All right guys welcome back break 75 episode 12 down here at dunham forest golf club beautiful little spot just outside manchester and you know what i'm excited about this one i've been playing quite a bit of golf hopefully that means i'm trending in the right direction you might have seen last week we did a full week with the guys from goodgood those videos are starting to come out every single wednesday don't miss out. And break 75s every single friday but i feel like my game is in a better position hopefully now this isn't going to be an easy test today.

You've got to keep the ball in play you've got to hit it straight. And you've got to be accurate let's hope they're my strengths today.

I'm playing with guy today.

Guy's just been striping it on the driving range he has he has i've got to admit it. So it'll be an interesting little match today.

Without further ado let's go out here dunham forest break 75 episode 12. [Music] all right pal you ready. For this i feel like i need a good one yes. And you're gonna play well the only thing that worries me is you played quite well in some of the good good matches all to come. And you said how playing with good players helps you play better i'm not a good player. So i could ruin this for you so if you played bad feel free to play me in the comments but good luck big trees starting off first home par five um this golf course is playing about six thousand six hundred six thousand five hundred yards past 72 it's not ridiculously long. But it is just treelined quite simply gotta hit a little fade off the first. And you know what i think we should have a little match today.

You look. For it absolutely just needed to carry on moving it left side similar line to mine just a very different way of getting there okay. And so it begins i'm uh two yards this way and it's not ideal don't get me wrong but i've got a shot at the green and it's nestled on this little side banking which means at 226 yards away from the ho i can't get to the green i just needed i tried to fade it i hit it pretty much dead straight i needed to get it turning a bit more so i'll have to lay up which is not the end of the world yeah you know what that was really good from there yeah it was very awkward to run down there you might not have seen it on camera. But it's just ran down the fairway okay a little 50-yarder it's actually chased up a lot than i expected that's big [Music] just on the green. But not quite as deadly as i'd like to have been oh nice shot okay birdie put on the first quite a long range be nice if this one drops in nice. And early down the hill fairly straight actually [Music] oh so we can be a little bit faster than that i was getting worried about it being downhill. And wimped out on it a touch [Music] nice start welcome back oh three foot bogey fantastic yeah well done we're actually going to play as a team today.

Yeah. So one under the team level par as a team level that was nice by the way how big you've seen how big that blankets okay second hole power four dog leg left. And down the hill kind of need like a two twenty two thirty yard shot so i've got three and i think guys got something similar yeah three. For me as well out that little v slight draw potentially then.

Cut slightly right where i wanted to go [Music] okay similar shot little raking draw down there oh he's come with shieldsy he's absolutely nailed it yeah should be good. So 142 i ate a good three iron we could see how far rick's was he got a lovely little drawing it's bounded down. So if i've got 142 rick's probably got 100 yards 90 yards maybe he's got a really good shot in from there it's a little thin he's trying it's best [Music] ah there's not much worse than hitting what you think is a dead online shot. And it lands in a trap okay 99 yards into the second hole need to uh there's no nice golf shot a little bit into breeze i think a 456 is going to get me there oh where has that gone it's absolutely miles right oh i wanted to attack the pin there not defend [Music] fight hard [Music] not horrendous. But could have been better you have to grow some legs oh [Music] i'm getting the speed [Music] nice up and down saved it well done thank you yeah could put that you needed that one i did i really didn't need that yeah confidence booster well done otherwise the dream might have been dead after two holes. And that wouldn't have been fun [Music] part three up next.

Nice little one as well oh it's a weird strike go [Music] travel travel oh certainly not peppering any pins it's not pretty oh it's hitting helper rick yeah good luck pal okay open the face lower the handle. And hit it hard that's terrible but really hard shot a tough shot [Music] well it's kind of got pin eye this time at least no i'll stop that's terrible oh my god that's not dead either [Music] dub dub cheese yeah tidy ah tapping power that's what i needed. So we're having a match i've just gone double you've gone par so we're now both one over par yes it's gonna be interesting this is the hardest on the golf course two as well stroke one par four down the hill sweeping to the left. And it's just it's fairway or it's trees you've got to hit a really good drawing driver down there is the goal it's obviously going. For break 75. let's be honest but what today.

After those first few holes what are you feeling i feel like generally now i know in this golf course um i think if i can get through to the front nine level pa sorry one over i'll probably shoot one over okay is my goal. So i think as long as i can get through these next.

