All right guys welcome back to break 75 episode number 10. down here at the stunning royal liverpool home of next.

Year's open championship so as this week you're watching the best players in the world tackle st andrews for the 150th open next.

Year this is where the circus will be coming to town the grandstands will be up. And all the golfing excitement will be right here. So today.

I'm gonna see if i can battle this golf course i've got to be honest with you it's really really windy. And currently on the clock there it says it's 6 40 a.m super early in the morning we're gonna head out now interestingly this hole right here that runs in front of the clubhouse is the actual first hole. But in the open they don't play it this way round they start on the 17th that's their first hole so there's 17 18's one and two and then.

Come down here as the third hole so they finish on that green right there with the red flag and normally his grandstands wrapped around the screen as the last hole so we're going to play it that way round i'm joined today.

By guy as well because this is an open venue he's never played before right roy liverpool high lake let's go. And get it break 75 um it's going to be really really tough uh oh now this is proper rough it feels like a kind of a three club wind as well hopefully the downhill winds will be gettable. But any hole in to win is gonna be tough now a couple of changes to the golf course there has been a new path three build which is the 17th it's only a short par three however. i've been told already it could be a potential card wrecker. But let's not worry about just yet we've got a few more holes before we get there so this is our first hole path four sweeping dog leg just to the left a couple of bunkers down there in position uh let's go do you wanna you wanna start us off guy yes okay i'm quite scared i'll work [Music] that is the first shot. And it's in the deep roof this could be a very long round the golf okay 180 yards away first hole in the roof. And i must admit it's actually not that bad here but i've snagged the horrible lie it's really sat down we have to smash a firearm at it yeah not quite got there sure the bunker i hope this might have been my favorite shot tight lie over over a bunker not a lot of green to work with. But i've got to stay positive [Music] it's on the green not my best strike [Music] yes yeah class first part of the day over that week [Music] stay away from that bunker [Music] i kind of understand why when tiger won here he literally hit irons off every t i think he may have hit driver once in the whole round because finding fairways is definitely key [Music] wow i thought it was actually pretty good you know the hard bit is as well once it gets on the green the amount of slope i've got to aim this. So far left [Music] it's trying its best [Music] bogey bogey start there's lots i'm going to mention it with the members normal player this is the first hole it's a severe dog leg to the right you got to try. And knuckle like something long into the corner and then.

It's not an easy shot from there whoa whoa whoa [Music] oh my goodness that was very difficult. For that laying up on a par four so nice never get in there but [Music] that could be amazing yeah good shot thanks only three more clubs that i need. And it's still a little bit short [Music] i'm on the bogey express three bogeys to start the round that's what everyone wants right i think it's break eight today.

Truthfully it's that hard i think if you rake this day that's a very good number. But unless the wind suddenly just dies which you can't see happening not even with an iron it's harder fairway just come in the rough it's actually not that bad let's open up the pin i'm 110 to the front of the green 128 to the flag i feel like i really need to give myself some looks at 30. no that's not there kind of got looking unlucky there a four. Or two further on it wouldn't hit the down slope and would have probably finished at the front of the green the fact it hit the down slope of the bump at the shore of the green and kind of ran and ran and ran the good news is though it clung onto the back edge because from memory back of the green isn't a nice place to be on this. So point for birdie cat i shouldn't grumble shouldn't grumble for one second yes well done thank you thank you thank you does she always on the road show is the road show is on don't turn off just. Yet rickshaws roadster this 75 ain't done just yet fifth hole straight back into the wind ever so slight dog leg to the left good strong tee shot required last putt gave me some nice confidence oh yes great drive some 300 yards away from this green i mean that means i probably hit that driver about 220 yards i got three irons there's a raking draw [Music] this rough is like a magnet. For the golf ball it just keeps trundling in there i'm 120 yards away from the flag i'm gonna chip a nine iron right back into the wind wind wind wind how has that gone so far that has literally gone 70 yards long honestly how has that gone so far i've literally hit it 50 yards long i'm in a horrible situation i'm downwind not what's going. For me here ah i honestly thought i played the right shot just a minute ago but it just came out so fast commit less are you believing harder that could be god could be god yeah nice goodbye stay stay yeah watch out what's up yes right in the middle yeah ah six silly six. But could have been worse okay six hole par three there's 170 the pin straight back into the teeth. So i've got four eyes it's probably i'm using this as like a three club wind get there get there and attempt a kind of stingery back foot or a chip it's kind of just something low hopefully something good oh this looks nice get there nice okay good luck at birdie here i'm really happy with the iron shot of hitting this green this would be a real pick me up 130 yards to the flag severely downwind probably gonna land this about 110. And just hope it runs and finishes where it needs to finish just getting pushed and pushed and pushed kind of started online and then.

