Down here today.

And absolutely spectacular venue and an incredible Golf Course [Music] I really turned it on today.

You thought you lost your ball two minutes ago very nice be honest now you should run off you know I want I'm not going to do this. But I want to do exactly Potter [Music] all right guys welcome back to a brand new episode of break 75 I'm down here today.

At the Grove. And absolutely spectacular venue and an incredible golf course we got lucky today.

Because ladies Rose here has actually been out this morning. And played the golf course so as you can see it's in Immaculate condition we're kicking things off on the back now we're starting on 10. And we're gonna loop our way around and obviously all 18 holes we've been on the Range me and guy are playing today.

We've warmed up we've loosened within fed. And water then.

We're ready to go I'm excited about this one I feel like last week I wasn't quite sure which way the golf was going to go it actually was surprisingly gone this week um I'm weirdly not as hopeful this is a tough golf course it's hard it's demanded the greens are lightning there's trees there's hazards there's lots going on however. I'm gonna do my best try. And break 75 guys sit back relax enjoy foreign [Music] now I have played this golf course probably three or four times yeah you've never played this. Yet never and look at this I've gone prepared it's nothing very confident I've uh I've got one two three four basically about a dozen golf balls which might get used today.

But I feel inspired I'm going with one one golf ball that's it if I can play it in holes with this one golf ball you have to buy me a gift okay I'll buy you a paint paint you can play this round with one golf ball it's a spectacular course I've just been telling everyone um it really is it's hosted some huge events as well Dell World match play Tiger Woods won that event correct. And there's actually a hole trying to work out now I think it'll be on our front nines it's towards the end of the normal back 18 holes tiger played it four times it eagleed it three times. And the other round he birded it there's actually plaques in the Fairway where he hits driver shots my mission today.

If nothing else it was break 80. But birdie that hole today.

We're playing off a fairly back teeth nearly 7 000 yards past 72. um Good Luck mate enjoy I'm gonna be serious today.

Last week it was a good good day it was fun this week it's about good golf. And it'll be super serious maybe beat Rick Shields side note my legs are still hurting I'm just gonna put that out there I know it's a few weeks after the marathon. But my legs are still really bad right this is never driver off this hole if it's tenth hole normally you're hitting a little three wood squeezy one. But you fade nine holes you're warmed up opening t-shirt the day it's the big stick every day of the week dog leg left Par Four 380 yards you just want to hit it between that gap of the trees there's a tiny little baby drawer that's what I'm gonna try and do enjoy yeah play well [Music] that is delicious are your legs we're really still aching quite a lot I don't know if you heard it right they were aching. And creaking I felt nice that was the middle of the club face chilled relaxed I'm excited about this one I'll take it all back. And I'm gonna I'm gonna go cross record I don't know what I'm saying the trees how we draw oh oh what'd that do it hit that massive tree. And it bounced badly I didn't see it down oh mother fine bunch of more holes together I need more holes but I need more shots and uh yeah I've Gotta Give me feeling about this one I really am [Music] now just to kick things off this is the first tea I'm intrigued there's good stuff in here it's a bin no it's not all alone. So we're gonna kick things off I think I need a front line ball marker. And a Batman correct actually this one I reckon I needed at least a growth pencil a few extra teas and then.

Check out this look at that Oh my days that is premium that is class well turn up. For the books we walk around the corner there's a ball absolutely perfect in the middle of the Fairway and I'm walking up there or Cocky and Confident thinking it was mine I couldn't find guys I was like let me just check if that's definitely mine it's not it was guys I'm here in the roof I didn't turn it around the corner enough guy with his little towie hook gets it there right anyway I've pulled an absolute awful lie in this room pins took behind that bunker I'm just gonna go pin High middle of the green try. And feed it through those two bunkers that lie was. So bad that's not a bad effort that can sat down then.

Ah I needed to hit that droppy drawy hook never mind front edge happy with that really it was a bit lucky I hit a toad t-shirt Drew hit the tree middle of the Fairway. So I'm in position a one really so I need to capitalize 93 yards to the flag it's a nice 54 degree sand iron strike oh wow those those greens spin Oh my days very nice I really turned it on today.

You thought you lost your ball two minutes ago now he's turned it up very good very good right. So managed to navigate between the two bunkers just off the green honestly Green's here we've just been on the putting green before absolutely pristine no excuses today.

The only excuse is there might be just a bit too fast. But should be fine right to put from here start with a par speed is key not much sloping it sure that was weak really weak thought it was going to be fast all the way. And it just wasn't at all right guy with an opportunity last week's episode I managed to start off with a nice little two sn8 that birdie Source Early doors can Guy start with some birdie sauce early does [Music] help settle down um you went. For it I went for it and I got punished not the start I wanted a 12 foot power foot but if I can knock it in nice confidence boost early doors right to left slightly uphill [Music] easiest way making a part nice pots my friend thanks Val now my little three four foot has got a lot longer I love them mate well done I was nervous. For you that everybody want see how long this continues 17 more holes to go I deal okay okay welcome back second hole 11th on the scorecard um it's a par five slight dug leg left now I'll be honest that cat shouldn't be that medicine. But no it is though in it it's quite yeah not. For you no you're a straight Papa these days. So come on so just over the corner over that bunker just feels like it's got to be straight yeah because it kind of moves left after that okay what do you draw now I'm just going to go straight over that bunker love it the aggressive line should be kind of being weirdly perfect you know I was surprised if it is that is it's a weird t-shirt you've got to kind of like guide it a little bit those trees are quite daunting yeah Wembley you absolutely shouldn't hit the trees carry the bunker that's Prime positions yeah that is very uh just a little if you get one slinging bit of a toy drawer. Or those trees could definitely come into play but not for us not for a seasoned Pros okay. So I've hit my tee shot a bit too far left I wasn't I didn't mean to I thought I might have got lucky. And ran out into the Fairway but I definitely haven't guys hit two great t-shirts that was actually on purpose that one as well just in a good spot now. So part five I can't go for it because I must be I'm 250 from that tree so I want to leave myself about 100 90 yards left in something like a little probably like a 99 down there just put myself in the middle of the fair where's the plan pins back left just had a quick look at that see if I can hit 99 into position a wedge it on there's still a chance of making birdie should be good I like that when Rick hits one maybe in another bad position. And then.

