Foreign [Music] [Applause] yes yes yes come on. For eagle all right Edge oh hello what a shot come on Partner wow what a day this has turned out to be all right guys welcome to a brand new episode today.

I'm here at gullan number one golf course I mean it's absolutely stunning the golf course I have never played before. But one I've always been excited to be part of him to play as three golf courses here. And they all look fantastic today.

I was going to do a break 75.. And I have a guest today.

My very good friend Iona Stephen Rick back now you the scene. And I'm sure free in which everybody watched this video saw when you were last on the channel at crail because it is the best break 75 episode ever you we're amazing you're amazing however. you've not practiced too much you're a little bit under the weather yeah well you know I've got I've got a list of excuses much like the last time it's as long as my arm. And I haven't slept a wink because I've been thinking about this Ryan wreck I've been thinking right I know it's a tough start so go easy on yourself if you don't get off to a hot start that's so funny so we had a little change of plan we're in the Pro Shop we said you know what we can we can rip up the rule book of break75 today.

And we're going to do my favorite format. And I'm sure yours as well we're gonna do a scramble a break 65 scramble this golf course is a par 71 it's 6 700 yards off the teams we're playing off today.

I think. For you and me to try and shoot 6 under today.

Would be an incredible achievement yeah. And one that I am ready to achieve absolutely I think with your accuracy your Vibe your energy is only going to bring good positive goal shots today.

I hope. So right I'm not for it um we've both not played the golf course before no I have played the golf course before. But it was many many years ago. And I can't really remember it very well I can remember the second hole. And I do know the second hole is known as one of the toughest holes. So we'll go nice and kind to ourselves at the start if you've not kept out Iona on her Instagram or you're now super popular YouTube channel don't jump over there and subscribe as well without further ado let's get going let's go right first of all. And it looks fairly unassuming bar the scattering of at least seven bunkers I can see whereas the six there seven seven bunkers it's 302 yards slightly down wind with a firm Fairways Yep this is we can get one down there true Links golf this right I'm pretty sure not many people hit driver off this seat it's probably just a nice iron however. we're playing a scramble. So drivers away yeah. But we are a little bit left wee bit left I didn't quite catch it. But that actually looks like it's fine it looks fine I always would like to see on the first day in Rick's videos lovely oh yes a bit of a normal accent from you lovely yes oh if that gets a nice little shoot forward it was like half speed. But it's gone pretty straight I know literally ate the taxis my 10 buckets of golf balls was useless right first thing of the day not bad okay. So if you're not sure on the scramble format we're going to choose the best shot between us. And play from there so I only hit a wonderful t-shirt I know you just wouldn't disappoint so we've got a little pitch here from the front of the green about 25 yards so we both hit from here yeah we're just talking how do we actually play it because you've seen recently the video I had with Dan grieve in the short game well Iona was mentioning that you start to have lessons of him back in the day. So my my journey into golf I started playing really late I didn't start playing golf 2019. and I went I was lucky to be invited onto this scholarship program down south when I played off a four handicap 12 months later I played off plus three wow. And a lot of that was to thanks to Dan. And he he taught me a short game along with my my long game coach Christian Baker they basically gave me the fundamentals or as I like to call them the non-negotiables and helped me to kind of build this game but I remember my sessions with Dan and he just knows his stuff right he really does it really does it helped me enormously. But I could do with a refresher. So I'm looking forward to you giving me a few tips maybe wait until you see done again right come on then.

What how would you put this on well you know this is Link's golf. So I guess we're we're all about the low shot aren't we really um it's a little chipping around there so there's no need to really take it through the air. But tip and run is where I've noticed as I've played less golf I've got the least touch yes because you don't get away with much because you don't know it can come off a bit fiery. So let's see if we can start strong with the birdier here on number one are we chiparoo here quite like it. So that's what you make go in the hole get in the hole go in the hole am I even I've lost the fighting again in this video why not I just why don't we just I'm gonna take my mic off it's now the Iona Stevens show it's so silly it's you Rick you bring out the best Rick bring us back the best of my game if you want to play good golf go and play some golf with Rick I feel like uh last time at Crayola I mean that chipping that you held I can't remember which all it was now. And like the setting everything so I feel like something special is going to happen again today.