Six level par that i think level par. For the round [Music] that looks money [Music] perfect i think. So it locked it it was the right shape it just didn't seem to fly off the face a bit of a cutty one stay there that's about fine all right around this golf course as much as it's very tree lined it requires a lot of shaped tee shots like the first required a fade yeah the second required a draw this one requires a draw there's quite a few that you've actually got to shape it around [Music] okay. So just coming around the corner these are the trees i came over it's one of those it's a really interesting whole list i'm just in the rough on the left actually it's okay i've been i would have taken that on the tee if i just got about five. Or six foot yards further right not drawn it as much and it hits that downslope it flies down that hole you have about 50 yards less but obviously it's not always going to happen like that. So i could easily say if it weren't five or six yards more draw i'd have been in trees so it's one of those things i'm happy with this it's not a bad place to be on this hole oh stop drawing top drawers stop drawing just left to the green i actually shot that really well i actually think i mean protecting the trees here i actually think as soon as it got over the tree line there was a definite gust of wind. Or something that moved it to the left so third hole in a row on the bunker which is ridiculous wasn't a bad shot from up there obviously missed it left. And come into the bunker i think the big thing. For me and bunkers is just commit to the shot don't be scared of it really nice i'm very happy with that one very happy indeed okay just off the side of the green not the best line in the world. So i'm gonna chip it with a little pitching wedge just a lie just didn't give me the confidence i could get more of a loft on it i actually struck that quite well but i needed more loft i got the speed that's a very good up and down pattern use these bunkers i know these are in every single hole. So through four holes two over par okay fifth hole requires again a shape off the tee you need to draw it down there. But it's only a long iron you need to probably hit it about 220 230 yards guy's going to go five. And just lay it up a little bit further back i've currently got three iron in my hand i'm going to see where guy goes actually. So i pulled it oh it's gonna go in the trees i didn't see it i didn't see it down not a lot there [Music] a bit more left than you pal that could be perfect have enough oh nearly got killed i'm on the green okay 140 yards just in the left roof not in a bad spot to be honest travel yeah similar to me that nice good shot you're not in the bunker guy i know. Yet i'm actually pin high but just off the side of the green i can't seem to get my line or my length spot on yet today.

[music] um getting there getting the speed eventually yay oh my goodness that's ridiculously close great roll yeah i'll be honest i want 30's more. For the birdie soul score this is a par 5 rick. So it's like a bit of snake yeah it's an odd hole this it's not long at all. But it's quite complicated it's kind of requires a little bit of a draw off the first teat off the t-shirt and then.

Almost a fade with the second shot might be a bad call probably will be a bad call. But i'm known at driver there's some bunkers on the right about 200 yards away so if we get something just left of them and in that fairway then.

Just plop my way down there just don't for me don't see a driver on here i'm sure rick will show us the way no i pulled it it's okay i think though yeah i must admit it is quite a hard t-shot to drive it's hard to see it yeah just all narrows up down there. So i'm gonna try and hit a drawer in three wood start at all those bunkers and draw it into the gap oh that's money stay there yep i think it's that yeah i think that should be okay bit too much draw on it that's perfect there's sometimes the shots that obviously don't look that great. But exactly what i wanted to do which as we all know in golf very really happens okay i'm going to hit a big high draw over the trees i thought i was way further down. And start it way over on the right and draw the hell out of it down yeah crap position stupid shot mr tree oh just caught it. So straight in okay. So i'm not in a great spot just in front of this tree i'm only 50 yards away try and draw it round the front of the green [Music] trimmer down best i could have done from there [Music] oh no that's a lovely chip beautiful okay an unlikely look at birdie on this hole don't feel like i've had a good shot at all. But they're sometimes the ones that you don't expect one five six okay seventh hole par four kind of obviously now the next.

Few holes would come out the trees doesn't mean they're any easier. But we come out the big tall big ones i don't know what they're called trees at the bunk with a little fade all right [Music] at the bunker with a big fade a bit too much that's going to be the trees as well [Music] [Music] [Music]. So i've actually hit onto the fairway on the right hand side of seven which is the ninth now it's not actually a bad lighting i've got some trees to get over some willow trees i believe um 100 yards slightly into breeze i'm gonna hit a firm 56 degree wedge get there get there sure too much into wind i should have hit 50 56 wasn't going to get me there in the wind i should have thought about that fight hard oh my word no t wow that's normally rickshaws putter. And you know that that was a her oh my i was just horrendously good doesn't even make sense. But what a golf shot that had some zip on it ah go [Music] okay part three eighth hole 135 yards pins took right side of the green almost slightly behind the bunker i'm gonna hit a little little knock down pitching wedge oh this could be in the hole stop moving i just took it didn't it [Music] wind [Music] i'm about 15 foot away guys about seven. Or eight so let's get this birdie train rolling it's too hard [Music] little rascal wow i said earlier on if i can get to nine holes one over par i will finish one over par i'm currently too over par. So i need a birdie logic right i've gone for huge shade come on wind wow that is outrageous. So imagine the clock face 12 o'clock your target that started at like maybe just gone two and literally bent like a boomerang straight back into the middle of the fairway i went for a draw i went for a draw i hit the toe which makes it shape and the wind's off the right so and hopefully now i'm in prime position that's a more professional draw nice shot should be right next.

