All right guys welcome back to another episode of break 75 i'm here in scotland the homeland of golf and i'm here on a very very famous golf course today.

Glen eagles this is the pga centenary golf course which hosted the 2014 ryder cup [Applause] this looks incredible the sun is shining i've kind of just been absolutely ripping it on the driving range this place is pretty special now today.

We've also got some special guests guy who's joining me today.

He's very special he is also intim mehmet now insit has been on the podcast channel before she presents on sky sports she's fantastic at golf. And i'm looking forward to playing some golf with her so without further ado let's head out not much more to say sun shining run a beautiful golf course and i'm feeling good [Music] how are you feeling you re excited i'm good yeah it's actually um first time at glen eagles. And it it surprisingly is. And just blown away by the facilities really it's nice i think it looks beautiful i mean i've just come from renaissance. For the scottish open and that scenically is pretty breathtaking. But to come from there to this i feel quite spoiled today.

What do you think my chances are of breaking 75 today.

Answer i think they're high i mean you're actually flushing it on the range i don't think i've ever seen you play in the flesh. So i'm gonna go for he's gonna make it i like it 75 i like it positive vibes only okay let's go first hole first the whites today.

Three six three uh three wood just getting it down there beautiful beautiful backdrop a little bit right off the first good hit. But leaked fantastic thank you i want you to go back home now to be honest this is brutal right it's properly properly sat down in some very very juicy rough i'm gonna take all my might to get up there that is honestly the best i could have done from there because that was brutal oh rick i feel like i'd be getting booed if i was playing in the ryder cup i'd be getting booed from the europeans mashed potato ah still a little bit of room left in that. But it wasn't a bad chip [Music] come on that is one way of making a five calm wind hold up oh that's high isn't it [Music] the rough in scotland is nice isn't it i'm certainly absolutely testing it all yeah this golf course is stunning this whole resort is stunning what you got bus too far if i was on a flat lie i'd have half a chance should work that'll do might come out a little bit too long that. So i wanted to leave myself 100 yards away from the green and i've left myself 56 yards away from the green slight misjudgment not knowing how fast that ball would come off that slope but genuinely i've just hit that 7 iron about 210 yards in again it's been hard [Music] and i would love to just get wedge on it flip it up to the top but i feel like if that goes wrong i'm suddenly into double and triple territory uh i lacked any commitment frustrating bogey bogey start beauty speed that's what he needed to do around this this whole would you reckon like a flat little drawer oh fancy wait she's still got it she's really happy what are you calling i'm gonna i'm gonna do it i'm gonna now i'm gonna cut it quite hard. And like go with the slope nice as good as it gets [Music] quick fact and i only learnt this only a couple of weeks ago when i was here now you might think i'm silly not knowing this already. But if you never if you've ever wondered where glen eagles gets his name from it's that that's the glenn and it's full of eagles and i can vouch. For that because when we walk through it a few weeks ago i actually saw an eagle oh no i don't think he's making eagle there we need to make some eagles that's the plan oh what did i do hit the buggy it saved me from going in the rock [Music] [Music] gosh can't quite get my iron on pace at the moment i actually thought it was gonna be really good. But it's four or five feet short [Music] oh too much crap strike [Music] that is not a place to miss [Music] i have severely short-sighted myself i've got probably ten foot. Or so to get over and i've got exactly [Music] five and a half yards to the flag [Music] oh good part it's hard to get up and down from there so it's a blind t-shirt but this is what it looks like on the course planner looks very interesting once we go over this hill water up on the right hand side yeah sure rick thank you this hole if i'd have played it before would have made it 10 times harder to hit driver off that tee because it's really tight i've smoked it off that tee i've absolutely smoked driver middle of the fairway i could not have placed in the bed position. But few yards right you're dead a few yards left you've got trees and you're dead so my next.

Job is just to hit it closer than guys ball because he just piped it straight next.