Uh I'm gonna play a similar shot to you seriously a little like Lou one like a 99 I played a pitching wedge actually I've got nine yeah Nine's nice looks pretty good go on just a tiny bit heavy. But okay got away with it we've got a nice look at Birdie on the first come on then.

Io now I will kindly remove the flag. And allow you to make it a solo birdie here on the first hole and she goes straight out the car straight onto the first hole that's how we do it opening up the dirty sauce nice. And early one under three one let's go for Iona and Rick okay okay right this is an interesting hole Rick this is a monster you know they held the men's Scottish open here a couple of times. And I believe this was the hardest hole on the golf course throughout that tournament. So it's a bit of a bit of a beast and we are lucky because it's playing a little bit downwind as you said today.

But you can see it's narrow it's uphill we don't really know where we're going you can almost just see the flag up there on the top of the hill. But then.

Am I right in saying they started this is the first hole in the in the scotch open as well I think I could be right yeah yeah because Ricky found the one here in 2015. yeah. And uh yeah this was the first also. So I've have a testing first hole like this yeah it's intimidating lucky. For us it's our second home and we won in the park we are I own it after you left oh that's not as thick as I thought it was going to be it got a few kicks. But I wouldn't follow me in there Rick Yes Rick that's my partner was that is my partner Well Done Right that's great it's really working nice that one after a decent drive. And dry Fairways I've actually had a really nice one here we've got 99 left to the flag is there any particular side to favor I think you can see it I don't know it looks like it's kind of kicking a bit from right to left to me. So it looks like maybe there's more room left of it though yeah it does. And we've got 50 degree wedge and hit like a half swing okay down oh nice weekend I think that's quite big yeah yeah I'm really working hard in my alignment today.

Rick because as I said you last week I played a wee bit in America. And I was way off. So I'm working hard okay get a kick left right I mean oh that's all right thickness okay got a nice members there that'll be fine your alignment look good now that we sniff it birdie maybe yeah really nice shot of yours left to right down the hill it's quite a big breaker I think I think. So oh okay. So I'm gonna give this more left to right it's about three or four feet left to right down the hill like this turn turn baby oh what a good effort really good effort Rick wow nice I suppose we have to take a power on that I think we will feel very close though I would I wouldn't have given as much break if I hadn't seen yours first look at that backdrop yeah wow it's amazing that is really nice that's the fourth of Fourth out there. And across to Edinburgh path five is it the other hand next.

Eight okay A little bit of a snaky one. But looks straight overall those bunkers look clearable from here looks like you've got like 260 to clear the very last bunker on the right there cool what's over there okay well I was really hoping you would just Nest the one there. For me right I know so I can do crank the shoulders up here. But it's a beautiful tee shot though it really invites you to hit one that wind off the right so I'm just going to aim at that bunker on the right in there that is goes three yards left it's perfect oh no where I wanted one bounce right hop straight into the face of that final bunker that I own I was trying to get over oh three yards left. And that was Devastation. So I found mine down the right side it's in the stick Raw um I've not bothered zapping the flag it looks about 200 odd yards the bunkers to kind of round bunkers in front of us here 112 yards to carry so have you got I'm gonna go pitching wedge and just hold on tight and hopefully carry it all well done if it misses it it's fine yeah oh God yes okay should we just play that one I think. So honestly injure yourself I think that's. For the best actually that was uh well done nice wow what a day this has turned it out to be sun's coming out more birdies are coming we've got our third shot into his par five um recovered from an unbury unlucky tea shot of yours. And a very bad t-shirt of mine we've recovered and put ourselves back in a spot to make birdie but that's the kind of that this is where we're up against it a bit today.

