[applause] [Music] um [Music] morning what day six a.m in the morning we're gonna go and play some golf i'm excited about this one now if you're not guest first off play with guy hello i'm very excited um you might think well why are you walking why are you walking. And talking where could you possibly be going well if you've not recognized the street. So far we are in the home of golf. And we're gonna have a little wander on down because we've got the very first tea of the day on one of the most famous golf courses in the world old course saint andrews the year of the 150th open the grandstands are up you ready. For this guy i am i feel like we last year we played it for the first time ever it was an absolute dream i felt. So privileged so excited to play the old course. But today.

With the grandstands up it's a totally different vibe. And i'm excited. But weirdly very nervous yeah it it brings like a level of kind of you like get proper butterflies because just because of this like it's this is what's. So unique about saint andrews the fact guys walking down the street here at six o'clock in the morning and it's not weird why it's not it's quite normal we might pass other people with the golf clubs at six o'clock in the morning walking down the street now last year it was about in fact it was almost exactly to the date last year we filmed last year's episode of break 75 here at the shoes i remember i shot 73 on one over 30 in the last fist pump on the last. So hopefully after last week's episode you saw there was better golfing in there from matt fryer that's been ditched you're back in um no better golf last week which was promising. So i'm happy about that so i feel like the confidence level's a touch higher by the way just just just admire the cobbled streets of saint andrews right enough talking let's wander down let's get to that first tee [Music] and just like that a brief walk literally you're in the town to this oh like butterflies instantly grandstands are up 150 how good does that look looks incredible white seats which says 150th just. So simple yeah just look class yellow leaderboards are up proud 18th green the whole's not even been cut. Yet we're here that early in the morning oh the only bad thing is i am quite nervous. For the first two and already at 6 40. there's quite a lot of people knocking around there's a couple of comments in some of the last videos that i played in that people didn't like the fact i was marking the ball with a t-peg which i get. So look at this today.

150th open ball marker. And pitchfork so it's 6 40 a.m the first tee time on the old course what's cool about this is this is the exact same time the first tee off. For the open will be in july i mean granted with like slightly less people around. But i'm just as nervous as maybe the first person seen off will be. So here we are first hole path. For start huge fairway i just need to knock one down there and hit an iron just for safety put myself in a good spot right let's do this it'll absolutely work we just hold that finish. For a second yeah that's good perfect it's away wow that was the not the best strike let's be honest. But it's down there on the fairway i would take that right now absolutely [Music] i know a little car was if it was there. For my shot it might it might have hit the car how's it take that as well it's so far left but what's always quite incredible about walking down this hole is like all the greats have walked this very fairway the amount of times the open's been played here the historic event from old tom morris to now 2022. And 150th open memories history that's what makes it so special in it really it is how did you feel about that first t-shirt it's. So wide it's probably the way it must be the widest fairway in golf but yeah it's the most daunting. But it's a way it went forward and left you know i might lay too far back on here but never mind 79 into the first green oh be nice okay. And we're off and we're off we're putting for birdie we're having a look at it anyway it's a nice feeling hitting the first green regulation nice strike i've got the easiest to put actually it's going to be sloping quite a lot. But doesn't mean i can't hold it more positivity today.

