[music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys welcome back to break 75 episode number 13. now 13 can often be unlucky. For some people however. i'm not feeling unlucky at all today.

Because i'm it's a beautiful day the sun is shining it's about seven o'clock in the morning. And we are down here at wallacey golf club on the wirro only down the road from royal liverpool where the open is next.

Year we're gonna do a break 75 here today.

Now you might have seen at the end of last episode i gave you a little little teaser break 75 is not going to stop we're going to continue making them it might not be every single week. But we're going to do our best to make them as many episodes as possible now this place is steeped in history. And i'll tell you as we play the golf course as well playing with guy today.

I'm looking forward to this honestly it looks quite simply spectacular without further ado let's go on bra75 [Music] now this guy is famous here dr frank stableford i'll tell you a little bit more about that on the second tee last time you saw me hit a golf shot was the 18th green at dunham forest i've not hit a single golf shot since that. So let's continue flying right first total par for 362 yards a couple of bunkers down there about 210 to 20. ideally you want to just stay right of those right play well guy and you mate should be okay that's the fast the fast lane down there good strike i should be short i'm guessing nice little kick right strong start a couple of things i really like about traditional golf clubs i love the fact you tee off right there in front of the clubhouse like it's almost like when they were building it they went well where should we put the first tee i'll just stick it there stick it there straight outside the door i love the fact that putting green is just down here next.

To the first tee now talking about the first hole as well the reason why a lot of you watching play a certain type of format of golf a guy by the name of dr frank stableford played this first hole. And let's say it didn't quite go to plan and on the second hole he decided to change things that would shape the world of gold forever [Music] the club [Music] it's a guy good second shot 135 yards to the pin let's get a nice little wedge just in the just in the rough but nothing dangerous i think just left side of that pin would be the spot to go. For we're all straight at it [Music] i thought i was actually going to be really good there i don't actually know my golf balls finish there that is ridiculous surely it pitched on the green. So my ball has finished back right guys perfect pin high got a nice look at birdie mine must have pitched it's actually pitched there oh that's unlucky with a wedge pitch there and then.

It's how's it go that little bit lower spin it just took a big bounce wow yeah you need to need to be able to gauge that these greens oh my goodness different level right cups it's perfect look how good that cup is how neat it is. And that white paint around it that is phil [Music] just over the back i've got this almost a grass bunker as such to get over two options go low run it through the valley. Or i can get wedge out. And flick it onto the green we're gonna go wedge oh my days [Music] not bad this is a new rick shields he would put that all day long until about three weeks ago his confidence had just gone like that good to see that's a great shot wonderful pole the song thick. And i'm gonna go there thick and woody [Music] bad stroke okay. So for an up and down on the first boost the confidence confidence boosted lovely big boost oh guy confidence unboosted [Laughter] so picture the scene many many years ago dr frank stableford finishes that hole and has a nightmare he thinks well what is the point in carrying on he's playing stroke play which you know it's a lot of the time tournament professional golf gets played stroke play. And in a lot of situations match play is now a huge format one against one. Or two against two but if you were just to go out. And have a nightmare in the first hole you score cards wrecked it's finished and dr frank didn't want any of that let's come over here he's a clever man very clever so decided to come up with a format which right here is a plaque dr frank stableford devised his points scoring system the first stableford competition was played here at wallacey on 16th of may 1932. now i know actually some of the guys over in the states you don't play stableford. But it's a phenomenal format certainly played here a lot in the uk it's a point scoring system if you get a net par you get two points net birdie you make three points net eagle you make four points net bogey you only make one and anything worse than a net bogey you just make zero points and you move on to the next.