Take some medicine good good to see boring anyway I am gonna go for it because I hit the middle of Fairway I've got two 38 lessons the flags three would I think um a couple bunkers around the green develop one of them not the end of the world first Eagle at the Grove let's go. For it oh baby oh baby be good that's gotta be it's on the green that's gotta be all over it I think it might have be sure I didn't see it down properly. For a second my stomach was going like it was gonna be a hole in one obviously it wouldn't have been a hole in one it would have been Albatross. But oh my days that was a good golf shot I'm a bit annoyed myself no you know what that's not correct I'm not annoyed myself I'm annoyed with the ground because it was too hard. And the ball ran through into this little first got a rough as guy mentioned 108 yards to the back left flag we've got 50 degree in hand I feel like it's a little 90 degree sorry 90 percent 50 degree wedge should be perfect [Music] get down okay all the spin got taken off at you right yeah not too bad put him from there wasn't a million miles away [Music] oh it's come out clean no it's been hard that's a bad golf shot. So both in similar spots now two different ways of playing the hole but two opportunities for birdie here just off the back of the green big slope right to left it's going to be slick I need to give it plenty of respect [Music] go on sling go Oh I thought it was gonna be a lot quicker than that yeah it's probably gonna be a lot quicker this is either a great decision. Or a stupid one whereas Rick deployed his I'm going. For the 58 wedge a skilled player well yeah kind of back foot hands forward just nudge It Forward land it on. And just feed it round potentially thin it into the bunker in the back which will be good viewing potentially hold it which would be good viewing. Or potentially fast it which would be good viewing so either way should be good good content right for par after a very adventurous hole slippery one down the hill again still right to left gotta keep it outside the hole and it snap back in [Music] like pretty yet but two pounds on the scorecard these I just want to say even before I hit this port these greens off and I'm like the fair play to the growth they've done a really good job on these greens they're absolutely phenomenal did you say that pre-put just in case you missed it oh it's like good to the golfing Gods they've come with the cause of a pitch marks picks on the divots. And be nicer to call so the course would be nice to me lesson for that okay third hole Par Four it's really nice to hold this creates a great tee shot kind of fading off that bunk that you can see in the vision. And it kind of tunnels into a really good green from memory I'll just double check this because I don't want to get my facts wrong yeah there's a huge bunker it's actually a rectangular shaped green like quite literally rectangular shape. So it's a huge bunker down the right hand side of the green so good t-shirt required 433 yards so it's no shorter clear that bunker clear that bunker clear that bunker oh that should be all right now I'm gonna swap golf ball because I don't know don't say that bunker shot does that make actually any difference to the golf world record absolutely tall Pros wouldn't use that. And also you normally do retire a golf ball when you've made two Pars in a row. So correct allow me I'll put it in your special power Pockets yeah I think the power pocket there's no other balls in there it's just that one there now I've got attacked this number two. So I wonder what that happened now I've gone from a one to a two dangerous it's either gonna let's be honest this hole's gonna be a bird or a Bogue it's not going to be a part yeah correct oh struck. So well pulled it self [Music] it's okay it's not ideal be a quite thick rough that. But okay second shot into our third hole here I cleared the bunker. But I actually was hoping I'd get a little kick down onto the Fairway. But I don't think it's meant to be today.

I'll be lighted 180 yards back into wind this is the one honestly right is just not an option pin is on the right side of the green of course it is I've kind of got to go at the green. And draw it off it I'll just stay left of the flag no not right I said anywhere. But right Get Lucky oh it's massive that is gone a country Maya I don't know if I've had a flyer out that roof. But that's over the green and far away so I've got my ball probably about three yards off the Fairway and quite a weird shot here and that's ripford's advice because got 165 yards of the flag so the first thought is it is kind of rough Ball blow my feet do I just chip out a pitching wedge maybe 60 70 yards leave themselves 100 yards. Or 90 yards in for a real chance at you know picture one close or do I try. And smash a seven iron it's got this close-ups again as possible maybe go in the bunker who knows but just get something up there I brought in your favorite PGA golf Coach Rick Shields to help me it's not that worse when you get in you can see it yeah you're looking. For the grass behind the ball obviously and how sat down it is the balls obviously the ball's quite a bit below your feet it's gonna go right oh it's one I'm gonna it's gonna want to move to the right I know I would go. For it every day of the week including Christmas day okay let's go that's a great golf shot oh what a kick oh kick go in [Laughter] I want to thank Rick shields. For the tips and you guys for watching to be on this lovely day with me right so after my flyer live in the rough there I've actually to be honest I've just been at the back of the green I've got past the bunker so I don't have to go super elevated so a nice little nice little 50 degree little chipping run down there land it just On The Fringe and run it down foreign inch left and that might have just dropped come on then.

Guy after miracle at The Grove yeah I just always falling away come on thank you mate continue the power yeah you'll be retiring another ball in a minute okay. So left to right up the hill come on another good pass save never mind never mind right come on over guys level R3 coming up next.

Our fourth hole which is actually hole 13. it's a gorgeous Par 3 down the hill 202 on the score card with a little bit of elevation change probably playing just under 190.. And we can't work out if it's a six sign or a five iron I've got six iron hands and I've got the armor so I feel a bit a disadvantage because you're going to learn massively from whatever I do. And that's why I made bogey on the last correct okay then.

Come on that guy I mean I must admit that whole location is right up my street yeah it is a little high drawing tap pin are you thinking six. Or five initially my hand is fully on six okay. So whatever I do is your destiny yeah okay I think it is a good six iron right well you've hit that really well. So it's going to give me a great indication that looks fantastic guys guys flushington today.

