Foreign all right guys welcome to a brand new episode of break75. as you can see down here at the West Lancashire Golf Club West lancx. For sure this is an amazing Lynx golf course it really is. And you can actually see from the sign there established in 1873. next.

Year they celebrate 150 years which is quite incredible one of the oldest golf courses here in the UK. But also next.

Year we're actually hosting final qualifying for the open which is just down the road at Royal Liverpool High Lake. So today.

I'm going to head out. And see if I can break 75. the part of the golf course is 72. after teas we played off today.

Is about 7 000 yards. And I've got mixed emotions about this place if you remember back in the day when I used to open clock we used to do Quests. For the open so I used to come down and do open qualifying failed miserably every time I tried it. And it kind of brings like this kind of nervousy energy into me like it feels like I remember those days I used to get super super nervous playing open qualified well I'm saying it's got mixed emotions this venue right here in fact the 17th hole which is not far from where we stood right now is the location of my only ever hole in one which actually happened in Oakland qualifying because I think it was like five years ago now. So let's go and see if we can play a good round of golf I'm gonna let you into a little secret I've just been hitting golf balls on the Range I've just been hitting some pots on the footing green I don't think I've ever hit it as bad before around the golf in my life I've just hit it horrendously I'm working on a few things in my swing I've hit it atrociously. And literally on the point in green even just practice putting I didn't hold a bean so I don't know how today.

Is going to go either way I think you're going to enjoy it. So I'm playing with guys today.

As well um. So I think you'll probably have his own objectives with trying to break something like 80. I'm sure you want a little challenge matches against me as well um he's got he's got a good chance today.

I'll tell you because the world's just hitting it. So anyway without further Ado let's get to it break 75 West lancs First hole par for dog leg right let's see if we can smash it right without bringing this up too much this is possibly one of the most intimidating opening holes you can possibly play it is that's not what you want to hear if you're playing pattern on the First Tee. So thanks for that Rick I feel like I just don't we'll see what happens that's in the right there's out of bounds left there's rough everywhere but so we can get a good one down there that is a big bailout all right look they've hit the Fairway I didn't know there was someone down there. For a second uh the ninth hole comes out of the way I couldn't have gone any further right if I tried but it's not that bad it always helps when you're playing part and hits one that far offline because I can do it now as well. So I'll try and cut one into the Fairway see what happens foreign that's how you hit it on this hole ah that was nailed don't I don't know what it is about this place I don't know if it's Scar Tissue emotional damage. But I just oh just kind of takes me back to quite a number of years ago doing things like open qualifying being tremendously nervous and I feel like I remember the one last time I played this hole it opened qualify and I hit three shots off that too three so my first one I hit three outings it was really burnt out I pulled it left unbelievably close to Out of Bounds right yeah I didn't know at the time you thought it was out of bounds. So it's out of bounds I hit a provisional ball which went out of bounds left I stood in that tea with my third boss which would have been my fifth shot bear in mind this is open qualifying the first hole of open qualifying I smash it with I think I took driver in there. And put it in those three bunkers how tough were you when you found your actual first found my first ball. And honestly if you if you give me a double bow get that point I'll just snatch you under I think that's actually what I started with I think I might have started with a double. But uh yeah it's not my favorite opening tea shop that. And as you can tell have it 150 yards right okay uh a second shot into this first hole. And listen I am on The Fairway Ray was right 100 Fairway hit. So far um complete well I can just see the top of the flag it's 180 yards in the middle of the green. So I'm gonna go with that number tiny no I don't think the wind's gonna affect it too much. And I got seven iron like I said honestly I don't know if I've ever hits it's bad on the Range before I run the golf. So I need to kind of get that out of my mind because I don't think I hit a single shot that I actually felt good. Or liked which is not always the case sometimes I'll actually go on the driving range before I play. And hit some great shots so this is new territory. But let's hope we can get past those demons 79 into the first come on straight down the flag uh should be okay foreign left side of the green uh just on the short stuff don't really have anything to get over. And it's the beauty of lynx golf certainly for me is that I feel like I can get putter on it a little bit more you might have seen more recently I've been trying to get wedge on the greens wedge on the ball around the green a little bit more. But this is the last time I say this genuine last time I saw this I just don't know if my confidence is quite there today.

