Welcome back to a brand new episode of break75 well you know what this week's episode we're actually gonna change things up this week we're gonna do a break 70. And you know why i'm down here at genuinely one of my favorite golf courses where i grew up as an assistant professional i've played hundreds of times around this golf course may golf and country club and i know this place like the back of my hand i'm feeling confident it's a beautiful day and i'm ready to go and shoot a score under par i know it's even gonna make it better i'm gonna guarantee we have one of my best rounds ever i've enlisted the services today.

Of my good friend. And tor caddy will davidson well thanks. For joining me for my friend glad we're here are we ready. For the challenge oh man i'm up for it let's do it will currently carries on the lpga. For lexi thompson but also will has carried. For some of the biggest names in world golf but today.

He's got the task of guiding me around this golf course. And you've taken this serious so i wasn't here yesterday because it was one of my kids birthdays. But you came down and you scoped the place out yeah your first time here first time here you know i got to get a little bit of lay in the land. And you know what we're doing now yeah absolutely what do you think the realistic target we should be trying to aim. For today.

Uh you know you said break 70 that's 69 it is let's go try. And shoot 69. [Music] right will par five to start i'm gonna let you literally tell me what shots to hit what clubs to hit let's do it let's do it pull the uh the old yardage book out that i got yesterday take a peek at it you even made some notes i did took some notes yeah absolutely um. So yeah part five to start uh we got a tree up there 298 don't know if you're reaching that one today.

But uh that small tree in the distance a little round one yeah above that target okay thanks good after it big stick let's get after it that might be a little bit left there well i'm afraid it's all right we'll finally go hit it again go. And find it and hit it again i like that line so obviously when you caddy for some of the best players in the world they have such control over their shots their flights their distances is it do you feel much pressure when you're in big tournaments when you're actually out there with them you know i really don't feel a lot of pressure just you know we kind of pick our line get in the moment you know we'll just go like i really don't feel like it's there's a ton of pressure to hit the right shot. And all that's just kind of pick a line and go do you ever feel like you almost have to kind of emotionally manage your players around the golf course 100 that might be something we have to do today.

Oh yeah you have to be not only a best friend out in the golf course a mentor you also have to be a bit of a psychologist as well absolutely i'm a mental coach i'm a a teacher i'm a swing coach mathematician yeah all the above back carrier people think it is people just sometimes think it's just carrying a golf ball i get. So many people that ask what a caddy does. And i say well the simplest thing is i say hey i carry a golf bag. But there's just so much more to it you know okay. So i found it it's not in an ideal spot it's very very dry around here at the moment the ball's rolling forever so i've i thought i'd only just be off the fairway but it's running round and ran through the other side of the trees you probably didn't expect to be here on the first shot will no. But you know hey that's how golf is. So we're going to find a find a hole. And uh see if we punch one through i think i could get something aerial you could you might go over the top there top i feel like ariel's got more of a chance than that gap down there personally well it depends on how aggressive we're going to be today.

We can be very aggressive i mean i could try. And hit a big big big big slinger left to right it's not my favorite shot in the world but i could give it a go i fancy going. For it see what will says all right 230 to the front okay we got a little bit of downhill. So play it maybe two two two five four full swing yeah you're good on the on the swing there let's see it's a two two five huge cutting three wood. Or a huge cutting three iron which one you hit higher i think i had my three i think the three iron two i kind of like the three in here i cut three iron just trying to land it uh just trying to get it over that first bunker you can see landing it there. And letting it run up okay i guess it didn't cut i didn't see unbelievable. But yeah it didn't cut a little bit embarrassing walking up to the 17 i'm there with a with a tour pro caddy i actually struck it outrageously well. But i just couldn't cut it hard enough i think he will all right. So i think you got the lob wedge here okay it's not going to have any any spin on it. So uh just try landing on the edge there and see if we run one up [Music] yeah it came out hot to fly. So back of the green you're liking putter here well i love the putter here just trying to get it on would lexi thompson put from here absolutely 100 honestly every time okay that gives me confidence [Music] the birdie on the first hole boom today.