To each other oh rick don't you dare mr green you've got away with that my navigation is. So off today.

Bit heavy bit heavy kick off the back got away with that nice that's all right that was my worry with that lie honestly if i had to miss the green then.

I was going to quit golf because that would have been similar to the second hole. So far offline my wedge shot anyway long range bird you put here i really want to try and hold one ready for the bat nine i had to go left had to go left obviously it didn't but it in my head it had to go left okay a little straight tapping brilliant um frustration is the way i summarized that front line three bogeys six pars no birdies just silly mistakes three putted the first three putted the ninth um. And then.

When they went with the bogey on that silly path up that path four where i hit a great tee shot um on to the back nine i've now got to shoot under power about nine ah frustrating okay go guy par four tenth hole uh 381 yards uh i'm three over guy you're four only one in it all right nice little fade down there wind that could be dead [Music] is that kind of line then.

Where you were yeah a little bit a little bit right that's good no. For all right no i didn't see it down it's actually the hole yeah it's next.

Hole ah i've actually bombed one down here to be honest i thought actually it was a really good drive probably another five yards of fade it was in the fairway um i'm 68 yards away we've got to play a little a little delicate one guy's over on the right hand side on the different fairway i think is it a good one oh yeah nice she's on the green that's a great shot from there okay this is going to be a delicate little touch because that pin looks like it's about a yard over that bunker. So i've just got to carry that come on rick i need to need to get some birdies it's all right the only thing i keep forgetting about i'm in the trees here remember this people watching i'm in the trees here and right now i'm quite sheltered right now i can't feel a breath of wind but as soon as i flew that ball up in the air then.

As soon as it got above the tree line it got hit by that wind which has been around all day sometimes when you're down in the in the kind of shelter of it you forget about the wind it's not a bad shot but i am a bit a bit annoyed myself there i should have been a bit more dialed in a bit more switched on we're on the green we're putting for birdie get legs it's right in the middle it's right in the middle oh come on rick ah three more rolls and that was in damn go that's short as well yeah good put back okay 11th hole par 5 very very very gettable it's a good drive needed wind's off the right i'm gonna try. And nail it down the right-hand side and let the draw let the wind just bring it back into the middle come on oh money absolute money tell me oh that is this lips is still going wow there's a little bit of venom in that i reckon i probably go up to 111 miles per hour clubbed speed dead that was me really going. For it i want to do that. But i don't feel quite good enough which is pathetic i don't know when i was kind of aiming over that way that's okay that's fine there's a short par five this one. So should really try and take advantage of that but i've not got the confidence at all so i'm throwing to here seven iron get it down there and then.

