So guys welcome down to part 2 of our matchup at Carnoustie it's a it's awesome if you've not this is heaven if you not checked out part 1 click yeah we'll go right there not part - yeah this is part 2. So nothing is to the left hand side just a beautiful golf course place. For holes we're doing four four parts so we wanted to go and pit the next.

Best floor and actually it's the fifth we're going to play five six is six Hogan's hell yeah six Hogan's Alley seven eight. And then.

We're going to jump over to fifty to play through to eighteen all right 242 little Brook I'm gonna hit to iron down their peaks currently what up. So I need to kind of pull my finger out of it it's a worker an interesting one great voice out per favore it was a kind of tell great shot that's how we don't hock it swing back teach that one right how are you gonna go with what is it one good one iron it's all about the one. And you do a little zoom on the hole a little bit didn't really describe in there I'm going to do now I'm going to send you up to space. And see what you can see from other guys like we've become business leader enjoy this beautiful hole straight down well it's slight bug right it'll to the right. But it's relatively straight tee shot just a layup to the bird there is a bird down it. So mind in line with the yellow sticks and just on the fairway and then.

The flag just cut into that corner so right well if you get another one I like you dead then.

It'll be time for the almighty to take me away another well I just think we're actually in heaven yeah it's nice a fraction to the right book good hit it's a little bounce to show that boom crack oh you'll be fine this one. But I'd still don't know the accent was you'll be fine boy oh you if I know you siren blares Irish I can't do the Scottish you'll be fine wee laddie ah you always got to put we in it we go is the flag that's just some weeds in between those two bunks oh I think they're way shot at the green Finch is just here I forgot Pete 165 in those bunkers they're only on big yards way okay oh yeah sorry what's up from the lens now according to the course guides a couple lakh. So I think just staying right to the hole of the play yeah on six five. So a little bit win with enough the right maybe that's good punch yourself when playing it links you kind of got to feel like you have to play a certain amount of punch shots don't you plainly I gotta fill you close here you've got to hit irons off T's and you got to hit putting shots so he's just gonna rain just over the right side but right bunker out the to let the breeze bring it back in that sensible play you know me so well you just said it other it might be a bit too far right oh it's coming try it let's try it we saw it bounce it bounce like it was on the green I think. Or at least on the side of the front right I think probably a bit too safe oh yeah. So 160 left yeah one sec ugh I kind of scrub down the fairway it wasn't a great swing. But I've got it on their collective massive Bank behind the pin and two deadly bunkers by looks of it I'm going to go to the Ryan. And big I'm going to try. And go right and big can't see my ball with the way it bounced it looks like it was on the green. So looks like it's a bit of room there all eyes coming back down he'll come down come down no stay it's not staying on that hair state I think we might have a quick pop coming up holy crap wow this is gonna be you over the next.

Book oh my god Oh me. And Pete here might have well I thought mine was hard I've got this time in this big bank here where the top of my shadow is that is straight down literally. So I thought my put was going to be quite tricky let's say certainly when people stepped on the line as well however. guys just come over let's just go over to. So here we are walking up don't forget this Hill is like this by the way okay. And then.

We come down down down down down down a little patch where I saw a fantastic article of the green I find my ball no I think I've actually pitched normally I would say. So about there and I've just run oh my god I've just got this like say it's up and then.

Across and then.

Down and fast and at Carnoustie and just not just not what not what the doctor orders to Pete here I'm afraid I can either I can put it. And let it roll I'll tell you what if you get up and down here the little treat we have in our bag you can have them both you can have them both you can have to say watch watch the rest of the video guys to see what our little treat is to enjoy down the last right go. For it sir my short games been really good it's been great today.

Hit here. And Renaissance you've been awesome over hit it to the top jacket low roll good look oh wow oh well I'll tell you what let me just zoom in on that that's as good as you could have ever done from that do you agree I play that is out now on it yeah you played that amazingly. And you still ask yourself a 15 foster book I don't make great little chip okay. So we've got Pete after his great chip you still got this all right we said 15. But it's even run out further than that and it is super downhill down there I'm on the other side of this slope. And I'm really quick down the hill so it's going to be a it's going to be an interesting one this I think honestly I think my wholeness I think I've got a chance of winning it the open life you be winner it life if you hold this yeah 100% a little bit left to right. But up the hill it's gotta go in room I'll tell you what you gave her last chance I think you just hit just hit it through that break though haven't you straight you can take that right to puts two books. Or not I won't say easy pause I think I'd say quite the opposite of easy cuz it's very hard to it's very hard to show on the kind of camera how steep this is. But I'd say where Ricky standing there you could probably stand two of them on top of each other yeah I was a yard another yard on need a run right down. But as it is he's just got a lighting input start over here yeah left to right two putts is good I'm gonna catch it a little bout the toe as well just a dump. And strike okay is that you if that's your excuse what hold on hold on right there that's short folks you can out there mate you certainly shouldn't if it's out the tow all right. For the whip yeah I don't think you'll miss it stick it in if you want. But yeah I'll give you that you got nothing gonna miss that that's a wall. So back to all square interesting little hole that I was cracking Oh ha. So Rach I'm going to play just the famous one now Hogan's Alley been waiting. For this all day so we're on hole six here Hogan's Alley famous named after the great champion and probably the best ball strike of all time you arguably Ben Hogan so you just have a read about this and why it's called Hogan's Alley love courses I car nice tea just steeped in history of hey yeah it's great what's the line down enemy it is if i zoom in a little bit. For you folks at home so it's a famous hole because got out the bounds tight left and then.

