All right guys welcome back to a brand new episode a break 65. that's right today.

I'm here at wolberg an incredible location with three incredible golf courses. And an outstanding short game area now this morning I've had a lesson on my short game by world-renowned short game coach Dan Greaves so we'll see how it goes on the course today.

Now you didn't hear me incorrectly at the start of this video this is a break 65 because we're going to play a bloody scramble yeah. So we did an episode mean guy at JCB correct. And we actually gelled incredibly well we did we then.

Went on to destroy Tom Lewis retail track now this golf course is a monster we're playing the Marcus Golf Course here today.

Which has hosted the British Masters. And it is absolutely epic yeah. And it's long 7 200 yards per 72. wow so we are going to play as a scramble today.

Where we both hit t-shots choose the best ball hit from there. And again we choose the best ball so forth until we complete the hole I think genuinely right now yeah you've been playing very solid off the teams yes my game is definitely trending the right direction it is I think today.

Break 65 is well. And truly on yes the only downside is we didn't hit it very well in the range earlier we've just hit it awful on the Range. But the positive of that normally when we hit it a bit off on the Range we then.

Play well in the course or something weird about that so I think today.

Is gonna be the day it's a little low this golf course is absolutely stunning there's some incredible holes including the seventh which is this super power five with like two Fairways that go around the trees. And many many more so stay tuned without further Ado let's take it off the wind is blowing the golf course is long. But that's not going to stop us breaking 65. let's do this [Music] all right guys first hole 395 yards. And there's one stand-up feature of this golf course it's tree-lined there's trees everywhere um accuracy off the tee is key uh. But I look to this it's a slight Douglas to the left I have played here once upon a time many years ago the British Masters program with Tyrell Hatton fresh-faced and bushy-tailed and I enjoyed the round it was very good. But it was a shotgun start. And I started on that seventh hole which is Mega. So today's different Let's uh let's rip it up oh my word one draw a bit draw a bit [Music] yeah it's safe middle of the fact well right side yeah very nice very tidy only just reached the Fairway might not see it on video at the moment it's Breezy it really is drawing a fraction it gets past the tree it might be really good no bunker yeah looks like we might be taking mine yes uh 146. it's quite a bit to window yes I would normally go 99 from this distance. But it has to be at least an eight today.

For me I was gonna ship a seven you're right flight bunker left ah terrible swing okay. So I think Rick had the right shot in man there that kind of three quarter lowish chippy one that's what I'll also try. And play if that shot but a little bit straight it will be uh winning oh it's Rose if it goes get up didn't stay low oh no another bad shot this isn't what we thought when we thought we'd play Scramble. So it would be like birdies the sun would be out would be living the dream but it's we're sort of coming out two tough bunker shots and we've got to get up and down to get our part all right Paul well that was pretty weak our shots into the green there that's hopefully that was what happens today.


We're gonna be attacking pins long drives holding putts Etc. But little blips to get us into the round rust out with a bit of a bad hole so you're gonna start if you're gonna make a bow you make it on the first thing not horrendous but not horrendous you know kind of safe Pair of Hands I feel like that secured our power hopefully came out nice just a bit hot this is what I do like about this format a little bit of advice back. And forth just just outside the hole yeah I like that this is one of those ports if you get it in on the first hole confidence just skyrockets we're flying at this drops okay a bit of both to be fair having a bit hard bit pulley it's definitely like you said right side yes Yes we made it hard work. But we've made a power on the scorecard yes. But wall boom was about to be hard [Laughter] there we go between us okay second hole par five dog leg left I'm actually going to play a little bit aggressive here going because I'm go over the corner of those trees yeah drawers I think it's money. But nice and high let the wind take it it's not super long so I think we can be putting free. And all the right things Rick absolutely because that's spectacular ironically we're at the home of Ian Poulter but he is no longer the postman the postman is now Richard Shields could have a better name like FedEx the Amazon man okay. So I may as well give this an absolute bum because the chance of beating that are very slim if they hit a bad one doesn't matter let's just go. For it hold it it's fine we don't need it yeah find that the luxury of scramble okay after a good tee shot around the corner here on number two uh we can see a good glimpse of the pin it's 187 yards. And the tree here on the left-hand side has been so well positioned the pin was about left would have no chance insane luckily the pins kind of middle slight slightly to the right. So a draw would be ideal I'm going to go. For that if it doesn't draw at least get into the middle of the green oh this could be money come on keep coming in keep shaping oh I took a bit of a nasty bounce that's yeah good effort from there was it a little bit thin. Or a tiny bit skinny it's good effort though yeah that was a weird bounce. And it landed great hit too much shape I think that's good yeah it should be pretty good yeah I went almost died on the pin. And Drew off the pin but it kind of went over the tree yeah yeah nice shot man I think you put in with that okay. So we're both on the green I was front edge guy got it right back here pin high after drawing over that massive tree. So we've got an okay chance at Eagle there yeah this is like a decent Eagle opportunity this is where again without getting carried away. But playing as a team gives you confidence because one of us may hold it maybe not but we should definitely be getting the birdie here there's no excuse why we shouldn't be getting a birdie really the left side we're thinking yeah left side I left that always that was always going right. But pace is actually very good pace is excellent yeah it's quite it is quite off that left okay come on can we sneak a little Eagle early days ah however. not been aggressive there when we've I've literally had a free put at it. And I've left it short can't be more frustrated with myself okay let's tidy this up nice first birthday yes First Blood first of many hopefully very good I'd have been frustrated if we didn't bird it up we don't need to have really had a good word. For ourselves if we'd not make birdie there third hole Par Four 473 yards it's a cracker it's right back into wind so it's got very similar shaping to the last hole you've got a I think a straight shot would be fine a slight draw I'd actually think straight side to the right side of the airway. So you can see the second shot I've got a funny feeling the closer you go to the left you're gonna get more blocked out foreign [Music] very hard wood I couldn't decide what shot shape I wanted to play there that was really stupid of me I didn't have a vision in my mind you know what's mad though we decided today.