[music] it's got some serious swing in it right to left down the hill sim up a little bit fiery nice take that on the first yep second hole par four four eleven now a lot of things on this course left is your friend. And this is no exception i'm gonna just drill it. So probably towards that ground slab on the left side oh right is that all right still okay everything's fine on this course really quite we're meant to hit it. But the second green is one of seven double greens. So this is the second green. And over there is the 16th fun fact both double grit all the double greens the two holes together add up to number 18.. So 2 and 16 5 and 13 for example all that up to 18. so what makes this place so unique hit nicely in there little look for birdie guys hit a good one this is uh this is good vibe. So far okay let's start this round in style nice little birdie chance on the second swinging right to left oh. So it's gonna keep breaking [Music] another path we'll take that for a start we're lucky at the moment because it is. So early and i don't know if it's going to stay like this it's beautifully calm. But i've been here enough times to know it doesn't always stay like this suddenly it could start raining torrential gale force winds anything can happen the weather around here is is very very unpredictable at the moment we've got it nice. So need to capitalize while it's not well the weather is fair okay third hole 398 yard par four from memory there's a few bunkers down the right hand side. So i can hit it left just depends where the pin is on the green i don't want to block myself out by that massive bunker okay. So i've got well out of position here on the third i actually thought i could i thought left was the play. But from memory didn't serve me well because i kind of caught up in this rough there was loads of room right. And the advantage being right i'd have opened this pin up the fact i've come left there's a bunker here short left that's absolutely huge i think that should be right it bounced i think it bounced on the green i bailed out a little bit to the right there. But i think you've got to respect you've got to respect these big bunkers around here because that's when you start to rack up a huge score if you start finding those two put from here be very good one put one put oh very good very nice. For a second for for a split second i thought i was absolutely tracking shall i get one instead yeah please okay give the viewers what give some birdie sauce at some point yep yes [Music] that's how you make a verdi i don't wanna claim i could win the open. But i played three hours and won the par so put that name at the top of the leaderboard [Music] damn fourth hole i remember the left being okay last time. But the fairway really narrows so i can't hit too long which i don't think i will do in this wind oh richard what's up i'm gonna try. And hit a nice eight iron to about 155. that's too far left cover that hump yeah it should be okay [Music] i've literally got to get to here. And then.

It's gone ah i actually didn't think i could leave that short yes nice put that on the hill okay four holes in um strange start i'm one over. And i feel like i shouldn't be really obviously i missed that little tap in a couple of holes ago but that was a good put on the last i need that one first part five coming up fifth hole 514 yards this green is the biggest green in europe [Music] oh [Music] yes i found myself no little divot. So i've got a i've got to strike this one pure about 250 away from the flag this this green actually is absolutely huge i need to carry this about 230 strike down on it after a lot of running i feel ah i didn't quite catch it this is the biggest green in europe 37 846 square feet it's a monster now mean guy i've hit the green we've got puts. For eagle however. however. i need a range finder that's gotta be must be 100 foot that is that's 40 yards. So 20 foot 120 foot is it bad to say if you're happy with the three-putt i actually won three foot past i'll be made up right this is literally the hit. And hope we've all done it rough line even pretty much up the flag and just whack it get going no way wow the best golf shot of my life that's incredible roll up. And knock in my bird okay. For birdie on the fifth right to left come on need this one to drop ah rick hit that so badly hey yeah yeah this will be the best day of my life just don't tell my wife yes what a great birdie from there i kind of do if i go rubbish now. But i also don't because two under par at the old hall for a few holes and made up just cut to that screen you'll see uh guy charnet's name up at the top of the leaderboard very good well done [Music] six hole beautiful little par for this now there's a selection of bunkers down the right hand side which i don't want to get caught in so i'm going to try. And hit one down the left sixth hole i'm in the rough on the left-hand side here uh sat down a little bit nastily but it's not too bad i've got nothing in front of me which is good 130 yards to the flag. But really i probably got to be carrying this about 120 then.

It kind of shoots away long isn't an option sure is definitely play just kind of short of the flag. But hopefully still on the green carry that little hump okay. For birdie here on the six get back to level par super straight downhill [Music] oh yeah she's never started online another part guy's going. For course record there at the moment this is to go 300. oh my goodness 300 would have been too much too much pressure you're comfortable cruising at 200 that's fine yeah really okay seventh hole par four 359 yards kind of requires like a 220 iron shot to put yourself in a position a. And it's 3i and the wind's just starting to pick up a tiny bit yeah it's good yeah good shot 94 yards into the seventh green pin's kind of front right left is the safe miss that's too far left yeah it should be okay i feel like something needs to start this round going [Music] hit it oh needed a bit more it did first part three there's actually only two of them on the golf course this is an 11 145 yards can't quite see the bottom of the cup i'm just getting a nice 99 there's a a spire in the background that i'm going to wait. For let the wind just drift it back in let's knock this in for a cheeky number one stay there could be say that go go okay. For birdie hopefully the first one of the day ah the first few holes i was hitting like everything three foot past. And then.