Is going to be a good day it is a good day hey you can't bury them all you birdie the first right i actually don't think i hit a single good shot that i will yeah not a great tee shot a stupid risky second shot which luckily ended up in an okay spot not the greatest chip in the world. But holding off the back of the green hey no pictures on the scorecard right. But there is videos on youtube there is videos on youtube second hole par four uh from these tees it's about four just under 400 yards yep. So the line i looked at yesterday was up this cart path just on like the left center of this cart path about 272 is your run out on that line there. So we want to want to stay a little shy of that kind of like the three wood there usually a three or you like driver here if i'd go with if it's three wood and unless i need the distance i'd rather go through iron okay three yards fine absolutely i feel like i'm a little bit more accurate with three iron yeah i'm firm enough to do that. For sure because if if the run out's 270 a chord if i absolutely smoke a three would certainly yeah with it being dry i could get a bit of run out there well you're still gonna have a wedge ends with the three iron. So i love that play down the line of the path yep down the line the path [Music] tiny bit of draw [Music] oh off through i think we've got a little lucky bounce there the players you work with how dialed into their distances are you oh yeah it's it's uh it's it's pretty impeccable it's pretty spot-on we actually really like really harp on trying to get the right number. And really harp on on hitting that number yeah i've got one four two. For our pin here okay this pen looks like it's kind of front edge. So yellow yellow a front yellow is front yep. So front edge there blue is middle. And white is back right. So we've got uh 40 shy of that to get over these bunkers there which shouldn't be an issue yeah um i like probably just just how firm i saw yesterday just laying a little bit short of that yeah. So what how far do you want to carry it uh let's carry it uh let's carry about 10 shy of that 10 10 10 to 12 shy of what's it was one. For eight yeah 140.. So 130 yeah 1 30 shot here okay nice pitch too much got a little wind off of our right here not a whole lot there okay. So landed it pretty much at the front of the green if not yep exactly exactly okay right at it okay oh got a little right kick there it's actually i think that's finishing the bunkie now oh do you ever get players apologizing yeah i have actually um. And i just kind of look at it and say let's go get the next.

One right so we found bunker 686 yeah yeah it's nice little splash bunker shot i'm a bit i think i've landed that perfect distance yeah just came out a little bit right out of that rough all right there just kind of went right. And stayed right oh you want the rig that's my job all right i like that that's quite good in it the ball clean oh thanks sir i think it's going to fall a little bit to the right okay. So left center [Music] such a weak putt ah bogey that's a level par so today's mission is to shoot under par. And with will's help i think i've got the best chance of doing that now i've got loads of questions to ask will i really have. But luckily straight after filming this we're going to film a podcast with will which will already probably be out on the podcast channel. So go and check it out but right now i need to focus i need to get my head in the game i need to make some birdies because there's some tough holes coming up there's actually even some tougher holes to finish 165.168. okay three a pill probably like hitting probably close to that 160 to 165 number okay. So a time yeah i know you hit a on about 165. yeah that should be good here get over that bunker yeah should be on the green relation a little bit right. But should be on the green quite obviously right to left up the hill yep a couple of feet of movement i would agree with that i could be firmer than that rick could have been firmer than that firm as hell [Laughter] i wasn't leaving that one shot back in the cup okay stay level five three three fourth hole got those bunkers it's gonna be uh two four seven to get over those bunkers yeah touch up hill. So say 250 252 yeah get over these um a little bit of breeze in her face i like the driver here okay let's get it up there a little wedge in knock it over the bunkers yeah oh that's really bad strike oh sorry will that's really bad strike way off the heel okay. So i've hit my t-shirts hit these trees and bounced back onto this other fairway not ideal however. will's gonna give me a number i'm gonna hit it straight over these trees and stick it close all right i'm getting one six one flag here as long as we carry it 136 a little bit into the wind here playing probably 140 145 i like 145. to carry the carry the bunker here and then.

Is it much it's not much after that is it no it should be just green right after that 99 i like that i feel like i need the height as well to go yeah agreed we're on the green. But it's a little bit a little bit right it's going to be a long put from there i'm seeing this right to left again wheeling up the hill i agree with that a little bit up the hill i think it might swing a lot kind of over the period of the putt yeah i'm probably halfway between the shadow. And the yeah i love that in there yeah okay give it a good roll get it back there [Music] there's a ah put it feels little up faster than what i feel like they're going to be just a little bit off the road okay come on oh just scraping these piles. But they're going in level power through four i was always a four four written all over it today.