To play this as a bit of fun which was nice it's friendly it's fun. But I feel now more pressure on this drive than if we played this individually let the team down and I'm not let the team down you're gonna rip it little cut over the yellow tea marker all right I think the trees open up well it didn't hit anything oh no no I knew hitting it good would last very long it lasted precisely one round it's gone that didn't happen right we found mine Rick's was kind of left. And a bit dead mine weirdly was quite lucky because the actual it was very very far right the trees do open up here. So I'm here this is a par four by the way we've got 230 is it it's pretty mild I went into the face wow okay. So for me it's got to be a three wood I've got three wood or three iron three iron eight can get in there let's be honest honestly this is a really tough hole I think the last hole was a fairly easy par five because it was downwind this is a this is a four. And a half I think in reality you can get nine shots between these two holes you're happy. So we're gonna put maybe go four five ideally four four and get an eight okay wow okay wow guy wow they actually that too well it's gone through the greens that was yeah such a bad t-shirt it was nice to hit like to have some confidence. For today.

That that was flushed I can't go there with two iron can I right three would as well it's all right nice mode right. So I've got a a rule today.

For my short game lesson this morning off Dan I'm not allowed to use Potter off the green no I think it's good I think just building that confidence. So what's that confidence there that you gained in a massively improved but this is one I think it could actually be a chip I'm going to use nine what you're going with Matt's going to go pitching wedge okay. So similar is Choice it's going to swing down off this right side it's downhill this needs to be within six foot one of these six foot absolute minimum that's a bit low yeah yeah. For maybe a seven but I'll take it should I go further right I think you should definitely go further right because there's a lot of Swing there oh strike this is going to feed in this is going to feed in a little bit short. But very well executed that strike yeah it was a good clip a good little clip away right. For par here on three and a good par at that this has been a tough hole into wind it's a power but it's like it feels a bird doesn't it really yeah what do you do it's off the right slightly I'd say inside right inside right that's what I'd say Okay surpass slightly up the hill that's my partner thank you pal thank you very much goal today.

As much to make absolutely a ridiculous amount of birdies is also not to drop a shot yes I think playing Scramble yep that is a minimum requirement we shouldn't be doing we shouldn't be dropping we've had a couple of testing power ports yes. But they're in all right come on more bird is needed okay. So fourth hole 395 yards Par Four looks like the first couple of holes teased us into hitting a draw this one now requires a little fade does um I'm gonna start it just over that tree that sticks out save it around the corner oh yeah yeah Alex is back in town I didn't catch everything no you didn't well that's fine a bit drop kicky. But it's in position a so I think you can open your shoulders at one knowing that's pretty try. And get a plus yeah because we're only gonna have a little wedge in from there come on nice if it carries everything a little bit much. But oh it hit the tree Ah that's annoying that was close to the other spot on that okay second shot into this green 147 yards pin looks like it's clinging onto the back edge of the green it is downwind. But I'm going to play like a kind of a three-quarter nine iron I think guy's gonna go with pitching wedge well that could be delightful that could be delightful delightful get in oh that looks close it looks closer yeah within a foot. Or like 20 foot I can't quite tell great shot though very well executed so I'm gonna go pitch in my um I do think. And we'll soon see the hit this well it will be enough Club don't feel quite as confident with that kind of three-quarter pitch ways that Rick just hit it's right at the turn when it is to get going nice pin High yeah it's not bad it's good as Rick's. But pretty good okay nice little birdie opportunity here honestly from the Fairway I was convinced my ball was past the hole. But it's actually a good kind of 15 foot short we fast this one guy it will be that's it kind of wanted to go a bit of both ways again my green reading at the minute it's been poor I can't commit I'm seeing it being down the hill. And off the right I'd agree that I also think it might want to feed enough this left side the last couple of feet. But you hit the first Port I'll get a good read one of us hold it kind of stay didn't it that is dead straight I think it does come off a bit there honestly that is dead straight that's exactly where I aimed it all right started here you slide it there pulled it ah big chance there I feel impropar on to the next.

Fifth hole Par Four 414 yards we're going back dog leg left again now um I think some of these holes really force you to try. And shape and I reckon you don't actually have to I think you're right. So I am actually going to draw it [Laughter] I don't think you have to if it's not too much drawer that could be great yeah it's a bit too much shape it's okay you're finding everything. But I don't know if that's actually done all right that's it okay. So it bounced then.

