[applause] foreign [Applause] g'day mate good day Charlie Hall is ridiculous at golf all right guys exciting one today.

Down here at Walton Heath South London the home of this year's AIG Women's Open which is happening this week. And I'm excited because I am joined by a very special guest. For a break 65 episode we joined the one and only Charlie Charlie I am super excited about this yeah it'll be really fun I'm looking forward to it too I have never done this format with a tour pro. And certainly not someone of your incredible caliber who I know is going to smash it this week at the AIG Women's Open let's go out there. For 865. what do you think our chances realistically are playing a scramble yeah I think very very good okay yeah I've not done it. Yet so if you can help with that would be great yeah what's the part of the golf course um. So I've just got a scorecard it's a past 72 and Charlie has recommended I'm gonna blame you entirely for this has gone off the back teas the championship tease here at Walnut Heath and it's 7 300 yards dude it doesn't seem to phasia and it's going to be bouncy I know when I play with the boys at home we always off the backs anyway. So okay yeah you ready. For this yeah let's do this team all right yeah plenty of birdies thank you this is a great opening hole par three 220 yards nice. And easy introduction long little four out slightly into Breeze but because it's so bouncy I think we've only got to pitch at like 200. okay let's do it if we can open up with a birdie that'd be incredible that's getting a birdie. But flying thought not well Charlie it's down to you my friend um that was uh not the shot I had in my mind I was trying to hit a little fade. And I went straight left oh that was a bad strike. But you say it's a bad strike but it's doing incredibly well what a shot what shot Whoopsie Daisy [Applause] you just know it's a little bit of difference there my bad shot nearly hit a house luckily it hit a tree and bounced down Charlie's bad shot topra over here sticks it walks like to me pin High and she's distraught with herself it's the difference there isn't there this just shows the caliber uh the ball is a grand total of one foot off the green one foot. And Charlie's Got wedge are you more confident chipping uh I just want it more fun because I get bored on the golf course. So I try and make it trying to know let's find chicken yeah me too it's when I this one I decided to chip right go then.

Stick it close you can go to you good to go simmer I've gotta say though I thought I know you you had a slightly nice lie. But that stripe was perfect right well I feel like we need a slightly easier Papa on the first there. So up the hill okay I just find chipping I know I've hit mine a bit of our body. But do not find sometimes chipping just takes the whole of the this element out of it. And all you got to do is like pitch it there if you're outrageously confident Charlie yes which one's looking better I don't know what do you reckon well this one's slightly uphill. But got more left to right well yours are slightly downhill. But I think it's a flatter put I prefer left I prefer sorry downhill pets. And Uphill pets let's go with yours got testing power put here on the first not what we need oh that went uh right to left left to right did it go both ways yeah right repair on the first we can't be making bull gear come on [Music] mine turned the other way at the end right in the middle in. For bogey four on the first right second hole 461 yard Par Four again I know it's not the start we wanted but we'll make amends we'll make birdies that's pretty good I think that's the line I thought it's pretty good I'm gonna go say maybe just a tiny bit further right than yours if I can all left. So we've got down to the Fairway Charlie we thought it was a good line it just ran out of Fairway mine unfortunately in the trees I'm just warming up you know getting going what are you hitting at the moment I'm thinking of a club that lands about 168. I've got seven eyes. And the wind is just ever. So slightly down I'll be really good be really good that was absolutely down the neck of it that's it all right I'm gonna go eight I'm just gonna try. And hit a slightly softer out I think it's flown that yours. For I think the distance might not be far off. But it just flew a little bit yeah what club have you got it's a love wedge flying it all the way don't think too much about that I just pitch it somewhere I got my spot I like it they're a lot bouncy than the chipping green because on the chipping green I was leaving everything short I hit it how I went to anyway I need to just hit a few chips on the off bus Charlie I feel like we need to study this [ __ ] okay yeah I think yeah I know believe me if you saw how bad the chipping gets if you were stoned out I think I might have risk chipping it sit get in yay there you go great part thanks teach that one one day yeah good one I've never bring something to the party eventually right back to level par third hole Par Four. But short what 290 yards oh see that's my block that's what I've been struggling with lately feels fine over there bouncing right I'm gonna try and hit a hard cut off that white post see if we can cut a driver in there too much cut slice different hole ah you know what this golf course is Mega actually played it once back in 2018 I was very lucky enough to play in the British Masters Pro-Am with Padre Carrington um. And it was it was really good like I say it's a shotgun start. So I remember starting on the back nine somewhere but I do have really fun memories of this golf course I remember it being a challenge that's. For sure and at 7 300 yards are playing off today.