Rick because neither of us really know the way around no you know we're at crail I mean I really knew the way around. So I could say right hit it here hit it here we don't know where we're going I'm looking back. And I'm looking now I'm going well duh there's loads of space down the left-hand side didn't need to go anywhere near those Bonkers. But say love you oh good strike that's it sets I can't quite tell if it grabbed the brakes off twice I've hit this left oh yeah okay I don't know I think we still might have an opportunity there I've got to admit I've heard incredible things of Goodland I really haven't I've never been lucky enough to play yeah I'm understanding the hype certainly the views are just absolutely spectacular on a day like this You Can See. For Miles You Can See. For Miles yeah really really just good. For the soul that isn't it okay. So mine just clung on the back of the green I always went a touch longer we've got this put for birdie come on we should be having an easier put than this I think you can go straight at it. And firm break the bottom of the flag Iona could you just take the flag out for me Rick oh I like it break the bottom of the hole oh never got rolling did it just took away bubble tap that one in okay it's a bit disappointing that isn't it well. And like I said. And look at t-shirt and a bad t-shirt come off with par one on the three three still plenty of chances yeah it's a tough start at gullins as they say fourth hole par three looks like a very slim green right to left. But probably quite long 147 yards he was there 149. 149 slightly into Breeze. But firm grease so I'm gonna I'm gonna chip a little later and just hope I can get it online laughs I should have really stepped away from that because I just wasn't going I honestly don't know I'm still overthinking right don't go left. But what if I did what if I drew it. And I just didn't she's right in your wheelhouse par three into Breeze a little bit down ball that's the tougher into hit like a stinky I think we need two more plays today.

So we've come with eye owners because it is interwin we've got more green to work with let's just get up. And down let's get off this hole and make some birdies oh we just took this one in stranger things have happened lovely strike oh that's very heavy winds disappeared there nice that'll release beautifully go on get the halt brick all right well done thanks Dan yeah going down okay well let's see if we can it wasn't far off. For a chipping was it it was not okay let's there they're the warm-up holes yes. And that genuinely was the warm-up holes because I didn't have a warm-up Par Four fifth hole 450 yards back into the breeze just index one okay I think anything just write those books is fine it looks like there's loads of room right yeah. So come on let's pipe one down there that'll play that will play nice oh where's this right one coming from the wind's got a hold of that deceptively Breezy you know. So second shot here on five up the hill playing 186 sorry 186 to the zap it but it's uphill into breeze so it's got to be playing comfortably over 200 yards I'm going to try. And Chase the five iron up there almost like a really low flighted five Island just okay Chase it keep it low enough that the wind shouldn't affect it. And if it's low it should run up the front edge of the green good sit it's not drawing okay we've got left of it. But yeah it just it kind of started a bit too straight I like the idea you had there turn over yeah yeah okay dovetailing nicely your tea shop my second shot let's go mate having a good look at birdie here okay. So I actually thought I'd got over the bunker I hadn't I'm short of the bunker we're gonna play a little delicate one here uh right let's hope we can work some magic well I was a bit skinny nipped it come on down the hill no that wasn't great well there's one up there. So we've got one on the Green come on closer than that as a result oh I've knifed it I was too I was scared about getting the sand it's understandable I shared your fear right let's we'll grab box that one okay Rick it's a par yeah longer than what we wanted a knee knocker are we yes please oh God that broke just took a nose dive at the end yeah that's not dead either honestly go as far as you want really honestly I think this will be coming in sideways what like up here yeah I'm to some way it could also it could kind of come in backwards okay here you I think you can really I don't think you can give this enough break oh you did you quite kind of just give it enough a bogie in a scramble is never good six hole 300 yard Par Four bit wind off the right yep up the hill looks like it's going to kick from right to life yes [Music] that's it when you hit one like that I'm like I really need to hit it yeah you do because I waited perfect oh yeah great shot thank you okay up the hill a little bit right at the flag yeah come on level power is not acceptable it is not good enough it's not what you've tuned in. For and it will not continue we will get back to underpower I'll be sensation I love that go go on you're gonna call it. But it look it seems short yeah what did you go with then.