Hi fair enough how do you think I've done all right it is too much drawer. But I think that's actually worked by the way just quickly I look behind this Tee Box look at these trees absolutely incredible that's just like lit quite literally moving in the Wind sensational safe golf shop why did I like it went miles. So we've got my ball there's a bit right but it's okay in the rough we've got 176 ish the flag. And you can't feel it too much being here with these trees there is wind up there into us left of the pin is safer okay left open safe it normally hit a six iron from this distance maybe even a very very strong seven I'm gonna go five because I don't hit it short okay I'm gonna see where you go foreign oh they got massive uh I don't think it is massive actually okay that's quite hot actually it was a semi-flyer which I didn't think it would be I'm gonna go sick. So I'm gonna just try and really fight it though the amazing oh great shot mate oh I don't know if it's coming a bit hot it kind of landed up right over the flag but I'm not sure if it might have not been able to dig its feet in I missed on the side that Rick demanded a Miss on demanded he said missed left. Or else I just left um that was a bit weird I actually hit mine really well it land on the green book because I tried to flight it super low it just didn't stick on the green just strong it's a strong guy does it look that strong it's absolutely shredded in real life ridiculous I.E top off please that's not. For a while up here anyway right well it is yeah we've got uh quite a simple shot in theory it's a nice this is pretty simple now not much this is what's nice. For me whatever I do is irrelevant because Rick's gonna stiff it. So I'll just do it. For a bit of a laugh okay up the left let it feed down nice. And gentle slim of all God didn't check that was a great strike as well in the air that was class yeah just hit that first bounce didn't it okay Rick see you've got all right oh it's just bounced the wrong way it's not bad though it was a good straw strike I just don't think I went far enough left without my Landing Point thanks we're talking about not dropping a shot it's another testing power pot come on while I'm gonna hold less I think I can be confident on this as well all the way all the way all the way get up. And down for fun these days wow well that's team parlor that's very good the team is team power I wouldn't have thought it would have been that way round true you hitting the longer shots me in the shorts I'm Shane will be a fall feels changing students six hole the first par three of the round. And a beautiful looking hole really nicely framed huge undulating green and it's playing right into the wind and it's 156 yards so I'm gonna I'm gonna try something a bit different guy yeah because we're playing Scrambler I'm gonna try. And play a little low cut T6 iron okay if you don't pull it off it farts I'm not I'm gonna play I'm not gonna play anything low I'm gonna play a high Cutty six round wow okay okay let's see it it literally called. And it could go in the hole it's a bit right long as it'll show is it. Or what is it yeah it's a nice shot that yeah wasn't far off was it wasn't far before I'm going to attempt to do something similar um maybe a bit low bit stinky bit Cutty bit everything. And just see if something happens that's really nice jump over that hump ah dug its feet in so straight because that was I know three yards away from Perfection yeah Okay. So just got to the green we've gone with mine guy was on the green just a bit further left. And slightly more challenging Port now I said a minute ago I wasn't going to put off the green my excuses I've left my golf bag over there on the on the golf correct you know. So Rick does not tell FIB Savage not got Pinocchio knows growing right now I thought does that work anywhere else um. So I'm gonna put it I actually think it's the correct option Anyway come on knock it in oh it's got the legs how's it got the legs that is absolutely horrendous yeah I'm gonna try something different I'm gonna use my six iron which might hit off the T. So weirdly I'm gonna hit this six hand twice on this path right always put it without a little bit of Loft get it starting left of the hole let it feed in thin it a little bit and go miles past we've added mayor there come on let's hold it I don't think I ever really trusted it did not move too much I don't think I ever really trusted it to be honest okay I think it's pretty straight I don't know why I thought it was left. Or right okay I think it's dead straight mate okay in the hole it would be proud of me very proud yes God make damn proud yes yes another part if you're tuning. For birdies ladies and gentlemen we've not quite delivered on enough yet but we will do this time chill out seven oh this is the one par five 512 yards. And as you can see down there certainly from the aerial footage there's a cluster of trees that separates two Fairways down there that I think attracts this whole. So fantastic yeah. And remember last time when I played in the program here about pretty fast this was the whole I started on. And I just thought every hole was yeah like this what a golf ball this is incredible. So I genuinely can't remember which way to go I think I think you can off this tea go either right. Or left I'm slightly tempted to go straight for the middle of the trees and see if they don't like that way I like that play I mean do does one of us go left. And ones let's go right well I'd like to go right if possible I think you can draw it into the laugh I'll go laughter I am genuinely gonna Tee It high. And go right for the middle tree and if I draw it I think I'll go left that way. And if I've just cut it it'll be fine the chance of me hitting it dead straight are quite Slim oh he's almost done what he said he was gonna do just a bit too much shape. But it's in play it's actually okay yeah I started it down the middle tree line. And just drew it just slightly into left roof um but that should be fine I think it's a very very very long hold today.

Into wind that might not be reachable in two because all the way before the green it's like a big Valley. So I'm gonna play almost the polar opposite I'm going to start at middle tree. And hope to try and cut it off and then.

