Ladies and gentlemen welcome on the T with a course record attempt Mr Ryan Ruffles yeah I got shot be good oh that's. So good get there oh yes all right putter doesn't give me many chances this place yes no wonder there's only been one person ever to shoot under the par around here two years ago I was down at this very Golf Course bringing X Tour professional James Robinson to see if he could break power no man had ever done it before here at the pastures near Derby UK unfortunately things went against us. And unfortunately James did not break power that day. So we're back this time we are gonna break par here at the pastures now you're thinking Rick don't be silly your golf surrendous you're terrible well yeah I somehow agree. And I'm not playing do not worry I've enlisted the services of this man Ryan Ruffles good to see you again tour professionals you've seen Ryan rip it up around Iowa's home course you saw Ryan at JCB getting 10 Mulligans. And quite literally burning the place up well Ryan's over again and I said there's no better man. For the job than this man to see if you can break power here at the passages only now since our last recording one person has shot one on the par that is now the current cross record can it be beaten today.

Ryan I bloody hope. So you guys are making it sound like I'm about to go through it out here today.

Um it sounds like it's a very tricky little course I've taken the driver out of the service today.

Um yeah it'll be good fun I I sure hope. So uh the way people have talked it up it sounds unlikely but I'm going to give it a good crack that's. For sure the members have come out in force we've got a live audience here to watch Ryan today.

I'm going to be caddying. For him now what's interesting about here at the pastures on paper this sounds like a course that someone like you should be able to rip up it's a par 64. it's 5 000 yards however. it's got over 3 000 trees and it's on fairly small plot of land it's nine holes we play the golf course twice but it's two separate T's from the front line and the back nine par threes are interesting they're quite long yeah Green's quite small there's no par fives however. that doesn't mean you can't still throw in a handful of birdies all right that's the plan that sounds like I'm gonna need them to offset a couple bogeys that might have. So we're definitely gonna have to make a few you've warmed up you're ready to go as Ryan said drivers out the bag I'm going to be cutting. For him live audience let's get it here at the pastures see what we can do underpower baby let's go let's go let's go [Music] yes look at this turnout I love the pasture's little little clubhouse little cabbie there just to get take the green fees. And grab a drink look at all these wonderful people that turned out hands up if you think he's gonna shoot on the par today.

Oh wow hands up if you think he doesn't all right. So it's it's much more positive towards underpower that's good ladies and gentlemen welcome on the tea with a course record attempt hopefully Mr Ryan Ruffles give Ryan a big clap everybody [Applause] [Music] oh come down a bit that's fine that's fine it's short enough it's fine [Music] what do we don't need to know up there um left is your friend okay long long is better than short yeah um I don't think if you landed in the bank it's going to run. So I feel like you've got it depends how flat I guess I can hit it how far have you got 136 um. And I don't mind playing it as a number and just trying to go through these branches I think I think I'm gonna go yeah I think it will I'm going to go lower. And Chase it up like really low um I'm gonna go like a six iron I think from what I know I can't I don't really know what's up there. But left side of that pin is safe be good be good oh that's phenomenal I don't like great shot thank you hopefully it slammed on the brakes just over the back just about looking at his camera. But I'll take that look at this so fun that's pretty cool I'll turn out pastures of coverage on my iPhone gosh you're gone okay cool this has been my first test hitting a 35 40 footer. So it's really nice here at the pastures it's all community-led kind of it's non-profit and blessing they've got the course in Immaculate shape like I said just trying to figure out the speed early on would be uh very nice roll it close cut that I got there ain't that bad decent effort it's not a bad effort first Port no I'll take that nice well done mate guys got through it after that on the first yeah that's all you need to do okay nice start Ryan good power on the score card again scrambled out got uh got it done the goal. For today.