These bunkers off to the right hand side and Hogan Jersey an open wind just drill these driver down the alley every single every single round and that is what we're going to try. And do now it's it's straight down there. But there's a lot of Goss to the right of the bunkers as well it's such a tough driving up they always bail that he has bail it is bail. For Ali's house a massive bail is safe Hogan is just jumping around in his grave Ella that was all that was real don't go left Joby how many people down use one oh that was awful really nice just over the bunk on the right it's safe committed that bad. For this it well I'd have been in the girls right can the Finch to do it oh I hope. So I think our colleagues ed Walters been referred to as whole good he yeah yeah yeah just looking over the whole new loris bank now right Hogan's Alley sir do you best come up right I'm gonna fade it in from the our bounds as well Wow. Or I could just bail out like well we've both massively bailed over there we've gone towards those bunks on the right oh I stroke mine alright I think it's I think he's just left of the quarter he's over the bunkers. But we are no Hogan's we always knew that doesn't weigh I was Oh smiley to myself. For the bikes food then.

I was like oh don't go after. So Hogan's are way both of us failed to hit it we're way over there. So bail out bail out Alex oh my god he was hitting it that far down that line right par 5 I'm gonna have to lay up cuz my fly is not great yeah no well I like to put a glove down. So I can find it again I'm gonna go with the hot within a time I think maybe just a beer either I think. So a little burn their book directly I'll carry on I'll carry that yeah anticipate you're going left a little bit yeah sure. So it should be perfect yep good shot very nice what if he bounced don't ya desperate is he of health while I'm Pete we're not in the horrendous stuff. But it's not the greatest stuff in the world I've gotta come up an inch that way I think dad I've got issues. But I can kind of come through the gorse do if I apply it on these balls where they sat up on top of the gauze like. Or it usable three other get a big stick on it so similar to you just a layup are you going to go with say a tiny gun Cymbeline just throw the corner up there yeah it's good a good cutting skills up can you to me you know it's good you're going to switch the iron that's important lesson with people watching it. And the roof don't try and take too much don't be too greedy if it looks horrible take more loft r5 so do self-doubts of yeah same as regular anticipate a little bit of movement pins over there. But we're going to go much further to the left yeah well out came out Manuel out. And it's a bouncer we're good it's all fixed off of that injury yeah. So here's Pete he's actually only just luckily carried the burn yeah got a lot closer than I thought yeah definitely bounce it I'm not sure if it kicked this way I thought I hens there. And you've actually got a really straightforward shine unlike myself I've got it all the way down there but I've actually have a plate now over that little bunk which is a shape I've got all the way though it's like a 500 I know it driver a tie-in to the front out like gauze I didn't it must've landed back here. And run on so out far did you say you've got sorry okay now the way that great that Greenland mental it's a bit wicked into oh I think I might just try. And land at 52 around the front okay. And try and get it running because it looks it's all uphill doesn't it to the pins yeah it does. And it's certainly nice and firm you well you just carried it a bit further you thought that it did yeah that cloak yeah I did I've got it that Ridge there you needed to either before it. Or over in you kind of landed right on it I reckon lucky for sure that is on it shame. So Rick after hitting arguably a better escape shot from the from the Goss and the rough it was probably a tougher shot than me it's got to come over this bunker. And it's all the hard downhill to the pin now I got a little bit unlucky bouncing off of this Ridge here and it kicked on but Rick's got a bit more of a ridge Allah to contend with so this should be interesting what do you think you're wrecking it have to go high I'm trying kind of play quite a little stab you chop across the skinny. And just try and get some sort of grub on it otherwise it's just not going to stop I think if you can land it just over the bunker there's loads of room yeah sit sit sit it's not bad it seemed to bounce on you a little bit it's a chance chances of the dirty chaps. But Ryan peek so you've got a bit of a tough on there bud yeah good it's all over the place with page really from there a long way. And then.

Maybe loop back round at the end but just thanks yeah it's going to take a lot of skill I'm I'm about half the distance just on that little brow there just on that hill. And not pointing four birdies at least it's going to come in big time from here go go go go go go go all right just needed another bit over that hill yeah good effort from there no bad I thought you'd actually come round again that way I think it means go out more towards my mark. Or a bit more and I'll give you that fill up with mother Tom asta Cole already good param on Hogan's I'll be there I'll take upon Ally I'll take a hug all right Cheers bad good so Rick's got a birdie chance now it's a it's a big one down there early and just pace again what fraction off yours yeah opposite wake up at the final leg he just went straight away straight away when the I reckon it's that Hilda that's really kind of throwing us though it's a problem with these greens at the moment that we've seen because this Hill here kind of threw the ball away. But Rick was coming down that hill I had to go over that hill Rick shot was coming over this hill down to the hahaha watch our swings. So good these greens up bit hilly a little bit but it's so it's the Lord square we've got all square are now eight seven seven seven. And we're going to find the final four. Or so on seven here final part of part two three nine four probably about well I thought Hogan's I was tight we're both we're both dying in here we're both iron in off the tee yeah shot yep shut left side of the fairway pretty good we'll take it keep pretty sure keep pretty straight oven yeah then.