The last year i've been leaving everything a bit short another path ninth hole par four i don't think today.

Reachable is it yeah it'd be a really good hit guy might get there oh get away from him stay right of it [Music] okay. So after my tee shot bunker number one missed just come on down come on down bunker number two missed just of which is skirting around both of them. And finished up in front of the green on a beautiful flat smooth potable surface yeah listen when in scotland when anywhere let's be honest it's potter from here every day incredible. For pace uh kind of question why i've gone so far to the left there but we're putting that for birdie okay to finish the front nine hopefully with a birdie. And to get it back to level par not lighting this pretty much dead straight come on nice confident put right in the middle of the hole [Music] yes this wasn't the middle. But it was in. And it wasn't a confident confident thought but it was in that's all that matters nice birdie [Music] okay. So nine holes done um the good news nine greens in regulation take that every day a little blip on that short one that i missed but just got it back there with a birdie so i finished the front nine level par guy interestingly started off like a train as you saw got to two on the par he's just had a little string of bogeys there which he won't be happy with he's actually just finished the front nine one over par now plenty of golf left to go first place though halfway house [Music] done for me well for us all and i was two under par through five living the dream life was good i've then.

Had three bows in a row. So i finished the front now one over which i still take if you said to me on the first two through nine i'd be one over part of the old course when you've been one on the par you feel a bit disappointed. So hopefully a nice strong back nine rick will destroy 75 he'll get a 200 growth today.

And i'll try and get a level power tenth hole bat nine old course this is where it's won. Or lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] go yeah nice that'd be a tiny bit shorter long range birdie opportunity big swing off the left. And it kind of almost goes back the other way a little bit slow whoa fiery [Music] hi [Music] hi silly another three probably ow that's three now [Music] yeah nice bird thank you very nice he's back he's back in town 11th second part three on this golf course a couple of big hazards on this huge bunker on the left i've got to stay clear of that the wind's just picking up a little bit finding the green is definitely going to be paramount here go a bit oh i got swallowed it's got enough that should be good it's quite long in it okay a little bit frustrated about that one i saw a guy hit eight. And come up short in the bunker but i didn't feel like seven was the club. And i committed to an eight and i felt like i hit it well wind just hit it so i've ended up in this huge bunker on the left-hand side and it is a monster there's bigger ones on this golf course granted. But this ain't an easy one oh i'm right towards the back of it why'd i have to come in this on the brake 75 couldn't see right tough shot this big bunker tight pin i'm just going to try. And splash it out to the left yeah as i say nearest the pin. But is it more to get it out yeah you can get on the least amount of shots. So i'm six foot and as you can see this bunker's pretty much as big as me oh rick why did i come in here oh golf shot set up ah you're out i'm out it's quite daunting in it sometimes you've got to take your medicine yeah nice you're always going long aren't you yeah you are actually ever slightly closer. But yeah those bunkers you felt when you were beginning to golf where bunkers just want to get out yeah you know what i mean you're right i was. So happy to get out you need one of those ones where it just feels so light splashy it's almost like fat yeah simmer [Music] [Music] very good well done. And a good look [Music] yeah i have to take a four okay hull 12 2 over need to steady the ship after those two bogeys [Music] the not far from the green here on the left just gotta be careful as a group just hitting there. So we might have to be a bit quiet but i've got like a little 30-yard pitch pins in a really tricky little spot on this green we're going to slight up slope let it kill it get onto that bat platform come on nice shot here great sure why thank you the thing with these greens is this is legitimate birdie chance. And rick's got one as well rick's is probably a nice putt than mine. But there's just so much undulation to the green it's like an eight foot pull which is. So difficult wow never mind [Music] you get yours you sacrifice yourself you can't get two in the same hole really oh rick not give any pot a chance at all i'm that's frustrated me that a little bit because if i had a nice pitch in there i left myself out of all the spots on that green i left myself the easiest birdie put and i go and hit it so weak okay thirteenth par four we head back we can see the town of saint andrews nice three-wood shot here straight in play should feed in i guess okay not quite what i was aiming. But not bad missing it okay second shot a bit of a blind shot over this hill um about 180 to the flag. But the pins took behind a nasty little bunker so i'm kind of just going to go seven iron. And just go middle of the green [Music] under no illusion i know today.