Hole so it means your scorecard isn't absolutely destroyed if you have a nightmare on the first hole thank you dr frank because i think uh you've saved a lot of people's heartache. And pain when they're playing golf right second hole par four decent length 453 yards it's a bit of a dog leg to the left right sorry i'm just going to try. And split the fairway oh that looks like a money shot might be a tiny bit too much yeah great ball perfect second shot i found the rough on the right side not the best shot to be honest i'm 180 yards away from the green just had a look the pin is protected by a bunker i'm gonna five iron soft five iron right there [Music] okay. So just at the side of the green i must admit from where i was i'm very happy with that. So down the hill quite a bit left to right let's nestle it nice and close it's pretty good nice speed very solid thank you okay third hole an absolute stunning coal through the sand dunes it possibly isn't driving. But you've just got to get a super straight shot with whatever club you're gonna hit so rick absolutely crushed his drive there it looks so effortless such a good swing i've actually a really good one as well i cut my stay on this bank so makes it a lot more difficult you can see the ball is. So much above my feet it's going to want to swing to the left. So we're going to grip down a 99 aim at the right side of the green. And just trust that the shape of this hill will bring it back to the target well to the flag ah nearly it's a bit heavy it's got enough it could be okay get up hmm not great how far did you have that one five six i'm going to hit just a nice little a tyrone stop drawing [Music] bad shot okay. So i landed on the green but i must admit it was a poor strike it had too much draw spin. And it spun down this bank let's just get a little wedge on this and just uh see if we get a nice little up and down again [Music] ricky's learning how to chip that was a good golf shot nice three holes three up. And downs two of the two wedges what what's going on okay you ready. For the uh the peace de la rissa stunts you sold this hole so excited as we get up onto this t on the fourth hole it's the highest point on the golf course. And you really do get quite a spectacular view [Music]. So looking forward to his tee shot and then.

I pulled it left it's not horrendous but there's a middle line that splits the middle of the fairway and that's really what i was aiming. For i pulled it got 20 yards left of that but never mind it's safe par 5. [Music] a bit more be on this track i should be on tour okay. So after just pulling it slightly in the rough and i've not got the best line in the world i know you're not going to like this everybody i'm laying up i know i know listen stop with the booze stop. And your seven iron wedge into the green up and down birdie i'm going to go that bunker on the right hand side. And draw it back in [Music] oh really didn't think about a lot about that [Music] that is an absolutely horrendous sculpture i've short sided myself i've hit it in the rough quite everything on that was absolutely terrible i should have just gone. For it i almost was. So lackadaisical about just laying it up i didn't give it any thought at all which didn't work out in my favor there [Music] great strike didn't get the call oh wow oh my god i've really short-sided myself i've got to get over a bunker gotta go stopping so quick luckily i'm only 65 yards away i'm gonna go lob wedge open the face up hopefully get it to stop pretty quick go [Laughter] i was like two yards away from perfection then..

But i'm in this bunker making hard work of this hole call me savvy shields lovely four holes played four up and downs fifth hole par three 180 yards back into that beautiful view oh i've got a six iron no it bounced about miles left somewhere a little bit no it's a little bit skinny i must admit complete up. And down king ridiculous nice okay straight forward par four here sixth hole 360 yards actually not a long one at all. So hopefully i can get this fairly close i feel like i know i've hit one fairway i was gonna say i don't think i've hit a fairway. Yet but i've hit one fairway no greens okay second shot not far from here at all now come on time to start making some birdies [Music] to be honest i kind of thought that might be the case i pitched it exactly where i wanted to land it. So i can't i can't ask so much more really i've been getting closer while chipping par five seventh hole 525 yards it's pretty much dead straight scattered with bunkers sprinklers are going off in the background because not much rain here. For a few days start at the church and fade it back i'll just go straight left [Music] he has to lay up again i know i know stop it however. this time i'm going to think about my layup i'm on a hill which isn't comfortable it's going to affect the ball fly i'm going to just knock down like an eight iron get it in the fairway get it running that's really good should have a much better look at possibly getting up. And down for birdie now if that's trusted it was perfect i think it's a tough short actually missed on the right all the way yeah thank you yes make it a little bit harder work than needed they like they like the flags the history here. So old tom morris designed this green complex i think he designed maybe six of the greens around here it's pretty well done tom it's nice it's a good green eighth hole par four 387 yards dog leg slide to the right up onto a hill out those bunkers. And fade it back in a healey one but it should work it's very short because oh it's gobbled enough i think you plunker my driver has been poor today.