A big challenge when you've got Charlie on your team anything is possible back to level after a bit of a shaky first hole I think we just need to get into the flow I think plenty of birdies can be had that's what I promised you okay we bang on 40 yards short of the PIN it's not a terrible place to miss left would have been much worse right it's fine a little bit green to work with the flag. And go in they're just so bouncy okay see if we can be a little bit cuter with it that's perfect that's spinning it's not bad no got a little birdie there okay four back-to-back bird is here on number three proper chance here it's like downhill off the right is it Charlie down with the right oh I moved on does that move a lot though okay down the hill outside the right come on to get on the path did you see that see that again it went right then.

It went left good birdie there thank you thank you Charlie one on the par there you go now we're rocking half four straight down the hit straight down a little bit more because very nice what the best of strikes. But oh that is I mean it's position A1 right see if I can join Charlie with a straight shot yes there well two in the fair weight perfect good drive here we go now here we go is it I'm sure you've probably spoke right loads when you first turned Pro yeah you went through you went on a ridiculous rug yeah I had nine second place finishes in my first year on tour was it first five tournaments yeah yeah yeah oh that's ridiculous yeah it was isn't it as you think about it. And then.

How many how many tour wins have you had now uh I've had two in America and three in Europe but only played in Europe on my first year on tour so when I was 17 16 17. So I'd have been 2013 was my first full year in Europe. And in the second year 2014 I paid like seven or eight six invites in America and some of the majors and played some performance in Europe and 15 was when I got my uh tour card in the US. And then.

I won my first lpj event TOUR Championship in 2016. impressive very impressive the second shot here on number 449 yards Two Shots perfect in the Fairway come on that's really if we can go three birds in a row I mean something special Something's Gonna something pretty special is happening what you're hitting eight yeah I'll be really good be really good that looks super from here there's been about two. Or three shots now I know you've not quite nothing my hips are. So out my hips are about that far out my physio's not picking up I didn't sleep at all last night because I was in. So much pain what I'm trying to get to that even though if you strikes off your direction seems to be so like yeah down the flag still yeah is that something you don't struggle with too much I'd rather strike it pure than hit a bit of flying than I would I don't even sound silly I think that's just like a pride thing because I've always been brought with a load of bull Strikers you know what I mean yeah. And they'll be always saying are you hitting like a girl like normally like a boy all right come on lad that wasn't a bad strike though was it a terrible strike just grab it inside yeah you did. So that's what I'm constant that's why you know that fader here yeah that's why it's. So weird for me to try and hit that fade there's a there's a there's a there's a drill that you can do if you get a rod yeah yeah. And you put it in your belt buckle here like that yeah. So oh you can you do it. So when you come in this lesson you've got to keep on turning and if you're underplaying it that's when you'll hit the the rod to get me so get to top and you do a full swing. And then.

So don't worry I'm not going to hit it. So it has to stay in front you have to miss it yeah because if it goes this way seven on the range. For Australian Open I'll never forget this back in 2015 Perry and Delica was was doing it. And my coach gave me to do it. And I can only do it like I do a slow motion swing. And she's on the Range and she's like hitting drivers with it so I'm just thinking to my dad Matt sorry Tommy's here hey I'm I can do it with my driver I've got my driver out belted it caught it it ripped my my belt buckle up. And the shark went flying down the range and I was just like yeah not quite. Yet then.