Like that you're not going to hear that after me again that's it done oh use the Contours it's going to swing off the left once it gets onto the green get it should have just bloody chipped it okay PowerPoint now off the left down the hill ah during your first five hole. And you just don't deserve a part yes it smells very well what's your goal today.

Break 80. I think I heard you say that before. But yeah. For me it's always break 80 but have fun is the main thing cheer you on get you ready 75 make a good video hopefully get holding one on 17 never tell the story. Yet I have okay I think three times. So far okay we'll get a hole in one break 80.. And yeah should be a good day we can hold off this bat to you look out. For you beautiful I think it's just little touches like that whenever you can elevate a tea. And actually see the surrounding areas it's what makes a golf course for me this I think it's crazy how many wind turbines are out there yeah it is you know it's a windy venue when there's that many wind turbines second old part five dead straight a couple of bunkers to catch you out. But apart from that super super straight bit pulley the long stuff it's bouncing around last couple of times hopefully it's not as bad as it looks like stuff this might not be the internal dialogue but I've done this to you feeling super confident I think I'm going to sit dead straight I'm actually gonna just pick my I'm going to go just slightly left those two bunkers when you've joined me. So I was going to be on top of my ball. For a second in certain patches which make it visibly look very menacing but really you're never going to hit your golf ball in this bit imagine um where in other bits where you're possibly going to land the golf ball they just thin it out enough. So you at least find it it just looks a little bit menacing visually it looks harder I'm saying that now I'll get down there and I'll be knee-high rough and not be able to get to it 250 yards away from the green second shot we found them both they are literally right next.

To each other uh how do I play this shot I think he's just a layup. And a wedge on I don't like you play Let me I want to leave myself 100 yards on that 90 ads actually I'm gonna go a time and just just trickle one down there oh that's a really well played shot because that's called a link Stinger people will think you thin that at home. But it's actually not it's the lynx rough sting and I might do it myself okay I'm basically exactly the same as you can see same place as Rick looking. For a similar environment kind of chipper six iron down there and leave himself in a hopefully assembly eyes to what Rick has got I might play a link Stinger as well yeah that's really nice proper strike that's done well. But it's nice that this rough like Rick's on the T locks from the T dead but actually if you get in here it's not too bad right 116 yards back straight into wind foreign episode I hit a lot of full wedges like too many full ones and didn't quite I didn't hit them well so today.

I'm actually gonna go. For a slightly different strategy normally I'd go for a full gap wedge here and try and Chip a little pitching wedge in there oh that wind is strong nothing's quite feeling right that strike was awful again it's a little bit skinny it was Deadlight it just feels not a centered here like my hand came off the clog. And I'm looking up thinking oh that's going to be way offline. Or you know yeah I'm looking I think actually that's all right. But then.

Obviously it's come up short yeah it's kind of quite famous my strike today.

So far okay. So I've got 96 yards which for me would normally be like a three-quarter 50 degree wedge but that wind if I walked out on camera but that will obviously won't see the wind on camera here I don't think. But it's quite strong in too so I'm actually going to kind of chip a pitching wedge I saw a rips come up whale short to float a picture of my job try. And get it somewhat close it's a bit blocky it's okay not ideal. But okay okay this is to try. And get some birdie sauce going stay up I was always a bit low though great roll cheers okay to salvage apart right to left slightly up the hill not feeling it today.

Par three third hole beautiful little hole um I always like an elevated tee on a part three yeah just kind of maps it out. For you looks like it's four bunkers two there's two at the front two at the right and then.