That's weird in it because it's like a quarter of a club not enough did you absolutely rip it yeah I did I think I can just about get a five yards extra in my own. So it's a nice six I up my ball a little turnover actually do I want to just slice it down a fraction I think I do a little little low drawery one pitch it right over the top of your ball. And just let the Contours bring it down I said all the right things I feel like the Winch just picked up that could be on top of my ball I think get up a bit I feel yeah it needs to go nice layup really good lay up there on that far through oh my God that's like 20 yard shot okay after laying up on this part three [Laughter] that was a real misjudgment there I needed five iron probably all of the five iron the wind definitely just picked up a fraction uh I'm gonna go with wedge. And I'm going to try. And flight it majority away is that quite downhill from where you are now yes it's all really downhill like ridiculously as in I can land this on the green. Or not no I wouldn't have happened I wouldn't think. So really unless you know very lofted bear with me let's have a quick check one eternity later okay. So just had a quick investigation I feel confident I can land it on the Green. And get it to stop I've got 60 degree in hand I missed my spot by about 10 yards I actually meant to land that on the front of the green and I landed it I literally slam dunked it straight foreign [Music] wow that was fast well that was really close. But a bit of meat left on that how did it break way off to the left finding really hard I can't see him okay down the hill guy was down the hill. And I'm even down the hill because this hole's just in a bit of a bowl left to right pretty much all the way okay oh my God's really not hurt I thought it was gonna be rap big yeah solid okay. So there's a rock can we tie that ball yep yep it's in it's all nice fifth hole part four beautiful little hole just came over that really cool little Bridge actually I believe up this year this golf course this year September it's his 20th birthday. So happy 20th birthday The Grove um this is a really nice holiday position is needed off the teeth not long it's only 375 off this tee um really got to keep it in the Fairway. And it should flick into the green there is a almost like it's not a ditch. But it's almost like the Fairway does run out into rough. And then.

It goes into another Fairway question for you do you like it when it's a hole Par Four. Or it's not a driver yeah really driver only. For me well I like it it's a hole it's like a bit more of a thinking hole that's probably why I don't like it I like it move big stick it's down all right come on three Ward kind of yeah just hit it like it would be a driver. But it should obviously go not as far because it's a three one other breaking news water wet Golf Shop what the hell guy bloody Nora be honest now you should run tour yeah that shot that shot you're nice everything that's going to see that shot in isolation was Tor standard you should be on time right now wow concerned about myself oh hey what I were pan. And just even retire myself I could talk bro it's just weird oh my God right I want you to clip that line after 18 holes okay let's see what happens yeah good point I'm not saying that I don't think you'll continue it. But I won't see it right same as you literally the same shot as you start drawing stop drawing that looks nasty I was like it's gone behind the tree be honest should I quit golf forever I want to stay employed to know I'm not loving if you do why I'm a joke I'm just saying. For you being on tour oh right yeah it used to be like a good net golfer you can like the nice seven handicap at the golf club who gets it around okay 15. you've been handicap right interesting tee shot I'm kind of blocked out by a tree. And all the bloody World on the right but nope went left I don't snap out of this mindset at the moment I feel like things aren't going my way. And I think I'm part responsible. For that well I'm all responsible for it but even this lie is not anyway great shots happen after terrible shots hold on to your hats 134 yards I've got to hit like a low Punchy drawy pitching wedge. And I'm really I think I can do it kind of want to just catch a tiny bit thin. And just punch draw it keep it under this tree in front of me oh it's almost there that's yeah that's all right that though that is fine I'm really I'm actually really surprised I didn't draw yeah I felt like I really got the right movement. But it just stayed out straight to the right it's always hard to draw a wedge to be fair but I did feel like I could get that turning never mind pin high right okay got my ball. And I've got 108 yards of the flag a little bit of wind helping I mean just kind of the first cutter off. So it's going to cut probably quite hot with low spin. So that 108 shot in reality is probably more like a 90-yarder really it's a 50 degree three-quarter swing still commit to it give it that bit of speed through the bottom right oh such a good strike. But just went too far sounded great that yeah it just came out. So hot that those distances to actually really kind of trust that it's not going to play one away as I said it probably played might 90. you still want to swing at the 108 number it's hard to get into your mind okay nice leave after the shot from behind the tree pin High Putters out come on I need to stop this hemorrhaging of Bogies at the moment I need to look at picking up a power. Or two instead of the shipping it's always like him looking at birdies hit the flag where is my speed control today.

[laughter ] oh where is the control what I didn't realize when I put them over there. And I should have read it from this side it was actually quite a bit downhill from the put off the green stupid didn't analyze the situation. So this is now uphill left. Or right oh God what's that really should we go with the speed right I don't know if I I don't know I thought that was a really good speed put then.

I think it's still on me yeah oh bogey train choo choo fully tickets fully on it what's it like it's not nice it's a Refreshments on there no chewing along the seats stinks a bit exactly the toilet you've got someone chatting on the phone next.