Is an easy day like the wind's not really picked up. And the roof at the moment isn't as thick as this stuff check this out imagine if you bought one in here look at that it's literally what's up to oh almost knee height the ball is. So far down there this is what the rough's gonna be like open week which is definitely gonna make it outrageously harder yeah wow great parts thank you yeah lovely very good there you go par five fourteenth come on really good tea shot needed money money money okay. So as i've just hit my tee shot down 14 that was a good one. But i've just dawned on me i kind of don't know why i forgot this is 17th hole is coming up the road hole the 17th kind of hit it over the hotel. So as much as my score is on track at the moment i'm not obviously not shooting the lights out. And two over on track i do really need to stay in control of this one bad hole 75 could get very very dicey. But so far i'm in it i'm in control the nice birdie down here would definitely help the scorecard okay. So after splitting the fairway here on this par 5 the 14th i'm actually only 200 yards to the green um just see the pin going kind of back towards town it's actually perfectly lined with rna clubhouse actually from here uh yeah a really nice iron shot into the middle of the green here. And a two put birdie would definitely help me chill with those last few holes to come [Music] [Music] go in oh right my second shot finished here which is actually quite lucky because there's a few more rolls i would have found this bunker i've just got this put up the hill it's got that little ridge about three quarters of the way to the hole if i can get it on top tier. And get the pace right this is. For eagle though i'm not going to overlook that just in case brilliant pace just not my finest line there got it he's got it well done mate that is awesome oh happy with that that is awesome [Music] yes birdie brothers oh yeah we nearly out on the on the one previous. But four to go wind is definitely picking up in our favor though right i think. So yeah yeah 15th the fairway really narrows. So i can't hit too long which i don't think i will do in this wind [Music] oh no get out of there it's fine you're fine nice yeah it's got lucky there right as you can see juicy thick a lie down the side here of 15 um i mean i shouldn't be here. But i am flag is just left to the tv tower i'm about 130 yards at the front of the green i'm gonna try. And pack out a pitching wedge and that's pretty much what i can do hopefully it comes out okay we should be able to get up there at least oh be nice come on be good go on go on [Music] it's pretty good from there thanks pal right downhill right to left it keep going [Music] like it was gonna be. So much faster hey [Music] yeah it's well done mate thank you that is awesome okay this is where the real real test comes in 16 17 over the hotel 18 obviously the famous par 4 back into the town. And one over [Music] uh guys just made two birdies back to back and actually got about to level he's playing great today.

So lots of golf to go three i'll take three parts i would right now [Music] [Music] okay. So after hitting a great tee shot off this uh 16th tee i don't know if i might fit it's like too close to the green i'm 50 yards away probably 760 flag i've got two well three trains of thought number one is i just wish i had that extra level of confidence to get that lob wedge out. And flip it up there get it to stop number two i think putter is ridiculous from here i'm gonna go somewhere in between i need a little kind of bump. And run with an eight [Music] get up the hill and it could be very good [Music] not bad that it's called a duff and run that was i feel like i might have to run up. And mark it come on come on good touch good touch okay dead straight putt let's have one nice put held [Music] weak terrible effort feeble effort hey [Music] very good well done well done mate you have to fist put the double bogey because every shot counts okay this is it 17th hole old course over the corner of the hotel as you know from there it swings to the right [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right right second shot into 17 i've i hit a good tee shot. But i did just slightly bail out to the left i knew this was the safer miss 185 yards to the flag the pin is as far back left as i've ever ever ever seen it now remember from the last break 75 this happened carrie carrick [Music] oh. And still to stay it might be my greatest shot ever but today.

