we need to start making some birdies don't look it that's fine that's too bad that's fine a perfect strike but it should be okay good. For distance as we're just jumping out the boogie There cart in America where's it just said I'll let's bring the wedge up here as well even though we're on the green because where I've hit it on the Green is no ideal position Flags here just where Wesley stood on now is probably about a two two maybe two. And a half three foot Hill and it's coming back down I mean I'd have been good. For yesterday's pin yeah real good probably a lip out come on look at this it's pitched here I'll repel that pitch mark in a minute. And two of them there I've been right between them yeah the whole ain't there I think we're going to hit a little chip with a we'll check into the slope here okay okay have it Crest over okay I mean I just don't feel like it's easier to get the distance right with the wedge in the hand right. And Wesley this isn't a shot that's maybe ever been seen on my channel before chipping from the green it's a it's a pretty usual play for me which by the way is perfectly legal. For anybody wondering or asking you can hit you can hit wedge off the green that's fine you might not want to do it. For the green Keeper's sake but when you're trained professional oh saucy send that little firm set I mean it's a it would have been a tough putt regardless yeah because anything over that Hill it's just going to move yeah I was just trying to get it to hit in here. And check up a little bit and go down the slope almost like you slamming the brakes on right and it just directionally it gives me a much better chance to make it with the wedge in my hand putt breaking a lot up and over slopes now we got a tester here I know it's uh you mentioned when you'd organize this golf course where's the Fulfillment you said that these greens are going to be very interesting the complex is a somewhat unique. And you are not wrong because it might be the craziest greens I've ever seen in my life right here you see on a lot of greens just your standard right lip six footer. For par uh how about it breaks a foot and a half knock it in hard lines I shouldn't have missed there okay puffer yep I like it great ball great ball Rick thanks you hug the left side you listen well all right. So found the Fairway and it's touch and go on that 125 number but come here for a second so there's obviously the ball Green's down there this sprinkler says 122 okay. So we're gonna go off that facts right can I get this under two yards. So 123. 124 it's just on you as it's just on you pal I think that's fair that's fair I like it I like the uh I like the play there that's how I always measure yachts those are those are usually my meter steps right come on then.

Well stick it in close all right going with uh I'm just gonna chill in the Boogie drinking now knock down pitch. And wedge drinking my auto Palm pretty stiff breeze be good be really good oh with hitting that slope and came back Rick nice it's kind of a tough pin to get to really tough every pin's been tough I know but everything's been tough I'm not just not disappointed at all with the strike look at this flag placement this is it's on a shelf here at the back that's one two three four five yards deep. And only probably eight yards wide very small little shell fits on to get back here would have been impossible it would have been possible but look at what it's looming long and what's looming right you just are not getting up. And down right we need something to drop we do it kind of feels like that time where you fall birdies now to try. And get our new Target five under all right going gently right up this hill straightening up on top of the plateau I crushed it gosh I crushed it ah mod should have been the birdie it looks. So good it was a bit strong. But like we said light getting the ball to the hole he certainly did not not going to give up opportunities easily not going to let him slip by okay 13th Par Four um looks like right's not the play right it's not the play. But also hit it hard if you hit it hard I think we can get in that 125 number again oh wow okay let's see what I can do I'm gonna go tiger line down the right as well love that you've been playing a draw all day just trust it foreign that'll be fine I don't think I don't think we're gonna have our 125. But it's perfectly safe yeah I really envisioned that just kind of getting right up tight against the wall of landing on the grass. But bailed out Safety First is it in down into wind uh yes into gently off the right long doesn't look the place to miss right here right you come in good shot let's go we've got another nice look at it it's a bit more aggressive. For that pin because I felt like well if I don't quite pull it off got this man he's got my back well if I was on my own I'd probably be thinking right just try. And get it somewhere on the green please I had a swing from right to left here it feels like it's that time we need to bury one Rick we really do we're about to run out of holes we're running out of holes. And you've been giving me some pretty good looks and I just hadn't really done much with it [Music] it looked good all the way here we go that was a good Birdie on that hole that one that was the hardest hell we played today.

I especially with the pin placement I completely agree with that nice try back on track to that goal though there we go three more birdies needed okay Par Four 400. Or just under 400 yards so we should easily down downwind as well if I get one away you'll easily be hitting the second shot yeah I'm feeling creative I'm going to hit a big swinger over the water Bubba style oh you're going cut yeah oh okay he's been playing a draw all day I don't I don't like it I don't condone it. But I'm gonna watch it wasn't what I'm meant to do the hazard I think Cuts back in over there a little bit. But it doesn't does that I think it's short of it oh my where is that Rick I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot it again. For confirmation you can't make it up two shots in a row 126. one time so I'm gonna hit this next.