The only thing that's a bit different today.

I felt quite confident recently when you have somebody of will's stature. And expertise how do you feel a little bit more of an added pressure today.

I just need to ease into this lots of holes to go still lots of times to make birdies right will it's the level par fifth hole slight dog leg to the right power four yep um looking at uh two three five to get over that right bunker there okay. So driver on the right on the side yeah i like the driver the group of the trees just right of those that small tree. So i'm going to pick a small target commit to that i'm not going to try. And hit a shape driver that is not going to be good spot there i will i'm afraid well you've been on some adventure. So far today.

Will yeah you know just want to see all the course you'd probably like to see a fairway at some point wouldn't you yeah i think the grass looks nicer over there i thought all right we've got 132 that's probably like a 120 here i'm gonna go catwedge. So i'm coming left rough i've actually come through the trees and actually left myself a line in just but not ideal came out weirdly straight right that's annoying and that has been good for distance that as well flip it on top yep 60 here please pop [Music] you yeah that was that line you said that one literally landed right on the line that was good got another put. For par need to uh these are steady in the ship. But could do starting to give myself some looks at birdie a little down the hill right to left just on the lip of the hole love that not too much speed just drop it in the front door nice up. And down we salvaged par again felt the last hole in this hole off the tee not for one second should have been making power no. But so far making part oh should i say let's re-change that dialogue we are making power here we go that's how you talk now when you've got a caddy all righty let's just drive straight away here yeah just uh dug leg left driver should suit my shape yeah like probably finishing either on the tall tree. Or on the little red tree halfway through the through the uh trees there yeah i'd say it right come on let's hit a good driver let's see let's show you what the fairway looks like this time will [Music] carry on carry on drawing [Music] i got here fairly that was actually the first shot today.

I actually hit it out the middle which is a nice change. But i'm still not in the fairway ah i started just hitting five iron off every t just so i can find the fell [Music] alrighty 202 is what we're looking at here [Music] it's annoying because if it just carried on shaving you've got a big bounce down this fairway you're hitting a little wedging we're looking at i was gonna say 180 185 to that uh to that front there. So slightly into breeze yep into the breeze a little bit downhill though this will probably run all the way up um chase the firefighting down i love the five iron here okay love the five iron on those little trees just right of that flag oh it's carried on drawing that's it it's pin high. But it's just a little bit left it's the right flight but it just turned too much in the air making this hard work will okay here on the side of the six green i mean i think you could probably take a uh a little bit of a lower club here. And just kind of bump and let it run up um because you don't really know how that uh it may just be dry on top and wet on the bottom um especially with a lob wedge it may come out a little bit funny that's what we're thinking so you like something like the uh the 50 50 or 40 i mean 50. i probably got 46 46 i was going to say it's like a proper wedge yeah i like that. And land it short just land it yeah just land a little short of the green. And let it run up oh i missed the dry patch missed the patch ah i'm seeing downhill right to left yep just going just moving a little bit down right to left okay come on rick. So stay level par through six not hit it oh that's it such a good line as well i thought it was gonna be really fast ah bogey seventh hole par four yep thinking man's hole this will yeah it is a lot of bunkers up here um drivers definitely play get it over all the trouble um there's only one mucker you can't cover yeah. So just after that yep as long as we uh stay outside that we'll be good right come on driver finally hit one straight i've actually still not somehow found the fairway it's just run off into the first cut of roof crazy fairways are. So dry at the moment we're saying well all right so we've got 69 on the cover 70 on the cover and 91 so when will says cover it means basically get over the water over the water get over the little wall there i think it landed at about 85. i love an 85 here i think you're like 90 60 degree club fits the number it's really good yeah a little bit short i've kind of landed that just over 80. And it stops super super super quick except i'm acting like a tour pro but not playing that one thanks pal right quite a bit of break in this i've had a lot of rights left put so far will. And i think this is another one yeah i think we're continuing that trend yeah well you got a little bit of a downhill right here. But i i wouldn't really take that into consideration because i think overall it's up a little bit uphill [Music] it's great look at it ah that was bang online never mind should i put it closer to my wedge okay eighth hole part three one four six touchdown hill should we try. And box one yep i'd love that any good night nine-nine is good i love that night about 150 yeah that should be perfect here that is. So bad [Music] i'm guessing bunker i would think. So i'm hoping bunker i'm hoping bogger too okay well found the bunker left side of the green sat down a little it's pitched there. And it's kind of sat down a second bounce little chunk and run here just kind of let her get it over the lip and just let it run down to the hole oh okay we're still in the bunker everybody sorry we're making more raking. For you pal just making this hard work so we're one over rick's got to hold us to get to two um might be going to three here got some work to do. But we've got some good holes coming up some scoreboard holes um hopefully get his game together because it's uh it's not ideal right now but uh i feel like he can get it done we can get it done um like i said got some good holes some good birdie opportunities coming up see if we can pull off all right really need this a bogey after hitting two shots in the bunker [Music] just missed damn from nowhere three over par a lot of work to do now to try. And shoot under par and certainly break 70. he's looking a little bit harder well that was terrible sorry pal sorry that was uh that's why there's 18 of them more time to make birdies 2 2 2 to cover that bunker on the left okay um great target here is that uh that that short round tree in the distance right over the middle of that that long bunker yeah right ninth hole par five i'm three over i need to make birdies i need to make eagles start right here let's do it [Music] okay left [Music] oh it kind of took a big kick right then.