Charlie yeah yeah. And do you think you could do it with driver now nice you get a bit inside yeah I do this is also with my hips yeah moral of the story has never fall down on a wet step because that's what I fell on okay Charlie I know she was slightly disappointed in the strike. But she has left us in a wonderful spot here for another good look at birdie three in a row this would be to get to two on the power how's it looking right left right to left slightly up the hill that went last second do you think quite a bit out is it Charlie oh yeah like this the holes on a bit of a site too far I went too far ah huh fifth hole just under 450 I had Par Four it's a slight dug leg left slightly downhill I've actually hit that exactly how I wanted to. But I've hit it too far left I'm actually happy with that golf swing could be that could be phenomenal it could be it might not was that was that a good shot yeah I hit that I hit my I got my jaw back then.

You see. So I don't care if it's in the like leftover we lost it I'm happy I've got my job back I'm more happy than here at the Fairway with a fade and I like I'm more happy here I mean I can draw it down this hole it's just that starts to creep in a few bad habits hot left doesn't it on the second round my hook does not listen Charlie it goes left when it's going left it's going left okay we've found Charlie's just in this left roof 178 yards away from the flag pins right at the back oh be really good hit the bank. And kick left that's it it's held his head up that wasn't bad I only got seven I'm gonna go you can go a bit higher as well can't you don't go straight at the pin yeah that's nice is that drawing yeah we got two on the green nothing spectacular oh thank you cardio duties exactly there you go is that all right I'll be lost without. Yet right come on this is a really quirky green here on Fifth hole do it do it oh no I didn't just come I always just think of it tried to commit yeah because if I go like that I've had it once in someone's cup I can't remember who I was playing with slap my hand. And I ended up getting like 10 letters so I just go like that now it's one of those ones where I I respect it you commit to the fist pump but I can commit it to the hand thank you well done [Music] 440 yards feeling like we're getting right into the flow now turn the power starting off at the tower the brother little hat yeah I love that you can go slightly left of it. But anyway that's great yeah you're gonna go at the little hook with the drawer I think. So I hope so I love it I never used to call what out I'm gonna do because I don't do it you're on YouTube now child it's all you gotta do you gotta commit to it. And say I'm gonna hit it on that hole I'm going to hit a little draw yeah you can't say it can you I'm saying it down there somewhere yeah [Laughter] non-committal. But I think that's uh that's wise because I probably commit to the shot too much great ball great ball is that how I wanted to skip enough to see yeah I'm trying to hit a fade down there trying it's all right well held up in that horrible thick stuff child is in good spot great Drive Charlie perfect spot 165 yards second shot here into the green. So I had to tell what the wind's doing it keeps snowing yeah it almost feels into though really good strike be on it go stop dead didn't it can't believe that every other shot is bounced. And that stopped Stone dead straight at it there wasn't it so good is that about strike it sounded really good strike just draw a little bit then.

I reckon it'll bounce the left clean up what's it going Charlie not a problem I give you 10 at the end if it means you hold more pots I'll have to do it come on time to make some more birdies I think if me. And Charlie get going this could be this could be low today.

Very low oh my goodness oh my goodness is this some sort of scramble team that we could have yeah is this imperfectant scramble tournament your drive my iron your port Rick. And Charlie go three under three on the par wow par three seventh hole 190 on the nose pins right at the back nice five iron yeah I've got six the only thing that's thrown me now just that last hole the last green just throw me a little bit of how quick it stopped well all the others have been quite firm. So I think we should stick with that strategy it'll bounce up oh it faded come on take left ball doing its bloody best it's quite a shot though weren't it I had to get the height on it because of this Green's elevated. And if it was bouncy it went a bit higher didn't it really really good strike let's try. And cut one of those golf bags not bad just trying to cut but I didn't see that bouncing left after it was trying to go that way that's actually bounced left on. And then.

Ran through right so we've gone with Charlie's just over the back of the green here come on I thought it was a very horrible chip very. For you okay you want to try. And play a little delicate one who's uh bit offline a little bit offline yeah it's a good connection though mine just marginally closer yeah what do you reckon's easier part we're not doing well in the par threes at the moment are we I personally prefer yours. But uh well if you made the choice now sorry okay yeah I thought you liked the mod it's like the downhill one yeah come on we cannot be making any more mistakes on pathos right come on let's save power with the power five coming up next.