Isn't to shoot 10 on the parts to shoot a couple hundred parts that are new course record how far 143 yards I assume the greens are going to be a bit soft a bit wet I think they're gonna be soft. But I don't feel like they're going to spin yeah it'll kind of plug is what I'm thinking as well I'll be be good be good that's right [Applause] I feel like you're getting more of a clap from the T than you are from the green yeah look she's telling me I like that direction yeah like it's just like up there towards the PIN gives me a little something to work with I think it might have just like the t-box the length of the grass being a little bit longer sometimes it can just light up yeah a little bit okay second hole nice wedge in there all right just got a little downhiller right to left. And these greens as much has done a great job and they're not super fast so Ryan needs to give them a bit of a hit that's keeping boxes of Birdie early it could get very exciting keep going oh great effort mate okay really good nice it's slow enough you can see the grass laying one way. So as it slows down the grass are just going to like topple it yeah One Direction. So you just kind of look for that I guess okay third hole par three 210 yards straight down the Chute here um this is one of the longest par threes no yeah they're all long apart from the last one six iron in hand kind of ease me into it now we got this come on come back in yeah good effort okay nice safe play there by Ryan front of the green look tiny bit short. But it's about picking the pars around here you don't want to go and kind of throw in any silly bogus from nowhere and this one looks slow yeah long part up the tier speed is important [Music] get up go on. So close I thought I was going to top it that's what mate thank you well done Well's gone got through that one that seems like a tough old to me yeah okay fourth old Par Four I mean as straight a hole as you can possibly see a couple little bonkers down there right. And left of the Fairway Ryan's just going to pop it down there short the bunkers in play. And just try and wedge it close to get birdie sounds good in theory yeah that sounds perfect wind should be helping the touch yeah it should be because the last thought definitely hurt. For where the ball ended up yeah good shot very nice that's a really nice shot I've judged that well actually didn't know if I was taking too much too little okay second shot insist green yeah 95 yards I do have a pretty decent mud ball which is definitely going to affect it hopefully not too much because it should just be a nice lob wedge distance if the mud stays from affecting me too much yeah I'm just going to aim a little left because that mud is going to push the ball to the right okay yeah mud ah the mud just got it move that low yeah whenever you get mud like that it's pretty hard Ah that's hard lines on it yeah that's a bit unlucky. But yeah um tricky little chip see what we got a fairly aggressive you'll be fairly aggressive yeah that's a good thing I mean if you miss a green the LIE is kind of one of those into the grain lies probably got to give it a little extra sit hit it oh oh God that was a lucky on it came out just a bit hotter than I yeah I think it's still got mod on it it's got plenty of mud on it it's like clay. So it gets stuck on it yeah once it's on there it's on there that's what affected that last shot unfortunately a bit of a mud ball okay to keep the score card clean no bogey. So far this could do it dropping oh it's stiff at all oh my goodness he's got some revenge on that hole Yeah I gotta come back. And get after that one that was a bit stiff. But that was hard yeah fifth hole Par Four slight dog leg right I'm sitting five iron off the T okay please be good I thought it was lovely off the I know I thought it was perfect yeah. And then.

It bounced out it did bounce out jeez could have done with it coming out a bit more I actually would have preferred if it stayed in the right to be honest okay second shot into this whole rain just caught this tree bounced down unfortunately it's been hampered Now by this tree we could have done with a bigger bounce. Or it's to stay left 100 and how far I've got left 140. um yeah tricky shot again it seems like if you just you miss it at all here like you're going to be doing this a lot uh six iron. And play it low yeah just kind of similar to the whole one to be honest yep just punch it under see what uh see what we get out of it got down thinking nice really good it questions every shot it this place just makes you think about every single shot you've got to hit no one there's only been one person ever to shoot under the par around here what we're looking at Ryan definitely left to right obviously not gonna be super fast it's pretty level good effort I think quite break quite break I thought that would move. For sure yeah I did yeah Master John thank you [Applause] five Hells played one over par still birdies are plenty out here birdies are plenty you speak of I'm not seeing them. Yet this one looks tough real tough Wayne's gonna be helping you a touch with it should be helping off the right a little bit because that last tee shot kind of felt like it got helped to the yeah to the right. So it should just help my draw it's more about the line here than the distance it's got to be a nice strong golf shot get that ball get that ball get there oh yes [Applause] great shot here into number six ridiculous iron shot six iron from 212 yards he's put it within six foot real legitimate look at birdie said they were coming. So there's chances okay. For birdie to get back to level power oh it went right it broke right didn't see that okay mate that might have been one where I needed a local cardi to help me with that one oh okay seventh L 204 yards downhill rounds hitting seven iron wind way short ah I'm not gonna hit it kind of floated up into the wind not my best okay the wind was there I just needed to hit it well yeah it doesn't give you many chances this place I'm guessing that Potter now no no I'm gonna need something a little straighter face though because of the slowness I don't want this to like hit. And pop up um so I'll go 56 I think I'm just going to play it back in the stance a little bit it'll be more with this first bounce size I haven't hit a chip. Yet yes. So it'll be more if this first bounce is going to pop up. Or if I'll get the skid that I need to kind of run it through why are you looking at London it sure see how there's like crosses yeah there's like the second cross what's that great. For distance did you see the um yeah swinging it yeah like swung in the air no. But it's amazing even from that yardage like you can see the ball swing early. So you imagine as that just gets pushed back further and further and further that's going to be my challenge today.

