All right guys welcome back to another episode of break 75. I'm over here in the US in Florida playing a very special golf course today.

[music] oh big phenomenal that will play yeah yeah oh yeah yeah this place is a joke I mean it is absolutely different level one exclusive Golf Club um. And one of the best in the area now my good friend Claude Harmon III who coaches players like DJ and Brooks Captain a number of other huge tour players invite me down now unfortunately can't come out and play with us because he's coaching but I've just checked out his studio and let's catch up with Claude to see what he thinks I'm going to shoot around this very challenging golf course. So tell them what you think I'm going to do around here today.

Knowing the golf course knowing that I don't know it okay knowing the golf course um. So the greens here at the Floridian are pretty good. And um just so happens that you guys are showing up uh this weekend we have our biggest tournament which is called The Floridian Pro member. So my Dad's plan uh he's playing with Harold Varner we got Ricky Fowler playing we got Gary Woodland playing so the course is in good shape the greens are quick um I'm thinking it's probably not going to be the ball striking. For our man here but could be a little bit of flat stick because he's going to hit some good shots run it to about 15 feet. And this could be a little bit downhill and he's going to run that thing 10 feet past. And then.

He's going to have a lot of 10 Footers. For par coming back in I'm going full rules of golf yeah full rules okay um I'm gonna set the over. And what what's your score I'm trying to break 75 I'm gonna take the op the over and under is 78.. And I am taking the under okay. So we're going in blind round here today.

I don't know the golf course I've got no one with me. So we're just gonna we're just gonna wing it first hole part four I mean it just looks spectacular a couple of bunkers down the left one on the right not super long the sole just under 400 yards you heard Claude then.

Say that breaking 80 will be an achievement that's doing proud opening tea shop [Music] did we record that [Laughter] speechless it's one of the best opening t-shirts I've ever hit in my life I'm glad you guys are here to see at least Wow Let's Go let's go. And burn it up I actually got the yardage wrong on this hole it's actually 416 yards up the teams were playing off the golf course off the teams I'm playing off around about 7 000 yards I'm not going all the way back I'm not going tiger teas there's no point in doing that to myself right I'm gonna hit a shot that goes really close to the flag [Music] oh being phenomenal [Music] [Laughter]. But it's your day today.

Nice shot in there I must admit I thought I was breaking the flag. But I'm uh I've got quite a decent distance left in here still but greens look spectacular I mean it really this place really does look like Augusta the way that the hills. And the Contours and the bunker in it's just instead of azaleas you're getting palm trees okay. For an opening birdie greens look Slicker and slick heartbroken start breaking even got the speed they even got the speed spawn as opening holes go that is near enough perfect hole Par 3 162 yards beautiful looking hole oh. And an absolute horrendous strike okay back to reality after the opening hole never mind drag it up. And down from there got a bit confident that is what you call a wide. And a miss from the tee there I've short-sighted myself with this little bunker to get over grass is just stunning luckily. For me the balls just sat on the grass this time it can easily sink in lob wedge slide that Golf Club underneath stick it in close sit yeah you know what I'm taking that that was a hard shot the ball's still going [Music] okay silly bogey. But that's what happens when you're with terrible tee shots [Music] wow lovely feature there on the back of the tee okay third hole Par Four looks like another good t-shirt is going to be required [Music] all right all right okay one seven five winds just helping off the right I'm gonna hit a little a tie. And the bunker just right in the front of the green like the mouth of the green so I need to make sure I carry that pins left suits my drawer keep turning bailed out right it's not the best Miss gonna be a long put from there check this out for a little touch the towel that they put on the bug is big wet the little things in it you know the little touches love it okay birdie opportunity on the third big sweeping put this gonna swing heavily to the left. And it's going to be fast oh that's off the green that's actually it actually is it actually is [Laughter] the greens are quick I'm thinking it's probably not going to be the ball striking. For our man here but could be a little bit of the flat stick that's hilarious uh okay welcome to the Floridian holy smoke needed to give that a lot more oh don't go making a double bogey after hitting the green into after striping my drive. And hitting the greeting too this is now. For bogey that's what Claude said it'll be all about the flat stick only dropped one shot uh that could have been incredibly embarrassing luckily managed to salvage it just three holes played two other path [Music] fourth hole par three pins back left 180 yards I'm gonna land it in the middle of the green let the Contours bring it round to the back flag. And let's get dirty oh power three strikes gotta look at it get lucky keep getting luckier okay we're on the Green. But that's uh that's going to be almost an impossible put not quite strong I always don't want to damage these teas they look. So perfect I'm scared of taking a divot it's just Heaven it really is literally heaven on Earth this place we I'll take one of them every day I won't take this pot though this might end up in the water this Green's on two. Or two or three tiers I'm on this top one here I've got to literally just drop it over the edge and then.