Need to remember this i aimed at this bunker i said i'm going to start at a bunker i'm going to fade it off this bunker it went dead straight i'm 140 yards away the lip on this is too big is it too big to go. For the green um let me get in there first and i'll reassess it if i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna hit nine iron which is quite a lofty club obviously oh it's just not sat if it was sat up on something i'd give that a bit of a go because it's not i'm gonna have to lay it up. And have to play out but now that i've got outrageous short game skills i can still make birdie [Music] [Music] i've hit a nice shot there i think it actually at one point ended up a lot closer it landed here it hopped probably to here. And then.

Screwed back to there so we've got a nice look at par so that's all i could ask for [Music] that was such a good plot as well uh first bogey of the day probably deserved one i gave it a best chance. For a par but one of those things you're not going to get up. And down for 110 yards every day okay knight hoe par 3. let's see if we can get a nice little bounce back after that bogey on the last 147 yards just a nice solid nine iron rick irons have been terrible oh that's a horrendous miss it's hit the back of the bank of the green it's kicked up then.

The side of the hill terrible okay same club 99 slight little cut into it i think that's out the toe it's got to go yeah it's on the ground it's okay well i've completely messed this up horrendous miss i didn't realize this green was. So kind of upside down saucepan from the tea i've hit the back side of the of the green it kicked it way down here oh this is gonna test my uh somewhat fragile short game. And go 99 at the bottom of the hill and let it chase up the hill and just let hopefully that put the brakes on it i think trying to fly it up on top is going to be too risky yeah couldn't do much more to be honest come on come on okay. For par to finish the nine one over par did that not break oh god that was a good put two over front nine that's probably the score that i should be after a lot of good up. And downs on that front nine i've not particularly hit my driver well i've not particularly hit my irons well i've hit my wedges my chip shots and my puts well so i think two over's about fair about nine let's try. And get this driving these irons working let's try and make some birdies right it's this hole number ten i think you can go driver. Or you can hit an iron to the bottom i haven't got the minerals driver rick has five iron. For me down to the bottom plate like a proper two shutter hopefully rick can get on in one. And get a little eagle worst case bird yeah good shot [Music] annoyed my two bogeys i've just made. So this is a venom shot [Music] oh it's too far left keep your eyes. And it's gonna be in that store that is a lucky man just put a bit of backspin on that driver it's pitched into the it pitched into the thick stuff. And bounced back down i won't say it but when it's your day it's your day [Music] a little bit thin but it could be in the hole get up good it is good okay. So i got very very lucky there landed in this stuff and somehow hopped out i believe guys hit a close one i'm 80 yards away probably playing 75. [Music] simmer i hit mine before matt the cameraman got here which is fine. And it's pretty close hopefully it's a top in birdie i was too close to the green really i should have been hitting dryer i could have got driving here [Music] it was left to right i didn't quite trust it go on guy first bit of birdie source. For the day very nice well done paul cheers starting the back nine strong path four eleventh hill 406 yards kind of goes down and back up the hill just a pretty much dead straight hole [Music] hmm might be dead i'll hurt provisional [Music] i can't get that cut at all today.

This is proper proper proper thick i know it's more thick i've lost it it was literally heading right into here. And when i say this is thick it is super super super super thick annoyingly we found two golf balls in this area here neither of them were mine ah three off the tee i'm making this hard work all of a sudden. So we can drag it up. And down from here for a damaged limitation that's fat that's way short [Music] not quite sure it got there let's get these in rick [Music] that's looking good just got about three foot of break in it just got to get it over the hill and rolling let's hope we can sneak this one in [Music]. So much break is the first double bow get in a very very long time par 312 stunner little downhill green is small. And protected by five massive bunkers two right two left one short clever design 165 yards not a breath of wind luckily hey aaron yep eight iron for me do the right club oh oh my goodness oh that is as long as it's enough club that's perfect [Music] oh it's really nice now that's a brilliant shot it's really nice now brilliant shot took a little a little members bounce off the back of the bunker okay. For birdie first of the day there's not a lot in this almost dead straight putt [Music] ah a little bit annoyed with that nice iron shot first first actual good iron shot all day would have got me back to three over par with this 13th hole a very easy par 5 coming up ah need to make two birdies coming home let's make one here then.