Put the arms in the right hand side Fairway that's the plan really nice all right cut a little bit more oh that's really nice well done mate thank you well done I'm glad I could give you the freedom to hit that shot that was really good we've said it several times. And I'm gonna say it one more time this hole is incredible it's really good once you get over the top here I mean what what's interesting down the left my actual ball wasn't horrendous. But this is much more direct line down the left you've got a fair way that runs all the way to the hole Yeah. So actually you can kind of run it down there yeah. So if you couldn't carry it far that's the route you'd have to go we've gone big boys through however. you've got a lot more to carry over there's bunkers it requires an aerial shot it feels like that's the safe route yeah this is the aggressive route. But this is the rewarding route if you can pull it off in two right wow this is. So 230 yards into the middle yeah it's into winter it's probably playing about 260. well it's a straightforward Three Wood shot. But we have got the bubble of our feet and with that lives we're going to want to move the ball to the right little bit it's a big thirsty trap that wants our golf ball. But I think almost aiming at the flag. And if it does cut off this lie we're fine. And it doesn't it's gonna go close to the PIN cracking strike again that three wood it's looking towards that thirsty trap oh oh it has got yeah I think it's actually stayed just on the bank yeah it's not it's not a bad miss that weirdly in the bunker to be fair I think they can beat that though that got there quite comfortably yeah it's a little bit thin as well. But no pressure rate. But this is a shot I really think you're gonna do a good job I do too much Ah that's annoying oh I really fancied that as well never mind I didn't think I could draw it enough. So we've got mine Rich was actually not too bad it was just a bit left of the green it's actually half the tree. And end up back in the bunker on the side bills but very short-sided so we've gone with guys we stayed above ground I don't know if I'd rather be in the bunker weirdly I don't know I don't think it's okay um I've got me as a short game Wizard I think we're gonna I think it's probably a chipping Eagle it probably is I'd actually like you to check this in though all right just your own Eagle okay. For me on genuine eagle slow ah just a bit yeah it's easy. For you this come on inside mine let me look at shots differently yeah in like a way of hitting the green isn't the main objective anymore no more driving out trying to get in the hole oh wow that's a big change it's a huge change in an hour right let's go tell you what I tell you what say that that run out dude didn't it waiting greens progress how did it ran out that was annoying this is the port I think if we aren't you a low score these are the books that have to drop they have to we we have to make another birdie pretty quick it's gonna be quite a bit it really is sloper it's out here. And it's dropping in I'll be honest I know it's not good to say before a put but downhill left to right is are my nemesis well every now. And again you've got a conquier fear hit it right in the face go Toe to Toe that nasty left to right downhill port and seeing kit get the birdie Source explosion I was high you didn't leave it short yeah I didn't that's very true did that just not break as much no it did break because it ended up here I just smashed it. So it is quite high. But I think you've got to pace it better than I did okay. For birdie I need to contribute on this house come on that could be in that could be in oh it's low oh I went the other way oh that was a silly have we made I'm not sorry how we made a five there you know what's a straight about that as well we did the hard part the T-shirt was tough the shot in there was tough. And what should we bread and butter between the two of us we've messed up at we're really sorry best on the golf course and we've messed it all up eighth hole path three beautiful Hole uh I remember this green being really undulated it's 187 184 yards slightly down Breeze I'm gonna chip I'm going to hit just a nice at seven yeah I like that I think it's much more than that really birdies guy come on we'll get them a little bit too much shape again it's not bad though I've just got a little bit drawing last year yeah last few rounds I need to kind of neutralize that out a little bit starting to get the old the old right to left back in come on guys one on there yeah I'm gonna go. For the same shot a nice seven aim but to be first aid nice it needs to still be a good very committed hit foreign quite thin ah it's very underwhelming it's just gone the green but nothing close okay. So just off the green pin high for mine actually it looked worse off the tee but it's not horrendous nope it's not come on I'm just gonna left or right I'm not gonna overthink this guy like that left to right it up the hill knock it in for bird yeah maybe we should have thought of it huh oh okay Rick can I have the flag out please wow you ready. For this one film style then.

You just drop something out of your pocket a talk hard thank you very much call me Phil Mickelson or even Shane Lowry with the 58 sure [Laughter] yeah well then.

Thanks pause pause parts of course. But not for any bad numbers High numbers so let's trust the boat is going to come the Buddies will come it's not good when we're trying to shoot seven under oh I forgot about that I always pick 75 still night hole Par Four 441 yards straight back into it just what the doctor ordered here on the birdie hunt uh I'm just gonna hit a little low knuckle draw down there see it in fact. For memory this has got a really really interesting green okay this is up change the T-shirt remember right I feel like once you go over this hill there's a huge drop down. And then.

It comes back up to the hole but I still think it might be driver it should be driving at 4 41. money say that yeah that's a great shot that'll run out nice as well with that low spin yeah founding yeah it should be good should be good [Music] foreign second shot here on nine I've actually just drawn mine in the first a yard into the roof guy was actually finding the Fairway just on the angle this one was just a little bit close to the green however. we have got a tree to go over this is another great hole it's. So nice isn't it really nice Hull we've got five iron because it's playing right back into the wind it's 183 yards than the wind downhill but then.

