Foreign [Music] thank you on this advice don't wait around nobody all right guys welcome down to a very special break 75 you know it it's Ryder Cup week and here we are at Marco Simone here in Rome Italy ahead of the Ryder Cup 2023. now this break 75 is gonna be quite a special one because you're going to get to see the golf course before Ryder Cup before team Europe. And Team USA battle it out here in Rome we're also going to find out how interesting tough challenging. And also fun this golf course is going to be. And also whether I break 75 now not on my own today.

I'm here with Mr garchanic yes how are you pal excited. And nervous it's um we've had a few opportunities this year to play golf with grand stands up and it definitely takes the uh the nerves up a notch or T-rex now we're gonna have a fun one today.

Because I'm I'm going to try. And break 75. I want to try and break 80. you've been playing great at the moment though so we're also because it's Ryder Cup week it'd be wrong not to do a little match play Little Match play side hustle between me. And Guy having a lot of chat at the moment I've not been playing great you've been playing better so let's see what happens we're also joined today.

By Dave Sampson who actually designed this golf course. So we're gonna learn hopefully a lot about it we're to hit it but most importantly we're not yes right without further Ado let's get going first to grandstands are up looking magnificent it's going to be a bit a bit of building work happening because like I say we currently even though you're watching it right a cup week we filmed this like five weeks ago let's do it good luck mate play well. But not too well so imagine this the grand stanza Pat this is going to be the view when the guys are teeing off if you've got a front row seat to First Tee grandstand it's going to be epic the noise is going to be loud I was in Paris five years ago on the First Tee. And it was electric it's going to be the same here again in Rome right ah excited. And nervous let's give it a go path four up the hill beautiful looking hole it's got a rip one down the middle stay right at that bunker so should we find that yep that'll do if I was hitting that golf shot Ryder Cup thirsty I would be delighted absolutely if I hit the golf ball on the First Tee if I was playing in the Ryder Cup I would be delighted. But yeah I'll take that one okay Big T shot this a little butter cut down the Fairway to start things would be delightful oh it's a bit of a puller should be okay. But that rough is Juicy Now Dave is going to be joining us today.

You designed this golf course how cool is that oh very cool very cool absolute honor. And privilege to be involved in you know massive project like this really excited what when you're designing we're gonna do a podcast with Dave which it might already be out. But what when you really think about a radical course what what's your main focus because it's got to be an exciting match play course right yeah. So the back nine packed with drama risk reward girl falls but it's also about The Spectator and I think that's what Marcus maroney's gonna you know it's gonna have a great atmosphere we've got natural amphitheaters all around the golf course. So we're trying to find the best you know 18 golf holes and the best 18 golf holes for The Spectator out here I love it you're going to help us guide around today.

We're like sprinkling some of your magic shots as well if there's some you should know this place I'm expecting good things right I know the place. But my golf's not that great so we'll see what happens oh that's left that's fine okay. So my first t-shirt obviously a little bit nervous I pulled it off the t a fraction I did nine yards was counted away from the Fairway. So not a massive pull but yeah pull look at this lie absolutely brutal it is outraged as I've missed the Fairway by nine yards. So I have no option other than such a try. And the key word there was try. And just chip it out wow it's gonna be a long day okay. So I managed to chip it out I didn't get to the Fairway but slightly better rough 207 yards to the flag try and get a five iron up there oh no that's bad as well that's in the Trap second shot into the first he after a solid drive to be honest right side of the Fairway however. it's 190 yards playing 10 yards uphill. So 200 yards second shot in I'm sure the tour Pros with half the bat teas as well today.

I'm sure the tour Pros will be another 15 20 30 yards in front of me right five iron see if we find the green early on stay there might have caught a bit might have caught a bit one piece of advice don't go with it wrong noted okay in this Fairway bunker about 60 yards. Or sell to the flag I'll take it that could have been a lot worse okay just missed the green after the second shot not not a bad Miss very juicy wet grass I mean it's wet today.

Because of the Dew it's early morning Sunday won't obviously be as wet all right Steven stick this one close that wasn't bad yeah I might just run out a bit more than that because it was wet. But not bad okay. So my Fairway bunker shot came long and now I'm in this stuff this real cabbage so I'm learning something so far today.

You need to be accurate it's essential oh it's got a huge slow okay this is my first pot this is. For a double bogey six I'll be honest there's gonna be some high scores in the score card today.