One 126. just let me have a check okay well I don't actually mind these ones I'm gonna shoot it a third I'm not good to the third time just lean forward a bit as I lean forward do you know what that pin's doing down there uh I honestly have no idea I just know that this green runs away a little bit in the front. But I think this pins in the back okay looks like you got a nice backstop asking me like I'm a local got wedge I was hoping not to have a wedge in my hand all day sit sit catch that backstop oh that was. So dangerously close to being really good and it was also dangerously close to hitting a vehicle it's dangerously close to someone's backyard because it hit right into that upslope you know what's mad because I've not hit a wedge all the way around that felt really even more challenging than before okay I think we can chip that in I think we can chip it in that was that was a not good I'll be honest it's another weird one I didn't bring the putter. And it's a weird one [Laughter] oh man yeah that was uh there's all there's there's only one option Putters about 40 yards away the only way is going up a little bit High from there that's the swing you're gonna do uh yeah I think it's our only option whoo that had the sauce on it going. For a chip I mean we forgot the putter there's only one option oh Cuts been saved me are you the little cut spin catch the left side of the hole green Keepers looking over it's all good looking hi okay here we go 15th big hard cut with driver [Music] look up we might be inside 125 all right 117 downwind off the left playing about a 114 shot beautiful strike that's all over it go in the hole felt like it was working its way away from the hole with the spin. But we got claps up there and that's a good thing that was good too it's like watching TV then.

Wasn't it I started watching the video it's all what do you see here Rick I'm seeing it right to life downhill just outside the hall yeah. But then.

I just don't know what the grain does it's just not my forte walk to walk to end over end roll oh um that's a three under three sounds about right I lost track yeah 300 because we birded the one that I hit it close you knocked that one in we powered the last the birded that through on the path with three to play. So we got a knockout too and I know for sure we got a drivable coming out I was going to say that I know. For sure we gotta drive a hole foreign 150 yards pins tucked way into that left corner which to be honest suits my little drawer it's a little just a little Chasey drawer [Music] just stop drawing distance has to be perfect you can get hot I think it hopped over I didn't want to land it left with a flag I meant to land it short right. And drag it around I think I've I got this weird feeling we're in. For another odd one under the short side yeah another short side there's a good job of your hair pal I'd be about six over seven over by now right. So again I'm glad you've got the the club in your hand because I would not answer this one I feel like where's looked at these and thinks about knocking them in most of the time I do I'm looking at this I'm thinking how do I even hit the green which is stupid thoughts really in it maybe the positive mindset is what I need to you know what I'm not gonna I reckon I'm not gonna watch I'm just gonna listen. For it to hit the flag and drop in the middle of the hole pretty Rick that was filthy that was filthy that thing was fitted in place. For like five seconds after it stopped I'll watch it I'll watch it on the the edit the replay I was hoping oh I was I was almost listening out. For it just to drop in the hole oh man I know you heard it chew into the ground I could tell it chewed into the creek oh another crazy part [Music] okay second to last hold drivable Par Four [Music] right on my number I think it's perfect it's a normal driver is going to get me there see if we can finish with at least another birdie if not an eagle foreign oh where's that that's fine you sure yeah that's more than okay again I'm glad I'm not hitting that one ah I just pulled I've just been a lot of my drives this week have been starting on that line. And tailing right today.

They've got top lines started to tail left ah never mind we're up there this is ridiculous. So I've hit my driver shot today.

The Wesley's going to hit the next.

Shot the pins right up at the front here two yards short of the pin you're in this Valley. And it looks like there's been plenty of people there lots of people what a quirky hole this is a weird look from here I'm nervous. And I'm not even hitting it Rick this is time. For the floaty soft hands this is this is what brought you pop out come on I'll bite hard bye okay I honestly I don't swear to you I'm alive put me a go bucket of golf balls here 100 book balls I don't know if I'm gonna get one closer than that awesome to see awesome to watch guys make sure you like like the video. For that one that's something special and go and be sure to check out Wes and his brother George at Brian Bros also be sure to check out this pin placement here it's ridiculous now as I get here it almost looks more ridiculous from right here than it does from down there these greens are absolutely the wacky screens I've ever played I mean I've got like a three footer that I'm playing a pretty good ways outside the hole here they either had their a team. Or their D team cutting pins out here today.

No in between right slip reward this I mean this could end up off the green if it doesn't go in oh that's still still. For a minute I don't I don't want to put that one again [Music] foreign this is going to be close this number 127. I even brought my wedge up because in the card it was saying like 122 123. And I guess the pin's a little back I was I was prepared to hit the shot well I've brought a wedge up just in case it wasn't. So it's me on uh let's shoot it again 26 27. right well we need a birdie on the last to shoot five under this probably wouldn't be my ideal way of making a bird in me hitting the tea shop but here we are you never know I can hear wedge it close every now. And again foreign you might have made a one here Rick come back down the hill come back down the hill come on let's try it good shot it's not bad it's not bad it looks a little bit long looks a little deep we have a put for birdie at least all right this is it nice wedge shot in it was a delightful shot Rick I've given you a chance here a look at it at least oh oh man we gave it our best shot we did we gave it our best shot man that was. So you know it's very disappointing to miss it on the last hole four and uh I would take that every day enjoyed it that was close guys thanks. For watching make sure you like And subscribe go and check out uh where's Annie's brother George on the channel Brian Bros I'll link it below peace out we'll see you next.

Time [Music].