It feels like the wind's kind of coming off the left a little bit as well so it's kind of just pushed it way over to the right side of the green really hard when it's playing wind like this okay this golf course is giving you nothing nada zilch because even the holes downwind are. So hard to get close to the flag i mean i played a really bad wedge shot there was a bit annoyed myself. And obviously my long range put off the green wasn't good at all um making bogeys for fun four over now through seven i just feel like there needs to be light at the end of the tunnel where i can make a few birdies hopefully i don't know if this is the whole bar four straight back into wind 380 yards. And normally you think it was somewhat gettable. But straight back into the teeth outbound down the left bunker's protecting the right requires a beautiful t-shirt really does oh no [Music] my ball must be in here somewhere i've definitely not reached that bush [Music] tight this four lucky lucky boy wasn't a good tee shot. But i got away with it and should i find a line it's really hard that bush is right in the way it's kind of just straight over that bit there i'm 136 yards away middle of green i should be happy with that. But i feel like i i hit it even more online and it's finished come on it'd be nice to sneak in a long range effort [Music] can't get it close to the elf did that just go straight right okay ninth hole par three 183 yards wins kind of off the right slightly down. So easy to make bogeys out here hard to make powers and birdies okay second shot is par three it's kind of kicked. And hopped and jumped way kind of long really um just gotta try and chip it close [Music] spin i can't get anything like close stone though that wasn't a terrible chip but it's just everything just seems to run away from you powerpuffs are not gimmies [Music] good effort christ. So i'm sticks over through nine which is terrible score really is um make one par one birdie. And the rest okay oh that should be absolutely perfect should be good that one should be massive okay. So i found the wispy stuff again after what i thought was a great drive um this might be a short i look back. And regret back into wind i'm just gonna try and rattle the three wood at it [Music] oh my giddy i'm definitely bounced but how has it gone that far right right i can see the ball. And it could have been a lot worse it could have been better but it's kind of in a weird spot so there's the green that's where i should be hitting it towards you like yellow flag wells aimed i've hit it up here on the right hand side which that's the next.

Hole going this way. And it's finished here which i'm not sure how to feel about that because it's kind of it's on the shore grass yes. But with a lot of long grass behind it [Music] let's go you know what i'm actually all right with that i'm at peace with that shot there's a small victory i've got to put for birdie on this hole [Music] oh it's a five but a scrappy scrappy scrappy five okay. So as we get onto the t here on 11 the first time we can actually see the sea well this is the river d. And then.

Beyond that you've got the irish sea this is where the wind's coming from when you can see wind turbines on the golf course you know it's going to be windy yeah a great shot that should be absolute money you're in different wind i'm sure i've nearly driven this green in the past now with this wind into i'm 140 yards away from the flag straight back into wind slightly off the left as well can't see the bottom of the flag. So i'm going to try. And land it where i can see. And let the wind just kind of move it back in strike great oh that that that should be phenomenal that could be in the hole that was that was. So pure that was really nice right. So we're walking down and currently i can't see a ball near the flag which is where the ball should be because i'm sure that's where it landed oh sure is it short oh it's miles shot bloody l what an anti-climax say i honestly thought i was a proper proper golf shot i thought i controlled it nicely struck it well judged it perfectly the fact i've hit it 20 20 yards sure the flag oh ricky it's like three options the first option is. Or should i say what what's the issues it's in the roof slightly but it's not okay right in front of me everything kicks right once it gets up on the green everything kicks down. And left i could try and fly over all of that but i don't feel reliable i can make it stop quick enough i can try. And bump it but the problem with bump and running it is this bank if i if i get it flying into that bank it could kick more severely to the right. But then.

Putting it is hard because i'm basically in the rough it's all three shots it's not it's not kind of simple ah i do think the safest one is putting. And that's not i did i did really want to chip this one. But i just think there's no massive benefit because it's too high tariff [Music] [Music] that's a fantastic shot that. And that was the right choice in the end that was the right choice yeah take a path i thought i'd played that whole near perfect. But good drive good iron shot but wasn't meant to be [Music] god it's not giving me anything this golf course today.