I've got a feeling it's just such a tough golf course. So damage limitation at times is essential let's get the two put walk off with a seven literally top my pot right. For par on the first little three-footer or so greens look magnificent it's gonna go inside right nice great path thank you thank you very much great part an ideal not ideal just do match play with uh that start I'm team Europe okay well. For the match I'll be Team USA okay do you run you're on the fight back hopefully second hole Par Four down the hill sweeps to the left some uh Dave's put some very cleverly Place bunkers down there there's one in the middle which I think from this tea we should clear the two on the on the left hand side might just catch a a left shot. So right side of the Fairway is key don't hit the path where did that finish okay it's the bad news I start off with an eight there a quadruple bogey somewhat good news if you like is that because we're playing little match play match as well I'm only one down even though I'm actually four shots behind Rick try. And pull it back yeah a good drive yeah perfect perfect discourse second shot here on two I've pushed it into the right roof completely obviously my fault I'm actually an awful long way left in the whole uh just Zapped it at like 230 yards. So we have to lay up I'm gonna try and kind of I could go left and play really really safe but that bunker could get in my way I'm gonna try and play it down the right and almost try and hook it back onto the Fairway that lie was a lot worse than I expected actually okay. So that was nice to hit a fairway it's um obviously. But it's such a contrasting the short stuff to that long grass I've got 1 8 to the pin nice smooth six iron right at that number two Tower fraction left of where I wanted it but it should be harder the green okay third shaft. For a week recovery 170 yards a time in hand and it's just left about number two in the background lies looking pretty good actually come in that should feed in I think my guess is that should be all right looks good there yeah maybe it's touch right I thought it was going to draw more. So got mine just roll through the green a little bit it was a good strike though from 180. For me right 54 degree let's get it close and get that power roll out hmm okay. So for par here on number two not a bad recovery to be honest slightly right to left most of the way but fairly flat we've got the legs go on go on oh nice Port I'm gonna say it rick these are some of the nice screens I've seen it's really good yeah well I'm not about burger that damage limitation yeah I think. So Team USA Baby hey look at him okay third hole path forward slight dug leg to the right it's about a 240 shot do we need here Dave about 240. okay strike construction right on my target. But should be all right that yes perfect okay long guy. And off the tee try and put it in play yeah it's nice that's great second shot here into three um the more Brave you are off this tee if you go with three Wood Drive. Or even yes you can get further down. And have as much short shot into this green but it gets tighter I'm actually 230 yards away from the flag here so it's pretty much a four iron again if that's every every bit of a forearm again if I can hit the same shot as I did off the tee I'd be very happy stop drawing carry the bunker yeah that should be okay back edge of the left side from the green is it oh perfect then.

Wow happy with that a little bit drawery. But we're on the green okay. So I've almost got the same shot as Rick as a little bit ahead because I hit two iron words Rick get four iron from the T so I'm gonna hit my five iron now at that big number three in the distance it's gonna come off the left because I'm a lie nope find it Chase didn't see it down yeah it's just popped in the valley about 50 short oh that's such a fat heavy shot okay that was a bad shot bit fat well very fat. So I've now got about 65 yards maybe even a tad more to the pin so a nice sandwich well that's too high too much loft too much of an open face that's poor okay long put here on number three. But happy to have hit the green with that four iron a bit of a double break of this down in two from here is the goal [Music] that's it we're definitely today.

Is a ball Strikers Golf Course not convinced that I'm ball Striker. So the puddle needs to be hot a long 35 44 for par foreign [Music] I wanted to have up the hill right to left let's give it a run oh just moved all the way it's an annoying three putt Ah that's frustrating yeah [Music] okay hole number four this is a lovely par three it looks stunning. And we are going a little bit further forward on the power three T's just to make sure there's no divots in the captain perfect condition. For the event this week no one else are hacking up the t's correct right it's 180 to the pin I'm going seven iron what are you going Rich I'm gonna go seven two pins right on that back shelf okay middle of that grand stand with a little buttercup oh come on boycott doing the opposite yeah a good distance all right seven iron as well just gonna go straight. For the flag oh I fatted it come off that bank yeah I think it's probably the right distance. But left okay nasty one here pin hard here on four. But it's really kind of sat down in this thick thick grass Green's running away from me I've not I've not got a lot going. For me here so let's open the club up try and get it to pop up as quick as possible that's the plan oh strike bite up bite up favorite punished for that okay. So I have a roll at this outside chance of a bird down the hill off the left I think really it's nestled up. And tapping power would be ideal pretty happy with that yeah I need to switch that a lot harder. So I'll just try and tap my power in my Rick has a minute cheers foreign much further forward and go real risk reward and try and get some of the guys knocking on the green or play it back now there's a massive waters on the left a couple of bunkers down the right if you get it in Prime position just to flick into the screen so oh I feel a bit frustrated after that last hole that was uh bad tee shot granted. But then.