It's off and away and it swings a lot from right to left leaving the shorts would be a huge accomplishment go little ball go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yeah I honestly I aim to hit that there. And it went nestled all the way down nice power good to put I'm almost checking if it's real is this real life it's Sharp look look at that it's a tea box we have Greens in in the UK that aren't as nice as that part five fifth hole Beast 560. a couple of bunkers down on the right one on the left looks like it requires another rocket Drive um I don't think I'll be able to reach those bunkers down there sit sit sit sit sit that's good okay in a one position third chance is par five. And look how it opens up I mean the pins right at the front here. But I can see everything that falls off just moves away from the green. So I've got 123 yards private jets going off over the top this is just like Brazilian Air golf oh be phenomenal stop stop we landed on the Green. And it just spawned off the front I might not be too far away that was a mega strike I think the wind is probably just a bit interface I come up onto the green here can't kind of use enough words to describe how gorgeous it is okay just off the green birdie opportunity [Music] um stop yeah good. For Speed terrible for lying it's actually as much as that's beautifully smooth around the green actually putting from it's not particularly easy because it because it's almost so sharp it can cause the ball to kind of jump. And snag really you should be really trying to be chipping up obviously I also want to hit the green so that's why I use putter take the five on there it's like playing a video game this golf course it really is two over through five six hole short Par Four here if I drive it well like I must admit have been doing I can get pretty close to this if not on however. next.

To the green is to monstrous Bonkers. And if I do mistrike it I'll hit it right it could get wet however. Positive Vibes I'm Gonna Knock It On The Green keep moving we're up near the green it was actually a bit too much club that okay. So after being very good for distance on this green it's getting on the whole get on the Green in one got a little delicate chip back towards the water this is going to be a tricky little one have confidence look at it go I couldn't have done much more from there the strike was very good. For me yeah it just kept going. And going. And going. And going dirty chance though oh I've noticed it I've not oh it's back uphill these greens just like scare you safe. For a few powers on the trot loving this golf course uh we'll hold it to the seventh hole another big boy nearly 600 yards it looks tight down there but Drive is good let's rock it one down there. Or it's either hung up on the grass so we might be finding the sand that was really close another three. Or four yards of Court would have been perfect we got lucky within a couple of yards I mean I'm literally I'm probably one yard away from Catching this bank. And it went straight down into the bunker it stayed up on the grass well judged I say yeah we're going. For it 260 away down Breeze maps are gonna rock it. Or two iron at it oh I struck it bad and I've got away with it Jace oh didn't catch it that was annoying. But we're not far off we're only a little pitch from there all right we found the beach and what a beach it is just by the side of the green here this is third shot that's who I ended unbelievably well considerably hit it however. this shot as much as it looks beautiful is a bit of a a bit of a nasty one pins back right I've got to hit this to perfection. And get it to stop quick I might actually even just bail a little bit left Loft and speed foreign [Music] this is good golf okay birdie opportunity I don't think I'm gonna get many around this golf course gotta make them count I've really got to make this camera it's going to be fast. But there's not a lot of break in it straight in the middle picture it going in let's put some birdie sauce on these Floridian greens [Music] it's a good Port as well oh that's a good Port I didn't see it going left we're in. For power it's another one on the score card no harm done [Music] right eighth hole par three Beauty it's only short 140 yards the pins just from left all about distance here interbreeze I'm gonna clip a little nine iron straight in there. And let's stick it in close oh I've noticed it again go go go go go go go go go go go fly little ball oh hold on a minute let me just hold that finish meant to do it I'm gonna I'm glad I didn't hit it good I got very lucky there [Music] foreign the green birdie put it's going to be slippery it's going to be fast sit sit sit oh my goodness it's. So fast now Ricky silly boy oh I went for the birdie I went strong I should have just tried to trickle it down oh that one stings that one's things right here in the heart ouch [Music] what a life beautiful Golf Course in December in the sun driving range there you've got some huge tour players on there just smacking balls away a little of me making a YouTube video a little old me three put in the last hole like an absolute numpty right three over par now frustratingly got to get it back on track no more bogies. For dramatic effect a little drink right 200 yards away second shot into Power four one of the worst tee shots I've hit all week and I'm only a few yards offline I'm going to drill a two iron straight through the gap. And let it run up to the green this should look pretty good if I can pull this one off I'll be amazing be amazing be amazing get up there ball we're on the side of the green that was ridiculous it didn't come off more than six feet off the ground all the way okay look at this from there from that position stuck under that tree to be able to have got it to here I'm pretty impressed with that shot um Putters out obviously big slope left to right up over the hill. And then.

