Welcome to brace emmy five season two so i'm down here at archfield golf links here on the figer golf course absolutely stunning never played here before and i've always wanted to now this is season two of break 75. And the concept is very simple this year i'm going to play a series of different golf courses. And see if i can break 75. even though i'm a golf professional i've never vouched to be the best player ever i kind of anything on the 75 i'd be over the moon with. So come down here i've already hit some golf balls on the driving range i knit in the shop and picked up this beautiful archerfield g-lake you like and now we're out the golf course now the first hose having quite a lot of reconstruction done it looks stunning so it's actually a slightly shorter hole a little hundred yard par three and thankfully i made a par second holes are par five a bomb driver i've just hit my second one just short of the green. And that's where we're gonna carry on the story i'm excited about this not played a full round of golf. For a while i'm playing with guy you'll know from the podcast and the plan is to try. And shoot as low as i can this golf course might be a real test today.

Let's find [Music] out we're back. For god's sake now you might notice a new putter in my bag when i say new it's actually very very old a couple of months ago i picked this up in ottalone's used shopping center andrews and it's the original ping ansa putter i don't know why i picked up the other day and just enjoyed using it so i've put it in the bag for today.

Yeah baby fantastic save. And that's why at the moment this is in the bag what do you think my chances are today.

Breaking 75 i think driving recently has been very good at the driving range anyway. So if you can drive it well that's a big tick a short game as i've seen a little bit of work. But recently you have been good it has been good it's been really good so confidence that's one bad shot i think get your confidence up. But i do think you'll do it today.

I've got faith in you oh give it too much respect yeah nice. So i've got a very random set of clubs today.

I didn't bring mine i wasn't going to be playing. And very kindly asked me to want to play so the guys here actually lent me some clubs i've got a max rogue driver three wood an apex hybrid a few random wedgies and a putter so i'm using rick's irons on me play but my tactic days to play bad so then.

Rick feels better and plays well yeah yeah only lives in that lighthouse i wonder if anyone actually lives what they must do only they've got internet i wonder if they watch youtube that was all right i hit the green oh solid very very solid butter is heating up [Music] oh get down get down get down get down get down get down get down i'm there. And the greens over there probably 140 yards away from the flag so i think the best option is potentially a penalty drop [Music] it's actually landed on the left side of the green. But with a bit of left spin it's actually spun off the left side of the green and not only all right you know what i said to myself when you can chip chip today.

Rick don't be scared of it don't let it own you. But already on the fourth hole i'm faced with this very very precarious little chip up back up the hill i mean i think this is actually the wise choice judge me. Or don't judge me i don't care i'm putting [Music] incredible for speed terrible for line double bogey the first of season two the first but i've got a funny feeling it won't be the last okay it's actually a really short par five today.

Office slightly forward t. So a chance to get some shots back requires a very very straight drive down that left side oh too far left i know what i'm a little bit annoyed myself there i have to make him double bogey on the last i shouldn't have done that but then.

Coming here to a par five where you think come on rick just a good tee shot down there it's a short par five i end up trying to jump on it to try. And absolutely smash it and that's not what it required about 200 yards away like if i'm there if i even if i'm there i can go. For the green but i don't think i come from here i think it's a layup. And try and knock it close in three [Music] oh simmer yeah that's nice that's all right that's good i mean great shot we're going to do with this rick just get it out here. And hope pal oh my god like a treadmill right wow fairly happy with that really just getting out was a bit of an achievement from there [Music] [Music] i've got several gaps to go. For and that's not what you've come for everybody looks like i've not done a great deal wrong yet i'm worried the score might start to escalate i feel like i'm cruising at making pars i silly double you know i can i'll forget about soon this is really important i need to not make more than the bogey here hopefully try. And get up and down for par but i'm still 180 yards away into this par four break break no bro too much that would have been a hell of a part get down [Music] hopefully in this episode we'll show you a bit of birdie sauce. But not just yet our absolute bomb that's certainly one of the better drives i've ever hit in my life this is where we really need to start sticking it in close [Music] hitting a massive drive on a par four. And then.