The right kick then.

The left kick should be either on the fairway. Or just a couple of yards off the fairway i think we found fairway number two wow i don't think we've even found fairway number one. Yet oh yeah that one was right on the edge 161 front okay 177 pin okay. So we've got a good drive down here we have it a good drive we've we've found the short grass um yeah short-ish track uh 161 front. So probably need to carry a little bit over that yeah. So i think i agree with that yep. So like a one maybe like 165 shot there these clubs are. So clean when have you done when have you been doing this hey it's just while we're walking it's my job isn't it okay it is your job right 177 flag got to carry it 160 odd. And you go left side of the pin come on if we can hit a good shot here we can have a real good look at eagle um we'll be putting. But not as close i was hoping it would be right we'll we're putting. For eagle pal it's actually not as bad as i thought yeah it's not super close. But it's on the green and it's we've gotta look at it yep i think it's just uh it's bounced a little bit short. And taking a big hop there i got right to left the whole way right the one time i got the speed right i pushed it a little bit to the right started the nine with the birdie finished it with the birdie two over par front nine not the greatest golf in the world however. still got nine holes to go that's right trigger i give that to you [Laughter] okay bat nine starts here tenth hole par four 423 yards i'm currently two over par very disappointed myself however. doesn't mean it's over does it well not at all okay plenty opportunity ahead of us this is uh this is where your psychology really kicks in now i got you on this nine uh we're gonna go drive straight down aren't we yep driver straight down that's how you start the background okay finally split the fairway here on ten starting the back nine as i mean to go on i'm just gonna make birdies i'm just gonna make a string of birdies with the wheels out we we're gonna make a string of burgers that's right 1 3 3 is our number to that flag a little bit into the breeze. So 33 probably playing closer to that 40 number yeah. But i still think i still think trying to maybe land it because that's middle pen right yeah. So i still probably like that 35 just trying to play that 35 just a little hole yeah with a pinhead just a little bit left this actually first time in a long time it's downhill left to right that's well gone you give us a you give us a proper read well i'm somewhere kind of in this area okay how do you feel about that yeah i love that oh thought that was. So good as well but a few of them will it's all right right. So looking at the driver here i think well there's a couple of options here it's a part four up the hill to the dog leg left i don't know if it's because it's. So firm i don't feel fancy shaping like a three wood yeah. Or even a three iron i'm good with both of those i feel like how firm the fairways are if i can get one chasing down there with a draw it's just gonna run. And run and run around there start it started at the nice the tall tree there yeah a nice little draw yeah love that should be good yeah should be good i got 160 here just i like getting it all the way back there that's a a very easy eight iron yeah you liking the easy eight you like trying to fall i don't think i can get a 916 yeah how far do you think you get that nine 155 no that's doable there i like the eight i'm gonna go with eight three quarter eight i just think if i go nine as well it's gonna stop up i agree i try. And just chip it in with an a three quarter eight just on the right side of that flag let that wind bring it back to the flag just like that [Music] should be good took a little nasty kick left but should be good okay. So we've on the back edge of the green got a very nice uphill putt for birdie much breaking it well may just trickle just a hair to that right at the very end yeah oh stayed out there third i didn't i didn't mean to start it left as in as far left as that good. For speed in for par still too overpass [Music] will you have sausage rolls in america uh no i don't know this is i've had them though they're good they're very good very posh here at the mirror you've got a plate. And knife and fork i'm going to test it without ketchup give it a review good not my best don't tell him that. But not my best um seven point two out of ten it filled a hole okay twelfth hole just after the halfway house. And the sausage rolls we're all energized and pumped to go uh part three what we're looking at here we'll we need currently now i'm too over right and the plan to shoot on the power so i need to make that couple here um all right so we got one six one this pin is in the front looks like it's only about four. Or five on here so so let's say one five five one five six front um a little bit of breeze down off the left yeah like nine out of there nine yeah okay [Music] oh that might be in a lot of trouble it's on the next.