To you just constantly yeah well I've done the uh the powertrade. So far it's not the middle of the road it is it's Pleasant it's nice family orientated lots of nice people on there you get a glass of water. For free and now comes the time can I keep my ticket can I keep it the power chain I want to get on let me on one day one day six hole Par Four really nice I love it kind of tree look like when the mature Tree starts kicking it's really nice it's Doug leg left there's a bunker to kind of carry this shouldn't be too much hazards. But some kind of Himalayas the rough Himalayas on the left you see them yep well it's like just a lot of bumpy ground and a lot of long grass yes which is not ideal. So slightly right guy's gonna go three wood absolutely perfect picture of shot shape I think the cost I think it's a cut. But left of what ended on those the right of the Christmas trees okay hard cut yeah not that hard ly as bad as it locks that see it's fine this one of them holes though I think were although I'm on paper a drawer should be the shot I can see a draw actually getting them hit the hook a bit up shorter than you think it was a cut you're always getting away from the trip trouble yeah I just didn't quite commit to it okay where'd he shot that I've been driving I've really cut it hard. And it's finished here I mean guy hit Three Wood to there I really need to kind of a Chasey draw. But I didn't get it with the driver 155 yards to that pin I Look to that pin position earlier and it's really tucked in the right corner of the green so I'm going to go I'm gonna go. For a full nine iron and just try and draw it off the PIN I need to just get get something going here I need a little six foot booty opportunity. And sink it just to steady the ship I feel like I'm very much on this bogey train I need to get off it straight at the flag nine iron a little draw but the right distance don't go too big back left back of the green yeah might have just hung on. But it's quite hard to get close to some Flags if you're not in the right position I mean hit a good driver down there I should have been flicking in a sandwich. But leave myself 155 yards is not the way to try. And make birdies around here okay it's another great thread. For me I don't know what's going on when we're driving I have to tell you. But I'm not complaining got 131 to the pin and other than this bunker which is kind of just in front of us really there's not a lot it's kind of danger. So there's no excuses here this should be quite a close well it should go close there's no reason why it shouldn't come on nice wedge committed well it's a bit pully get down holy. And long that's all right oh it's awesome it's one of them weird shots there it's like not terrible but not very good either very average very vanilla very beige okay. So just off the back of the green um luckily it dug its teeth in because it could have easily got into a little sticky situation here at the back luckily we hung on I feel like that's what I'm doing to this round of golf at the moment hanging on so come on I need I need some fire in my belly so a bit actually it's impossible to get a tapping part around here you've got to fight for your part you really do now thankfully this is one I can see what it's going to do kind of uphill it's gonna come off the left instead of come round. So out will be good please mate kind of Within near Rick's marker. And let it almost Fade to the hole come on Interstate dead straight I didn't see that going left to right you know what do you see it doing I just saw that this seems very high I can see that coming like this though here great. For Speed or great for Speed like I really need this one yes Rick Shields made a path oh the train has stopped. And I've managed to get on board and I'm concerned you've taken my ticket I'm nicked out of that pocket this is a little slimy little lizard that wants to go down here. And I'm not gonna allow it's going in there send it home [Music] tart train I I've got I don't feel like I'm fully on it. Yet no you are in you've got your own Carriage you are luxury it's got you above your seat says reserved. For guy China it does amazing soon I kind of snuck on yeah I've not been caught by the ticket officer. Yet that's for sure I need a few more parts to get a seat par three 166 yards slightly down Breeze pins tucked right in that just that little pocket just over that bunker eight irons eight irons come on we need nobody came here to watch pars and bogus nobody not one of you I know that another pass you want to see birdies so let's get let's deliver okay right eight times the club it's a committed one it's a full one you are striking it nice today.

Mate I think that's pin High a cat that's a bit short though strike was great again. Or is it full yeah it's gonna go straight at it come on I need I need a good strike just to build this confidence I straighten up ah two on the green. But nothing outstanding horrendous but not great from there guys it's got a nice chance for birdies half the distance than I am this has got a big swing left to right on it come on Shields why is that not got there how's it all that was absolutely plenty of speed I'm a bit confused at the moment as soon as I hit that thought yeah that's really nice six foot short like what the hell got a bit of a line of freaks. But not maybe you'll hit it two-thirds of the way can I have out please yeah thank you um I know it's off the left no quite know the pace. But come on let's just drop one oh that was no it wasn't because that was good. Or something I'm very confused about these greens right now they roll nice they do well I can't understand if join the council I didn't get there then.

Is this uphill might be a fraction you know oh he's on that train he ain't coming off I'm grabbing him. For dear life oh it's that door but it's in you're well and truly on it I don't think there's any sound of getting off the only concern is that I'm gonna make pass. For the rest of my life if you make possible to your life I'll be amazed eight hole hey guys read my books why does starting on the temple make it. So confusing oh it's really weird anyways I'm uh yeah I need to slap out of this um I'm three over guys level par five eight oh yeah straight down I can't it's a bit of a blind t-shirt I can't quite remember it just after that I've got in fact I do it's left of the big tree you want to go left of it not really straight up the Big Trees perfect. And then.

I think the green is left of that big tree [Music] like perfect could not be any better if you want to sponsor got a chance to go on tour I actually think this is gonna live obviously they'll pay me 10 million dollars to join. And I can last every week to 85 85 85. But I'll be living a great life so you've got to respect that yeah right at that big tree as well that was really good that drive I always played well yeah that's a nice Hitler [Music] very good should be all right yeah nice okay. So we've got 12 t-shirts Rick is literally position a in the Fairway I'm level with him. And kind of in this first cut but actually because of the hot club I'm gonna hit in it's almost a little bit like having a tea which I'm not complaining about whatsoever so it's 220 to the back of the green I can't quite see where the flag is there's bunkers at about 160. So the main Avis get over them get past them there's quite a lot of wind helping us we've got about 220 yards ish I actually think four rounds the club. So it's a nice committed four round over that middle bunker oh help the toe not great okay similar distance to guy 214 four iron straight at it I can see the green on the right. And from them the green kind of goes like this like front it's like back left so to commit to a shape I feel at that bunker in the distance with a draw and just try and Chase it back there oh I've followed you get over it I'll be fine I think it might actually be okay down there according to the course planner it's like a bit of a funnel is it. So I feel like as long as it's not gone too far this area kind of around here I think we should be about there. So we've got good news and we've got bad news bad news first this lie is not fantastic. And this shot is going to be very hard the good news is it's a Pathfinder here. For two so just getting this on the green or something close then.

Two puts gets us the par keeps on that power train which let's be honest so it's all it's about at the minute but I can't quite work out to try and flop this a bit almost like a bunker shot or bounce into the bank let it feed in not really sure um I'll [ __ ] a bunker shot oh I don't know I can't commit have you ever practice ring sorry yeah okay bunker shot it is that's really nice yeah I'm happy with that really made the right choice Okay. So found mine too I mean if it was just a yard further Airhead I'm probably putting it every day. But I mean this little fringy rough it sat down interesting I'm just gonna I'm gonna play it as similar like a bit of a bunker shot really the club slide underneath it quite hard thing is with that I needed speed I think it's what you've almost got to really trust it's a bunker shop yeah because it was cut if you kind of get I feel like I needed speeds to get it out of that bit of raw if I went too delicate I could imagine it just popping on the hillside. And coming back down but we're off on the Green put for birdie so annoying when you look back at the green I wish I could do that before I ain't shot again now you'd play it. So differently appear in it into that front section it could easily get around here because my my first legitimate look at a birdie so we shouldn't sniff at it but I feel also after my great t-shirt I should be a lot closer than this for my Birdie on this par five but stranger things have happened sink one of these you know I'm a Batman player turn it on then.