The wind neutralizes it back out needs a good hit this needs a good hit oh don't shape any more than that don't shape any more than that yeah delightful golf shot thanks I'm gonna say world class it's not not far off European class. For sure that's not bad though it looks like we might have left ourselves a little slippery one down the hill so if you could we're going to put it boss if you could be pin high right I think that might be an easier put you ask. For it foreign yeah please be absolutely phenomenal oh my goodness he asked. For it he got it that was very good I'm not cool I'm. So happy I'm getting down here a little decision to make here actually mine is just here on the right hand side slightly downhill yeah this is this is more on the slope it is I almost feel bad that one of us doesn't have to play the shot because they're both incredible golf shots. But it were a team. And all that matters is what we can get I think yours I agree no I'm joking I think yours I think it just has that little I like right to left puts I think the scene is now set to make an epic Verde the sun's coming out the trees look glorious Magellan as a team this is it stay up oh at least. For the first time in quite a few holes I gave it a good girl this has got a chance it's gonna be a little low though ah hmm God's sake can't buy a pot today.

We can buy plenty of power pots. But no birdie puts frustrating front nine freaking guy one on the par lots of work to do indeed it's just not one of the best halfway houses on in the planet it's got upstairs downstairs upstairs it's looking amazing come welcome welcome to my house it's like cribs on the map welcome yeah yeah well burn Golf Club of course welcome hi this is pretty cool isn't it who lives upstairs is it being rented out that's really cool right um I believe you're famous. For sausage rolls I'll certainly have one please and yeah I'm a sausage roll. And a Guinness please hi Rick I'm not sure inside your sausage to honest but underwear isn't it it's quite cold today.

Its size isn't brilliant. But performance could be good first impression I'd heard a lot about the world yes I don't know if this is their standard sausage roll okay. But that's small that's poor no too small isn't it it isn't big I'd need it's a half how many inches is it three inches about six right below average um pale I'm. So disappointed okay honest reviews that's what you get on this channel it's warm though there's warmth come out of it there's heat lukewarm not sold it's hard to say that's the worst sausage roll I've had oh it's the worst you're all about size color taste heat is it gonna get finished no wow Landing just walk off is that the end of that might be the ancestral reviews I thought I don't even say let's go let's go tenth hole starting about nine with a little rest bite 353 yard Par Four slightly down Breeze thinking normal regulation play you probably wouldn't be hitting driver because this hole really Narrows down towards the green. But we're not playing regulation all right we're playing a scramble here we are it's a driver is oh wow looks like yeah yep that ain't my fade we'll find one luckily it reminds to find mine it's not ideal in the trees. But we have to be creative to get on the green correct it's 111 yards it's a big tree that's quite worrying but I think they're okay other than that I think look Hey listen what's the worst that can happen broken wrist still recover there's no video next.

Week right 110 yards I'm gonna just play a little chippy pitching wedge Keep It Low that's a good effort that Oh my days that's a good effort that get in what on Earth what on yeah oh. Or move it a bit so don't get too close that route because I I did feel a bit closer okay okay right I'm gonna do exactly this well attempts are exactly the same did you stand with one foot over the route like that yeah yeah I think. So okay same shot pitch. And wedge punch it out or hit the route not too bad horse on the green not too bad so I said D the number this is one that would be an absolute after those t-shirts this would be a delight we met birdie from here all our t-shirts need to go in the trees correct oh right to left yep a bit low quite a bit of pill like you know I got it right I've I've brought nothing to the table this whole my drive was even worse than Rick's. And got it lost in Jurassic Park my shutout wasn't brilliant our pudding's not been great but now's the time to change all of that well so low as well again we're making a lot of bloody paws but we don't need bars we need birdies come on eight holes to go six birdies needed we can do it right 65.. So this is the 11th hole it's a power five I'm gonna try something new. For no reason whatsoever I'm gonna tee off first just see if that changes the vibe because run this nice power run I said nice power I'm on a power run needs to be a birdie run. So let's just see if this is something different yeah dog leg left looks like it's scattering of bunkers down there safe in the bunkers I like that. So I can go a little bit more you can go more aggressive. But I didn't play oh I just played it for the facts and draw a bit more that's a lovely shot it'll be fine gave it some right Second Chance par five I've actually not quite turned it around the corner enough but it's all right it's just in this right rough it's a long call this it's still 280 yards left into the hole and you've got to cut it around this tree that's just slightly overhanging I would never do this normally. But I might go driver you've been in Three Wood very good yes. So I can go at it with driver yes off the deck out the roof. And if it goes not to plan I've got you okay there's my backup. And what a backup that is is there any um method to this. Or just hit it and just hope for the best I'm gonna chop down and slice it okay I think he's got a chance yeah I mean normally off the floor you have to hit down. And therefore. it gets it cut in anyway so let's just hope we can play it sat nicely wow got the wow get there I think it's front edge what be honest was that a good shot no don't tell me the truth was it a good shot what in what did you hit it how you wanted to do it that's a lot I can tell already that's a no I'm happy you've done it well tell me the truth was it a good shot there's a difference okay if you ask me was it a good hit yes the answer was no correct was it good shots the answer is yes okay technicality I like your style. So anyway we're on the front edge pal well yeah I just I'll just try. And hit a three well this point will get there do you think then.

Will it I think it will I didn't hit it well enough okay laughs if I've been any three was good today.