Compound of Errors to make a double you're now one up in the match as well Team USA damn right try and get it back okay enough. For four iron try and cut it away from that water yeah that's a great shot thank you great shot cheers okay I'm gonna go four iron put it down the middle it's down the Fairway yeah that should be all right that minute stop that yeah find that okay 144 yards left into the flag I'm just in this first cut of rough. So it might jump on me a little bit I'm going to hit pitching wedge come on let's we need to make birdies go on dig in oh no it's about that okay. So I've got 135 I've learned a little bit from Rick there coming up a bit short so I'm gonna go wedge as well but maybe like a kind of three quarter one it's a little bit thin it's a terrible strike get up that's an excusable from there really okay after coming up just short of this hole uh run a nice apron I'm gonna put it up there need to be making pars now those last few holes even though I've not I don't feel like I've actually hit it that bad I've thrown shots away. So quickly we don't want to do that again here get it up to the PIN get up get up oh if I hit it I had it no Rick okay my wide shot was pretty poor there. But luckily I've kind of missed on this decent side is fringe. So it's a long put to get this close [Music] great applied not the length of power that I wanted up the hill come on firm and straight yes well done good Port making it hard work. But nice to put a four down it's gonna be an interesting hole up for the radical very interesting certainly if they've played the T forward and some of the guys that have a chance of going. For it because like I say it could be some watery Graves I think there are five testing holes to start yeah it is a great match play cool because that is that last hole there it's the shortest time anyway okay hole number six 381 yards a little bit uphill at the end good drive acquired really not much else to say what oh perfect nice little nail draw it's coming yeah life all right. But help me out or not it's gonna be in the rough that's findable okay um I actually genuinely didn't think I hit that t-shirt that bad. And I'm I'm a few yards off the Fairway in some really really thick stuff um there's no point in me knowing how far it is from the flag. But it's probably about does it say another boogie There 1 30. it's a 1 30 by obviously I can't no way in hell can I get there it's a case of chop. And Hope I mean really I'd be good together even on The Fairway there was the risk out got it out that's all I can do okay. So that tee shot for me was a tower of ten that's that's the most I can deliver. So I'm happy with that I've now got 130 to the PIN so pretty much a full pitch in wedge up that hill a bit of Birdie Source would go down a dream it's the right Club it could be very good if it gets up yep okay I feel like I need to make up. And down here to I'll just kind of steady the scorecard a little bit it's my third shot into screen 125 yards I'm going to chip a little pitching wedge in there come on Rick get back in this game could be very nice seriously did you see it honestly it really it literally did this proper curved right I didn't see it honestly that was well weird Okay this feels like an important port. For par down the hill ever so slightly moving to the left move loads ah there's something's wrong with this golf ball get some birdie sauce pal EST it erased it boom nice well done mate thank you great booty I thought I'd nailed that then.

Replay that baby sauce baby sauce okay hole number seven lovely downhill power three it's playing at 175 today.

We've been told you can't go left which isn't something I want to hear. But it's true so I'm gonna aim at number seven and hope for the best yeah I think that's good foreign stand. So hard to do it only got 792 at the number seven try. And just hold it into that spot come on I need something to start happening well it's far goes fly that trap oh it's all right not bad didn't hit the grand stand all kind of bounce off this path I know I found it here weird weird shot let's hope there's no more then.

To come go oh go go go go go go well that's okay somehow I managed to find the green with the iron shot wasn't my finest strike. But we're on um kind of a bit of a double breaker here it's kind of going to swing left. And then.

Swing right and then.

Downhill Pace control is going to be key yeah okay great pop okay. So this has been a very strange hole for me so far if I could hold this for a par it'll be the biggest moment in radical history so let's do it foreign no idea what that first put was absolutely awful see if I can redeem myself somehow down the hill right to left okay. So damage limitation after that tee shot hopefully not just in for a four we move on just [Music] hole number eight is a very nice looking. But daunting looking power for the actual teeth the Ryder Cup is behind us. And it's 525 yards unfortunately as much we'd love to we might as well lost that Tee today.