We're just going to make one more oh no [Music] it's somehow bounced. But i cannot get my driver going at all today.

It's been. So strong recently but today.

It's eluded me okay. So i found it in the right roof it's actually not too bad it's a bit wispy this stuff so it can either sometimes dig in. And hide or kind of sit up and luckily i've got option two this time 250 yards away i feel like it's almost set up enough that i can maybe get three wood on it. Or is that silly is that stupid i'm 2 30 away from the green yeah i'll go three wood okay let's do this i can just see the top of the flag that is over the hill on that bunker it's not a bad hit. But it just went straight left on me hopefully we can find it over there oh starting to make hard work of this round i was cruising at one point. And now i feel like i'm doing my best just to stay afloat need to make two birdies this is this is the key one this par five cause i don't think let me double check oh wow this hole. And the next.

The two par fives so i need to birdie this an ideally birdie the next.

Right we found it left side of the green not particularly easy shot here i'm gonna try and run it up the bank guys hit a wonder shot any anything inside that i'd be delighted with [Music] it snagged as well i just didn't hit that with any real commitment annoyingly all right now i'm making it hard i've got to get up and down for par now ah it's gone i'm gonna chip it again ah wow how to rack up a golf score 101 oh they know what that was though bounty three four five six five over par now three birdies needed real really messed up that hole number mistake three wood. For my second shot that was my mistake sure all right driver i'm just gonna smash it okay second shot into this part five i've got 190 to the front 200 to the flag i feel like i just need to breathe. For a minute those last two holes those last three holes double bogey the miss birdie put on the par three and that really silly bogey that was a good pop that annoyed me anyway forget that eagle here six high middle of the green let it work its way around to the flag [Music] oh then.

Get lucky get lucky get lucky get lucky [Music] bunker really not i did say this episode was going to be unlucky 13 episode 13 i thought it might bring some bad luck i feel like i'm getting it today.

One of those slightly frustrating days when it's not going your way it's not going your way look at that oh my goodness i don't know i'm gonna play that oh my god. And you're right saying you shouldn't be in here i know i shouldn't be in here but oh i honestly don't know i'm going to play this i can't actually play it you know frank stableford's got some flacks around there an old tom morris i want one put in here right there rick got up. And out of hopefully up and down rick escaped the impossible bunker shot [Music] for the most incredible up and down i will be over the moon if this went in this would this would cheer me up tremendously well. For birdie come on rick deserves it rascal [Music] such a good putter as well ah damn 15 power 4 352 yards and a slight dog leg to the left i feel like uh even though i need birdies i feel the more i'm hitting driving the last half chance i'm making birdies so i'm gonna hit three iron and try and just draw one down there [Music] great shot great track that was as good as i can hit a golf ball got 150 to the flag. But it is uphill. And a little bit of breeze hurting hills so i'd normally want to go nine-nine but i don't wanna land this short obviously i'm gonna go for an eight gorgeous great strike yeah nice shark it's going to be pretty good 127 slightly uphill the greens on a plateau let's try. And stick this 50 degree cl wedge close travel half a chance for birdie up the hill right to left come on try and hold one at least today.

[music] had to break there's a lot of ports i've hit today.

That felt really good they're just not quite dropped okay three holes to go par three sixteenth 203 yards um i need i need two me personally i need to make three birdies three holes to shoot 74. So chances that's what i gotta do. So that's what i gotta do that's what i'll do that stays there that's money needs to go forward though oh my word oh oh crow wow that was been close to going in that looked that was a close golf shot six yeah that's a great hit that did look close my heart stopped. For a minute then.