Yeah it's a safe one. But hopefully yours is should be right up there anyway okay. So my shot actually didn't get onto the front edge of the green it's 10 yards short I think quite run up as far as I wanted to pin's quite in the middle again normally this is where I'd probably be pulling putter droopy told I'm not gonna do I've got a little I'm gonna play like a little drawery wedge that I've been taught by Dan wow oh a strike was there get in oh baby oh baby how was that not dropped that was a very very well struck shot very very well how did that not drop oh I thought you had a golf lesson today.

We've actually been seeing a magician what he's doing that was a great shot the strike was phenomenal right wow is that that part inside that okay you have to be a very good shot to be inside that I thought. For a second it was going to be inside a bad shot. But compared to Rick's it's average right for our second birdie of the round see if we were too underpower. For 11 that's got a nice ring to it let's go in there in it slight left to right up the hill I don't know why I brought my Potter no point don't need it yes very well done right that was your own birdie as well I did well done thanks pal congratulations that was good post my medal yeah be great very good right 12th hole what a cracker actually forgot about this hole it's without the pond it's a fairly straightforward 300 yard Par Four yes however. there is a pond. And it wraps in a c shape uh which kind of sits pre Fairway left a fairway post Fairway pre-green so it's either pitch it into the kind of Island Fairway about 200 yards oh oh gosh try and smash driver and get one close over both sets of problems this just shows the difference in us too wasn't it that's Rick that's me I'm a mouth he's a man uh well you could if you put in play I mean I think it's too slightly into Breeze today.

Right I think it's too ambitious. For me to get so if I put this in play I'll still then.

You can go. For it yeah a little bit too much caught a bit too much get down that's gonna be perfect that's perfect yeah that's very long with it yeah very large I just hit Three Wooden I was in the fairways I think. So because drivers almost guaranteed to be water it's a tough hole it's for any any ability as well because even if you're a short hitter the first bit of puns in play if you're a big hitter who wants to take it on the Pawn's in play it's a TOEFL nice hole that's not cleared the water laughs good job okay we've got 97 yards. For the PIN I need to I feel like I'm not helping out as much last few holes you're all right don't worry been all right I think the sausage roll through is off the grounds. For you threw me off in a big way right I want to go for 54 degree wedge nice committed shot excellent that is excellent oh where's that dog it's on the green. But it's very very right full swing which is the Thing Rick I don't see it right come on then.

Okay big put this if we can get to 300 through 12 that's really starting to sound like a good round of golf right come on guy he's not put it well recently that could all change now it all changes now your own birthday well done pal very good three under three twelve we'll get in there we really are starting to sound good. So the 11th T we made the choice to swap the order I went first it went second never gone birdie birdie so if we would have done that from the start we'd probably be 12 on the back now yeah you know just saying um 13th hole Par Four how to turn the golf course uh dug like to the left 432 yards back in degrees there's some holes here we just got a hit the little shop there's no nothing else you can like this is a serious t-shirt okay I'm gonna try. And cut it off those two trees on their own and then.

Bring it back into the Fairway too much trying that's actually okay that yeah it's a lot better than it looked yeah that's okay that it's a good sign that one yeah your bad shots like that are still actually in play don't always do that as you've seen today.

Of it. But you go for the drawery one again I feel like it's a very drawy courses not that shot not that shot it's actually bounced out all right but I think we'll be taking yours pal right second shot into 13. guys actually really nice spot just in the first cut of light actually slightly deeper rough it is a little bit thick. And juicier it could be a bit of a flyer at least we've got about 180. it came in between a six or a five I'm gonna go with the six on the chance it's gonna hop out quite hot it looks to me as if you land it short it might Hop Off I'd agree however. what we can't quite feel down here it feels like there's no wind right now. But I'm sure when the ball gets above the trees there might be a bit so yeah a nice six I think it's good oh it was almost good place now go. For distance huge that's because you pulled it though I think it's six I think it could be a seven that was a pull which obviously makes it go. For longer that also felt very hot out of there I think if I fly to a bit higher let the wind just dampen it thank you. For eating seven I'm on it yeah it's on the green. So yeah just wow that did come out hot right just off the back of the green I feel like a new man at the moment yeah I've currently got my wedge in my hand. And I'm a grand total of one two and a half feet off the green I can't believe what I'm saying I'm gonna do it just do it don't talk just do just show them what you've got look at that it's not terrible is it that's nice it's not terrible it's not quite there okay I'm gonna try. And do the same thing a bit of fun inside yours would be a great shot. For me now slow let's have a look at them you know what as well though they maybe weren't the right thing to do. But you'd have to do half decent puts to get inside them yeah that wasn't easy right come on we've now had a testing path up. For a few holes these what you you have to be sinking to get a good score I mean every time we've shot 65. So far these are these are the momentum Builders correct come on right right side I want to hit this a nice putt that's my goal hit a nice pop to be proud of were you proud no I'm embarrassed disgusted okay oh wow sorry frustrations. But I put a bad read both no no it's an easy read it's off the right I just kind of pulled it again okay this is a rick Shields Port I've ever seen uphill right to left yes yes yes yes momentum stabilized three under still only what five to go uh yeah 30 every hole coming in let's go what a hole I've said that a lot of times I think we're going to keep saying it what a hole 14th part three playing 201 yards to the front you go down a huge Valley on the way back up we're not even gonna comprehend we're gonna entertain that Valley if all this is gonna go he's going to go from here to the flat bit with the PIN we're in between four. And five we're committed to five so wins behind is gonna help us we want nice strikes pin high right would be perfect okay I pulled it I absolutely right distance I was actually a very good strike. But I pulled a few today.