Just the 52. And like yeah I just kind of played maybe like 94 yards it comes be the number oh what a kick I don't know that's not the most spin I've ever seen otherwise that's wild all right come on let's get it straight back to underpower oh God come on oh I'm actually surprised it got that far gone left I'll let you thank you oh well done I'm actually surprised it got that far because I didn't think it was gonna do okay all right still Level pass that's okay long way to go wow that's crazy [Music] it's pretty special Scotland no yeah not bad right okay I'm back with the show seventh hole Par Four down the hill 390 yards wind Hill pin Fairways are firm there's about 10 bunkers we need to avoid jacket beautifully it actually looks like it's done all right I couldn't see it genuinely it has gone a long way that sure would be okay depends on the kick really down the left half yes oh missed everything Mr bunkers I don't think it Mr bunker did it okay. So we found my first ball it's actually not bad it's just in the left for us yeah ions was fine as well tiny bit further back. So I'm gonna go with this one a little pitch over this bunker get it to stop quick it's don't think it's going to be easy because it's down wind. And firm so I'm going to try. And send it up nice and high oh get in the hole hot beautiful effort to be honest I didn't mean to land it that far it's a really tough shot oh God that is hard no I don't either Siri I really don't understand either mate I think try. And be cute we've got we've got that put for birdie okay I think just land it just on the front of the green right hit the back of the bunker oh you're joking didn't that did the opposite didn't get the kick at all oh God somewhere between those two yeah damn making this hard work we've gone. For mine right to left slightly up the hill got a bit of a read once it went past the flag come on something magic needs to start happening back oh it's that good for Speed oh it was tracking yeah okay in. For another part okay we're staying patient. For it right that's all it is Marathon not Sprint okay eighth hole 414 yard Par Four a bit of a blind t-shirt really there's a marker down there in the middle of Fairway which I'm just gonna trust. And hit it over and again I can see the faces at least two bunkers come on I need to start giving ourselves more birdie chances perfect good drive great drive thank you nice great hair a little bit blocky. But bouncing away it has jumped the bunker yeah I think mine's good anyway down the Fairway nice as long as there's no secret bunkers yeah we never know when's picking up a bit now eh I know it is it's getting Breezy um Second Chances hole we can see the top of the flag there was no secret bunkers 171 slightly into Breeze playing at least I'd say eight more than that yeah 180. I'm gonna get six iron. And let it Chase up I'm just going to start to put these in hopefully spots that we can see right looks like a better yeah it's gonna feed in from the right oh I've drawn it I've drawn it over it hold that could be bunker Maybe absolutely flush that you have ripped it just the wrong time I just keep going left today.

Just lightly the rough direction I've got real directional issues Oh I thought I'd carried that bunker we're not going to choose mine I own this pin High albeit a little bit left. So much easier shot than that one is right let's check one of these in yeah. So a different way to different ways to do this okay abandoned in a little Valley. Or I'm gonna kick it land it way up on the right there okay I like it that's why I wanted to play it oh I just jumped through that first bit of slope Ah that's a bit tough shot yeah really tough shot I am going to go aerial okay try. And just just stun it in that bank yeah release that's it yeah it's pretty good wreck we've got a good chance A Million Miles Away a little bit higher. But not bad right owner we cannot categorically cannot be overpowered okay. So this has to go in the hole slightly right to left yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't take it outside the hall you wouldn't I probably wouldn't know I'd say right Edge how about you I think I over read things a bit too much. So I'll go yeah I'll go right Edge you've got this Rick come on it's already in you've got this this is just a replay oh it's a curler ah it definitely goes a bit yeah it does doesn't it I think you can go a little bit more out the right come on we could not get a scramble the overpower this has to go in the hole great baby oh even I started questioning whether that was going to go that had. So much more brightness totally wrong and the first part that's the beauty of a scramble go team it's a bit of relief there actually we're celebrating level five but we're celebrating it anyway okay let's do this ninth hole par three final hold of front nine final chance to make a birdie on this front line I think if we get to one under here I think then.