Tee i'm hitting those irons. So bad at the moment massive massive massive draws ah terrible okay. So i'm left side of the green i hit a terrible tee shot i think we just got to pitch this on the green aren't we yeah just get it on the green give ourselves a look at it kick straight stop yeah well done there yeah it's not too bad good. For distance control at least we gotta put for par you see much in that well not a whole lot there what you seeing i see it hardly anything yeah i agree with that i'm just gonna get that straight that's it back in the cup ah a nice power in the end making it hard work some of these though will yeah like i said still on that ground a little bit we're not holes to keep grinding all right. So three two three into that fairway uh i like the driver here kind of the at the one the one tree uh left of the striped roof okay the right side of that uh orange bush that little point rod yeah a little pointy one hardest hole in the golf course this par four. And we've got a good string where we can start making some birdies come on that's right [Music] get out of there might be all right well be all right just might be getting close to those trees on the left right will we're in a pickle we're in a pickle me. And will i've come down the left-hand side here on 13. And blocked out by this tree and what 150 odd 166 166 pin yep i think there's only one point here big hook just got to sit down just punch something just let's see how much it runs yeah everything's going to run down right exactly even if you've got a even if you're 15 20 shy of the green it's just a pitch straight up your green yeah make our par go number 607 uh do you think you can keep the seven under that i like the seven yeah i think i can get the seven under that. And i think i can probably get it shaping punchy seven iron just get it running down that way okay sorry if you misread of this because we have plenty of room [Music] semi-semi-semi-sentiment [Music] you might not seen this. So i hit it through those little kind of overhanging leaves it landed probably 20 yards short of the green with the perfect amount of draw and it's just not been able to put the brakes on i've got a funny feeling it's either at the back edge of the green or just rolled over the little back of the green yeah oh either way though see the way though we'll have a look at it right well we've just come off the back of the green really unlucky that because it it was tracking. But it just couldn't put the brakes on yeah 60 60. should we try. And check one in i'd love to i'll go get it out of the cup yeah good. For distance didn't quite get the line okay we'll just confirm what i think it already is. For me yeah i like your line there i feel like it's just inside the hole just off the left love that well done thank you we stay at two over with five holes to go all right. So 14 here um 174 pen uh got a little bit of breeze down off of our left here um probably landed just just a few shot of that pin like that do you think it might be iron that it could be an eight here you get just because we want to stay cause that's a back pin i want to stay a bit shy of that yeah i feel like if i actually crushed the seven it might actually go a little bit too far thanks right yeah i can go 160 odd with this yep i like that i like the one uh yeah the 160 with that got that oh what's there perfect oh that's almost enough there that's great i didn't actually catch that like phenomenal. But i thought it was good i think with this little shoot here with the trees you just get a little bit of extra wind yeah help there. For birdie everybody come on we need one okay interestingly enough we've actually hit this a little bit long it's a good job i moved from seven to eight yes it is i must have i think we've just caught a got quite a little yeah hot spot. Or something so just over the back of the green still be putting it anyway well you know last time we put it off the green i walked in that's right i think it's absolutely dead straight dead straight it is come on [Music] oh good effort it's a little bit too much pace nearly dropped straight in. But i've now rolled it three or four foot pit past ah shouldn't be too much in it it rolled very straight past the hole [Music] very good thank you [ __ ] i've hold quite a bunch of them today.