I'm not i'm not quite feeling that i can maybe do that how do i play this how do i play this i don't want to go in rojo bunker i don't want to go into onto the road. Or the or the wall i've got a good score i need to place it i'm gonna i'm gonna go left of the flag and maybe even left of the green and then.

Try and kind of get up and down from there um i'm going to hit just a nice i just don't want it to come out too hot i'm getting a nice eight iron [Music] bend it get lucky get lucky i didn't hit that well. And i did get lucky it's finished. But not far away where i was hoping. For left-hand side good news is rick is playing very nicely. And he's well on the way to breaking 75 at the home of golf about six weeks before the open with the grandstands out so class bad news for me is i was playing. So nicely level par on the 16th tee out of bounds double bogey out of bounds again on this hole 17 well over the hotel probably in the car park or when someone's drinking the pub or something the pressure's got to me i don't know what pressure for what but really nervous over the tee so not good anyway we're out here enjoying it can i salvage some level of score 78 yards the flag i don't even know how you'd get this close out of this stuff we'll give it a try [Music] was it that far it's kind of the demise of guy charnock really front of your eyes i've gone from up here to down there i hate god i love golf. And i hate golf at the same time i'm literally on the road okay. So guys over there on the road pandemonia here on this last hole the town starts to come alive and get busy i've got this shot i've gone way through the back of the green now between you and me i'd want to get like a lofty club on this but why make a fool of myself i already do that well enough on these videos right. So i'm going to put it long range granted. But i just think it's a safer shot [Music] [Music] not bad. For speed i was never chipping it with you like watching stay up ah okay week one okay such a tough hole in it yeah nice pot last hole 18. end up obviously on the road get out to the drama right okay provisional ball a surprise surprise surprise surprise yeah that's it okay heading over this wilkin bridge with uh what feels like somewhat of a disappointed ending after those two shots have that all right over as well. But just blocked it miles right um unless it's somehow bounced back in bounds i think it might be a ob. And then.

My left surprise surprise went a million miles left i think it's mad though how seriously it's such a wide hole. But yeah it is unbelievably. So daunting like yeah black star just scary good i felt all right over it. So bizarre he didn't aim far enough left unless you were near the flag why is it one near the green why's the one on the green what do you mean it's a mighty drive man that was what's happened sorry what's happened well it kind of it hit the the side of the open shop. And then.

Bounced is that some that's are you actually. For real yeah is that really yeah is that on the seven yeah. But i mean that's that's the longest drive i'll see all day sure oh my god when it's your day it's your day what okay we'll know if it's my ball i tighten this one off the tee. And it's got the open logo on it you've seen it all the way through this video i'm very confused at the moment what happened right let's have a look so apparently i tighten this one well i did it tighten this one open plenty of damage that's a bit of road damage. And a bit of hotel damage that's a bit of damage which is on the green we're putting. For eagle you gotta take it as it lies yes well done like well done that birdie yeah nice we need that okay. So just like that for eagle here on the old course i best make it count onto loads of people watching [Music] what yes. So keeping this ball forever fraying it frame it the ball that the to go out of bounds but decided to pop back in and leave me with an eagle foot on the last white i don't know what you shot actually what did you actually saw in the end i shot level path. So i was too over very nice here you go on the last first eagle of break 75. For me at least um yeah very good it was it was a hit a lot of greens i felt my putting wasn't the best. But it was like good yeah um nice beautiful morning you certainly in parts played the best golf ever since yeah. So i shot 77 which is five over par which i'd be happy with anyway i'd take that all day long disappointingly i had an eight quadruple bogey. And a double bogey and they're next.

To each other on 16 and 17. but to birdie 18 and shoot five over i am happy with that it could have been miles better but i'm very happy so guys thank you once again to watching thank you to saint andrews for the guys we played with wonderful guests did we when did we win the match just you won the match me. And paul lost because you had an eagle me a lorry one um thanks for watching guys make sure you stay tuned lots more to come um that's it end off we'll see you next.

Week when are we doing that we might have a week off then.

We also might be somewhere else. But oh yeah either way stay tuned whatever. So do it do what you wanna do i'll see you next.