A challenge so it stays up no what effort hey look you've got a car let's not count our chickens oh let one go there I could have been the first legit birdie come on first one today.

I felt I can see the line I know the pace I really couldn't feel it someone's waiting. For some birdie sauce let's go under par as well it's a big putt I can feel it oh it's always low pathetic. But once one of us knocks a birdie in flood gates well having said that I like the idea that almost scores of Empire. So nice and it's like clean I don't want a birdie to ruin it so remember my around Kings Barnes outside yes exactly. And I made Birdie on like 15 and then.

Made buddy bogey on the last right it's a ninth hole which is the golf course is 18th slight dug leg left like a square green this. But it looks flat there it's not flat believe me in fact it's a better representation it's very very moundy and bumpy and hilly um of this tea today.

Playing 436 yards. So nice just a little little drawer off that bunker guy or at the bunker that you can almost see in between them two is good okay I'm gonna cut it then.

Off the left one after shot of the day. For me a little bottle cut off the three-yard draw but absolutely perfect I guess it's the best remember to hit it today.

I think it is yeah probably thanks Dad Okay match that I'm gonna just try. And hit a little drawer off that as well oh that's money that is Rick Shields it is best that slinging draw yeah that's huge hopefully that stayed on The Fairway that's that's nice nice that was nice 167 it's all that far is it oh it didn't really wasn't actually I'll give you striking Ace it's the club yeah I thought seven would go too far I think Seven's well too much Pinay right Club please not come along right I've got 156. And I'm gonna go for a nine iron and I'm gonna go a committed golf swing over that bunker little touch of draw get up get up it's all right yeah it's on a lot of like shots of it today.

That looks like yeah yeah nothing wrong nothing amazing. And nothing terrible just kind of all right Rick when I've hit this I wanted to Mark out of 10. go okay I'll just pick it up the hole oh wow gotta go I feel oh no that's really bad four yeah I got you know what I got scared because after the hole it massively goes again ah guy the hard one could be over I was actually disappointed with my shot from the Fairway. But it just shows The Importance of Being pin High I'm actually I'm not I'm not sure right here I've managed to get it on the top tier just across the green fairly flat it's just going to break a fraction to the well could go either way I think it's pretty straight this pot if it goes too far left it's going to go left down the bank there's pin's almost on the top of a crescent come on I've got to go as well let's go in let's go in yeah I just you like you said as soon as it was hit it just didn't seem like it was going to get there rolled up nicely though that was a lag come on guy nobody wants to see you stop making pars this is the first time I've ever played The Grove not part of hole [Laughter] the lifetime password either. So that's good yeah yeah well done mate oh I don't like making bogeys it's not something I do very often though one over three over sausage roll time look at this hello you okay good thank you just sausage rolls at all perfect how many would you like sausage rolls how many five please. So it's first day of my sausage roll diet it's gonna go five sausage rolls oh really you can put a lot tonight see what we got is it is this a new theme that's like wrap packaging I like it package it what is that oh wow this oh no yeah it's like a Summit you know you know what I think it is I actually think it might be chocolate chips you're right give it a go they're wrong just slightly real fast I never got dirt bikes okay oh wow alphabet spicy spicy all right it's got a little kick to that very nice. And I said well done growth just to make the Batman a little bit more interesting Cheers Cheers about nine you've got the honor well yeah. For the first time in a while you know what let's hope I don't lose it I'm currently three over par guys one over par and the power of this golf course is 72. nice. So I need to be on the car about now yeah you are well. And truly on track yep uh powerful is a slight dog leg left 351 yards it's probably not driver. But to be honest after a sit-down sausage roll and a beer driver every day well that beer was the wrong show every time after the beer safe enough it's a long long shot in not the shock shape. For a dog leg left silly shot if you watch the break 75s before that I've played in you know I'm not a bogey guy I call it a bit past and birdies okay nice cut over the Trap oh yeah oh might be in the Trap yeah it's weird I look like I'd carry that easy like it was still going up because it was going over the bunkers I lost them there I mean just look at this place absolutely gorgeous it really is it's such a nice venue it's um I like this little touch as well where it's the First Tee you've got the put in green almost Blends into the first series we mentioned before there's the rose lady series on today.

They've been out there they've been shooting some good scores actually um I definitely wouldn't neither of us well guy might have a chance. But neither of us would be a on the leaderboard there right big bat nine to go right yes come on we can do it big Batman city okay yeah what's 352 yards left then.

On a 351 yard Hill a driving shot that technically. So I went slightly the wrong way here but never mind in into a little bit of Breeze we're just chipping a Time straight at it [Music] that'll be phenomenal I wanted to leave myself a full shot very very happy with that drive not only did I miss the bunker Bob on this little bit of Fairway as well 88 yards the flag to be honest anything inside Rick will be an awesome golf shot Rick's really a good one there. So 88 yards some wedge kind of here to here nice strike oh it's a bit cut to get up oh that's not very good no it's not great from there really. But to put par is on the cards actually a good shot into a green. And a real real look at birdie first little guy get back on that air power train [Music] well that's fell away the opposite way right come on Shields down the hill right to the left a little slippery one oh wreck Oh my days I thought there's no way I could actually leave that show it was like there was blue tap on the corner face did they get that cover on that defied gravity you know what it is likes to saw legs right. And you play the ghoster so screens oh yeah come on oh my God what's wrong oh silly boy right this has got a little bit of Swing on it. For a little shorty yeah hold on mate well done honestly I thought your second book was to say. And that did get there. So it is I thought it's gonna be absolutely rapid it's all you hold it easy now textbook in the whole thanks. For coming see you later I don't know it's a hard pop well I'm happier now that I've got three attempts because now let's go in [Laughter] feel happier now because if I have three attempts and not hold it there's no chance I would have hold it the first time thanks pal however. I hope that's not my only clear-cut birdie opportunity on this Batman. So I need to make some birds I need to make plenty of birdies 11th hole downhill pretty much dead straight but doesn't mean it's easy starting to Breeze bunkers from memory left. And right a really good t-shirt is required some cranes in the distance doing some work. So just laugh to them is perfect [Music] oh get down it's all right don't hit the path oh take the bath Oh my days literally hit the path perfectly I don't think there's that much trouble over there it's just not not where I wanted to be honestly I've not seen you hit it this good. For a long time oh thank you weird in it because sometimes it just feels easy other times it feels so so hard today.