Kind of a grassy bunker on the left pins middle left interbreeze okay soft day iron three quarter iron that's nice just slightly right at the flag. But it's actually getting closer and closer let's have enough legs though for one concern I like that in the air I always thought it was sat on the short side what's all right was that oh just a chippy out it was a three-quarter that was probably hit 90 of the what it should have been. So I think if you were a chippy one you'll get it there fine I'm going to start over the Drone. And draw it oh he's called it this could be a hole in one no if it spins a lot yeah nice shot that's about very professional very cool. So Rick's shot was really nice he's got a genuine chance at a bird here which I'd love him to get to kind of study the ship a little bit I've got probably two. And a half times a lot of the Rick so I've got a 35 footer I'd like to hold it obviously but I think this is more of one of those just putting the Dustbin lid. And then.

Take a nice power and move on that's Ben oh my god oh hold it I'll take the hole can't miss what a start yeah let's go put that really nice up the hill slightly right to left oh okay I wish I hadn't practiced before I played today.

[laughter] I'm literally stood over everything not having any level of confidence weirdly. So weird fourth hole Par Four 411 yards the normal guy's got a three shot lead he's one under I'm too over let's pull my socks up try and hit a little cut left side of the Fairway and just bring it in a little bit [Music] very nice that's a good one got one today.

Great ball thank you might be a bit too much yeah let me find that [Music] feels like I don't want to keep saying I feel like it's gonna be one of those days I missed it right granted come look at this. For a lie and this is what you get the links it's just links type of golf I found myself I wouldn't I'm not even saying that's an old divot because it's too big it's just like a landscrape um pin I can just see the top of your nine iron ow ah the card it feels like it's ticking me while I'm down this golf course at the moment that's gone nowhere I've managed to advance it about 20 yards. And I saw it go into an app in even worse lie oh well to go from that lie to an even worse lie is quite incredible okay horrible little lie this 100 yards away pins right at the back oh my goodness of houses genuinely today.

At the moment how it's going. And how I'm feeling honestly honestly don't seem with shooting less than 90. feels like it's really kind of just doesn't feel right my body doesn't quite feel right do they Goodness Me [Music] okay. For Bogut mm-hmm looks like Full House played four over par going well fifth hole par five not a long one only 400. And well less than 480 yards um smashing down there Iron yeah I'm just thinking those bunkers could be in driving range. So I thought I know it's a bit of a silly play if I hit a good driving going one of them it's gonna best case be a part yeah a good three islands win behind could still be a birdie chance I don't know it might be a silly decision you might live to regret this one our best hit. But it should be yeah it'll be a shots the Green from there I can see it I think you will clear all that with the driver in here won't you I can't quite remember um on the watch it's saying it's right in range where are you going if you're never getting that reaction I thought you've absolutely nailed that foreign not the great strike off the team. But I've actually got away with it down the right hand side I've actually only got 100 100 less 150 yards into the green slightly down Breeze I'm gonna hit a pitching wedge on the front let it run up oh yeah right bunker well okay bunker third shot I'm looking it didn't go to the back of the bunker it's nice. And flat lie let's knock in it's been hard it's all right touching the baby elephant Birdie down the hill oh yeah yeah silly the hole there haven't we yeah big big chance of bird is that. And chance is not taken okay six hole par three beautiful one straight back into the wind playing 163. But probably playing more like 175 if not a tiny bit more I'm gonna try and I'll call it a seven iron [Music] the actual distance for me should be a seven really but that wind is it's quite strong. So go with a three quarter six [Music] well I've turned it over it's not a very good one that is in the thick stuff oh hard guy trying to try not to play part three is part one this is one of the reason why Lynx course is. So hard I think that's sharp pin high now obviously this deserves with Mr Green clearly it's too far left. But there's not many courses certainly Parkland courses were a shop that's only this far offline would result in almost an impossible golf shot which this is. So I don't know how to stand to this if they do stand on the wrong piece of grass that ball may just fall away from me which obviously a penalty now I'm doing the splits that's trick it up this is insane God they're just hitting this I'd be happy with wow are you kidding me that's some of the best golf clubs of my life unreal shot from guy there I can't believe I could I've got this look at birdie if they're hitting a really nice iron shot. So I didn't think it was gonna be this close I feel like. For this round of golf to con to they say be resuscitated they'll go up from the graves a couple of Birdie putts needs to drop let's start here right now [Music] such a good roll I've got testing partner she'll get it come on with the class up and down okay hits it with confidence wowzers what I'm up. And down very very hot that was out in the blue I'm surprised. But very very happy with that one [Music] yeah two pass oh this game is hurting me today.

