
I'm at a golf course near derby uk because currently the course record is one over par now you think surely that can be broken. And the man in my caliber my skills around the green could surely do that. But let's be honest i think a better candidate would be this man my secret weapon today.

We're going to play this golf course. And see if james robinson can break the course record can he shoot on the par which has never ever been done at this golf course right guys. So james has played on european tour he's played in the open championship car newsday and currently he's actually shot a course record at the manga at 10-under but around this place with all these wonderful people watching can he shoot on the parachute of course record here today.

So this is where we are the pastures golf club. And get this james even though it's only 500 5 000 yards and a past 64. the current course record is one over nobody's ever shot under underpower around this golf course. So the challenge today.

Can you shoot not only under power. But a new course record can you go super low because i think one of your best rounds has been 10 on the par right shot 10 under a few times. Or will this golf course with its narrow fairways 6 000 trees super long pathways with tiny greens apparently yeah destroy you hopefully not it won't make a very video it will do. But um certainly i'll it good be giving it giving it my all trying to get as low as i can two things today.

As well i'm on caddy duty i'm going to try. And help support james and guess what these guys are nice guys they've actually supplied us a load of sausage rolls thank you gents very nice of you you can't have any you're an athlete this golf course is two loops. And nine so different tees through the two different nines uh first hole slight dog leg up the hill par four maybe at 334 yards not long but tight you know my heart's pumping god james show the bunk a little draw oh go right [Laughter] well thanks guys for having us we're going to go now thanks guys come on james that's all right we'll find it what's hilarious here rich the current course record holder who shot one over par around it was in james's ear saying don't hit driver just iron it hit the fairway. So right now actually because the time of year is preferred lies. So where you can lift clean. And place and however. the only problem with that is if you do do preferred lies it's not an official course record. So even though james isn't in a great lie here we're gonna for as long as we can. And hopefully all the way through the video don't do preferred lies. So it is a legitimate course record he's a bit of trouble here on the first though james he's uh blocked himself way out on the right you have to play low can't go up a left can't go over can't go under okay we go. For the green it's got to go through he's laying up on the first layer yeah nicely done nicely done this is just short of the green got a little pitch up hopefully can start with a nice up. And down and walk off this first over the par i always hit that lovely sit oh you know what i was a great shot you know what that is the difference between a really good player like james like he's out from position he didn't go. For the glory shot he put it back into the fairway and he's trying to get up and down i mean that pitch wasn't nice uphill not the best lie all these people watching the true baller we're doing a team read. Or drop me to team reader yeah that looks great yeah that line that line's perfect i like going stay up okay never mind it's not looking good just just wanted to make it a challenge [Music] stay in trouble you got a little a little clap little clown down the green how small the green is. But hopefully he's on it come on james up the hill left to right okay. So james got a little tricky power put here on the second hole just adapting to the speed of the greens obviously it's winter it's a bit slower a bit wet it's crossed this one now needs to stay at least only one over bar beautiful port so far like the green's small um certainly looking at first of all you can't hit driver too much because if you well you hit it 10 yards 15 yards of flying you're in some big trees so uh i've learnt a lesson early just keep it in play so third hole par three 206 to the pin probably playing 220. oh dear go there short right oh dear it's exploded chip this one in go wow i think james just going to treat this frontline like a practice knife really you know. And then.

Batman will obviously just burn it up shoot like nine birdies on serious note though this could really do we're going in this will put them at two over if this goes in nice wow i'm gonna start from here okay. So obviously quick update three holes played three over par and that was a real shame that he had a bad lie in the rough. And because we're not wanting to take preferred lies he did play it tough shot mixed up with vogue makes it harder definitely let's go of course at the moment though it's it's tight it's par three is long. So that one it's gonna be a big test i can understand why under par is such a task around here these are the moments where caddy. And playing a bit quiet i've been i've been talking low not to you keep going a bit getting closer [Laughter]. So james's tee shot found guar so he's taking a free drop and it's actually to be honest it's opened up the hole a little bit more that'll work that'll work go on that'll work well done that's very good in there that's very good we've got bernie's chance we've agreed watching it just right a center what do you think come on james let's see what's going to do today.