Putting is very very very good is it one of the strengths of your game no is like when I'm on I'm on. And when I'm off I'm like off you know what I mean just a flat out no good save a part eight hole first par five we've come to 558 yards um power on that hole with like I said we need to get through we need to better on the path threes at the moment yeah it's hard. But still 300 power five coming up if we can get to turn four. Or even five under well then.

Real magic things are happening that's really nice really really nice that's gonna go miles down there that's a good shot you've got that Top Spin on it sit down because you're going out driving by pretty much don't win the roof oh it might have just snuck in the rough oh my bad you're on my team. And I'm just like sit I want to have the better shots I'm the worst for it that's the competitor in you yeah second shot here into the par five just in the first cut of rough I tried to hit a big drawer in there. But I've heard it nicely it's a really good strike yeah it's good just shot that bunker you didn't want to be at the right because I feel like the chip will you'll be short-siding yourself wouldn't it that hump there you've left that in a really good spot let's see if I can get us a little bit closer would you ever constipate hit. And drive for the deck uh I would if I didn't have to be fairly you'll be getting just this rough in front of me as well and because I don't know about you because I get quite inside I find it hard that's one of the biggest um that's one of the biggest drills that my coach to give me is to play off the decks. And you've got to come over and have your golf swing yeah to be honest I actually hit a few on the Range before because you've got to hit down you've got to hit left I hit my drive. For the deck with a drawer though I do yeah well it's probably still a bit inside yeah right come on as well that's a great bloody golf shot go on get up there come on lovely go go lovely jubbly yeah just a few yards shortly green good line pink catch every single bit of it yeah it sounds like you hit it well yeah it's just a dimple low. But we've got a nice little chip from the front of the green for an eagle three and I think Charlie's chipping you never know it's not with mine maybe. But Charles chipping you never know we could box one okay third shot here into the par five just at the front of the green I said if Charlie chips it close I will also chip it oh that come out really soft [Laughter] I haven't got the feel today.


With my chip in okay I need to repeat at the second hole to happen here we can make eagle that'll be huge huge. For the break 65 up the hill right to left underlay underlay but I'll let you finish off okay. For a bird here and to get four on the par [Music] yep good buddy thank you what's that now four under four under so maybe five birdies yeah that's really trending the right direction ninth hole Charlie would do an incredible four on the par. And just to remind everyone we started with a bogey yeah hopefully that doesn't haunt us apart. For 400 yards um you know what I've just realized that tree because you want to play it on the right side of the Fairway can you see it you've got to cut it. Or go over it if we can make one more birdie here before the turn wow something real special is happening I blocked it I actually hit that quite nice as well all right this is down to you now this this t-shirt okay let's see it down. And squeeze a little fade down there yep perfect great shot thank you okay after just annoyingly running a yard into the roof after the tee shot it's quite a draw really. But yeah 89 yards after the flag ever. So slightly into Breeze I hope you're flicking it in there with a little 50. I'll tell you something yeah this is difference between add a flyer I don't like my life I'd rather be sitting down there. And between winter and summer when I paid here a few months ago in the winter I was hitting rescued into this hole I feel like you said that as you actually hit the shot yeah is that what you would think yeah okay that did come out really fly a lot yeah you're gonna this is the thing about England though you get a lot more flyers than you do in America because our grass is a bit more bent yeah. And I just feel like it just flies okay 89 I think it needs to land about 80. yeah go go spend to the left really good distance control. But horrendous line tried to just draw one in there but I started on the flag and Drew it off it we should have got closer there but we've got a putting putting's been good we've got a an outside opportunity to get to five on the par for the front line just making sure Charlie's golf ball is nice. And clean if one job I'm doing today.