Is the mud balls I think all right come on pal I don't think they're moving much eh no I think they're just I think you've made it slightly overeating them yeah correct I think if I just hit them a bit straighter. And keep the pace up I think half a chance I don't know not getting much luck on the greens at the moment ah lucky mate that's tough okay Par Four engine 44 yards slightly into Breeze rain's just starting to flutter down. But it is should be back into the wind now this is back into window um yeah. So we're just gonna have to start it just inside each of those people little girl pull it thrown into the middle of the Fairway oh no all right get over there that's not good it's not looking good from the early don't worry we've got time second shot if there's Wayward t-shirt in the trees here. And this this is the pastor's biggest protection trees everywhere 3 000 plus of the things quite thinking right how far have you got 154 let's go with a six iron again I think if I could get it in that bunker green side the pin's not too far away I'll be able to hopefully make something work from there okay come on miss everything miss everything got yeah mate I'm really good effort it was literally two yards away from to be honest being incredible this is my job to clean this if it's my job I'll take it that was honestly ridiculous from where Ryan was then.

To get it to hear this birdie Port Sensational really is. So much in it pretty slow again uh no I don't think there's much in it I don't think okay the birdie let's get back to one over par this will be a real confidence boost here it's a chance to 39 as well please I hope this drops it do it oh crap thanks just hit like velcro when it got on here it did it came off the first bit yeah it came off first. But fine and then.

Just hit a wall great bathroom right caps it alive right ninth hole 402 yard Par Four back to the clubhouse uh slight dug like up the hill right into Breezer touch nicely oh that's so good great shot it's gonna say that's not good I hit the wrong Club there that kind of moved a little bit kind of I was trying to get it away from that corner. So plug ball luckily in the Fairway plugged so it gets to lean left clean and drop with no penalty thankfully because I had a bit of mud on the bottom of that ball I don't think I'd hire rickety oh come on all right. So 182 yards I'm assuming it's probably playing like five yards uphill or something like that um drop professional drop let's go with what's like anything I need to know long short Long's not great sure it's fine okay. So right in between here I'm gonna go with uh let's go seven seven nine second shot into this ninth hole 180 yards probably playing 185. um mud like the wetness on the ball it's gone so long too is it going over like a flyer yeah ah okay after a bit of an unusual flight. For the second shot from Ryan there kind of came up really hot almost like a fairway flyer his golf ball will be able to see the flag stood over the golf ball he won't be able to see the flag hard shot as a righty I'm just gonna have to play some sort of hooded 56 um you can't go by wraps that's it yeah. But but I mean if I'm just a little out to the right it's going to kick laugh yeah I don't know if I can trickle it down there. And give myself a putt at it I wouldn't mind uh yeah be nice up. And down for sure [Applause] how's it that was pretty special. So much in it I think I've got to start to read the Grass more than the slope a little bit if that makes sense yeah it should go a little to my right come on knock her in knocker in. For par here on nine yes [Applause] that was right I lost two holes eh through nine two over par what's your thoughts now Ryan think about it this is tricky I'm not hitting it as good as I need to be um. For a course like this but that doesn't mean I'm not going to this nine uh know the course now know where the pins are. And I'll play slightly different tees so three under it's going to be tough there's not tons of chances out here. But we'll see yeah 400 to shoot a course record okay 300 to match it all right we got this bro let's do it we got this shout out to Barry Fitch farmers. And butchers geez right this is going to give you the fuel shooting four on the back nine okay yeah all right it's only doing your channel now is eat sausage rolls it's all day I don't play golfers watch you. And eat sausage rolls they're phenomenal Barry Barry the butcher that's fantastic that's perfect yeah right we know the nine we know the greens we know the pins bat nine does put off different T's. So there are gonna be differences discrepancies on what club we hit of each tea I'm gonna go with the same club that I hit earlier. But because I weighed that one out to the right I'm now at least finding the center a little bit more often on these par fours I haven't put myself in positions to give myself birth yeah you need more light wedges in handles yeah correct like I've been hitting fantastic to be honest my best shots of the day have been punches from trees yeah. But um bit less of that would be ideal yeah perfect yeah really nice shot although mate here we go let's go come on that nine charge t-shirt there was perfect Ryan's left himself how far 122 yards perfect this these These are the types of shots that Ryan needs to start making birdies around here 122 yards fueled with sausage roll we're ready to go that's the most important um we're gonna go with win slightly helping. But give me a 52 please just going to play with that little bit of Left Right slope I'm on to okay about that yeah should we go. For distance you think just too far left I played a little bit too much. For that left to right slope great and distance control here on the first Hole by Ryan pulled it a little bit off we're aim for left with thinking that slope might move it right didn't do a lot knows the speed of the greens now knows how they break they don't break quite as much as he's kind of used to got a good line it's a little bit left to right I think uh not much like I said they just haven't broke very much um slow again. So just good speed just out the left give it a chance oh man just broke that one actually broke more than I wow speed there a little bit faster at the bit in yeah good pop thank you 11th hole the part three we played obviously earlier. But a slightly shorter too this time what's it playing 120 yards yeah 123 yards a little uphill a little downwind. So should be more or less right on the number come right that'll spend don't spend don't spend be okay the distance online would have been ideal it would have been it was just too far left okay great distance control round just slightly pitch the pin High then.