We're in a good spot yeah we're doing really really well yeah nine iron 165 yards wind is slightly helping everything's firm commit you know the golf shot you want to hit oh where is that going well that's enough today.

Oh my goodness oh hold hold hold hold hold your head pick stray kick right ah we should be putting I'm pretty confident we're putting. So we found the bunker we actually thought I thought our owners was going to settle there on the green. And just Nestle close but no the golfing God's golden Gods decided else it's something else. For us yeah we found this little pop bunker. But I I like a bunker shot personally yeah I do too I do like a bunker shot historically. And I feel like we're really learning as we go about this course wreck don't you yeah I feel like we've explored a lot of it. So far um the only problem with this shot yeah as much as this looks stunning on camera this bunker shot is into wind. So the sand so cover your eyes get a little spot of lunch out of this I was not supplied okay right something to aim. For ah yeah what's that yours okay right one of these sonui Ridge here. So left Edge yeah I don't the thing is I think things are breaking more than the look firm left side rather than. For your own power I own I'm just here to spectate on this hole foreign [Laughter] yeah that was a good lie. And that's that's give us some I think I took it just outside to be fair okay bad times to knock that one in sad sad types that's what I need to say all I can say is I'm really sorry we're giving you beautiful weather a beautiful Golf Course a fantastic guest. And this is a type of golf we're presenting you promised to be better about nine okay you promise all right I don't know we need a little bit of a pep talk okay this isn't this isn't good I know okay we're better than this it's time just. But you know Rick sometimes I feel like it's just not about the golf I just think today.

It's not. So much about the goal okay it's about The Vibes. And breathing in the fresh air and maybe the golf will come if we think like that that's bloody hope. So 10. 466 yards Par Four second hardest on the golf course okay come on in Colin what have you got. For us nine more holes we've got to get on the par new Target sub 70. okay straighter than that that was lovely oh okay all right our little pet talk has worked um 135 yards down Breeze it's hard because everything's. So firm yeah we're trying to land it. So let me think about this hundred. And what'd I say 135 yeah down Breeze playing 120. yeah playing 120. But then.

Also playing short than that because of the bounce I feel like a little wedge there I feel like I could get any anything with Loft I want to go 55. we're like there you're nice it's not terrible but it's not still not stiff foreign come on okay Rick this is a nice look at birdie not as close as we wanted to be. But we've got slightly up the hill yep oh it's such a good fight kind of smashed it through the break no it had conviction which I liked nicely described it was whacked that's in though oh what is going on damn good look yeah okay Power the tent run over still oh it's very steady very steady Kelly I'm not living over far yeah the trend which else it's all good oh she's an absolutely stunning haul it's like an Infinity hall 11 total 471 yard Par Four. And all there is at the end of what looks like the edge of the world is a is a uh an alignment poll something to aim. For yeah hope in the distance I would say I feel like right of that though is weirdly more where you want to be I'd say. So yeah wind off the right as well yes right I love that I think that's great I've no idea what's over there. But oh she's fine saying nice bouncing really good ball whoa we're away we're away I don't like how long we've got for our second shots into this hole but that's pretty special 224 yards playing I'd say 10 yards down so but then.