Because there's lots of work people going through we'd love to be up there with me Rick we'd rather be definitely. So instead we're playing at about how far is it from here Dave four four four. So still not short one with water two wine off the T for me stop bit heavy it's okay it was gonna be a tough shot from there yeah that's fine that I think saying it's fine yeah all right. So we've got man here I think Richard's a bit further up. And maybe not quite as nice a line as a lie is mine um about 220 to the flag got this obviously it's water to carry. But that's not my mind I can't even see that water that's just Fairway I'm gonna try to hit this out the flag with a cut off the flag because there's a bit more room shot right so short right is the friendly Miss cut over I meant to do okay. So after my three wood just pulled into the roof I've bagged a really nasty lie it's really sat down in this in this thick grass um 200 yards away there's just no way I'm going to get to the green. So we have to chop it out to the side take my medicine hit two 100 yard shots that's the plan it's down the Fairway last yeah all I could do unfortunately okay I have to hit minus the water which is annoying. And I've got one drop one here so now hit my fourth shot got 177 to the pin so well hit seven iron is the number foreign should be on the Green just gone through okay third shot here into eight 125 yards gut wedge in hand come on go up. And down it's been really hard tried okay. So I have hit the the back of the screen a little bit of a nightmare here needs it up and down for double bogey but this chip is not easy it's in this rough it's all sloping at the left side I feel like um Tiger Woods at Augusta hope that can copy him. And emulate that shot he's hit it well left a little trickle down to the PIN it's actually hard to strike the ball out of that rough yeah it is literally hit that like out the toe come on find the speed of these greens. For a par break I was trying to trickle that one close if this putt goes in on the off chance this putt goes in you will see me fist pump a double bogey that's all I'm saying now it's always low always low seven okay right okay clean up the bogey yeah well then.

Thank you longer than I wanted to have a five minute tough Dave itself the Batman gets easier right the Batman a lot more birdie chances on the back now thank God I can get in battered. And bruised at the moment part five coming up next.

Gotta keep it in the field yeah yeah you do you do have to keep it in the Fairway night until first par five we encounter slight uphill dug like lasted off to the left um are we saying that that second bunker Dave I would say left edge of that of the right one left edge of the right ones. And just with a little drawers okay great [Music] he's come to play now. So what happens he wins a hole and he starts becoming a dog next.

Five holes Rick you can go four five under here have you watched the video before no I know someone someone could go four. Or five under that was nice I do feel like that stretch was the hardest that first day at hard yeah you look at you look I mean you've got five six which are pretty medium medium to short fours yeah. But other than that it is quite it's quite tough Rick I want your honest answer on camera right now what is it what you were bothered about your stroke play score. Or beating me beating you of course yes oh boom great ball great ball okay I'll be honest I hit my drive quite well put it on record Rick's done me by ironically about 12 yards. So um well done Rick thanks but what I don't know I'm good job got the man here to tell me is what to do next.