Is. So far been a good day and I'm really enjoying it what okay after a terrible tee shot really bad should have stuck with trying to hit that draw I'm 159 yards to the middle not particularly pulled a great lies quite a lot of grass behind the ball. And it's into wind like chip a seven iron should be phenomenal tell me it's good oh hello don't know how I've just done that but it's about 10 foot Happy Days okay what a shot from Rick I couldn't quite see his actual shop I could see the result. And it's very very good 144 wind kind of into the face three quarter nine iron love to get this one close foreign might be a bit short oh guy that looked all over it it's about 15 20 foot yards short oh look at this needing to hit some good shots it's pitched pretty much next.

To it stop trying to Dime and we've got a nice uphill right to left which I am not going to leave short I promise you now okay that was annoying that shot from when I hit it looked all over it. And it was just never enough Club. But I've got what feels like it should be quite a nice golf shot nice Turf 58 degree land on the green roll it close this should be should be an easy golf shot bite hard no what if I strike that man no I caught it wrong basically that's annoying right big big pot not to over hype this I'll put more emphasis on this. But I feel like this is super important come on this looks like a really nice line oh my word that was close how did that not go in oh man I didn't leave it short it was a nice speed oh God that hurts I might not get too bad chances in that ah this is a huge put. For my par [Music] you didn't leave it short guy what happened guys I don't know what happened I wasn't mental block I just can't today.

I feel like my ball striking is literally the best I've ever probably hit it which is crazy. But potting I just can't seem to I don't know what it is I just can't I can't do it oh come on just a huge pot now it's even a bigger pot wow wow that's a shame that's a real shame oh I don't know don't know I mean golf crew isn't golf crew it's not fair. But either way we both know plus three twelfth hole Par Four beautiful hole bunker on the left a little bit of a ditch running around the right hand side and then.

Big wart has it in front of the green before you approach on good drive needed gotta step up there and hit the middle of the Fairway ideally I'm gonna go back to my drawer not feeling my fade today.

Yeah nice yeah it's in a pretty good spot now actually it's weird I've been really liking my fade recently my driver. But today.

I'm just feeling like the fade is too big okay. So I'm gonna wipe the bunkers and just fade it off them I'll drive over it carry the last one that's the other left of it [Music] yeah that's fine I'm not getting my fade. But it's fine right after a brilliant t-shirt I literally ripped it down this hill with a little tight drawer I found myself in an old divot now it's not horrendous but it's still an old divot oh anyway let's hope the golf Gods reward me with another birdie opportunity back right pin 154 yards I'm gonna try and really muscle a 99 there I feel like it's going to come out a little bit lower out of this uh divot I'll be phenomenal be phenomenal go yeah good effort I probably needed a time. But I just felt like that flower flight I might have been able to get there with nine never mind run the green put for birdie so this is quite a pivotal point in my round where it's easy to get your head down. And I'm Incorporated this because I've had a bad hole then.

I was just thinking I'd have walked down a Mill. And thinking about what I've just done and actually just silly mistakes it was silly 99 into that green. And it was obviously a bad chip. And a bad putt so I have to remember I'm playing well today.

Well I can't then.

I was ruin all that hard work on the front nine. And then.

Just blow up and nothing allowed to happen so positive mindset keep the mistakes for minimum got about 155-ish kind of similar flying into Rick 99 at this rough is going to come off the left to right it's like fade because the stance get back there get up it's okay yeah that's fine man it's okay two long range putts here up the hill pins back left the back right sorry on a little ledge some very quirky little pin positions out here today.

Come on up the hill it's going to swing then.

To the left as it goes over the brow two put is the goal one put is the dream even got a Range Rover filming us slow steady oh [Laughter] easy ah I missed the two little tiddlers on the last two holes. And then.

Hold it from downtown that's not what I thought with the first bird of the round well [Music] not a bad Port will look terrible great. For Speed you know I want I'm not going to do this. But you know what I want to do I really would I didn't think you should I'd get a little bit of satisfaction you've had it. For a long time I've had it a long time snuff y's last legs oh right well this isn't fair okay 13th hole par three beautiful looking holes the stream just in front of the green pin is literally like three yards over the stream the pin is playing 154 yards to carry the water it's 150 there's a tiny bit of wind helping I'm right between clubs I'm right between a nine. And an eight iron I've got nine in my hand but I've got the privilege of seeing what you do first things if I go away I feel like I can I'll fit I'll like hit it too soft I'll go now. And then.

Whack it yeah I'm gonna go nine between the flag. And the Red Stake and if it draws a bit I think it'll get up come on oh no what is that the strike it awful damn just Struck it awful now I might live to regret this. But I'm still gonna go nine I just I think if I hit it while it gets there. And I've got to be confident I've been eating it well all day oh I might be short on the pond to mine luckily well say luckily yeah luckily finish short. But my shot is horrendous lies not great Rick went into the hazard. So you have to drop and hit his third and it's going to be some very articular executed wedge shots I'm gonna have to oh my God this is yeah this could be like one of those ends up going viral where like amateur golfer Hits 10 shots in pound kind of vibe because it's quite a scary golf shot the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is always going long cause always going big okay. So I dropped my I hit mine in the water so I've come back and taking a drop from here convert further back to a fuller shot in Get Lucky okay that's not a bad lie right this I'm gonna go. For it because why not I I'm here for a good time not a long time I'm gonna send it up to space and try and get it to stop really quick it's over the water so that's my third shot I've been putting for bogey and it's a long way away okay this is a big put. For power nothing's got a chance at all everything's just like [Music] so after my 99 in the water I'm gonna drop my wedge on this is. For a bogey now talk about a letdown after my nice Birdie on the last but if I can knock this in the dream stays alive if I don't it's going to be a challenge to break 75 today.

