Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic health center in manchester. And i'm going to show you today.

An incredibly simple way to think about changing your swing path. So swing path is a massive factor of where the golf ball's direction is. And also curvature to a degree in relation to your club face let's say your club face is pointing one way. And your swing path is pointing in another the difference between the two is what creates curvature it's what makes the ball curve either to the right. Or to the left the smaller the gap the smaller curvature no gap as long as hit from the middle should produce a shot with no curvature. So you might know what your swing path already is you might know that you hit too much from the outside. Or too much to the left both the same feeling or too much from the inside too much to the right same feeling now when i've tried to change player's swing path i've always done it in a way that doesn't talk about trying to swing it further to the right doesn't talk about swinging it further to the left it talks about the entrance into the ball so how we enter the golf ball better i found when talking about swinging it out to the right well the club face goes that way swinging it to the left well the club face goes that way so i'm not thinking it a bit like that i'm thinking of it more how the golf club enters the golf ball so maintaining the same club face angle now i generally change club face first relation to grips i would generally change the player's club face first and once that clubface has been changed into a position that we feel strong enough to change the path we'll change the path you might just want to change the path anyway you might if you slice it you will generally be hitting a bit too much from the outside of the ball. But your clubface will be aiming further to the right than that. So i would get you to aim your club face further to the left of your path with either grip alterations or making sure you move move the face to the right left and then.

Get you entering the golf ball next.

But if you just want to improve your path this will improve your path. So dead simply when you're looking down at the golf ball and your club's behind the ball to the forward facing position we're going to turn this ball into a clock face that is 12 o'clock. So all the way to the target it's 12 o'clock so the back of the golf ball now becomes six o'clock nine is close to you. And three is away from you now if you're hitting too much from the outside your club head generally will be entering the golf ball too much from five o'clock too much from the five o'clock position on that clock face if you're hitting too much from the inside of the ball you might be hitting too much from the seven o'clock position. So your club face is entering your club is entering the golf ball from seven o'clock. Or five o'clock or from six o'clock so if you want to change your path this is where now it becomes important if you want to change your path if you want to hit the ball more from the inside. Or more from the inside you've got to get your club head entering the golf ball from that seven o'clock location entering from seven if you're gonna hit more from the outside you've got to start entering the ball more from the five o'clock location now this is where i believe. And this is where now i've actually got a blank map on purpose here now i don't believe that you should aim straight to six to twelve i don't believe that if you want to hit from seven more get your body aligned a little bit more. So you can actually enter from seven nothing wrong with that some of the top players in the world do not aim at the target in fact a huge percentage of the top players in the world do not aim at the target. So if i had a player that's too much from the outside and they wanted to start hitting from seven o'clock i would get that their stance a little bit to the right and get their shoulders turned a bit to the right and get the feeling of entering the golf ball severely from seven o'clock location guys do go. And check out what your path is first that's important. So for myself you might see the swing analysis i've done with me and my golf i hit too much from the inside of the ball i would therefore. aim a little bit my body to the left to open and get the feeling of entering the golf ball from five o'clock so i would get the feeling of entering from the outside of the ball that way i'm changing my path significantly guys thank you very much for watching it's a simple way of changing your path thinking more about the entry into the golf ball rather than the club direction through the ball because that generally moves the club face as well let me know how you get on with that i would love to hear your thoughts do comment down below like the video subscribe. And we shall see you next.