Is it a three wood up there. Or do I be clever. And put like an eye in halfway up the hole I guess it depends what you want to be left with as short as possible yes I just don't ever trust it along my focus now is I'm beating Rick more than anything in the world ever right well whatever you do decide you've got to sort of where the pin is it's sort of attacks sort of middle lift yeah. So you want to be as close to those bunkers as you possibly can Okay. So yeah whatever you feel comfortable probably mid iron. And leave a full wedge in maybe okay I'm gonna go with that the problem is in this match play situation whatever I do now gives Rick a real in science what you should do I'm gonna go six iron I'm gonna go over them kind of the heart of this bunker in front of me focus on strike no shanks Chop Shop that'll say nice yep I'll do okay. So after a good tee shot I'm also I've just on a bit of an uphill I could I'm miles away from the flag to be honestly I'm if the pin was at the front I think I could get three wood there the pins right at the back it's probably like 300 yards there's no chance I'm getting three wood there. So I'm gonna hit six iron as well just try and put it in a similar spots again and it's a a wedge off okay oh that isn't good that is not good. But it bounced thankfully my layup was pretty good I've got about 143 to the pin we can see the First Tee Graham stand behind doesn't it's like a set of stairs that go up to that grandstand which is right of this flag that's my line really oh it's. So fat fly fly fly oh he's got me that was a terrible shot. But I think I've got away with it just not the greatest layup I put it in the rough here 129 yards away pins took left corner middle of the green. And to the right is key get up big bounce big bounce oh what the it's got like 100 yards okay disappointed uh left myself in this bunker not an easy one I thought I was trying to play safe. But just didn't catch out that rough I need to Strang it up and down from here strike set up set up set up set up a little bit too firm I'm lucky I've had got to play some great golf courses with Rick this place is definitely up there. But I think I've played many courses with a rough is this penal just off the green. For golfers like me it is difficult I'm not gonna lie I'm sure you can tell from a scorecard try. And get this love wedge and just kind of hack this out and at least get a power pot well set it's so hard to judge's gonna come out really is tough God Almighty that's great okay. So after a couple of decent shots I've now got myself a 35 foot port for power which is crazy. But let's get it close [Music] but cheers okay. For par and to win the whole long report needs to be firm and confident [Music] like a bit of an idea that we sacking off break 75 and break 80. yes because we would have done it yeah easy every day. And let's just go match play if you're on Match play you're one up one up about nine it's gonna be interesting I think it'd be fair to say we will prove it's proving a little tough. For all of us um but it's a lovely day in Rome so I can't really complain too much um front lines that's a little bit harder than the the back back nine a lot of risk reward holes got a couple of drivable parfours short Five Short three so hopefully the scores will get a little bit better okay here we go about nine match play gimmies Galore wow oh no we'll see how far up the hill dug leg to the right beautiful looking hole here on 10. find the fairways key I feel that should be good I'll hit it bad enough that it shouldn't have run through nice shape with the hole that's what I was playing. For sure second shot here into ten uphill 190 hours we're playing 200. I'm gonna hit 5i in middle of the green oh it's long left I was hoping that slope the ball below my feet might just get its curving. But I counteracted it fought against it so happy with that drive but 198 left into the flag so basically the same distance that Rick had I'm gonna go five iron in that middle tree a bit left it's okay yep okay both quite similar spots here just Mr Green I've missed it left guys just missed it long uh pins from front edge of this green. So it's going to camber down up. And down from one of those I think probably secures the win hit that slope feed I actually thought I'd played that really nicely okay. So enough for 54 degree it's quite a lot of bumps and humps here there's one just before the flag that goes down a little bit if we can get it to that. And let it feed in that would be phenomenal let's go slow I'll take it I'm not slow yes gotta sit it's gone oh my God oh my God wow didn't ask about that okay. So that's not what I expected I actually thought and they should hit a bit too soft and I've ended up so I don't even know what to do here. But let's hit a good shot that's a great shot great shot great shot okay. For par and the win on this hole it's just downhill most of the way and just ever slightly moving to the right come on great pot really aggressive yeah good up. And down from there thank you very much okay 11th hole powerful slightly up the hill well they're very much up the hill dog leg left I think some of the big hitters the part of this tea will be able to get there if the panther forward see I think they'll all be able to hit there with driver this will make. For a very interesting kind of risk reward absolute danger up the left dead there's gonna be a little stream as well running down there once they cut cut it all back so write your friend but then.

There's a couple of bunkers down there as well come down not sure I think that's okay there's a patch of Fairway over that middle bunker over that Central bunker It's gotta go oh is it quite good as well didn't see it okay. So we found my ball well actually Rick my opponent has found my ball and it's not pleasant but it's bad in a lost ball so trying to just hack out my 58 degree wedge just get it at least onto the furway and then.

Attack it from there oh no sit down bunker of course it is okay 92 yards to the flag pin looks like it's only just on the green 56 degree wedge oh no it's not going to get there go oh just yeah just okay big shot needed here spin out it's been. So hard oh it's gonna need to spin harder than hard [Laughter] okay it's been a great hole. For me but it's match play Anything could happen if I can hold this putt. Or even put it quite close I could put a little bit of pressure on Rick but he's putting for birdie I'm putting for par this is a much much longer put than what he has. But let's get it close 7 out of ten six out of ten maybe okay after finding the green successfully off the second shot I did go past the flag probably a little bit too far down the hill I can't rattle it anything inside guys I'll be happy with what's wrong with my Potter I honestly feel like it's like got. So really soft all of a sudden right to win the hole much longer path what I wanted down the hill ever so slightly right to left yeah it's in oh lovely cool it's in thank you match all square I like match paper it's more fun twelfth hole par five beautiful one big sweeping downhill requires a nice big bomb drawer off the tee. And if you can get it running down there you could have you could have a medium iron into this screen if it's bombed not that bunk with a little draw a little Chasey drawer oh clear it Get Lucky that's well shot okay. So we're a little bit brighter than Rick's after seeing that for learning from him there's a bird's land on The Fairway over that with a big draw yeah perfect that is perfect after a bit of pretty poor tea sharks I was. So looking forward to that one as well I've come left I have a hand side here I'm 256 yards away which I was on The Fairway I could be ripping three without it potentially. So I'm gonna have to just chop it out there with a 99 and then.