I'll be honest rick i'm going to put this up there we we've played a number of like open venues recently which is awesome privileged to do. So this is up there. For me yeah it's unreal you know i've i said i played it once many many years ago probably seven. Or eight years ago it wasn't particularly nice day it might have been the off season and i probably didn't appreciate how beautiful it is. And it is absolutely stunning one of my favorite golf courses in the whole world is trump international in aberdeen yeah i know get a bit stick. But is it spectacular this almost feels like a mini version of it like every heart what i love about somewhere like um trump international is the fact that every hole feels separate. And it's unique and it's almost like an amphitheater this feels similar to that it's absolutely mega it'd have been even more mega if that t-shirt would have gone in probably looking back at the drone footage it was miles away. But it had a look in the hole at least okay. For the first birdie of the day [Music] never mind okay 17th par 4 452 yards uh come on let's find one fairway today.

Would be nice with the driver oh he's done it that's beautiful yeah that's just perfect a little cut onto the center line of the fairway yeah that's really good that was mullet our best drive too okay second shot into the 17th 142 yards i'm gonna hit a pitching wedge because i think the pin is very much at the front if it spins that's phenomenal oh that's gotta be good that looks brilliant it was just thin enough to get there as well it was like that kind of nippy thingy shot which should be good i've got to say today.

This is probably the most confident i felt on the golf course. For over a year comfortably it's just somewhat frustrating that normally my strength in my game which is my driving. And it normally is it's kind of been the thing that's not been fully on fire today.

I feel like if i got my driver well. And my irons haven't been phenomenal my wedges my short game my putting has been very very solid which is not normally where i see my strength being isn't it funny that eh golf it's got a way to give us with one hand. And taketh away with the other and that's what's happened today.

Played this hole to perfection nice drive good iron shot kind of finish it with a nice a nice little birdie the first one of the day i needed i needed a handful more of them today.

But it's nice to actually not leave this golf course without a birdie today.

That would have been annoying no okay i really struggled with another approach. So the good news is i've got to make eagle on the last to break 75 this ain't done. Yet we've still got time it's just annoying it's a part four but stranger things have happened stranger things have happened [Music] 18th hole very interesting one plays back towards the clubhouse 430 yards okay come on [Music] not too much [Music] that's money yeah strike with the best strike of the day [Music] after an okay drive i've put myself on this hill up here on the right side. So i can actually see the pin because everything left it'd probably be quite a blind shot okay to finish hold this out to finish with a 74 that's the goal [Music] not without strike oh [Laughter] that was a disaster that's missed green miles left it's gone in the real funky stuff ah all that green to a mat. And i've pulled it i my full wedge shot small not my full wedge shot my full shots iron shots have been very very poor today.

They really let me down. So granted i've hit a terrible shot there horrendous it's hit off this bank it's run up here and it's ended here come look at this i've never seen anything like it in my life it's flowing it's floating it's a floater we've found ourselves a floater it's literally held up in the grass my work murray is. For you concern you stand in like not even that when you get in that grass the ball's gonna move realistically now hitting the golf ball is good ending past this rough is a star it's absolutely horrendous i mean just give it a bit try. And hit it into that bank if you can just let it do what it does guys like the video. For that golf shot it's honestly 10 out of 10. it feels like a trick shot it was i should join the brine bros i don't know if cam will do that justice. But seriously that was incredible it was literally floating in the air i don't quite know how i got to that right. For par not the finish i wanted but be nice to hole i put after that trick shot oh it's really good there for speed as well now nice roll very good well thanks pal of course well played man you know what the same before genuinely right now i've shot 77 which i know is not break 75. But i felt as comfortable and as confident i have on a golf course for a long time which is good signs to come wallacey you've been phenomenal right up there one of my favorite places i've ever played right now. And i'll say that a lot but i seriously meet this time guys thanks for watching make sure you like and subscribe and we'll see you each week every week almost every week with a brand new brake 25 peace.