To the flag [Music] i like full shots i don't like little fiddly ones that was better come on [Music] [Applause] all this sucks i must admit yeah played that hopefully perfect if i do say. So myself okay another path three the six holes playing downhill slightly down breeze pins one six two i'm going to rock it in nine nine straight at it a lot of toad stop it [Music] go on i think i've left everything short [Music] oh how's that. So low silly bow gun might possibly be the easiest path on the course [Music] there's your helicopter bit like that [Music] beauty shotgun ah feed a little oh no straight in the heart of it carrick [Music] oh it's fine you are that's ridiculous this is jamming i've jumped. So far oh yeah i have to just simmer it's uphill it's going to stop [Music] walk your way in [Music] [Music] okay beautiful holist eighth hole downhill 393 yards i've just. So picturesque it's beautiful bunker's guarding the middle of the fairway at a certain point so three wood for safety down that right hand side [Music] uh oh might be sunday get lucky [Music] right this might be the wrong decision everybody but i've just had a whisper so i had a shot of sugar and i'm gonna go for it i'm 110 probably 115 to the flag this bunker's pretty pretty nasty but i'm here for a good time not a long time aha kind of got lucky that's it that terrible [Music] just work go sit spin tough pin to get close to that hit the pin oh rick take a bow yeah very nice well done [Laughter] it's not every day ricky shields gets up. And down from 70 yards okay last hole of this nine part five beautiful looking hole again uh currently three over par a nice little birdie to come to the turn would definitely help the scorecard i just need a nice one. So i can actually go at the green oh it's come out toei get lucky get lucky get lucky get lucky that's perfect that's done. So well for you you see what it did from an angle i say one oh no get lucky what a lay-up [Music] that's a1 that's what you're meant to do right when is your day it's your day that's money be good sit oh big bad hard to get close up here yeah that's what i mean it freaks me out i'm gonna go left of the flag. And just control it into a nice huffable position that's the plug carry [Music] oh fives are really getting me down at the moment [Music] yeah awesome all right i need to get this one in great rollers off okay finish the night pretty straight yes right nice nice little doubt out the bunker i must admit three over three nine lots of golf left to go. But not out of it racing five is still up just need a very very very good about nine. And then.

The power button in fact i think that's doable i do first off halfway house hello just a little reminder 26th to 28th of september 2014. europe 16. And a half points usa 11 and a half points nice bags [Music] [Applause] before i come onto the sausage roll review though this is clever just in case you're having a bad round you can pick up some more golf balls luckily we're not at that stage. Yet i haven't had lunch and i'm absolutely starving this is torture very good now this is his favorite part of the show sausage roll with you we rate it out at 10 okay. And it's on your first bite you're not allowed to put ketchup on yet did you catch up. Or not no you ready cheers very buttery great temperature it's hot good temperature. But biteable not burn your mouth um i'm going to go as high as 8.6 out of 10. i'm gonna go solid seven okay i quite like a crispier crust um. And the meat's very meaty so i just like it a bit smaller but it's i look you know what i respect the intensity you've just given that right par three tenth hole 170 yards downhill downwind i'm just going to hit just a really comfortable a tired that's right oh i want more than that i want bloody champagne being opened over there nice thank you good bird that is literally perfect even i've never played the hall before i would imagine that's perfect that'd be a goal in my life to have a house that's used as a line off a tee to go yeah just at the house yeah 350 down the fairway just at the helicopter on the roof might have just got snagged up in the roof that's. So good inside thank you don't know what i expected yeah yeah you hit it a lot better. And i don't know why i think that i'm surprised by how long you're here i'll be honest i think the other thing is well because you know you said on the phone last night you don't you're not played very often no probably play it like to be able to just come out here today.

And just swing it as well as you have done and play with kind of a level of control you might not think it. But i feel like you've played fairly nicely [Music] that's lovely if it goes [Music] oh travel where is that going [Music] okay i've heard some really really awkward wedge shots today.

They've actually been bad hits. But they've just been terrible terrible misses but i shouldn't miss it here i knew that there's loads of room left this is just such an awful position to to leave the ball in next.

To no room i've got to stop this super quick [Music] gotta take your medicine sometimes. And that was definitely a big disgusting dose of the stuff [Music] good. For speed i suppose rick shields three over power look at that behave [Music] that's how it's done good man honestly such a big cut on the map probably too much is it this is a long par four flip an egg [Music] stop drawing oh stay stay really good not nearly the flag there was me thinking that that golf shot was unbelievably close. And i've got a funny feeling it pitched close but the bad news it didn't finish close it's rocketed this must have gone about 230 yards into wind it's ended up right back here at the back of the green annoyingly [Applause] [Music] uncharacteristically strong bounce right [Music] hey see [Music] i'm australian when i feel like i've had a good driving a good second shot at it yeah come up with a little bogey that was brother straight by the way [Music] perfect really nice we're on the 13th at the moment first of all this place is mind-blowingly beautiful. And a really good test of golf actually um thankfully it's relatively soft conditions our bad shots aren't as bad but rick's doing some good stuff i feel after the halfway hut after that sausage roll um it looks like he's kind of found something he bounced back with a birdie on 10. his swing's looking good if anything overpowered it on 12. almost made a good up and down four over at the moment i reckon he's got it in the bag i think he's swinging well enough if he had to improve his score from now onwards i reckon maybe just iron play i mean he's flushing it off the tee he's cooling shapes he's you know trying to squeeze fader he's trying to hit high draws he's calling it he's nailing it um if anything it's those irons get a little bit closer roll them in buddy's your friend. And uh yeah i'm i'm backing the guy that he's gonna break 75 today.