Wedge in hopefully that's back on The Fairway hopefully Nice Shot mate well done medicine taken okay I've got about 240 to the hole got a bit of wind into us. And I'm thinking I'm gonna hit a three wouldn't just go for it absolutely crushed oh it's nicely on the green that's very rare to actually do that. And pull it on happy with that okay after a nice layup middle of the Fairway 122 yards left in pins at the front guys on the Green in two I feel like I've got to get up. And down oh no please spin up you might get away with that spin really hard down oh you idiot okay. So I'm really happy to hit this greeting too obviously with a great drive and a great Three Wood two of the kind of best shots I can hit really the main objective of this perk well Eagle putt should I say is to not even think about holding it just putting it within the length of putter would be absolutely fantastic. So no that's not a good pot it's not a good pot I'll be happy with that. For birdie but now for that after an eagle after a very very annoying wedge shot from that 120 yards away to thin it through the thin it I mean I've found the green. But anyway calm down it's match play stranger things have happened I've boxed this guy guy misses his we win the hole this is. For birdie still I need to take some um some positives out of that come on Rick I want to force guy to need to hold his tell you what do it oh that would have been match play at its finest great Patrick thought I had it honestly thought I had it okay this is where I really should have put that eagle put closer. For three put this it's on me nice well though thank you well done Team USA [Music] okay. So hole number 13 this is a stunning part three it's got this old kind of ruined house thing behind it it looks very very European I've got 116 yards of the flag we've said this a lot on break 75 Etc. But there's ever been a hole in one chance today's the day feeling it rick yeah I know this is right this is absolutely it I've got a 50 degree wedge I think it's a pretty much a kind of full one oh it's left start to fade start to fade start to fade terrible okay Gap wedging handle. So I'm gonna go between the number 13 and the flag yeah that's nice that's safe professional between the flag. And the 13 is what he's doing actually aim. For top right window it almost like it's like the top right Windows okay um this isn't ideal slightly on the downslope which isn't great got this horrible rough. And it's downhill to the hole need to add a whole list or put it insanely close to put any pressure on Rick ah no it's not the best whole list. For me today.

Okay. For a two a birdie would definitely boost the confidence I'm not starting them online at all have a go at mine thank you all right back to all square it's gonna be interesting actually holes it really is there's some absolute crackers. For match play around here I'm actually Jupiter I'm actually enjoying it more as a match play course what I'm not worried about making doubles and triples but it is it settle. For match play perfectly 14th hole Par Four 509 yards Fairway is key bounced okay okay I'm gonna try. And set a little draw like I did on the uh hold a couple of holes ago commit to it big swing oh followed Rick down that one didn't bounce okay. So we found mine quite luckily it was worse than Rick's off the tee I've just missed the cart path. And it sat quite nicely in this kind of burnt out grass I've got about 180 to the flag downhill I'm gonna hit a seven iron and try and go for it that's a bit left oh no it's a bit left it's a bit left you'll have to absolutely smoke a nine iron I've got to get over this tree in front of me. And I just need it to like just fly 10 yards further than normal I've done the same as yours they hit that tree though yeah it's bounced down third choices 14th um short-sighted myself over this bunker not got a lot of green to work with. And to be honest it's not the best line in the world but apart from that let's see if we can somehow get on the Green uh I don't want to play this I think the perfect shot would be landing in that section just short of the green. And letting it run on that looks good that let's go up get going good shot okay. So now this obviously video has changed from stroke play to Pure match play I do feel better like Rick said before because it's quite a tricky shot. But only real thinking is get it close than Rick's ball um. But it is still a very very tough shot delightful great shot thank you I'm happy with that one that's getting better as well big shot I feel like I need this power it's gonna fall off the left I've got a nice an old hole I'm going to aim at come on get one starting online eat it that's good just it does something feels I know it's my Potter because of the Heat. Or the ball it feels so much softer today.

So I'm playing with like a squishy ball okay. So Rick had a whole hole I think he was aiming I've got a bit of pitch mark That's just been nicely repaired. But then.

You'll still see it and that's my line on the right side now now pick it up oh thank you that was always low I didn't like that one ah that was a chance that was a huge huge chance Four Square four to go. So actually I think the last four really set up. For March though we've got I mean this is a ridiculous yeah it's really hard then.

There's the soon to be very famous 16 hours to drive off. Or 17th of the party with a really tight really tight green and then.