You're going want one on it okay yes sir on the poor spot we never we're never here ions with it we never broke. And say yeah it's always Drive isn't it. But it is really yeah we just it we just it driver everywhere. But you've got to really kind of plot your way around these golf courses because certainly how tight is down there it's nice it's actually nice to play a course where you've got a you've got a reach. For it yeah otherwise believe it these last couple one ends it's been pretty good I'm over a proper promising oh yeah yeah chase this all the way down. And you're trying it quite low on this stunt that's come out low a little tiny bit culture but it's safe you're right I'm left makes a nightmare for the video in but the down there so we found Pete we've not it we've not hit the fairway considering with the irons that's quite poor I'm over the left you can just see it there Peter one on the right that's far sorry find any trouble that I know trouble no we're all right they are tight the fairways let's be honest. So one eight one with the pin just snuck behind that bunker on the right into yeah Center agree they'd little punchy five yeah sounds like a good swing good good idea sorry yeah good idea yeah good idea oh oh oh okay can't go down the wrong way well the swings gonna be like in the end there it got me. But at least I'm thinking your way around you're going to just going to go just to the left of the flag I was going at it he's gotten right at it oh whoa I thought that right. So that that ball is gone right at the flag literally right at it that might be an exceptionally good bad one he went. For the ride that I wanted it means to go that close to G but it was on it shut we'll find out when we get down there if it did it would have done well to stop I mean I just write in too bad okay it just finds that big the green is the thing drama it always looks better now Suns gonna talk about in Eric I've got 1 7 2. But you know it's okay I'm playing it too I feel like I'm playing it too much like a link to. Yet it's not playing like a link so I'm going to go back to grip here if I'm gonna smash in a tie at it it's tight over that bunker where you going. For it no I'm going to go slightly to the left of it. And hope for a bit of looking looking bright like you go yeah well misalign allow us I tell you what he's done exactly the same he's floating at it just the right yeah just just over the pin. But for an eight I think hopeful that should stop yeah it look when he bounced he looked like it went slightly right. But not too bad not too bad right well this absolutely is the definition of Link's golf we we pitch them well certainly what we felt like we pitched them pretty close to the green now any part line golf course that would have just been stone dead. But because it runs and kicks and jumps and hops and skips we're all the way back to the back end we've now got so sorry Pete's that I'm just in that rough actually so we both thought we were pretty close. Yet we've both gone big so Pete's got the fairway lie I've got the fluffy lie I don't there's a sprinkler in the way there so I don't really want to run it through and have any chance it's pretty I think the one is pretty firm. But I think it'll be pretty flat. So so you can try. And land it run it on the green but the green slopes back towards us from this angle so I bet this is a really popular runoff zone you're in good company go go you could have done with a shot you could have done with it landing on top of the sprinkler it just needed that foot more. So I'm pretty pleased with mine Rick yeah nice shot there what this just highlights the difference again in links because you've gone aerial I'm going to go ground level on this up the grass is just coming back towards me. So I'm gonna play a little a time pump it up there you know I'm actually gonna face seven just a bumper true bump and run well 7-iron on put the front almost like a putting stroke really okay Skiles very dramatically yeah by the end of the Independence Day. Or something like snag up a bit not the best one mate there's no point risking without a lie was there really the only difficulty with that is that grass you're going back into the golf ball it made it hard to hit lot to get through played a bad shot that really any way you've got a little chunker chance little Tim. So Rick has left yourself throughout 20 put across the slope would you say far too far far too far away to back up the hill slightly off the right you quite like this pop hahaha right whoa big miss Rita I thought I was really going to come off that he'll be do that the the strength of the pots as well didn't really give the really good chance to break that it. So small chuckling horrible little scrappy five up dreadful sees you play down yeah I ends in two just off the fairway a Tyne into what we thought was good shot shots it allows down really. But now you play it any other way because it's all selector II all Hill and the bunker at the front as well 1208 blade it smells been on the fairway it makes a big difference after seeing yours I'm just going to go right okay this is this is to go back to one-up going into the final parts all right. So more it turned more shame you can take that night anyway yeah why not. For you well this for me a bit frustrating for as both right guys so anyway and the part to show us the flag bare feet at its amazing and that's nice flag work amazing Carnoustie golf links golf course just in Scotland it's just awesome into it just incredible this is we're just. So chilled tonight some trees at the right ways it is a summer zenon on the links though not as easy. So long so we're going to now head over. And try and find the final four holes where we're going to continue our battle hopefully if the Sun stays off anyway guys don't forget to subscribe you can subscribe to Pete by clicking on his face you can subscribe to me by clicking the link down below. And also you can check out the next.

Video in the window next.

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