To get the ball rolling stay there yes pulled it a bit. And we have to take responsibility for that i also didn't think he'd run out of fairways hit five wood it's 250 odd to this tree 57 into the wind 257 into the windy adrenaline must have been pumping you're about 110 yards to the middle luckily you can get swing to it how are you going to go james just got to go barking mad into this tree you're just going. For it oh sugar [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no clap no that's all that all day long long it's obviously at the moment it's not the greatest start we've had. Yet james no i'd had better tournaments. But the beauty of it is this golf course the front nine once you've played it once it's the same on the back nine yeah. So once you've got your eye in this front nine and you've got what you need to get out your system you learn a lot bat nine's all about making lots and lots of birdies [Music] nice well done really good just another 215 yard path three a little bit downwind a little bit downhill downhill 210 downhill five i don't know i think yeah time. For a hole out here james we need one i fancy it let's get the birdie train going. Or eagle train stay there oh that's good that's coming back in nice oh golf shot golf shots that's the man there he is made a swing there he is you want james to beat the cost record on that i'd like to see him come close yeah i don't want him to beat it you've had eight holding ones on on the other part threes wow that's incredible well done that's an incredible accomplishment all right come on james knock it in. For bird let's go whoa oh wiggle wobble really came back in easy power another part three it's like a blind one with those bushes 200 exactly rick downslope 183 it's playing 15 yards downhill watch it like 190 come on stick it as close as you did last though strike come on wind oh be good sure oh i said it was sure oh no it's not like okay. So current score james is three over not really on track could really do go with going in here give himself a good opportunity on the last hole this is another good look at it we definitely need to start dropping some of these in [Music] right nice get out there after a little draw here a little draw by hard dig really hard it's been hard been harder thank you smile. And wait that was a very nice shot it's weak slow [Music] oh that's. So good is it awesome drive people are saying one five five yeah uphill yeah probably playing one six 660 into the wind one six five i'm just gonna caught a seven yeah oh my god it's caught. And it's a flyer wow i don't really want to use a 58 no you don't [Music] stuffed we're getting closer obviously it's night hole now what's been i mean you can make kind of some excuses. But jane's been really unlucky on some lies like kit from the back of the green then.

You've got a flyer live from the shop into the greens that's why it went long and the light up there was really dry because we're trying to play not preferred lights just because we wanted to be legit that was an impossible chip it really was um this could really do with going in little meanings four over through nine not impossible to shoot level par definitely get a bit harder oh nice get the dream alive it's gonna be tough. For james um yeah the back nine uh i personally find a lot harder. So of course management that's all it's about oh that's a golf shot big back nine coming up it's tricky but it's not impossible four over gonna make four birdies to shoot level which would be a new course record and i'd love him i'd love him to be able to shoot on the par no one's ever done it around here come on james stick in close [Music] i need to go a bit yeah it needs to go it's going to be difficult with the long par threes gotta play nine really good holes to be honest gotta get the putter going i haven't really hold the putt. Yet [Music] nice [Music] i'll be good spinning hard right it's been hard it's been hard oh baby that was min we at a golf show yeah it's really close is it it's nice it's on that's what you're saying in it that is literally perfect [Music] wow you can't even look at me just a quick one i want to do a new giveaway last giveaway i was giving away a set of irons. And this man tom pallard was picked around them to win it well done tom if you want to win a brand new driver of your choice all you've got to do is subscribe to youtube channel it's free make sure you like this video. And also leave a comment i'll pick a winner very soon on a video and announce it right back to the video [Music] oh i'm trying to come back in i fancy a little chip in here from james now redeem himself from that last putt right oh did you ever cut these pins today.

One of one of those what doesn't want james to shoot a course record because that is a a nasty little pin it's on like a slope basically yeah well done pal oh my god [Music] try to hit that okay we're six hours left to play at the moment it's james gotta go. For it like if this was a normal event you might want to steady the ship make some pass. But it's not we're going. For a course record he's got to attack he's gotta attack everything so i think she'll stick around. For the end of the video because this is gonna go one of two ways he's either gonna make a handful of birdies. And shoot that level power or maybe on the par or round here it could easily rack up a couple of double bogeys there's a gap that's really good yeah not bad from there pal. So this might be a time where preferring it would be definitely the best option we could stick a teabag in clean it put it back but again that unfortunately doesn't count for a course record we have to play it like this stay straight stay straight stay straight cheers i thought the mud might take it left into the hole that was ridiculous [Music] come on give it a lucky rub like a genie that's what we need come on genie i've got three wishes three birds in fact we've got four wishes no actually we could eagle up got there just never started at the hole. So with four holes left to play james needs to make four birdies and this hole is tough it's the hardest par three on the golf course at 240 yards james hits it lovely. But it comes up a little bit short he makes a nice up and down to save the path nice well done pal yes keeps the dream alive on the 16th path three down the hill playing about 160 yards james hits it middle of the green again. But doesn't quite make his birdie it's another two put par now with two holes left to go he needs to go eagle eagle to shoot course record 17th he plays a nice shot down the middle of the fairway pitches it in lovely to the green gives himself a good look at birdie but knocks it in for par so last hole james has got to make a hole in one to match the course record which is slightly unlikely on a 400-yard path four. And i'll tell you what if you want to see me come back next.

Year and have a go at the course record let's get this video to 20 000 likes and if you want to have a go at beating the course record why not enter the max fault challenge next.

Year i'll put a link in the description below so paul it's beating him yeah i think the course is beating you today.

Mate it has you had a good cracking.