The 18th is a far five how you feeling confident nervous um I feel better now we are playing Matchbox yes forget our scores stroke play it's very difficult around here 15th power. For 480 yards like dug leg up to the right hand side scattering the bunkers down that right side of the Fairway the longer you hit it the tighter the the Fareway actually gets I think off the batsies here I don't think we're gonna threaten that tighter section anyway. So match all square four to go now it's all right it's kind of just much crept into that stuff okay. So this is just a real essential hole to hit the furway this one that should be all right I think didn't quite caught. But yeah it's keeping that nice bit of ground fade right I gotta take my punishment I'm I'm a I'm a full foot. And a half off the Fairway and it's absolutely minging it's horrible or not this is the I suppose this is the semi-ruff officially uh 230 yards there's no way in God's Earth can I get it anywhere close to the green. So we have to lay it up and try and make four a different way um we'll leave myself 100 yards in so I need to sit about 130. but I'm not wind that I'm gonna go with 99 oh it's just awful yeah I got it yeah well done strong through that up okay um about 220 to the flag I was gonna play more than that top Hill. So far it could almost be a three would this the flag's 205. 215. okay I'm gonna go. For a full Ryan I don't think it'll get there I'll be honest. But then.

The next.

Club up to two iron I don't really fancy hitting that so I'm gonna go four iron just slightly left of that big tree in the distance well God oh it's getting difficult now hands are getting sweaty okay third shot into this hole it's a part it's an elevated um green. And the pin I notice it from the other hole before it's right at the front I'm 103 yards away but down Breeze I'm gonna try an absolutely muscle a sandwich there past the flag is key get there that's a great shot should be really good that's powered on some pressure. For the young man okay. So we found mine it was a horrendous shot it was a combination a bit nervous sweaty hands heat pressure everything um Rick's On The Green. For three half isn't chance for a four and I've got quite a daunting shot got one objective get this on the green and do not get caught out by that false front oh that was looking. And lucky mixed in okay. So I'm gonna try and land this on the Green stop it quick it bites gives me a little three foot off of bogey so I'm gonna try and do. But as I'm getting down here I'll be honest I'm thinking is it a pot is it a putter no it's not it's not a Potter it's a 54 degree wedge. And it's a Nipper no that's not like him right I'm gonna hold this one no nice effort. For par and to win the hole pretty much straight downhill don't need to be too aggressive because I don't want to slip past and run down that bank [Music] oh get in great pot I feel like I wasted it a little bit boy yeah. But it's a nice confidence booster one up three to five one open come on [Music] I can't believe it's a 16th T I've let Rick get one up so I'm gonna watch what he does I need to win this hole 16th hole Marco Simone drive up half. Or downhill water on the right can I drive it on players will be getting booed. For hitting irons here not me I'm going big stick I'm here. For a good time not a long time what's a ripper bailed a bit should have a little pitch in from there okay there's a good chance I'll only ever play this Golf Course once. And as you say when in Rome striveful path for Rick's at his driver someone 18. if I can hit the Fairway with me eight iron can we all start booing yeah I'm playing the man not the course yep nice shot nice how you do it a bit less of me. For that people will be watching now hating me. For that but I'm in play let's let's see how it comes out if I put this one in the water at the moment I'm disappointed yeah okay. So got some eight iron perfect layoff it was I've got 125 to the pin a little bit of Breeze into contract a nice committed wedge. And leave myself with a birdie putt that's the plan anyway I find it please go please go oh I'm on the side of the green that was pathetic though. But it's dry right so I found my ball after what I thought was a good drive kind of yes a little bit left. But staying away from the water hoping to maybe found these bunkers or the rough I've gone right between the two bunkers and then.

Quite literally just ought to I don't have words to describe it the LIE is that possibly the worst lie I've ever seen in my life the challenges from here I need to be able to get on the Green in three I can't go on the Green from here I could potentially go on the Green from there. But I don't know if I can get to that point bunker would be my other option. But it's downhill I probably could get it in the bunker actually I think the Bunker's easier than getting it over there that was an unbelievable effort water that was hard lines in a sense that the rough is. So thick but that is why this hole literally is risk. And reward if you hit a driver on the green it's a massive reward if you miss the green man not much it's a huge reward which is what happened with the eight iron okay. So this is where my second shot got to that terrible thing that was one of the worst shots of the day then.

If it's some bad ones sat down quite nasty. So I'm gonna try and bump a 99 out and just get it moving up the green really isn't a good lie this though that's terrible actually go go go go go that did okay that did better than I thought it was going to okay after it firing in the water you have to take a drop here yeah nice effort mate what's up okay this is. For a par I know the way the putt wants to go just a case of committing to hitting that line off the right side [Music] Oh I thought that was it looking like I thought that was in right important port just outside the right at half of the hole. For a five yeah welcome very safe great safe good yeah I feel like I hit more than five shops well I didn't eat less than five shots. But it feels like it many more than five that was hard work annoying five. But still one up with two to play okay 17th hole path three fantastic looking I'll imagine all this all this grandstands Pavilions packed full of fans here at this critical point 277 yards today.