Right i'm 166 yards to the front i found this fairway bunker which i'll be honest with you i actually thought i'd avoid it just gotta absolutely catch it as best as i possibly can my goodness that's done well ah drawn it a bit well considering where i was in that bunker i feel like i've done very well. And i've just avoided the real thick stuff it's got a little bunk to navigate and hopefully [Music] chip it up and down [Music] great shot thank you [Music] browsers very good very good thank you oh come on clutch that was a nice up. And down that must have been i'm happy to take four there because out that bunker wasn't going to be easy we go marching on 14th hole par four potentially drivable if an absolute rocket snorter was hit wind's off the left um i'm going to hit driver just trying it up close. And hopefully make up and down we've got birdie chances left but we've got to start making some i don't think that's gonna be long enough to get there. But that's really nice that interesting [Music] okay i've actually put myself in a very nice position. So tight lie loads of green to work with so i'm thinking lob wedge just nip it you know those little nippy spinners it's like takes two bounces goes to about two four i wish i wish that's all good game um i just think that risky it's too risky i've got loads of green to work with i could do a little chip. And run but i'm just gonna go putter i know i'm sorry listen i'm sorry but birdie i can live with bogey i can't. So let's see if i can make a nice little birdie up here oh that is awful meat left on that bone patrick oh i do feel disappointed there though i'm literally perfect front of the green you're in that transition where your chipping's getting better you're pitching. But you can't quite trust it yeah it'll come yeah it's there somewhere you scratch deep enough it's there oh that was a big slice get lucky at all it's perfect that was probably best of the day that one watch that one go oh baby right this is garbage 149 yards the pin is on a on a on a shelf that looks about four yards wide it runs off at the front runs off big it's got to be the exact number to have an opportunity. For a birdie putt so it's either these are my two options i go with pitching wedge 46 degree. Or nine iron 42 degree i'm gonna go wedge i am i feel like front left is not the worst miss in the world i feel like long is a terrible miss. And with the actual fairway tilting down towards the hole it's going to come out a little bit flatter right this has got to be absolute money i'm going to pitch it between the pin. And the right side of the green one hop and just drop it in close come on shields okay after pulling it into this little runoff area i am going to try. And chip it i am i'm going to do it this is it it's my time. So bad i didn't duff it off in it but it was terrible got a long range put. For par now ah it's not there just yet ladies and gentlemen for a par and to potentially keep the dream alive nice and positive [Applause] ah silly silly bogey [Music] five over three holes to go i need to make three birdies or an eagle and a birdie two eagles or two eagles and a birdie any of those combination would be absolutely fine three pars does not get me to break 75. i basically need to i shoot 303 holes. So let's do this [Music] play. For it [Music] whoa look at that [Music] bounce second shot says par five i'm 230 yards away i've got massive amount of water to get over it's massively into wind i'm going to absolutely rock it at 3 wood [Music] trap i can hold it from there right i'll be honest with you i don't know why i brought my putter down because i'm not gonna need it this is. For a three for an eagle a little splash bunker shot splash it just to the right hand side and let it just collect down and just drop straight in the middle of the hole dug its little nashes in okay to keep the dream alive birdie here on 15 come on right to left up the hill to keep the dream alive [Music] keeping the dream alive two to go two birdies needed a little left oh no okay this needs to go in [Music] oh i had a look. But now it's miles away okay this needs to drop. And i need to eagle the last so bad put oh all right albatross the last right par five albatross needed right shot 74. so this has to go in i'm only 209 yards away i need to do a little cheeky garrett clark don't from here hey stranger things have happened come on this is it this one's a bright 75 wind oh this looks very good [Music] go go oh literally five yards short of being very very very close damn not today.

It would have been ambitious anyway to say the least 18th hole just front edge of the green. And it was. So close to getting very very very close from here but it's not so this chipping for eagle and for 75. [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] okay this. For a par for 77. [Music] that only just went in as well into that was a pleasure thank you very much tough. And challenging thanks for having me guys thanks for watching guys thanks pal right that is episode 11 blind eagles tough hard challenging lovely amazing 77 not the best. But never mind we'll see you next.

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