Nothing. And now the last hole threw me out i'm the same distance as i was on the last. And i have it wow good footwork oh there's just so many things to think about i was gonna play a little chippy runny seven iron up there be good that's actually not bad it's pin high it just kind of squirted a little bit to the left [Music] flipping act. So hard rapport i can't believe that's finished low i thought it started that well too high [Music] why do they never drop in the potting is really doing my editing i feel like i'm doing like a lot of the hard bits to actually get it to the creek you are tee shots are good approaches have been decent. And good but that last hole i played granted i a good tee shot just got snagged up in the roof i played a really good linksy like chippy seven iron yeah exactly how i should do it. But then.

Get the kind of wrong side of the pin [Music] oh this could be a hole in one take a big dig that's outrageous yeah i'm all right with that good news i didn't shank my tee shot bad news i'm in this bunker quite a long waste of flag as well probably 40 yards howling wind into. So i'm going to get stand in my eyes i'm sure oh my god yeah i'll survive my ball is right on the back edge there just past the flag. But anything right a few yards right and down into that valley would have made it a lot harder [Music] i cannot get the speed at all yes well done you needed that one well done blind shot this is probably where i should play safe. But we're not here to play safe [Music] it's all right [Music] for speed just bad for line wow i'm so happy with that golf shot that could have gone so wrong [Music] oh okay nothing will go in do you fancy longest drive challenge i will go. For the uh yeah don't really fancy it [Music] round one oh my sure you don't fancy it oh my absolute word no pulled it ah what a waste you win okay after literally hitting it one foot off the semi-roof into this slightly longer roof that drive must have gone a long way because i've only 160 yards to the front on this par five downwind i'm gonna hit a pitching wedge out of this rough i just need to carry it probably about 150 yards. And it'll skip and hop and let's hope gives me a good look at eagle oh get down stay there stay there oh that's [Music] yep [Music] oh yes yes yes yes oh really i just hit this. So good there's no other way around it oh be phenomenal [Music] there is golf in there somewhere there is honestly you scratch deep enough you find a golfer [Music] none of them ever look like they're going in either it's just frustrating when you've had a nice look at birdie okay this is a brand new hole here at royal liverpool it's playing in the open there's the 17th. But i think in normal play it's the 15th this hole isn't long 133 yards. But it sat on a plateau this could be a real carjacker and really i've got to make one more birdie either on this hole or the 18th to break 80 today.

I'm currently eight over that might not be too bad if it stays there i think that's okay all right. So walking up there this is what everybody's scared of on this hole because it doesn't look like a big mouth. But i want to show you something a minute do you like these sand scrapes guys yes i would like to be in them. But i think look they add a lot to the hole don't they have you got a ball in your pocket yeah let's say your ball is going right towards the flag you think this is absolute money. But it lands short and with a bit of backspin it plops in there shove a little nearest the pin gone then.

[music] huge open face hands low hit with absolute speed and stand in the eyes [Music] that's phenomenal well done really good shot [Music] oh that could be good as well big oh you win this is my loser's forfeit we had more footprints as well oh that's like a huge swing at the end. But yeah they literally don't go close to the hole yeah well done okay drivers out i'm gonna try. And push for a birdie to finish oh that's that's the drive of the day low spin high bomb that will be absolutely miles that's going to be a 30 drive i'm 200 yards away from the green. But the penis looks like it's tucked viciously back left um so just getting on the green isn't going to be particularly easy i'm going to try. And play it into the mouth of the green short let it run up and just give myself an opportunity to put 30. [Music] end up bailing out a bit too far to the right really today's been a real test and one that sometimes you've got to reset your mind for something like today.

You're not going to make in my instance i'm not going to make loads of birdies because they don't come very often you've got to capitalize when you can bogeys sometimes it's not great to say. But sometimes bogey is an okay score on some holes um yeah i think i could have done better obviously my putting could have been a lot better today.

And i could have easily shot a much lower score i still think i could have break i could have broke 75 today.

I do because i've actually hit it okay it's just i've not given myself enough chances i'm gonna get up. And down to try and shoot 79. [Music] that's it [Music] ah still need to work on that chipping as well [Music] slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow [Music] ah [Music] that's a great score honestly that's a great thing i've gotten today.

Thanks. For watching oh it's good unbelievable score that well done oh could i should have enjoyed it tough test we'll see you next.

Week episode 11. oh time now for some brekkie we've played around the golf it's like 11 o'clock yet peeps.