Fighting the chip yeah that's a massive shot you've got in your locker [Music] i can't hold a port didn't want to anyway like. But still [Music] this is where he needs to keep his head because he can go one way. Or the other he needs to stay level-headed [Music] you know what time it is there's some things that don't change me making bogeys. And ordering sausage rolls look at that by the way archerfield sausage roll oh shape's a little bit more squashed than normal but i've got to give it a little taste it's hot oh it's too hot give me a minute one hour later [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] that's up there with one of the best i've ever had oh yeah that's really good we'll give it we'll give it a rating this time we'll go nine point one okay new nine four over. For the front nine double bogey two bogeys no birdies bat nine i've gotta go two under oh no drivers stop working wow wow wow i literally couldn't even look they're actually getting through the gap as well oh i was. So scared of it like hitting that tree and bouncing straight back into my face [Music] nice touch very nice touch oh bullet baby so go carry it [Music] i'm actually a little bit gutted about this i've it's in the bunker yeah. But i feel like five yards left it's like another 20 30 yards further down it's such an easy part five five yards right i'm fine five yards longer i'm fine so i'm gonna have to lay up that's very good from there i think there's a couple of things i need to get better at first off giving myself more birdie opportunities by actually hitting it somewhat close to the flag it's like just shots like this not like really really good standard guys like antor are just absolutely stiff in this like they're looking to break the flag oh go oh it's doing really well nice [Music] oh go yeah that's nice [Music] okay not the start of about nine i wanted let's be honest bogey bogey i'll get it back somehow kind of make a lot of birdies now though oh golf shot [Music] yeah that's nice such a different contrast like this hole i think the next.

Few we've just come out the trees i mean this is phenomenal. So such a different kind of layout different environment proper links i like it i like the mixture a lot of variety start to break simmer that is a great up. And down [Music] yeah pumps [Music] i can golf be. So frustrating as much i love it and i do it can be frustrating actually it sounds daft i know i've been racking up the score pretty quickly now i don't feel like i'm playing that bad it's not if it's a good thing. Or a bad thing it's almost slightly worrying disconcerting that maybe this is the standard of golfer i am maybe i don't shoot on the par golf shot go go go go go go go go go oh sometimes it feels like when it's not going your way kind of everything doesn't go your way [Music] nice little bunk shot here [Music] oh that's there's no sand in it it's like just like clay like like the. But as in like there's no there's not that you um you had you'd you would you could you do keep that if you want i don't have to though [Music] that was a lovely strike rick [Music] that's the trick well done bogey i'm gonna try a little bullet driver [Music] that stays there that's a golf shot yeah nice that's nice little shots of the locker all right guys just set down the challenge nearest the pin on this picks um what we eat. For tea on the drive home he's come up short i should beat that if i don't i'd be very disappointed well i'm on a bit of a health kick so i don't know it's like a double big mac or something yes mcdonald's four burgers because i wanted two doubles oh sir rick of faldo shire very good very nice thank you mcdonald's yes downhill pretty straight don't read too much into it [Music] i have to come up with a new thing we have to come up with like power source. Or something three put sauce coming soon oh please yes how am i. So many overpowered i don't know you know what we've played 16 holes and rick's 11 over power which obviously isn't great we're trying to break 75 but honestly there are signs that's going to come this year i think his driving is good his pitching obviously needs some work. But there's some signs that could come back i think it will come this year. So a few more practice sessions a bit more playing golf and i think it's gonna be some good episodes to come [Music] i've got some almost birdy sauce 206 yards into the teeth part three this is probably playing the hardest hole today.

I think to even get on the green will be a massive accomplishment. But we're over birdies not just hitting the green back foot three iron rick's club not used to it excuse me early doors oh no way [Music] no way [Music] my heart was absolutely pounding i don't think it's as close as we thought. But i'm so happy with that [Music] oh hold your line jump the bunker [Music] yeah that's a great shot today.

[music] stay online stay online stay online oh it stayed online. But it just wasn't quite there i chipped a shot though that's a bonus so obviously today.

Is not the day it's a break 75 a little bit of rust i need to knock off some parts of my game were decent some parts of my game were terrible that's how it is nice place golf course i really enjoyed it first time i played here. And i better be back um promising signs but just not quite there yet over the season i can definitely see my students some much better scores today.

Was a nice little let's call it a practice one egg yeah practice one everyone okay thanks [Music] yes very nice thank you my friend well done episode one break 75 season two thanks archfield it's been amazing. And we shall see you next.

Week friday 4pm.