Far away sit down ball sit down sit down stop oh please bloody stop Christ Almighty oh you think after a few days playing greens of this speed I'd get used to it. But they keep catching me out another roll and that was gone forever break now right now ah after what was a miracle shot. For my second that's another silly bogey right four over through nine on track for claude's prediction of shooting 80. well 78 you said really. So no more dropping shots let's have a level part. Or under par back nine in the sunset [Music] 10th hole bat nine Par Four to kick things off I'm gonna hit it at those bunkers and just tail it into the middle of the Fairway let's go okay after possibly one of the top five drives in my life 119 yards from the flag I'm gonna hit a little gap wedge in there stick it in close. And start this back now with a with a bang a bit over [Music] oh that's a nice one all right all right okay good look at birdie here come on we really need one now right to left up the hill I can see it just dropping right in the front door oh Rick hold the port damn look at Power on the card okay Three Wood on this Par Four looks nice I think if I put in position should only be a flick into screen nice a little bit floaty a little bit right perfectly on The Fairway second chance this whole beautiful backdrop it's watered down the left hand side that's any Gator today.

I'm sure we will do though right 178 yards a little six cuts it in oh be outrageous be outrageous honestly that's the best track of it because that's actually finishing its own pitch mark drop. And stop right come on for dirty first one of the day it's gonna break like crazy oh foreign are you too good. For your home answer me go in the hole ah don't feel like I'm gonna get many more chances not as good as that anyway damn it's about nine so far two pars four over it's a couple of par fives to come up but we've got to make a birthday got to foreign [Music] 170 yards pretty much straight into in the Sun so I'm not complaining about but just makes it a little bit harder visually let's plot one in there similar shot to last actually I'm going to hit seven though because about slightly downwind now I've hit it terrible. But it's going to go in the hole that's what you call a thin to win okay. So it wasn't actually as close as I thought it was after that horrendous strike this is going to be fast down the hill I'm just going to literally trickle it then.

Break yeah phenomenal. For Speed couldn't really see much of a break there but it swayed off a little bit to the right should have guessed it was going towards the water right another Power Three pass. So far and about nine nothing disastrous but we need to make birdies [Music] [Music] that will play I'm in a good position. But I'm definitely not going to be able to go. For degrees like 290 yards away I'm gonna hit a little six eye and then.