Is making sure that is clean. For you Charlie right thank you very much you're welcome job than my caddy let's get to five under through nine come on if I feel like Charlie's gonna hold it and if she doesn't I will I will I promise come on Charlie what'd you see uh fairly straight left to right little. And a bit of Rights left in at the same time I've misread that I won't really concentrate I don't know my head was thinking about food you get hungry um right to left down the hill come on Rick [Music] oh you didn't hit it gotta freak out as well cannot believe it damn right however. nothing to be too disappointed about 400 through nine yep it's still good golf ah can't hold them all no you can't [Music] oh about nine Starts Now four underpower again really impressed eight under is a target yeah great Drive great drive I'm gonna try. And just get one of those kind of low Spinners bombs down the right hand side so you can just squeeze a touch more out of it you're in a great spot there oh I didn't draw it's right I got your partner you've got me yeah unbelievable drive from Charlie Hill perfect position 132 yards to the PIN just straight at it bombs away stick it close let's make another bird let's start this back nine as we mean to go on really good strike why does it look a bit big dig your teeth in oh it's absolutely Sensational go in the hole you know what before I was over that I was glad to say to you what's about if I hold it. And I didn't dare say it because I had to prove it in front of the cameras and I wish I did there you go well you know I said it that was unbelievable unbelievable what did you hit then.

All right a little nine what have you got Gap I've got wedge I pushed it hi get my distance good. But my Line's terrible okay from the Fairway we actually thought we'd be told yeah we thought Chavez was a kicking it's uh it's a great shot. But we're kind of 15 feet past the flag down the hill right to left oh you're joking me God I thought I was gonna go me too all right give me a good read go go how can you leave me sure idiot sorry I'm just pointing to you I know I think it should be I think you've got every right to be disappointed Noble's got no chance going. And hold if it's short at least mine had a chance well it's two holes in a row where I had a free run at it and I've left it short I mean my dad just first game when I was younger yeah every part that left short in the golf course I had to give my dad a pound oh really yeah. And I I was. So many driven like my name is you weren't gonna leave it short strike I'll be phenomenal exactly how I wanted to play it it just didn't break Hey listen that's the blood eagle golf shot now this absolutely suits my eye. But I've been doing everything in my power not to draw the ball at the moment I did it damn it's all right it's gone down the next.

Fairway now it's on the next.

Hole right you're in a good spot winning bird is. And that's what you're going to give us we're gonna hold out yeah yeah you're not gonna leave it short I do if you leave this short oh you're pound every time you leave this short you can carry my bag. For the next.

Two holes deal I'm gonna put it off the green after an unbelievable iron shot from child and it's the first 30 opportunity we run on the path three and we are not gonna waste it roller in let's box it. For a two and to get to five on the par I thought I had that a whole million percent there's a good part a million percent that broke it was almost right lip just before it went in. And then.

It snapped through the left lip right that honestly really snapped so much can't leave it short even though I want to trickle it in the front door yes yes five under well done pound it God this is getting good. And the doctor Curry got back I know until I leave one shot exactly yeah carry it 12th hour part four just under 400 yards last time I played here in that British Masters program with Padre Carrington this was the actual tea I played off I started actually this was her one. For me it's it's a real dog leg to the right well it's near 90 degrees the sensible play is to get it to the corner. And just pitch it up but rear for breaking 65. exactly what I mean we're not here. For senses we don't even know the line you can see can you see the flag there in the distance yeah I would I think. For your line you can go straight over that tree that's on the corner yeah that would be really nice yeah that'd be really nice I'm gonna do the opposite I'm gonna Peg it lower. And try and slice it around the corner lovely Jubilee that is little bounce didn't it look like it got a really good kick 47 yards here. For our second shot green to work with slight uphill into the PIN I've got loads of spin go in oh it didn't have no spin on it at all did it oh I've played a really nice shot I know I know. And now I'm questioning how the hell do I buy it from here right I need to line this right on the front edge don't I right Sharp all that you hit a perfect shot a terrible shot. And wasted wasted a good drive right disappointing I don't even know there's a monkey yeah very horrible bunker shot though very firm green isn't it I supplied all right. And try and just splash it out let it run down the hill lovely go go go go go oh I'll let you finish that one off thank you thank you after you mentioned it's a very horrible one I did yeah actually fancy it see I'm talking you into it more confident you did in. For par but I feel like only being at the front of the Fairway there in one should have done better anyway par fives to come 13th hole par five um looks like you want to stay left of so you feel like three Oak I don't know oak trees or something it's like the middle one to the left one because if it's a dog leg and there's a bunker there you see yeah. So stay down the left yeah oh I blocked it keep drawing since the bunker Get Lucky hop hop. So I don't really I'm gonna try and go down the left and try and fade it back to the left side of the Fairway foreign both in the bunker oh right so I'm here just on the bank Charlie's in the bunker but even though I'm on the grass it's on this horrible Banks I think yours is a better one to play Charlie down there good strike is it worth me just going a little bit more adventurous then.