Golf is hard don't forget that seventh hole Par Four slinging to the right um Safe Way of playing it which is eye into the corner. And wedge it on or there's the non-safe way of playing it from a driver straight for it no idea all right should be really good to me that looks like it's a middle of nowhere. But I don't know it should be back front edge of the green so after a near perfect Drive I put myself in an A1 position a little chip up to the front edge of the green yeah in a nice little shop let's knock it in go a bit more ah it's not terrible. But I want it to be a wider tapping birdie that was the goal. But we've got a few feet away three or four feet okay Dirty Pop tiny bit right to left come on Rick not this one in come on yeah well done thank you great three that was nice good drive nice little pitch whole Port that's a three over par The Show Goes On The Show Goes On eight hole half four 443 yards second hardest hole in the golf course apparently wind behind which is going to help uh slide Doug leg left it's a really nice hole this um just this is just true links in it when you stood up on a tea it's unbelievably. And you can feel the wind it's really it is true link. So um it's kind of hard to picture a shot off this tea so you've got to pick a line and trust it it's a little baby drawer down there oh that's great that looks perfect yeah that is fantastic great shot hey one we're getting something back ladies. And gentlemen that actually felt somewhere somewhere near the middle of the club face which is nice 28 to the front of the green blind shot here just out the roof um I'm gonna try. And land this about 120 and hopefully it kind of trickles up oh it's a bit too short I think I know it's on the Green might have struggled to stay on the green though it's like my little backwards run there by the way [Laughter] okay big big big put from back here the ball just never stopped I think it landed on the green. But just kept going. And going. And going. So it's quite a bit right to left uphill let's try and knock it nice and close that's a great pot thanks happy with that okay. For par quite a bit of break on this still just in just on the left Edge yeah well done thank you thank you very much ninth hole Par Four slight Duggar to the left you want to be just right at the clubhouse okay. So on that kind of end house really for memory it's perfect again it's drivers on today.

It's back again that's from memory that should be perfect be responsible. For that I thought that was a line hence why I hit it on it Okay. So in the thick stuff not lying particularly well got 103 yards to the front of the green that's where I've really got to try and land this [Music] could be good [Music] slightly up the hill right to left come on nice pop see him up great for Speed but I've met read that a little bit had it coming from right to left a little bit more on it's gonna go over this hill it definitely moved more to the right okay. For par right to left slightly down the hill oh unlucky it's never come off no speed it's a really silly bowl game four over. For the front nine there I feel really deflate after that build yet so that was a silly one okay entering the bat nine I'm four over par after a terrible start. And there's really stupid three-part on the last hole that's a little bit to be honest with you but means we've got to shoot two on the back nine to break 75. not impossible but wind's starting to pick up guys three over he's playing some steady golf let's do it lovely house finished I don't know what that even was it was it was like a thinny toppy uh yeah yeah a great hit he's come to play might need another hole in one. Or 17 to achieve it but but it wants probably never do it again. But I've done it once we need to get through these next.