Come on Rick it's on you my friend [Laughter] I I entertained the valley right we've had a mayor here guys was in the bunker which was not in high. But to be fair a much harder shot it was very difficult golf shot well this is a terrible sharp. But it's slightly easier not a little bit different kind of medium yeah a little bit driven wasn't quite your new swing it's hard when I'm uphill. Or in oh wow wowzers oh I'll allow you to be honest sir thank you very much take the glove off make it serious do not want to miss this incredible. So if you want short game left of guy Charlie please get in touch right escape with the power uh not our best hole but a very very very good par five coming up next.

15th hole and it's our final par five of the day and it's a cracker 558 yards um there's a couple of bunkers down the left had lots of things one on the right it's two monstrous hits to get though I feel today.

But two monsters it's exactly what you're gonna get we do need an eagle now okay you know what I mean we've threatened a couple of times. But we do actually genuinely need one now right over that left trap cuts it back off as far as the bath swing first one in a while like that oh that was a bad swing a little snap pop it was they've not done that thankfully. For a while but that's annoying and what looks like such a size and t-shirt oh I saved my bacon what a golf shot get left a bit more perfect yeah should be fine yeah it's very nice well done that's my partner right there come on one more Eagle chance would be great we can do it right we are oh no wow 300 yards away okay I need to sneeze I can't do it allergic to drive off the deck yeah I almost pee drive on the deck on a Down slow come on all right come on Shields isn't it before you'll do it again I need to catch this one though proper you do fady one come on shop. So that's how to lay up that's the layup okay I'm gonna go three wood which has been the club of the the moment. So far it's been good for you today.

Really has that tree left of the green it's a nice line Isn't it nice stay there I think it should be all right oh yeah it opens uploads that's actually fine yeah up. And down from there it's a long call somebody getting it down as far as we can. And chipping on and putting them all in the hole for bird I think at the moment breaking 65 might be impossible however. I still think we can beat our score at JCB which was 67.. So we still I think we need to bird everywhere. But it's doable technically it's doable right third chart this is part five we how fast was it 52 yards as you can see the pin is just props on top of the hill protected by three big Bottomless Pits of Bunker yeah not good then.

Um it's downwind as well which is going to make it hard it's not going to stop you're selling it to me Rick you're selling it to me however. you've not got guy. And Savvy Shields yeah okay well I'll use it easy I am feeling this one. So 50 uh what you can't do this is what I'm gonna say before I hit the shutter be silly thing to do you can't leave this shot no there's. So much green beyond the flag I'd rather be safe also trying to make birdie that's very true come on 52 yards floats up in the air a bit of spin I was not safe. But not very good okay it's on the green I can be it can be a bit more experimental now my game plan Rick I'll be honest with to get on the green. And let you have a little girl because you could put this close I can play now I think you can put this close the new style can't really try the shot of this. Yet but I'll tell you what wasn't a Million Miles Away my first thought was it's an okay shot it's genuinely I'm not being silly thinking about your demons as of late in the last year. Or so with chipping and fighting them and all that that is a massive Improvement yeah. And because you're even not that happy with it yeah. And that shows how much you've improved yeah what what's quite nice now oh certainly on that I could almost tell I didn't I didn't do what I needed to do yeah right normally scratching your head thinking what went wrong I'm I'm normally more thinking that's my nerves on my brains I feel like it's a little bit more technique. And I'm close to that now wow that shows that lessons it sounds obvious but lessons do work you've got to improve at golf it's not the new driver it's not the fancy Potter. Or the fancy golf ball it's lessons in hard work I'm watching YouTube but I see this right to left yeah I agree okay good right to left downhill yeah it's a nice put this come on we I feel like we really need this one what we do we're not holes I didn't turn that was weird didn't turn it didn't turn did that let you stay there all the time to be honest that's where I aimed it yeah. But it didn't move no. So in Australia then.

It's got to got to got to fall but probably just inside the hole okay interesting inside the hole yes yes how did we get that one yeah right you know what I was just about to say I ate the tea shot you hit the second shot I ate the third I was like about you. For the perfect way right four under with three holes to play doable 16th hole par for 408 yards again beautifully framed within the trees it looks like it gets a bit narrower and from memory again I remember this green being quite unique and being a massive bunker down the left-hand side good tea shop required if you bomb one we're 120 hours left in 130 hours I think I've hit a couple of battles today.

But thankfully quite a few good ones as of you if you were hitting the driver badly this would be a hard goal this would be a very hard really worldwide right that big tree you can see that I'm talking about off that with a cup call Mom we're getting close to this now nope I'm getting a bit scared on him sorry Rick I'm gonna leave that to you this hole. For the T-shirt down the needle of this Fairway but yeah it's okay yeah I've just at the Grove couple weeks ago my driver was on fire just lost a little bit of confidence today.

Thanks a lot of good part ner yeah it's not the fade. But it's perfect I didn't say I was gonna say draw then.