You come back the wind back into it it's probably playing about the number again yeah I think. So yeah okay I need a four iron I'm gonna land the middle of the green. And just hope it it's vegan that'll be good good strike don't know if it's enough go on wow it's a good shot it's actually doing all right go on we we've run the green and we've put in yeah I'm just gonna get a little soft five wood this is my favorite Club in the bag Wind come on wind come on I actually can't believe the wind did nothing. So it completely went away Rick I feel like we're back at the 150 foot part oh yeah God yeah Christ um which we didn't hold that either. And we had a whole day at it so come on down the hill right to left I mean if there's ever a backdrop to hold a put like this this is this is it yeah it's got plenty of Steam on it oh great effort really great effort come on come on oh oh I like that as well [Music] very nice okay decent to put pars on the score card okay 12th hole. And our wish is granted. For par five not too long downwind yes yes yes yes yes beautiful [Music] oh really nice thread the needle between the two bunkers yeah that's good okay. So after a bit of a lucky bounce a hop and escape and a bit of down wind and firm Fairways we've only got 125 yards left into this house come on let's get one close let's get one let's get an eagle opportunity here yep it's exceptional for distance it looks to me like 130 is over the green. So right in that back pocket Iona and then.

Kick left and kick last and get on that back hill go on ball go on go on ball go go go and then.

Stick there stick there stick there yes all right my distance I went. For like the little sonoff follows fruit to try and stop the left yeah. And it worked so now we've got an uphill pack for Eagle come on hello this is what you tuned in. For ladies and gentlemen so mine was pin High I've just scooped it up because we're gonna play iona's from here she was he was. So unlucky I order that little Ridge there I know gotta get it up and over that but listen we've got an uphill pot for Eagle I know we can cannot complain it's music to our ears it's actually really inviting part got the uphill. So we can be confident with it what's it gonna do from this top bit though kind of straightens out you know there's a lot of the braking in the middle. And then.

Where this it really straightens out there at the top okay nice. And firm come on for eagle go go oh my goodness it was in the Jaws how did you read it I just kind of tried to feel it rick honestly I thought I thought of the fact they have been breaking more than we thought. So I definitely started it way outside the hall and I I saw it stay straight as it got to the top of the hill there so come on we're pretty much in for birdie no prizes. For being sure smashed it smashed it okay little one down it was literally there wasn't it yeah it was literally that close there well anyway it's a birdie should not complain we're back to level par okay some golf to go we have all right 13th hole par three beautiful holes pilot bunkers down there playback 180. I'm gonna go six times find us the green wind all that wind room come on Yes Rick really really good oh look at chases hit the bank kill it nicely gone nicely done thank you right right this looks like it's got just a a wee bit of right to left yep yeah just just box it I don't even okay I need to be here. For this you just box it [Music] right Edge come on got one so happy birthday that's all we needed okay it's uh par four stroke index three 435 yards this is the 14. And we are under par come up straight down that left side let the wind bring it back [Music] to the wee bit. But I don't know what's over there is it all right perhaps he's ripped that leave it left. But that's all right I've got mine okay second shot here into 14. yeah it's only a tiny bit into. And across um 162 yards slightly into the in the little wispy roof I'm gonna try and flight down today.

To let the wind bring you back well out Yes Rick come on well done okay right this is a great poll. So far for three in a row yeah. And we've not really hauled anything from this sort of a length no we've not that'd be great if we could I go. So much truth I honestly gave that a lot yeah then.

I gave it more yeah. And it still went left I'm not exaggerating iron I think I can go like here what I I think I went there because the wind's just blowing off that side too foreign [Laughter] straight back into the breeze bit off the left. So keep it left I'm getting the advice yeah okay I'm pretty good at that today.