We have hold quite a bunch of them today.

Right four to go two over par i think my score genuinely will would have been worse without you here however. no it would have been however. i do feel like there's we've left a number of birdies out there today.

We have we've left a couple uh dead in the jaws just short couple putts let's go let's go. And finish these four in style let's go and make a handful of birdies it's a great great oil here um it's the driver we can carry the bunker i mean carry the water yeah correct yeah yeah definitely should be able to carry the bunker too kind of guess why it does it does i definitely like driver love the stairs in the distance yeah trying to finish on those stairs that's a little breeze off the right if anything. So suits that hole suits the hole suits the holes suture shot i'm going to let the draw happen this [Music] time little bit down the left there's a 17th green there. But it didn't go as far left as that it's probably kicked off the back of that that'd be fine nice little shot into the green pins at the front here will yep we found it on the left-hand side got one through 130 135 adjusted a little bit up here that pins at the front being on the down slope like this probably gonna come out pretty low. And run so i think just chipping something. And just kind of letting it run up there so it should if we just pitch this just right of that flag maybe on that window or just on the left side of that window it should run back down towards that flag i think i would fit too much i think you can 135 is your total yeah we really just kind of want to get this front edge running yeah ball's on the down slope. So it's going to come out a little bit lower anyway yeah i like it okay it's going to draw a little belf hotline as well it is it is okay left oh big left kick that should be good it'll be good. And imagine so all right so we're still two over um got four to play rick's uh he struggled a little bit off the tee but uh had some great par saves today.

Um i feel like we've still got a chance at it we got four left we had a great opportunity here uh looks like a about a six. Or seven footer for birdie so we get this one rolling in never know what can happen mike can roll a few more in down the stretch. And get it back under par see what we can do we need a birdie up the hill right to left one of our favorites yep we're going to pick this one out the whole thing yep i got it out of the hole thank you you got it we got one baby i need go get that wheel yeah go get there nice work right one over three to go there's light at the end of this tunnel potentially. So that was nice i felt like i needed that birdie with a couple of holes to go i can we can make a couple more we can still finish on the par um you know what having will on the back today.

Has been phenomenal i've really enjoyed it you know what more than anything when you have a caddy certainly with expertise you trust what they say like if he says to me hit that shot into that green i'm like yeah trust it's almost like two minds are better than one when it comes to decision making. And i think the only con that i found i'll say this while he's on to the next.

T is i feel like a weird sense of like pressure like responsibility when you've got someone carrying. For you like i almost don't want to let him down you know i feel if i hit a bad shot it kind of affects him which he probably won't do he probably doesn't give a damn anyway he's been classed today.

Don't forget check out the podcast we've done with him i think it's gonna be really good all right three hours to go two birdies needed let's try. And get three okay will sixteenth big dog leg right to left i mean this is this is a perfect three iron here big three iron raking drawer oh yeah i love that shot my favorite shot to hit [Music] keep drawing kickback [Music] needed another 10 yards left. But we're absolutely a-okay there um right so we've got 170 cover okay 182 flag i feel like eight iron could come out too hot i do think this uh i do think this comes out quite quite nice well there's no way i'm getting nine though i don't see you getting nine there uh without it landing short. And running up so we're just gonna had a good eight a nice guy i think you just gotta hit a nice controlled eight here yeah it's not a full out hit it as hard as i can is it no it's not one of those. And the greens are thanks the greens are somewhat receptive yeah they are there's a tiny backstop just past that flag go a bit go a bit oh which is soft right there right the front of the green damn it's close it was close see what's in it got a little uh it's like a bit of right to left right this very beginning part. So just run up the right side yep all right bounced i just hopped early didn't it on me yeah it did um. For par one over two to play a fairly short path for coming up yep and a very get above five yeah that sounds like over that sounds like two birdies to me [Laughter] i mean this is it could be driver today.