Wedge it [Music] the third shot 96 yards 56 degree pins tucked over that bunker pressing the hole that's going to have. So much backspin [Laughter] well would you believe it we've hit a good one a really good one we couldn't see it from down there but I actually think if I can see that if I can find the pitch mark it felt like that strike we had loads of spin it as you know look at this it's pitched here that's the pitch mark. And it's zipped back past the flag oh that had a little look in that could have gone in for eagle right this has to be surely the first birthday three would off the tee six sign into position a layup wedged it nearly went in and a put that's just moving left to right for the first birdie come on [Music] foreign oh yes first birdie of the round gets me to three over to past 71 as well. So if we power in breaking 75 we're getting too cocky but felt really good nice number four with a circle birdie thrilled we've got par four par five par three two par fours let's go and I also noticed on the cards looking before that's the slope rating for the people that are interested I've been playing off the first tease T1. And T2 so it's probably the slow the actual rating is probably around about a 74.. So yeah really happy playing playing some good golf okay 14th Par Four water down the right bunkers down the left. But I'm looking at one place and that's the beautiful Fairway oh I pulled it oh hit the sound hit the thumb hit the fan [Music] oh that's going to be tight I think I did hit the sand the reason why I wanted it to hit the sand because I think it's trouble left of that ah a bit of a Twitchy drive that okay we are in the bunker Fairway bunker first one of the round right in the middle I don't know which angle to come in from probably hit like this bank here it did. And guided round [Music] don't go big slightly worried it might be big okay big pot back of the green why I hit seven from that bunker I'll never know should have it eight anyway let's try. And get down into [Music] stay there stay there stay there oh man from here it looks like it's about three rolls away from going right in the middle might just be a tiny bit further than that oh God that was close I didn't expect to get it in obviously I'll be honest I didn't really expect a two. But oh God we'll take apart there though every day trouble off the T wrong Club into the green but a nice two put par right we're just at this little refreshment station it was stocked up on drinks. And snacks oh wow oh my goodness so let's let's have a few let's have a few of them Floridian tea pegs let's have a couple of ball markers a couple of pencils a little spare card nice touch okay par five race against light. So you have to play this off for quick draw off that bunker not drawn not drawn it's not drawn faded Delirious he's like two holes I don't think that's quite right okay uh we've had a little incident the ball didn't go in the bunker that was screaming it to somehow draw away from when it needs to fade it's here up against this tree now I'm hitting the ball that way which means if you're right in the golfer that's not great is it. And I'm slightly scared of snakes or alligators or anything else that could be in there so I'm gonna hit this quick I'm gonna go left-handed 99 left handed shot there's water on the other side of the Fairway too so I can't get it too hard stop okay that's not bad okay up against the water's edge a little bit worried about Gators um 188 yards to the pin six iron come back in catch a bit Mr Green is this is this where it all starts to unravel fourth shot into this part five up. And down needed I'm gonna chip it as well I'm gonna do it um I would have got it close to pulling okay. For a adventurous par ake oh starting to flood okay Power three sixteen 180 yards six iron in hand come on we need three more parsley after that bogey we need two parts. And a birdie foreign yeah pin high. But Mr Green left okay second chance this part three need a good up. And down here oh bye have a great time bye ball bye oh I didn't want this length put for a bar up the hill left to right take the break hit the flag oh oh that was a dirty lip out Oh I thought that was in Oh I thought that was in silly bogey five over now ah [Music] check out that. For a backdrop wow that's literally it's about to go dark in about 10 minutes that is pretty special Par Four drivable one by the looks of things gonna be right on the number gotta rip it. But it suits that fade I've been hitting I'll get good get good oh that could be it's not on the green but it is very close to the side of it wow okay just to the side of the green look at this rip up drop there's ever a time. For a chip in for an eagle it's right now hello hello stop now stop okay we've got to put. For 30. okay come on this has to drop a little birdie running out of light need to make it go in ouch Floridian oh man oh man come on what one hole to go one bird you needed wow wow wow wow talk about saving the best till last this 18th hole is something else I mean come on the lake about to go dark we can hear a bit of thunder in the distance we're gonna Race Against Time you know what part of me just wants to stand here. And appreciate its beauty we've got a job we've got me birdie and birdie gets us to 75. it's on five over Par Four as you can see there's a bit of water down the right a left sorry. So I'm going to start sit down the left. And fade it off the water finish it on the clubhouse beautiful backdrop boom boom yeah let's go that's good that's really good look at this final shot into the 18th hole just under 200 yards to go what a day guys make sure you like. And subscribe I appreciate you all for watching I really do you don't want to miss out on all the videos coming soon right six iron dramatic finish foreign oh that looks nice even though I can hardly see anything. But that looked nice don't know where it's finished but let's hope we're close well would you Adam and Eve it look at this talk about drama that's how it's pitch it's pitched absolutely pin High oh what a day what a day what a golf course what an experience as it's quite literally about to go dark I've got this pot for birdie to shoot a 75. could have been very good today.

It could have been very very good it could have also gone really badly. So I think if I shoot 75 today.

I'd be delighted left to right down the hill give me one put please give me one pot come on massive shout out to Claude. For sorting this out and invite me down make sure you check him out for birdie come on Rick foreign I really did Blood Sweat. And Tears out here today.

For a 76 which I'm more than happy with if I'm honest with you thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come the episodes get much better than this absolutely incredible see you next.

Time oh come on.