So [Music] I that literally lands straight in the bunker okay that's left [Music] mine was slap bang in the middle of the bunker it literally was it yeah. So we're going with eye owners which is fine it's a long wholesale from here isn't it yeah it's I mean is that up on the hill yes yeah I mean it's everything I've got basically my three wood out of the Wrath just try I'm just going to move yours Rick yep uh yeah I've just got it try. And give this everything and just avoid the bunkers oh that's same thing that's okay I've just been the wispy stuff okay. So let's just keep it right inside yeah down the right joining me it's even farther alive okay mine should be fine I think Ariana's is fine right Rick 132 yards left up the slope this is a really tough shot ate the rough before you hit the nine eight gripping down on a nine that is tough that is hideous okay how far was it 134 yards it's gonna be a big wedge. So I think all we could do I think that's fine sit there these screens are. So hard to hear this is a very tough call well this is going to be a bit of hit. And hope a roller coaster I feel like the more right you go the more chance it's going to go right back down towards that Hill because it's going to kick off left two puts from here would be astonishing yeah one pot. Or one oh what a fart wreck God that wasn't a Million Miles Away was it it's unbelievable stay up ah it's a foot yeah very tough roll around yeah well done thank you tough haul today.

Very soft 16th hole par three win into. And off the left playing 190 yards and some some holes in there today.

Yeah truffles oh what a kick let's come back yeah it's not actually too bad with this wind. And very little protection I suppose it's the beauty of Links Golf it is very hard to hit greens just just it is [Music] be nice two great shots mine's I think held on by a hair yeah wow that's all we needed though right that's all we needed we're gonna need a little glimpse right right to left yeah come on Shields hello I'll leave my head cover up lack of porridge yeah Better Effort. But better buff another one that we fall away it's the wind is it yeah it's really tough 65 is completely off the Record yeah we're currently 70. So we could try for a 68. yeah I think 68 69 would be acceptable on a golf course at this caliber yeah one that we've not played before yep both not quite bringing r a games I think that's that's fair okay we've made it to the 17th hole it's apart four stroke index five 379 yards. And I mean I could almost lean into this breeze it's really picked up some piece straight back into it down the hill let's go oh nice really nice okay it's hopping away properly not easy yeah the old Links Golf this is reason this is tough eh okay I'm gonna try. And hit a stinger too okay it was below the wind that was below the wind I think I'm much higher than six foot okay second shots here in 17 it's downhill. But into wind and plane 170. I'm gonna just don't chip a little six iron in I feel like it's got to dig your teeth in I'll go straight in the hole oh yes yes hello what what it's hot now hello. But there's definitely room to get inside it oh it's a great hit as well no idea where it's going to come down you have to go. For it yeah it was Bangor boss okay come on I like you look at this one I do right to left slightly up the hill I did push that to be fair didn't break another Power one on the one to go 18th hole the last stretch Par Four 355 yards if this was no wind you'd think there'd be a chance to get on this. But straight back into wind we just got a fine Fairway pitch it on knocking in yep didn't expect it to fade but there we are don't expect my golf ball to do a lot of things to be honest with you. But that's all right that's safe following you yeah all right two safe balls Yep they're fine okay second shot here into 18 Justin in this wispy roof 133 yards to the flag slightly into Breeze. But it feels slightly here but we know after just being on top of that Hill it is more into wind ah right between clubs. So I kind of want to chip a nine iron or just flight a pitching wedge I think the pitching wedge is the club stop turning all right yeah it was always just moving away from the flag I don't think the distance was that far off that was nice we hit it well enough yep oh yeah go on okay I say chance yeah not too bad that yep okay here we go 18th hole that's just box one of it yeah I mean yeah it's what people have been waiting. For that's what I've been waiting for me too does it do a lot I don't think. So maybe a bit left right yeah a little bit left to right last hole beautiful golden one that definitely I want to I've got the appetite to play again after this 100 first round we'll be back you better believe it I feel like it's a course that you need to know right. For birdie come on one of these Iona come on it's a great looking part oh beautiful part though it just was always going right a little bit on me go fantastic put knock it in excellent I Own It Well Done thoroughly enjoyed that as always thank you. So much that was an absolute Joy I know I should have taken my half I apologize um thanks. For watching guys make sure you like And subscribe be sure to check out Iona fantastic thank you Channel she's got some wonderful guests and if you've not seen the episode with me definitely worth checking out until next.

Time have a good one thank you thanks bro see you next.