Yeah I reckon. So I only got six iron then.

Got a little bit more aggressive line oh it's a good hit but it's gone left get down might be blocked up by that tree there will look yeah I mean it wasn't where I was meaning to go I mean with the flag right third shot into this part five still an opportunity to make birdie 123 yards to the pin 109 to carry that bunker come on then.

Should be good. For distance of the gas I thought the wind was going to ride it to the left right left right A little bit more than that okay come on let's get a wedge On Target I feel like my distance control has been all right let's get one on target straight down the neck of it 123 yards through the same as Charlie's caught a bit ah right come on we've missed an opportunity on the last don't want to miss an opportunity on this par five [Music] dust on The Potters vanished a little bit I'm still very conscious not leaving it short. So up the right hand side come on Rick oh that moved the opposite way it like got to the middle and kicked right ah big big opportunity missed there on that par five after both finding pretty much the bunker off the tee right Charlie with five under we've got five more holes to play yep to break 65. but uh we're gonna make at least three birdies in the last five which is doable because the next.

Three holes are very valuable. And including 18 as well good I like that attitude positive par five fourteenth hole five six four downwind yes yes yes yes yes wonderful oh that is a bummer that was stay straight stay straight stay straight I think you're fine there that'd be right yeah okay Second Chance is part five got 200 yards left in uh my tee shot just stuck into the rough again a couple of times downwind right down Breeze yeah firm fast Fairways I'll be get the bounce amazing just got into the front edge okay. So I'm gonna go slightly write the flag let it bounce in seven iron 200 yards come on get the kick get the kick let's come round sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit oh is it gone over cannot believe it I don't know how you even get that on the Green. So nothing oh well off we talk at one point it was five feet away from the hole. And now it's off the green oh that was close parts are really close it just kicked on Charlie's didn't get the kick. And mine got the kick okay. So Charlie is here front of the green not a bad place to be see what your lies like yeah oh no you'd rather take this one you can put it yeah mine is just it's just rolled off the side yeah ah honestly you'd have seen it on the Drone footage it came right back to here. But it was just wasn't putting the brakes on. And it's rolled right down to here if it was settled here I would have had a great look at Eagle ah it's annoying right Charlie come on your chip. Or my port for an eagle actually first chip shop that's checked of it okay done it once today.

Let's do it again from long range sit sit sit sit sit sit oh wowzers big put in the video this after our failed up. And down from 47 yards on the short Par Four our slightly disappointing power on the last hole and here being next.

To the Green in Two On a par five we don't make birdie here well we are positive mindset come on to get to six under [Music] that dough that way didn't it did I think you gotta put it inside left straight at it yeah never doubt well done needed 15th hole Par Four 426 yards we need two birdies in the last four holes yeah terrible Charlie don't like eating their idea hate it I'd rather cut my right arm off. And hit it right okay I'm gonna try. And save one of those trees on the left bring it back the left side of the Fairway oh no it's trying its best we're in some heaven now second shot here into 15 158 yards very close to this really thick hair. But not ideal if I'm dead honest with you slightly into Breeze only got eight times it might fly out this roof that's a lovely strike ah Bleak right just can't quite get my direction it's a good strike I think it's good distance. But a little bit right oh come on be really good get the right distance at the least sit through the green God it's a hard oh God I hope it's quieter didn't I yeah really difficult to gauge distance might be scrambling. For power on this one got another par five coming up very soon and a fairly straightforward 18th hole we need two birdies and no Drop shots to shoot under 65. come on we can do it simmer down it was long range Port here 15. go let's go yep lovely good. For Pace no mistakes here okay no mistakes we cannot drop a shot thank God I'm glad you held that Charlie thank you right three to go 16th hole par five down Breeze again thankfully. For a slight dug leg left down left to right I need birthday if not Eagle 535 yards we can get there in two today.