We can make this yeah this is horrible I said a normal size green this would look like a decent yeah look at it yeah really wanted to hold one now okay get a dirty on the score card burnt the edges there's not much luck with the putter at the moment [Laughter] jumped on me a bit let's add into the drama okay 79 in hand twelve hole par three 185 yards guys. So much left to right wind up there oh yeah it's got hammered not really dead it seems like it was like Gusty there's much more wind up there than it feels like right here second shot here just shot the green wind wind when you're in these trees like you can't feel the wind sometimes it's. So much stronger off the left-hand side shop I'll play mate nice that's right thank you see the flock by the way up for logo okay sweep up. For a par yeah well done great up. And down mate foreign dead strike 30th time let's go simmer down yeah that's fine yeah good shot mate 100 yards on the nose second shot hearing to 13. no mud on the golf ball just in the first little bit of rough pins at the front this is it this is the time we made a couple of birdies now birdie 13 birdie 14 we right back into this get there oh yes yes all right putter all right let's give it a kiss. For me let's do it tiny bit proper we've had a couple of good lots of Birdie. But this is it this is important gets us back to one over par with a handful of holes left oh come on Ryan come on they're just not dropping can't buy one at the moment oh [Applause] I think good parts too I just keep hitting the lip one side of the other oh look look butter God come on two over five to play we need something magical to happen. But hey stranger things have happened fourteenth old Par Four it's the dog leg up the right right knows this hole now um left side of the Fairway is key five iron in hand perfect absolutely perfect great shot I think it might come out a little bit of a flyer there's a bit of grass behind it you see how it's kind of laying into it um. So it might just go a little further than it normally does right it's a good one wind do a bet win do a bit they're getting a clap it did exactly what I thought it was a bit of a flyer like popped up no spin just. So it might be a fraction long third shot here on number 14 across this Bank we've got to go down and it's going to kick to the right towards the end come on this would be a nice little bonus one here you see it in this like dark section here it's like I just got caught up. And then.