Let's see what the wedges can do that's perfect i think. For the layup tad left but yeah good shot fine rick has got a really eagle chances a monster drive he'll have like a probably eight. Or nine left in i'm 125 yards away from the flag now i did say it was quite a short par five however. i absolutely rocketed that i reckon that's gone about 350. uh right time to make eagle yeah time to make eagle okay [Music] wind oh my word that sounds unbelievably close unbelievably close that's what we like to hear i actually think it's a bit short when he said unbelievably close i thought you meant like six inches. But i think it's still i think it's still probably a few feet away at least try. And give myself a birdie chance get inside rick's would be absolutely lovely took it pure but pulled it get down it's okay not brilliant. But it's okay yes we're about 15 feet away. For eagle however. i'd have taken that on the tee can't be disappointed let's see if we can rock one in [Music] you fool you are nothing you had a fool. And you had a waste of time good night however. that's quite nice to see oh an eagle would have been better but 30 here on 11 go back to two over par [Music] oh good rolls off seven holes to go two over par and need i don't need anything to be honest if i stick at this i'll break 75 but there's some tough holes coming up right little rocket draw down there three iron in hand that's terrible um i went for a big draw unfortunately i started it too far right it's hit the tree on the right and just literally dropped down i reckon it's honestly from this spot right now less than 100 yards off the tee [Laughter] brilliant yeah good shot i'll top you. For yours pal great shot to be honest i don't even know why i tried to hit such a big draw i didn't need to right i'm 250 yards away so it's actually went 80 yards off the tee i don't think i can get there with three iron over that bunk yeah with a draw i hit another tree i think that was my best tee shot of the day actually nice four iron it's the middle of the fairway 110 yards the flag. So i'm gonna go for a 50 degree probably a kind of three-quarter swing maybe a little bit more than three quarters and hopefully try and put it somewhat close could really do with a birdie oh i've caught that very thin it needs to go i was very lucky i hit that terribly okay let's go make the best bird you've ever seen in your life 80 yards off the tee 250 yards to here pin high pretty much just off the right side of the green. And let's just tip this one in eh i got a weird kick that kicks right as soon as it landed it kicked up the hill ah damn we've had a few in the teeth oh it jumped around but it went in it snaked its way in that's one of the weirdest powers i've ever made in my life no pitch on a scorecard though rick. But there is a video two pars onto the next.

You think seven yeah it's seven it sounds bad i'll see what you do first. But i think it's seven if i was teen off first i would hit seven i think. So if i should keep it like lower than the trees i know that really might make it go quite a long way though but it's quite if you keep it low in the tree land there's no wind look how stable that flag is compared to this flag actually i don't if i can even keep it loading the trees no i think i could i'm gonna hit i'm not gonna i'm gonna 90 lower than the trees okay i love that if it keeps from moving too much i have to get down a bit yeah that's a nice shot that pin high left well played that thank you draw a bit it's got to go [Music] oh it's the right idea as well just front edge it's okay all right just took a bit of a dirty first bounce stay nice touch yeah pretty happy with that thirty foot here on whole number thirteen downhill left to right um phil downhill should at least hopefully get me to the hole [Music] right oh he's got a leg yes very very nice he was due one he got one he got his sauce he got his two he got his birdie that's nice okay that's that's it let the golf do the talking sometimes yep very good now. For our little match that isn't as important as your break 75 this has put a bit of shaking ease on my putt now so you i'm four over currently you're now back to one if i miss this if i miss this you won't that would be a big swing but i won't miss it very good well done oh thank you so you're four over i'm four over now you're one yeah that's great today.

Five more to go par five par three then.

Three puffs. So on this hole it's actually an underground reservoir on the right hand side and so you actually see some sort of concrete on the right side that's what it is wind will be down now won't it yep should be you can't feel it from here. But there's a good chunk up there ah that should take a little yeah perfect i think it looks great that's really good yeah that's really good i think i've not played here before. So i'm kind of calling these shots and then.

Not fully knowing but it looked perfect yeah i think that's pretty if it from there it all goes downhill if it's taking a bit of a rocket launcher off the downhill we could be short distance into this hole par five as well come on make some more birdies it's a cutty one. But it's in play so realistically i'm not going to beat rick today.

I don't think i don't want to be here because. For me to beat him you'd have to mess up and i don't want to mess up with this break75 so i'm playing myself what can i shoot i don't know anything silly. So here i've got about 250 to the green probably could try and get a three would even three iron get it up there but it's a bit risky so when you're nine iron then.