Draw perfect we're down there yeah spot on well done way down there second shot here on 16 146 yards um pin is just perched on the right side of that bunker that I was talking about before tea when doing much I think it's a little bit behind. But it's not as up as it was before hey I really need to try. And hit a straight golf shot we'll type it was it a 99 anything it's on the Green well I don't know because if it pulled it's got longer do you think it's grenade then.

No no it's on the green yeah. But you think it's the right club now nine yeah okay which actually has come longer we've not gone sure can you see how bad is that yeah okay I hate that horrendous I didn't want to say anything all right then.

That's pin High left. So I think it looks quite short okay I'll go nine iron straight after that last part I'm feeling pumped the adrenaline's absolutely flowing through my veins really good strike as well get pin High give us a chance yeah nice shot mate thank you it's definitely enough Club just whether we've got a decent look at it right we've gone with mine mine was pin high. And just a bit pulled yeah yours got there it's a big letter output come on four under we want to get to Seven we've got three to go par three coming up Par Four to finish hold it. Or give me a great line one of the two that'll hold it good tell you what oh no walk there didn't like it started low like come on make miracles happen guy make dreams come true the miracle of the Marquez Mark Wise no I went. For it I'll be honest I went for it as last show you absolutely did oh feels like that's a little bit of a disappointing. For but still four under two to go our chance to beat in JCB score is still on cancer broken 75 at 65. also no bogeys. Yet yet so that's a good little thing 17th hole beautiful par three today.

Playing 165 yards with the pin at the front just imagine. For a minute a pin was back left wow that's actually draw it over a tree however. it's not it's a nice very getable hole in one position slightly downwind eight iron in hands we're gonna box it simple as that if we're not we're gonna burn the wind changed it's hardly anyhow now that is straight down its neck oh [Laughter] don't foul well done wow you haven't been eating your own well I as well have I have his face go go close up on that face love to see it excited all right. So get inside that strikes money all day I've been drawing it yeah I played. For a draw and I don't hit it guys in a good spot let's go and hold it right allow me sir thank you very much I have not I'm just gonna let you do it okay all right it's all you pal okay that was one of those shots that you hit probably every 15 rounds well it just was perfect well I wasn't quite perfect. But it was close to right this is it big pot with our four under can you help me with the line at least I'm not allowed I think this is all you make okay give me a second if you need me give me a second I'm just chat. For another angle as well not fully dialed before now uh yeah yeah this to get five yeah is to get to five. And a chance to beating JCB I don't see it doing much oh no no no no no no no uh right how did you read out of Interest I don't even know anymore I can't remember what I thought ads gone did it come off the right I've even forgot what happened you've blanked out your memory all right I think it's ever. So slightly inside right yeah that spam went off I thought I hit it pretty straight. And it went off come on please hold this because I can't let that t-shirt go to waste it's a lot of pressure that's why we're a team there's a steel yes yes yes yes yes one hole to go five on the par an eagle guesses at 65 a 30 breaks our JCB score do it let's do it 18th hole the final leg of this epic scramble match come on okay whatever we've had video hopefully you've enjoyed it guys if you have be sure to like. And subscribe right one hole to go powerful and it's not a small one I've not got a distance up here but it's long it's playing about it's 424 yards nice um rip it knock it on one pot you know what the driving's been good got a bit off today.

I want to hit one final good drive. So I can go home feeling confident yeah okay no guy [Music] same Play Lost the golf ball. But it's just not what I that's all I want to do never mind come on Rick can't feels weird this I can't stop picturing a drawer. So we have to go inside that tree on the right T it high and just draw it hard he has come to the party he's delivered I think you should bow bow please thank you that's a pretty good one that that was perfect after a cracking tee shot we've given ourselves the best opportunity to get up. And down four or six cylinder 156 yards slightly down breathe I'm gonna go with nine iron I'm just gonna just want to hit a straight iron shot I've really been struggling with that at the moment so just dead straight at it I'm gonna hold it off a tiny bit okay that [Music] we know it's weird they're always like on the edge of the green. Or on the green they're not like missing by a mile they're just really through in the direction my hands right well you haven't you haven't been you saved me on the last hole I will be saving this tea shop I will save you now repay the favor it's a nine iron there's ever been a shot that's. For guy charnock it's this it really is below the feet it's going to cut a fraction then.

Get pin High get up brilliant we'll put in long range of Birdie right this is it guys was actually a really nice iron shot in here we've got a little 11 12 foot up the hill. For birdie shoe 66. I never thought I'd hear the day hopefully we've got two attempts right so come on not with my forte I've hold one good pot admittedly but this is it this is it we hold this the fist pump the green explodes of Birdie sauce came. And conquered welburn as a Texas team great come on uphill right to left yeah that's what I've got this part it's my favorite put in the entire world I knew I missed it. So I walked after it it's hard to get out the way yeah oh I'll put a marker down. But I know you're gonna get inside that because you're getting that inside the hole does that swing a lot yeah okay to finish this epic round guys if you've enjoyed the video again be sure to like. And subscribe thanks to Woburn for letting us come out and film I'm gonna get out the hole for you okay I'm ready. For 66. oh very good pots that was a good fault okay well another was not meant to be we're still gonna beat 67 . go again thanks. So much okay well done well done mate really enjoyed that two break 65s have finished in 67s not bad. But not good enough let us know in the comments down below what we should do next.

Peace oh good what's it.