Ever Society down Breeze finding the green is an absolute essential wow okay same Club 7A in grips are getting slippy now it's an excuse. But it's true oh now it's so far left it's gonna hit the false side and then.

Just Bounce Down oh it's not pleasant there is it not quite sure what happened on that tea shop uh I was doing everything I could not to go left. And end up shanking it so way up here on this hill trying to find the Green from here is going to be a real challenge I've got to send it aerial. And hopefully it just doesn't run through the other side get lucky I could do well. For you that could do well. For you oh my god get in there this could be game over with that shot wow crowd go wild one of them up here and crowd's gone wild as it's gone close okay. For context and one down obviously Rick's probably gonna get a pie after that shot on here Hmm this isn't nice no that needs hole in okay Team USA on the brink of defeat I can only apologize to all the American viewers. Or is it the biggest moment in radical history right here now is this it is that I lived in my life led to this moment right now I think one more attempt is necessary. And then.

It's game over I can only apologize I think it's game over okay I'll have a go up my five just because I need to hold this pot have some dignity left I don't really like dignity forget it I don't need it it's overrated foreign Ty a little slippery one right to left finish the match [Music]. But never in doubt very well done thank you sir interesting battle I couldn't let America win could I oh that was always way out in the back pocket yeah come on let's go down the last well done Europe oh lucky mate can't win them all it was a good match it was very good match I've enjoyed it much more as a match play of course personally it is just I know it sounds obvious. But it's just such a hard course the rough is brutal um. But yeah not keeping scores having a friendly game it's definitely the way to play this place 100 let's see if we finish off with the Birdie down 18 high five okay last hole 18th par five down the hill sweeping Doug leg left water left of the green I just want to say just quickly David just come in. For a sec I've thoroughly enjoyed this today.

Absolutely thank you it's been a pleasure having you guys. And it's so I mean you've done a great job to make it interesting entertaining I think it's a Ryder Cup golf course as a match play golf course it's going to be fun the bat nine certainly I feel like Frontline there might be quite a lot of matches all square. Or or one or two in it and then.

Bat nine there could be real changes of guards yeah that was great a lot of risk. And reward on the back definitely so well intended well done to you and your team ah it's the first time I went right all day it's cleared the bunkers it's bouncing okay. So now it's the real match at the little warm-up match over it's the 18 towels where it all counts I've had a cup course playing for 10 grand which I can't afford to lose Rick said I can win Titan grander is Big Draw a bit too much is that dead yes well you remember the side of town you might get lucky because they've cut some rough down. For the spectators but normally it's dead okay after a bit of a loose tee shot I've missed nothing right with driver all day which I'm happy with because that's been my Miss recently I've hit it right on the last hole uh miles away though 321 yards away I'm gonna hit six iron down there Leave myself with like a 99. Or pitching wedge into the green oh not there Rick okay. So I found mine it's in a not a great position obviously the hole goes down there just off camera then.

David said to me it's a better opportunity. For me to hit it down the tenth hole this far away here about 120 yards and then.

From there try to hit over the water to the green unconventional I know that's gonna be my best chance at powering this hole so three-quarter pitching wedge down this wrong Fairway I've done it that felt weird but it's on The Fairway at least third shot after snag in that layer up into this roof um we've got 156 yards I don't really think this A10 is going to get there I'll go out. And see if I can muscle it there oh don't go wet well it just took a nice dig because it stayed yeah okay. So I'm here I'm on the tenth hole which was my plan um just feel a bit weird being on the wrong hole. But that's fine I've got 185 take a six I might get there for crunch it I'm gonna go six I need a five iron originally we'll go six that's all over it it's the best strike of the day that should be all over it it's not been that much reaction from the crowd Zero from my hit that was like two foot away. But I don't think it was too far okay managed to get here in three just short of the green finish let's see if we have a grand stand finish where you going great. For Speed but kind of moved the different way than expected okay the scene is set it's the 18th hole amazing Golf Course radical venue Rick won the warm-up match. For the glory match in front of the crowds downhill off the left this would be special get in yeah you needed to walk around all the way it's not dirty no no don't be silly don't be silly right. For five on the last it's been a fun day really has it's going to be an epic radical week maybe just maybe a put of similar length may need to be made to win the Ryder Cup grandstands are full little slippery one down the hill right to left oh well middle. And middle end and a half thanks pal appreciate that thank you very much well done well done to you and your team guys be sure obviously to check out the Ryder Cup team Europe versus Team USA and obviously we're rooting for team Europe thanks for watching be sure to like And subscribe and thank you to Marco Simone for being absolutely beautiful we'll see you next.

Time [Music].