Picked up some speed again I was right in the middle the good news you can still break the course record the bad news is you need four birdies in a row to do. So and we're looking at 234. yeah about three doesn't mean we can't throw an eagle somewhere I've got to go four I think I don't really want a hit four because I feel like it could go long. But but you flush section there yeah I feel like five I'm just kind of taking short. And wanting to try and chip in um which is a possibility. But now this is four every day oh no keep drawing all right all right it's a terrible shot I was scared of left I think it is hard that shot though well I just didn't want to go left because I go left it's over. So I tried to swing it in and I just got steep on it and just blocked it okay interesting position to be in right now here on the 15th behind the tree luckily I've got a quick look at this luckily has got a gap towards a flag. But it's a precarious one um what we're thinking I'll grab a pitching wedge pitching wedge yeah let's turn the green yeah alrighty this is it it's basically the Potter [Music] y I'm gonna go straight. And pretty far yeah [Laughter] the course record can still be matched with three birdies that was going all over the shop it really was yeah that broke like nine different ways in one buck [Music] okay 16th hole par three down the hill 205 yards three birdies to match the course record three birdies to get under par we've not run. Yet we've been unfortunate this is the time stick it close an eagle however. would really be interesting I'll be phenomenal yes shot Ryan okay Ryan this makes things interesting we birded this. And we can potentially dirty Eagle Eagle birdie birdie birdie something to make this round go on the path come on Thurman straight let's crack open the birdie sauce with three holes left to play [Music] yes [Applause] long overdue. But we've got one come on give Ryan a huge round of applause that was pretty awesome 17th hole Ryan's one over par now one under. For the back nine yeah I am too birdie bird here matches the current course record only the second person ever to shoot on the power around here. But we need to go birdie birdie three iron off the T IP oh I've done it again not there again Get Lucky Get Lucky oh I'm gonna make double I'm gonna make birdie one of the two you can't literally at this point I guess that's just all we got like I gotta hit a punch through there and gotta go for it we've got a gap I can see the flag down there do not do this in the tournament kids they don't just don't do this at home don't ever do this the challenge today.

Is try. And break power I'm one over two to play in a terrible position so we're gonna try and thread the needle oh because it got there has it got there wrong Gap has it got there though no I just short right um basically gotta hold it. So it's Gotta Go in yeah I mean we've hit the shot a lot today.

Just kind of chasing it up there chasing up the tier um see they're a chip in here. Or a hole out on the last for an eagle both tall tasks but I fancy a chip in here more okay come on oh look up [Applause] got to give it a go yeah I had to give it a go got a whole lot. And then.

Make Eagle on the last gonna hold that first you know what it's been fun today.

Really I was watching Ryan play somewhere like this uh obviously James found it challenging around here a couple of years ago Ryan's done better. But found it challenging um I think it's a lot of people asking should I come back. And play here I think I should Let's uh let's if this video gets 50 000 likes I mean at this time 50 000 likes we'll do break 75 here on my own no no Scrambler any of that. And who knows I'm actually 100 but I might I might be the only second man never shoot on the part two but who knows once again pretty straight hit it hard hope for the best I think is yeah straight. And firm come on to keep the dream alive oh I moved yeah I like that one oh look you Holy One the last [Laughter] let's go three on as well just take it up the ride a little bit more I think I mean I may as well at this point just send it up there send it hole in one to shoot on the path yeah goodbye sit that should be fine Perfect all right it's been fun. So you enjoyed today.

By the way it's been good it's been good it's been a lot of fun this is a very fun golf course one I'd like to try again now that I know it um I'd like to get a few of those putts back a few t-shirts. But is what it is it's been it's been a lot of fun. And These Guys these wonderful crowd today.

Thank you everybody thank you thank you thank you you've been amazing thank you. So much right let's see if we can bird it last Eagle would be amazing 162 yards slightly uphill a time in hand all right down ball yeah oh I took a lot of extra Club there too yeah. But I'll hit one quick I played 15 yards extra there hold on good shot okay chief in dirty on the last would be nice give everyone something it's a nice cheer about [Music] oh that's a lovely shot hold on mate I think mine's a good right good it's good not good come on I'm not mine in first though [Music] okay. So nobody sees that what we do we take it again. And again and again until it goes in you see the like the grain like just rips it okay. So for a two over a 67 give Ryan a huge round of applause everybody thanks guys I'm lucky there really unlucky lots of good chances and first off thank you to everyone here at the pastures you've been amazing today.

Thank you everybody you've been super thank you. So much and if you ever want to come and play here definitely recommend it see if you can come around here. And shoot underpower and to be honest even with your handicap it'll be hard to shoot on the power thanks for watching thanks for riding good luck with the rest of the season appreciate you we shall be back this video gets 50 000 likes I'll be back to see that what I can do around here okay thanks. For watching everybody and we'll see you soon peace.