Couple come on a Time middle of the green give myself a good chance of Birdie draw in a bit that actually should be all right if it's not on the green it's just just off hi still nowhere near the green 120 yards left to go hounds the face chippy nine iron up and down for bogey come on we can do it I think that's short as well this is going to take me five goals to get on the green. And a bath full try and roll one close yeah very nice ah starting that Batman with a part okay 11 total par five 560 yards. But comfortable playing over 600 yards today.

With this wind. And to make it a little bit more daunting the right hand side is the railway not to be messed with oh that's money sometimes I think you should be on the tour very good very big I can't think of asaki coming. But could you agree you hit that I should be on the top it's like it's like 120 yards short of the top player but it's straight DP World Tour there's a healing one it's a Healy faded slicy look it's in bounce all right just I'm gonna try make some birdies par five after hitting honestly I've hit a really good tee shot there I'm still 306 yards to the middle of the green um I've not got a great deal of strategy a bar hit my three eye into about maybe 220 yards into wind and have about 80 or 90 yards left into the flag that's the plan oh that's absolutely awful for some reason halfway during my backswing dad I'm thinking don't Smack It on the railway it's not a good mindset is it okay. So after a pretty poor second shot I've left myself 124 yards away from the flag uh in the rough not that too bad into wind so what I'm 124 right into wind that would normally be a gap wedge win now so I'm gonna head and hit 99 and I mean almost just I'm gonna flight it down a fraction. But not far off full just a little draw one just a little knock down drawery shot be good for distance that's still not got there oh Oh I thought I hit that perfect and it's it's on the green but still a good 20 foot short I thought I was perfect birdie pop up the hill right to left come on I really need to do something special oh one big putt [Applause] what I think I've completely mishread that I could not have misread it anymore wow eight I can't afford to drop any shots this back nine. But this one if it missed would really sting so it's not going to do right to left yeah very nice 12th L Par 3 176 yards somehow logic doesn't make sense here because the wind should from the last level should be off the right. But it's now straight back into wind we've got a rifle of fall there yeah look at it rifled it's gone. For the little turnover Vibe needs to not go any more left that's not good [Music] ah a little bit further away than I hope to be down the hill trickle it in everyone at home watched the whole list so please just hold it no reason not to. Or something ah Shields silly bogey [Music] there's weirdly I'm sure it was a little water has it there is red stakes. For sure I feel like that kind of comes in a bit more okay I was uh panicking. And worrying that I was going to be in this ditch. And then.

I thought to myself actually I'm not panicking I'm I'm over there in that really thick stuff however. I am in a ditch but I don't think I need to panic this is the ditch. But luckily it's dry okay 100 yards in front of the green I've got my gut wedge because it's back into wind get up oh it's not just a few yard shot yeah let's tip it in seem to keep doing that a lot I'm actually getting good better connection yeah it's always flaring a bit right. Or left foreign [Music] [Music] a wonderful tea shop even if I do say. So myself I'm 122 yards away from the flag down Breeze yeah I have to play a chippy little 50 degree in come on let's give everyone something to cheer about funny gaming after a dreadful pitch front of the green little chip miles away oh silly silly bogey oh 15th um after three bows on the boat 75 is definitely out the equation let's try. And finish strong with four to go uh this is a good hole it's a powerful. And it hugs the railway line if you've adventurous you can hit a little cutty driver down there let's see if we can make this somewhat respectable still seven over par now very nice yeah that should be good yeah brilliant [Music] it's about a strike oh stay up stay up oh can't go that way [Music] foreign [Music] oh no clear all the bunkers [Music] yeah just got past the bunkers. But bad strike didn't have the didn't have the guns for getting out of there stop stop absolutely horrendously terrible trying to Bumper nine iron get running down up the hill into the flag very much a link shot list I don't know if it's the right shot to play but I'm gonna try it slow was the right shot just obviously over hit it not too bad though from there absolutely horrendous yep oh keeping the dream alive. For breaking 80. friends come here just come here for a minute okay let me just turn you 17th West Lancashire Golf Club this right here from this very tea 196 yards back in 2017. this is where I was still an open qualifying hit my beautifully struck seven iron to the pin. And I'm not joking exactly where the pin is right now as we're playing it today.

