So here you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

I've done with sean bannon uh sean is currently playing off 2.2 i used to play with his junk when he was younger. And got down to one but he's kind of come back into the game and playing off two at the moment now um if some of you would have watched the pitching video that i put on yesterday of kevin uh kevin and sean are twins. And both incredible good golfers both playing off you know lows low single category one golfers so um about some fierce competition between the two as well to be fair and what we see in sean's swing now sean we worked more on the longer shot so he wasn't wasn't hitting enough farewell at greens with his longer irons and we see a couple of little traits so the video might just be a little bit jumpy on the downswing now i do apologize. But we can get most of the evidence there anyway is in his setup position we notice that the sternum is a long way behind the golf ball. So that's going to encourage quite a big sway quite big lateral action. And as he moves back in his swing he actually even moves back further to the right yet his downswing is. So online it's untrue so his downswing here on the on the left hand side oh it's ashamed that just the videos jump there but his plane coming into the golf ball is superb it's unbelievable however. shawn's biggest error shawn's biggest problems was golf shots that would go this way. And then.

Shots that would go somewhere this way and they would draw and they would fade and they could kind of go everywhere really there was no there was no pattern to his shot shaping ability we also noticed quite a big finish position it's quite a kind of um almost old-school mcelroy with the driver finish where. Yet he's only hitting an iron so it should be more controlled so i'm going to show you what we worked on to get uh sean hit a more controlled golf shot. So we now see sean um on screen in two different setup positions because we're gonna start to look at shaping the golf ball sean's generally trying to hit the golf ball straight all the time but unfortunately with that becomes all these other areas of shots the ball can go right you can go left it can curve you know there's too many outcomes. So what we've got on screen here at the moment is draw. And fade golf swings we've got on the left hand side a draw now sean let's say he's a good player he plays off you know two so he can control his path he can control what he's doing we've looked at setting up a little bit right with the feet to emulate a more inside path to his downswing. So what we've talked about here is getting the club to swing through the ball from more from the inner side of the golf ball with very quiet hand action. So i don't want to use his hands too much so here on the left hand side we see this draw so he gets the top of his golf swing now which is just fantastic anyway this video shouldn't be as jumpy. And what we've encouraged him to do is just get the club to just drop a little bit more on the inside. So you can see if i follow that stick through that's going to point just here. So it's a little bit flatter that way his golf club is going to come into the golf ball more from this area. And he's going to hit more of a shaped golf shot we talked about looking at using his hands less because i would say finished quite a long way before. And that finished position is just unbelievable remember before it was almost very kind of rory mcelroy s with the driver this is just. So controlled now the reason why i've gotten to do this. And on the right side i'm going to show you why we've got it hitting a fade is with a draw there's only three possible outcomes there's a push. So when his club face is squared up to his path too much there is the draw where his clubface is aimed slightly to the left of his path. And then.

There's one what i would say would be an overdraw there's three possible outcomes okay which is not great i understand. But at least it's better than having eight possible outcomes then.

We came on to hitting some fades so we got the club got the alignment stick going to the left we've got his feet going a little bit more to the left. And we encourage him to swing across the ball better again with really quiet arms so we're not using his hand action to tour through the golf shot that way when he comes down he gets a little bit more outside on his downswing you can see the difference there. So whether the line before pointing on the outside of the golf balls but more outside and steep we talked about not using the hands too much and we started to hit some unbelievable little fade golf shots the ball would curve from left to right and finish smack bang on target now we came to the conclusion the faders are much safer shot because with a fade we only were seeing little pull shots. Or fade golf shots so only two possible outcomes so we've taken it from him swinging bang on playing but not being able to control the contacts and the face and everything else and in hitting eight different types of golf shot we then.

Talked about hitting a draw so that eliminates five of them and he was only hitting three. And then.

We even talked about hitting a fade which eliminates six possible ball flights and he was only hitting two. So that's that's the way he can control his golf swing a little bit more the last thing i just wanted to show you what what we worked on face on view as well. So we go back to face on and we saw before this very big bold finish position so what we've talked about now is keeping the sternum more over the top of the golf ball which we've pretty much accomplished you know it's a little bit back there. But not too bad talks about staying more centralized so trying to keep his head more over the top of the golf ball which he's succeeded with and then.

One once he's been hitting that draw shot i was talking about using the arms quieter. So normally here if we take it back to his before he would whip his hands and roll his hands and everything else through the golf ball this is why there's a lot of inconsistencies we've talked about making the arms a lot quieter through the golf shot. And controlling his follow through more you can see the difference in the finish there it's just unbelievable finish position. So guys that's how we've taken sean today.

Who was a two handicapper swinging it too much online that's a crazy statement i know. And having you know six to eight possible outcomes of a golf shot nine possible outcomes of a golf shot to take him to two golf swings now where one of them only has three possible outcomes and the other one only has two possible outcomes that way he can control the ball a lot better. And he has some knowledge about where the golf ball is going to go in a really simple way by drawing. And fading it guys if you've enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up if you learned a lot from it again you can check out kevin's video who is his his twin brother that i posted yesterday go. And check out on my channel we worked on pitching very similar characteristics to what what sean's got because they've always had kind of joint coaching throughout their their golf careers um and i look forward to seeing them very soon and i'm sure competition will even be fair. So now between these two competitors um thanks for watching please do subscribe to channel by clicking the link down below. And i look forward to seeing you all soon.