Will this putter change golf well it's new. And it's different and it's something i've never seen before [Music] hi guys it's rick shields pga golf professional and i'm going to review the new even roll tour stroke. And the first thing that you notice is that incredibly unusual neck i've never seen a hosel. Or a neck that that is. So far forward of the face it's unreal if you are new to my youtube channel welcome hit that subscribe button. So you don't miss out on any videos if you enjoy this video smash that like button and leave me a comment below have you ever seen a putter with such a strange neck i don't i don't know if i ever have i'd love to hear if you have so i've tested this putter and it started life as a training aid gary ryf the creator of even raw putters and i use an even role i have done for a couple of years he started this idea as a training aide a way of promoting the hands forward at address and impact to get that really smooth roll off the putter face and as a training aid it proved pretty popular and to the extent where a lot of players he put the putter in front of wanted to use it as a real putter so hey presto it's here tour stroke now the shaft because of that incredibly unusual neck is actually an inch. And a quarter further forward of the face now the science behind it is supposed to promote slightly shorter backswing. And a more encouraged longer follow-through keeping the hands forward and actually having a better relationship between left arm and putter face so there's not as much twisting the other big feature apparently because that face is further back from the shaft it's supposed to promote a very high moment of inertia in english very forgiving putter another thing that's incredibly unique about this putter is only got one degree of loft normal putters have about three. And a half to five degrees of loft this only got one and the reason behind that is because the shaft is. So far forward you're almost hitting the ball on the way up so therefore. you don't need any more loft hopefully that should encourage a slightly better roll if you had more loft the ball might start jumping almost like a chip shot it is legal it's legal to use in tournament play is just such unusual shaping i think the idea is there. But as always reporters it's so individual and unique to the different golfers one big thing to note with the tour stroke is actually half the price of current even roll putters. So it's priced at 150 dollars the reason for that is casts. And i would presume that's just because of the unusual shaping of the neck so i've tested it i took it to the marriott worsley park and i spent a lot of time testing out this putter short parts long putts sloping puts uphill downhill and the first thing that i had to get used to was the unusual shaping at a dress i've never set up to a putter where the shaft is. So far forward of the face and i must admit it took me a while to figure out and feel confident with my alignment what did help on the putter it's got three lines at the back which helped align it a little bit more compared to just a completely blank putter now the feel of the face is great even roll makes good feeling putters. And i've used one like i said a couple of years. But what was unusual about this putter when i was hitting it it almost felt very laggy it felt like the putter face was trailing behind the shaft enormously now what sorts of shots did it give me well it felt like it was giving me a very good roll it felt like i was encouraging a more accelerating put through the stroke what i did notice is i was missing more shots to the right than what i was used to missing. So i almost felt like because my hands were. So far ahead of the ball i had no real ability to to almost aid. Or square the face to get that face to be turning in is that a bad thing then.

Maybe not maybe over some time. And practice getting used to the fact that the face is not going to rotate as much. And as gary rife says who created this butter the face is going to stay squarer. For longer and that is never a bad thing. For me it was getting used to that unusual shaping behind the ball. And the feeling that it was almost dragging the ball towards the hole as opposed to stroking it. Or pushing it it felt a different feeling completely as a whole i liked it and i felt like i got good results it the thing that just scared me or alarmed me is i felt like i was missing more shots to the right i felt like i was pushing some however. i almost didn't pull a single putt one thing that did surprise me with the putter is i didn't lose any feel considering it's half the price of current even roll putters 149 dollars didn't feel any different to a normal even more putter that's out in the range. So the tour stroke and the new line of even raw putters are going to be out in january 2019. i'm going to review them all because they're just new styles. But check out this blacked out version it just looks incredible [Music] the technology in the evening roll is pretty good i think this idea could work will it change golf forever i'm not sure i think the biggest challenge is going to be getting golfers to even want to pick that. Or poor test it because even in the head cover it looks like you've you've banged it in your car and it's actually bent the golf club it looks damaged even when the putter cover is on if you get a chance give it a try i think it's one of those ones where until you actually put a few you're not going to maybe appreciate the difference of feel compared to a normal putter it's not a terrible idea guys thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button leave me a comment down below is that the most unusual neck you've seen if not leave me the name of the putter below thanks. For watching guys stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