Amazing amazing perfect come on see if the old man's got a bit of speed left in him oh bummer g'day mate day yep hit that five hit it into the Fairway bunker I think I might yeah honestly I think it's very very very close great shot though thank you after a good drive we are 188 yards left to the flag downwind nice six line I think don't you yeah. And we've got to land it on pins at the back let's try a bit drier unless it's going to have a big kick round okay once safely on the green it's getting closer. And closer all the time as the slope kicks it back towards the hole they're going with seven kind of want it fading enough of your ball ideally lovely strike keep coming round um it's all right. For par five I just thought if we're right at the pin it will bounce over because it looks like it goes away from you yeah I think it was done right I agree they're not bad shots right Eagle opportunity our first real chance at Eagle today.

This gets us to eight under. And then.

Break and then.

Break up with the speed that's that's a pretty much a tapping birdie so I'm gonna try and go straight at it firm and straight look at the [ __ ] oh tapping birdie seven on the par two holes to go come on Charlie hole we can do this 17th part three playing 194 yards. And pretty much 190 of that is Carrie because right before the Green's a big bank that you've got to get it up over come on one more birdie in two holes we can do this I'll cut that ball get that ball really good all right one safely on the green let's try. And cut a big high six out there good shot quite well enough would you get there six I didn't catch it it's hard right here 17th this is where it happens this is where I I Charlie Hall's gonna make the birdie it's gonna put us to 800 power with one hole left to play my eyewords. And if not we're birding the last anyway is ridiculous at golf right one hole to go eight under par we have to power the last to shoot at 64 around here Walton Heath the home of this year's AIG Women's Open we bring off the championship teeth 7 300 yards past 72. we're going to power the last. For a 64. here we go 18th hole Par Four slight dog leg to the right I'll lose it straight down sorry is it the yellow flag yeah okay I'm not sure whether you need driver here you know let's see what you're doing. And I'll decide Par Four we need to make power on head shoot 64. what's up let's just go make birdie Maga don't bounce that bunker get past it I hope that's not that one because that's a really nice shot that I hit there I'm just gonna go up that bunk that you've gone in but with a fade and just fade it onto the light side of the Fairway don't worry about it we're fine down there [Laughter] so after Charlie's really good drive it's just luckily for us it's missed the actual bunker I mean I'm on a different planet with my t-shirt. So I'm glad Charlie's has skirtsy passage bunker and finish on the top Edge it's actually okay it's actually fine 106 up Don't go breaking your neck now Charlie I need you I need you. For these last three shots hopefully um 116 yards that looks nice very nicely aboard well done okay I'm gonna go gut wedge similar type of shot I'm gonna go a little bit more aggressive see we got it pin eye get up there yep lovely. So this is it 18th green Rick. And Charlie break 65. two pots gets us in eight under and a 64. do it ball do it ball oh [Applause] rate the record she wanted to smash it damn it I really fancied that I could tell I could tell great great effort great effort you know what it was Charlie I didn't clean your ball I know I thought it was you've been phenomenal today.

Loved playing with you thanks your skill is ridiculous thank you like seriously you've played brilliant I think that the event here the RG Women's Open is going to be an amazing one right come on then.

Let's see if we can finish with a 63 [Music] oh hat damn tap it in 64. break 65. And a new record thank you honestly you've been amazing thank you thank you golf has been exceptional I think seriously such a talent um make sure you follow Charlie on all of social media AIG Women's Open huge event make sure you've supported it following it thanks. For watching the beautiful venue and write us down for a nice six before perfect awesome well done amazing.