It feels like it really needs to go in uphill big swinging right to left port all right might get there actually I was going to swing a lot more than what it did ah that is Schoolboy error on that hole double bogey five ouch right come on how many holes left to go five to go still a chance yeah we're on trap. For eight easy I want to break 80 which I was well on chat. For but level pathway at holes down five over but it's fine the super fives to come two path have to come Life's good right come on okay we need a little reset reset um on five over Rick's four over New Beginnings kind of having a secret little battle between us. Or I'm the Battle of Rick he's definitely the battle as well that 10 is not. But he's dying to beat me and he should beat me he's better than me no pressure he should beat me we've got two par fives coming up this is a quite a long par. For 436 yards but it's a power five three four five so come on this is lovely little cut start just up those bunkers she's back that was a very good drive thank you all right I'm gonna try. And draw on that left side of the Fairway you have tanked that too I thought but I'm grooving but it should work drawing I think it's just got lucky generous about two longest drive then.

Hold on I know it that's terrible really bad it's a 190 into the pin here it's a really interesting green this remember it's got a false front. And a massive drop off over the back of the green pin high is absolutely essential slightly to the right of of the pin pin high would be perfect get back there get back there yeah nice shot that's very professional yeah pin High to the right there you go what the doctor ordered 175 I'm gonna basically hit. And shot the Rick hit hopefully and put it pin High low it's fat needs to go get up oh no it deserves to be that was a bad golf shot that was hit very heavy right okay. So I've missed the bunker it's kind of held up short which at first I was happy about. But actually now in reflection it's quite a tough lie it's a load of grass behind the ball it's a very difficult shotless and I don't know if I'd actually rather been in the bunker might sound crazy but it probably would have been easier shot oh another yard not bad not bad okay after a very I can't even say myself a professional golf shot from the Fairway I've got this put. For three birdy three up the hill left to right again I'm not expecting Miracles but you never know you never bloody know it's it had the line really had the line there it's all right if I just knock it close it's fine but then.

You start seeing it tracking and it's starting to go to the hole you think what could have been come on guy you deserve some putts today.

I need to deserve something to drop Oh I thought I was in all the way oh my God why what's happening one of the things with these these greens I'm not whether it's because they've had a real series here today.

The pins are in a little tricky spots if you get the wrong side it makes it. So much harder my life up there was up the hill straight up there I think it was much easier guys on that slope is. So much more challenging yeah I honestly don't think I've ever genuinely now hit the ball as well. And then.

Put it as bad I'd agree it's insane high five our 15th hole really nice hole this gorgeous in fact good drive required I'm gonna stick with my drawer left side of the Fairway is ideal get rid of the bunkers get away from the bunkers get away from the bunkers foreign. But that's fine left side's good that's actually perfect yeah it's fine didn't hit it good okay. So I didn't go in the bunker how short of the bunker I'm 272 yards away from the green there's no chance I'm going. For it it's not sat nicely enough it's into wind and all the way down the left is a big pond. So anything going if it's turning left it's dead. So I'm gonna try and play conservative two birdies needed with four holes left to go and again there's a par five here partha up the hill Par Four down the hill par five to finish so we need this is the whole we need to make Birdie on this um I'm gonna hit one 180. And leave myself like 100 about sorry Leave myself kind of around that 90 yards left into the green would be perfect oh my goodness well I've missed the biggest Fairway on the planet I'm in the right roof and I'm probably about 120 yards left in oh my goodness that was Miles off okay got about 270 to the pin ish it's a long way to try. And hit a three wood and just Advance it as far down there as we can go it won't go to the green this I don't believe. But I definitely won't let's get it down there it's got a Chase yeah it's pretty good couldn't quite get that there. But I'll take that one okay third shot after a very Scrappy layup I've left myself the right distance I'm 95 yards to the flag I'm in the rough luckily I've had a nice lie. But the pins very much at the front so I'm gonna have to go aerial and just get it to stop quick come on I've got to be putting this within six feet it's not there big bounce just like went up the face ah that is really really really disappointing this is the delicate shot my thrilled was really good. But I was never going to get to the green got this nice kind of pitch I'll say nice got this pitch to the flag the bunker because it has to open up here. So I have to be sensible and go right of it I can't try and go through the flag and Duff it into that bumper that would be a Schoolboy error so right side of the green trying to leave himself like a 10 foot sorry right side of the flag Leave myself like a 10 foot off a birdie hopefully kind of got a bit lucky with that I'm off the green put it for birdie and to be honest with you I actually really like the look of this book there's not a lot in it it's pretty pretty flat all the way speed is just gonna a bit of determine factor. And hopefully we can get a bit lucky need to box one come on stay online if I could give it a chance. But it just kind of always going left on me run out of holes come on the guy unless he's a real real chance of hurting I'm not expecting to hold it yeah come on come on bring back think back at positive times when you used to hold the world okay foreign [Laughter] okay hole number 16 I believe yep par three looks really nice there's a BMW there. For today's competition unfortunately we don't win that if we get a hole in one but Rick said it bam you're nice probably nice Audi Q5 rsq5 I think I said a um Mercedes fit punto I take it um 157 bit of win behind in my head I want to hit nine iron we've both been under club. And say a bit so I'm going eight iron. And I'm joining you with eight yeah okay let's get one three to go we need I need bird is you can pick up a couple I would like them I'll never refuse a birdie Rick last step not a clue oh yeah a little bit big oh is that yeah on it though. Or like left and a bit big it's a little bit thin I don't actually added a bit to the ah that's really messing my head now for distance I do think it it is controlled on it I know our Twitter controlled eight. So just do it Shields a little three-quarter eight I've lost that again felt nice oh that's well that looks alright that yeah it's nice middle of the green what we're too bad at all that I think that's pin eye on that top shelf I think that should be good it's mine's come through the green into this quite nasty thick juicy stuff to the chip out onto the green let it hopefully roll down. But this is quite a tough shot I'll be honest oh that's bad. But we might get away with it stop oh my word that was I wouldn't have liked that shot personally you played that really well pal right I'm faced with this. For a birdie been a weird day today.