They'll have like a 70 yard wedge gin get a power keep the pass ticking off and get a decent score not perfect to be honest i was going to come out left than that it's okay okay after absolutely nailing my driver like literally perfect over the corner down the hill far away i'm 170 yards in the middle of the green this par five downwind i think it's just a nice a time yeah i think it's just a sock really solid eight in right into the heart of the green let's have another look at eagle just a crap strike i'm afraid bunker left didn't i should have been seven i should have had an easy seven 115 yards to the flag um not much else. For sales i'm trying to get it close i'd love to get a birdie well let's just play for a park it can't be too silly there's a few overhanging trees here so i need to just ensure that i wasn't going near any of those three quarter 50 degree gonna come out hot out of this room i'll find it. But it might be very good [Music] oh did it hit the flag oh i thinned it i thinned it. But it was good oh my word that was the golf gods being very kind to me there oh my word this could be a birdie i don't deserve a birdie i'll be honest. But i will happily take it if i can hold this pot okay bunker left after guys hit a tremendous goal shot there literally nearly went in. For eagle strike was brilliant come on come on yeah not a bad shot though yeah just a bit too bit too aggressive after that t-shirt i wanted a slightly easier birdie putt however. we've still got one much shorter than the last hole they managed a whole lot. So let's try and hold another big right to left big swinger take it yes that was nice oh my days that was class well done thanks right i would love to join you on the birdie train. But this is a real slimy this is a slippery one this horrible pot i mean it's very close which is nice. But it's just downhill and it's got to get it rolling yeah come on guys let's knock another one in beauty i needed one very good well done man well done that was good very good two different ways of doing it yes. But they all count two birdies nice work okay fifteenth hole path three beautiful whole this actually the green's kind of up on a plateau which means anything short is going to be really hard chip. Or actually end up in that bunker it's 175 yards slightly back into breeze so i'm actually gonna hit a very solid six iron you know try and land it up like 180ish oh that could be perfect if it's the right club yeah it's good. So it's a five for me what do you reckon i i i hate that pretty solid yeah i struck it nice hold up i've missed left in this long stuff i'm a ball it's like really sat up. But to the extent if i put my club and ground it the grass will move the ball it's not good. So i'm gonna try and like basically hover it from here and then.

Hit it a bit like i'm in a hazard oh wow that that grabbed so quick that that surprised me that was a bad shot that really gripped somehow i'm very happy with that par chance coming up okay another look at birdie here across the green down the hill left to right oh. For so long then.

I thought that was it i honestly thought i'd box that just kind of put on the brakes as it approached the hole ah shouldn't be disappointed. But i must admit i had i have but only eyes for birdie there that is a fantastic up. And down well done pal so we're on top of uh a reservoir right now um massive amount of water is below us this got built after the golf course got built. And then.

They kind of had to move around it so they've turfed it and i'm sure it's been here for many many years now but you tee off from the top of it and this hole the 16th hole once you drop the other side it swings to the right interesting fade ah fingers crossed it's gone right over the marker which you think is absolutely perfect. But on with driver that's edging very very very close to the trees by the way look how warm it is how sunny it is. And it's just started raining in the sky this is the one of the worst things i've ever seen maybe it's a reservoir maybe it's because you're on top of a reservoir maybe maybe it's water going up who knows yeah that should be good on the on the club that you've hit there's definitely a bunker shot right i can see i think that's one long. And left so chippy punchy a tie in maybe a slight cut would be good as well [Music] didn't cut [Music] pretty bad shot that's honest with you from there right we've got a little predicament found it we're next.

To this uh holly bush which is quite spiky. And it's hampering my backswing the pins down there i'm only 100 yards away from the green but this is what i'm saying i needed to move it more to the right. But again i can say that more to the right. But three yards further left and i would have been completely dead if i can just get a swing on it like a chippy eight iron yeah i should i might just be able to get this close to the green oh i hit the branch on the way down i basically topped it back in play okay here we go ladies. And gents i am 50 yards away i'm even gonna clean my grooves for this one now that is a that is a react rarity believe me. And i even picked this up before i teed off today.

An old-school uh groove cleaner put a bit of that on it put a bit of the old oh yeah oh yeah okay this has got some this has got some sauce on it now into wind a little 50-yard golf shot a shot there i've been honest with you i used to dread not anymore my friends watch you just watch this you sit back. And just enjoy this if it doesn't go in i'll be surprised [Music] i mean it's on the green let's just start there first let's not get too out it's not too carried away okay a little nippy one little bit of a new. And improved rick shields vibe be more rick shields i never thought around the green but today.

I am put it within the length of a grip take my par. And skip onto the next.

Tee [Music] sit great strike but not finished that well okay important put this i think i've played very solid on the back nine this is my first little blip hole. But if this drops momentum continues with two holes to go [Music] come on oh oh i didn't want to see that slide so far past oh god i thought that was in hit it you feel you're right yeah you have you had a fool it makes this pot very important in all in all the categories [Laughter] in the break 75. And the match against you this is very very very very very important not to bigger put up it could be the most important part of my life. So far just making sure there's a hole there a regulation size hole okay come on [Music] i'm safe to say it's a regulation size health oh my word do you want a flake with the ice cream wowzers rick shields one over two to play yeah well done what are you four three three three oh that would have been big if i'd missed that i didn't 17th hole par four little just a little dog leg left to right just a little one um guy's gonna go with iron protecting his score at the moment i'm gonna go with driver to be fair he's only a driver once today.