Floated beautiful in the air little draw middle of the green it landed it took the Contour it took the break. And it dropped in for my one and only hole in one insert picture here of me stood next.

To the flag frustratingly there's loads of people around nobody had it on video but it is true it happened. So we're here to recreate good memories on this tea I remember when I hold it I threw my harp in the air and it went over there somewhere and loads of people were running around it was going berserk. So this is it seven iron again similar wind yeah let's come on this is I'm feeling this I probably swore to myself I'd never play this hole again. But here we are come on I can picture it I can quite literally picture it going in oh that is actually got a chance as well that's ridiculous break come on he's had that outrageously close he's got a little bit long. But I'm not sure that literally cold can you see it on the camera zoom it's either in the hole. Or a bit long can you see it yeah seven the right Club there obviously I can't believe I start was going that shot was it was almost The Identical golf shop the only thing that is that had a gun in which I would have absolutely loved it would have almost seemed fake it would have done it was almost like the same pin the same T the same club that I hit not the same actual iron that's framed at home with the golf ball I got it got it with I would love a Hole In One Ear it's a good hole to get one on no I've pulled it no worries about that one going in didn't see it down I actually can't believe I've closed by similar my shot was to the shot it might like positive mental attitude it's insane. So true it really does work walking down here now I'd say such good memories I remember holding it. And my heart was racing. And just loving life honestly this shot that I just hit was outrageously similar at almost the same result come have a look at this. So as it's come onto the green it's pitched exactly where I envisioned it pitching here I'll repair that in a minute and just kind of look at it it's skirted just past the flag finish behind the hole I I'm genuinely not exaggerating this this is exactly from memory exactly the same pin position five years ago. And I got my holding rod that's crazy I thought we could knock this in for a two wow good memories oh lovely thank you very much that was such a good shot from there okay. For birdie up the hill left to right come on this would be nice ah not been firing at all on full cylinders it's not even close power okay last hole of this somewhat mentally draining around the gulf it has been training it really is it's been fun. But draining I kind of knew that I I certainly felt before I've played and maybe the wrong mindset I didn't think it was going to be a good day playing wise I need to make power on the last to shoot 79. that'll be somewhat of a well respectable I guess score straight down the clubhouse Mr bunker. And this is that bunker it's good Mr bunker oh Atlanta's straight in it brilliant brilliant okay I'm gonna try. And fade it off Rick's bunker and split the Fairway a bit left of them that should be okay okay frustrating. But that's why they're here that's why bunkers are in place. So cleverly supposed to avoid them and I've not there's a lip it's a substantial size but there's no way I'm laying up. So I might as well just go for it I'm 130 yards to the front of the green 150 to the middle and the pin probably is nearer to 150. ah if it was here not an issue to get over that lip this is just a smidging close. But let's give it a go miss everything Mr bunker what's that here the Pringle head or something on the back of something I've literally hear an unbelievable wedge shot like ridiculous I didn't even think I'd get out of the bunker I somehow clipped it perfect it's landed left hand side of the green. And kicked off something really hard and shot miles left I just got I can't even I just need to yeah finish this round of golf I think before it finishes me my ball is finished right down there I can only presume it's literally hit the sprinkle ahead here. And gone down into this Bank oh my God crazy game okay up. And down needed to break 80. not been not been a good day at the office I'm afraid but and up and down here would make things a little bit better just try and land it on the top of the green a bit skinny a little bit skinny that's a goal for it has try and get a bird in the last okay. So for a power on the last thing to shoot 79 guys hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure you smash like subscribe let's hope this grows in. For 79. Dreadful comes up my round guys thanks for watching stay tuned we'll see you next.

Week I need to go and practice peace Thanks For Less likes it was beautiful ah shower.