310 to the runner just go. For it i think. So yeah what's it what's the end of that end of the fairway there just a little tiny dip. And you're up on the green my only fear yep so on this hole seeing where the pin was it's very much at the front where was the pillows right at the front you've either got to go right up there. And chip or lay it back and try and hit a full shine i think when you make birdie right i just don't know what i'm my best strategy of making birdies i don't know if i might be better hitting like a hundred yard wedge shot rather than a little fiddly chip up there usually if it's a front pin i'd much rather have a wedge in okay let's do that let's do it. So let's so wait up let's go something i like 100 yards left into the pin okay something that 250 range should leave you right around that 100 yard full ride yeah i love a slot i think i'm gonna have slightly longer 100 inch i didn't quite catch every bit of it 91 front 100 oh 100 right on it there we go smirking on my face when i got shot at it. So it's 56 degrees those branches do you think they're gonna no just hamper nah i think you'll be fine don't even see the branches okay well i can land it just left anyway you can yes you can okay come on rick let's put one close that was long thinned it a bit ah i think that a touch that was annoying before you drew 60. uh i could probably muscle it to 100 actually yeah i probably couldn't think i was thinking you're 60 there you can you could probably have landed that right on the front yeah i probably should have absolutely tried to coming out of the room 60. i think sometimes with trying to smash a 60 sometimes you can get a little bit under it definitely. And it popped down to like 95 and suddenly i'm down so what i what i like to do with my 60 is i i actually i move it back like maybe a half ball you must think just to catch it. And just and still take that same swing just kind of feel like i really just keep that shaft lean yeah forward. For me he still pops up in the air though yeah yeah i think i think it's just because it's i mean i'm only delofting it by you know a degree. Or two yeah it's definitely right to left in the beginning a little bit down the hill then.

Back up the hill continuing a little right to left i love your line there nice boxer it did straighten it yeah it does go left it does go back left alright it does straighten wow i've played here. For i'll see now i look like the idiot nearly 20 years of my life and i didn't even know that moved that way will called it. But i didn't trust him right to left still from here yep just a little bit a little bit from there i'll take that yep an eagle up the last which i've done before and i shall do again okay last hole 18 part five sweeps round to the right hand side once upon a time i pad this only using the pitching wedge. And that's how millions of views weirdly over facebook so now is the time to eagle it all my club's in the bag driver off the tee i'm just gonna i'm just gonna attack the corner let's do it just literally going straight. For it unless you're gonna talk me out of it i love the tech it's gonna absolutely tank it over the corner should be good no trees there i think it should be good okay as we get around the corner perched on the fairway finally will it's perfect i hit a good buddy tee shot finally ripped just needed a warm-up that's all it was it just needed 17 hours a quick 17-hole warm-up in 30 degrees of heat. And we found a fairway and honestly we're not gonna have a long way into this hole no one five eight white is in the back right yeah. So one five eight so you're gonna have at least 20 to 25 shy of that to the front of the green so let's just say one three eight to be safe here one three eight one three five front a little bit downhill i mean one five eight pin gotta be looking at like a 150 shot here with a downhill right just a nice nine-nine love that yep right at it let's do it finishing style stop drawing right there right there [Music] we're on the green it's not super super close. But we've got a look at eagle at least right well i'm not even looking anymore sorry that doesn't make this terrible you're good um last whole eagle opportunity this would be to shoot 70 after a very mixed round of golf but since the eighth hole a very good round of golf yeah we've started playing better since the eight i think he will oh i got a great spot that i really like here there's a light spot right here i like running running on that left edge of that right that light spot right edge of this spot okay i like how you go. For the like the apex of the of the pot yeah i'm quite an apex green reader i like picking a point versus you know three cups outside the hole. Or whatever all right let's see it off okay eagle on the last to shoot under par with will on the bag either way. So guys that is that finished with 71 which. For a lot of things i broke 75 that's the main objective of these videos so thank you will. For that yeah i genuinely believe if it wasn't. For your health today.

I would have shot closer to 80 if not over 80. But considering you're on the bag you kept me focused you kept me in track i played terrible for the first eight holes but you kept me get me going there's the ground. And the last ten holes i've played a lot better managed to shoot a level par today.

71 which i'd be happy very happy with in fact uh thank you pal absolutely man you want to carry me next.

Week yeah definitely i'm in you know i've got lexi to california i've got a week off okay should be all right i'll just keep will will you're just kind of. For me now you don't need lexi guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots and lots of cool make sure you subscribe and like and we'll see you soon peace.