The goal's been very very new. And kind of oh complicated is that the right word confusing I'm currently four over I could be 10 worse than that. But I also feel like I could be five or six shots better than that so it's probably where I should be to be honest with you left to right oh it took a bounce it's not if I didn't get that quite online or it kind of took a little hot did take a bounce off a pitch mark ah needs a bird to the last two oh it's been a hard day. For the Potter today.

Birdie followed by a boogie that needs to go on the noise today.

It really does two to go come on 17th hole Par Four 400 yards dog leg right down the hill Beautiful Finish come on two to go can do this two birdies. Or even little cheeky Tiger Woods Eagle on the last to do a treat at the right treat [Music] driving has been really bad today.

Okay I like trap cut it onto the uh like a Flats in the distance oh draw on it that's a bad one that's a Telly one terrible that's the ideals. But okay it's not exactly florist this spot now okay. So this ball isn't in a very nice place whatsoever and I've actually quite a long ways to fly because there's no way I can hit this there. So actually I'm going to chip out with a pitching wedge try. And kind of nudge It Forward 80 90 100 yards and then.

From there try and get it on the Green that's pretty good I think that should be okay okay second shot here into 17. it was a terrible shot. And it's not where I wanted to be I want it to be way over there on the left there's actually no trouble over here thankfully. And I've gone so far right I've avoided this massive bunker 135 yards left in slightly into Breeze just coming out the roof I'm going to try. And play like a little controlled 99. come on Rick need to get this close we've got two more chances to make birdie gotta get one here come in come in be good for distance get closer yeah all right that's awesome all right shot that that's okay A little controlled one I'd like to like to have been maybe a six inches away yes granted. But we've got a look we've got a lot for birdie come on really really want to shoot a good score today.

Get it back after that terrible start okay. So I had to lay up then.

Obviously so I've now got 66 yards per pin I think in reality breaking 80 is today's goal I can make one more Bogan. And one more power so this this might unfortunately be that bogey but fingers crossed get this close 66 yards that was first cut come on nice swing get out okay this is a big part put this if a whole list I have a luxury of being able to Bogey 18 to break 80. if I miss this I have to power 18 to break 80. which feels not great after the way I've hit it today.

But I'm always fairly happy to try and break it to a course I've not played before now it's low oh I've honestly I've not seen you put like this before no I just don't feel good over it I just don't know the line I don't think my anything's good that looks pretty much just dead straight down the hill come on this. And then.

Birdie on the last broke didn't see it breaking why did I not see that breaking did I pull it ah damn just went left straight away as well silly boy yeah well tidied oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I really just didn't see that breaking okay last hole been an eventful round of golf today.

For a mean guy you've got a power lust just break 80 yes. And I I'm gonna do it. And I've got to Eagle the last to shoot 74. otherwise a par is a measly 76. come on let's do it downwind it's gonna have the bomber driver should be all right. But it's quite left [Music] should be all right now if that's hit the path though wow this might be left rough it could be like a challenge approach or into that green I went for it I did I needed to find Fairway not sure about okay nice big cut get it right down there I'll block it 'll be okay if you're missing the Trap yeah I don't know I didn't see it I didn't see it didn't Splash. But for a minute I thought it was over him. And then.

I'm not sure if it was short of it I will see we'll see. So I'm in the bun Cafe bunker about 250 yards to the flag part of this thing can hit like an a timeout. And then.

Play as a proper three shot at Partners thinking hit three iron in reality the catch the line quite clean and quite thin it should be okay. So we're gonna risk it I'm gonna go for it be brave this sounds quite good it's not too much sand in these bunkers come out high but happy with that really it's got It's moved it down there anyway Okay. So on The Fairway there's four plaques and that's where Target all four of his drives when he made Eagle Eagle and birdie I'm left of that and surprisingly not as far as that um I'm 277 yards to the flag oh it's a ridiculous Long Way wind's helping granted I've got to make Eagles does it. So I'm gonna go three wood try and get as close as I can if I get on the front edge I'd be delighted. But it's a bloody big hit well let's hope I get a flyer out this roof sat quite nicely I'm just gonna have to just rip through without it come on Eagle finish dramatic finish just as tiger would want me to do it oh it's a toe go on ball go on ball I'm not I'm not sure if it's on the Green. Or 50 yard shot [Music] it was like a toe like a really towie super high toe drop kick draw chaser the I can't tell if it's on the green. Or 50 yard short okay it's that 3A. And it did come out quite High. And a bit weird but it did exactly what I wanted to do which is perfect I've got 108 yards of the pin. And how them Breeze behind so it's a nice three-quarter 50 degree let's get this close get up can't see it I think it's gonna do the back oh. So there's me screaming at the top of my Northern Voice for the ball to get up and get on the Green little did I know it's about 30 yard short. But it had a good effort if it would have got a miracle kick off this bank and it could have potentially got up there but it's not it's just here now I've been known for my dramatic chippings could this be could this be the time sunshine and a little chippy a little cheeky chipping Eagle on the last come on then.

Let's see if we can do it I went. For it ladies and gentlemen I did I played aggressive I didn't want to be sure I wasn't really trying to spin it down that bank. But down I thought I was going to be a great fight about that double bogey on the 13th that par three is going to really stink let's see if we roll This one in. For birdie okay. So I went into two port for 79 and breaking 80. um this hasn't worked today.

But thankfully the longer clubs have been great I even better hit it which is strange when I've shot not a great great score this thing might be getting replaced don't blame yourself by the putter. But this is a snake a real snake up this left side feeding it back down I have to put this close because I can't rely on myself to knock in a three. Or four footer okay aiming at Rick's ball marker pretty much it's always going to be low we'll get close yeah that's good. For Speed mate a little bit of a knee knocker yep yeah well done mate well done I'm pretty happy with that overall 39. right to finish with a a nice birdie down the hill left to right wasn't quite my day today.

But hold this 75 isn't too bad come on drop drop drop drop drop wow awesome eventful thanks pal appreciate it that was class that was really good guys thanks. For watching be sure to like And subscribe 75 or 79 what could have been never mind thanks for watching see you next.

Time peace.