Haven't you i'm being like tiger woods at hoy lake. And that's not because i'm good that's because i can't drive [Laughter] right two to go yeah nice shot just hold your horses there son great shot yeah brilliant she's got one six five to the front counter rick's watch. And 183 to the middle the pin is on pretty much middle to back. So it's probably playing 185. we're going to seven iron which on paper isn't enough club. But i think it might come out of this um first quarter rough quite hot oh the strike was phenomenal. But i pulled it like mad oh that's oh my word that's gone nowhere that was a weird shot i thought it did great it's gone literally nowhere. And miles away from the green wow i'm 120 125 yards to the flag pins tucked in the right corner a little tiny bit into breeze but it's hard to trust because right here i can't feel it just get a nice little three-quarter pitching wedge the strike's good stay there yeah lovely fraction two safe tiny bit too safe it's that shot i'm a seven iron was a very strange one i thought hit it well a mile short of the green. And left ended up being terrible to be fair um quite a long pitching not showing a yardage but it's more of a feel shot this one anyway 54 degree wedge slow down ah that was. So good and i struck it it's all right though okay to be honest the guy mentioned it's actually closer than i thought it was when i first hit it because it's pin high it's not actually that long a putt from here 20 foot across the green down the hill it's going to move quite a bit to the right make one more birdie here it makes the 18th very very very comfortable [Music] good pot i absolutely thought i had that like i absolutely thought that was in ah. So close [Music] i moved never mind deserve a bogey after that seven iron right so it all comes down to this 18th hole i'm currently one over par so no more than the bogey gets me breaking 75. i'm just gonna hit drive rabbit driver all day i might have just got very lucky i faded it a bit too much. And it's kind of just clipped the tree on the right if it's bounced down straight i'll just have a little chip up the green fingers crossed i'm not sure what to say about that i know what i didn't feel good over the ball at all and i thought i've hit my arm well all day after t just commit to it i didn't commit to it committal issues oh no more than that shot i've actually been quite happy if i've played today.

So anything silly and just destroy the scorecard give me a nice five iron down [Music] oh no oh no this is like some andrews all over again i'll drop another one better [Music] okay. So summary of today's round walking down the 18th here and one over par and if i'm honest that's probably what i expected to shoot around here today.

Fly day before it's not super super long golf course by any means the par 5's are very gettable however. it's very very tight you have to be good off the tee. And i have been good off the tee recently so i felt like this is a golf course that would suit me. And to be honest has suited me one of the things that i have definitely more comfortable with i'm still not saying perfect yet is my short game i'm i'm feeling a little bit more comfortable on chips. And pitches putting i think i need to do something about that next.

Because i feel like i'm not holding anywhere near enough ports i've hold a couple of nice ones on the back now. And granted but i'm three points way too often one over let's see if i can make parts i finish one over um it's not been horrendous it's not been phenomenal it's been okay signs of improvement let's get up. And down here hey we go up and down and we finish with birdie it's gonna be a hard shot though and then.

Uh let's hope we can carry on building from that momentum. So i'm 100 yards away i'm actually gonna like chip a seven line up there because i can't go aerial i can't go up i'm not far enough away to kind of get a ball sliding and slicing around so i'm just going to play back of the star that's seven iron. And just run it all up as i mentioned earlier hopefully even if i get it up towards the green my short game i've got a better chance of getting up and down hopefully these days not phenomenal i needed to play a little bit more cut spin on it because anything drawing was just going to be moving that to the left all the time i feel like i could cry a little bit i was playing nicely i've done a lot of practice recently a lot of hours at the range. And it felt like everything was getting a bit better today.

And that's been good but that was a disaster. So i was one topped off the tee two into the lost penalty threes from four to here. So up and down for double um not ideal at all so i think about 80 yards i just checked a bit okay just up the front of the green here little pitch over the corner of the bunker up. And down for par let's do it going a little bit shy that. For par i can do no more than the bogey to shoot somebody under 75. two put from there needed nice low stake join it out please okay. So this is. For 73. powerpuff be a nice little up and down to finish nice confidence booster moving into the next.

Episodes [Music] go how many puts on i left short today.

Wow it'll be the easiest 74 port mission hard completed well done i was really good very very good it was in there there's a bit of golf in there thanks guys thanks. For watching make sure you like and subscribe loads more videos coming soon again break 75's every friday on most fridays at least enjoy some exclusive news we're going to carry on the break 75. For the rest of the year all right guys see you soon.