So here you go guys on youtube here is a video of max green one of my clients this evening it's half nine in the evening we've worked really well later than that now it starts at half now it's 10 past 10 in the evening. And we've worked amazing things to the golf swing here and this is going to be um a way that max is going to improve his golf. And get hitting the scores that he wants to be shooting uh relatively new golfer when he starts kind of last year and we've we had some lessons kind of start of last year through the winter and he's played a lot through the summer and we're ready now to take his game to the next.

Level what we notice is great postures in both awesome postures really impressed with that. But what was happening in the shot is the ball was shaping far too much from left to right. Or it went too far to the left so we were seeing straight pull shots. Or left to right shots a couple of reasons behind that the main reason was because of the grip. And the path so at the moment when max holds it with his but he's changed a bit when max holds it with his right hand his right hand is too strong which we can see here on the video now if we were to just change his grip straight away. And make it weaker the ball would end up worse the ball would start straighter and move even further to the right so that's not going to fix what we're trying to resolve today.

So what we've got to fix is his relationship between his path. And his face so at the moment when max would come down and hit the golf shot his path through the ball was very much from the outside. And would cut across the golf ball to a degree of kind of six six or seven degrees on the way across the ball his face angle then.

Would be less to the left but still quite a bit so it'd be nearer to kind of one or two degrees to the left and that's down to his his grip being a bit too strong but the relationship between these two is why the ball would curve certainly to that right hand side if his face. And his path were more aligned to each other the shot direction would actually move straight to that left-hand side which is some of the shots he actually experienced. But it's funny how he would hit a left shot straight left shot and wouldn't be as happy with it as he would hit a left to right shot because it wasn't finishing on target but yet he was doing less faults in that one that went straight left. So what we talked about early on is as he was hit the shot his arms were acting as a defense system to hold the club open as he hit the shot. So you can see his left arm would really kind of bend up to try. And hold the club off to such a degree that the ball would go somewhere nearer to target line so someone somewhere near a two hitting the ball in a straighter line so what we did we took we took that away i wanted the max to hit the golf ball severely to the left. So that his swing path and his face would both be seven degrees left of target and he would hit a straight pull shot so what we worked on first was getting the forearms to rotate through the zone here through the impact. And that way the ball went straight to the left which was great. And it's something that we really wanted the ball to do first then.

We took it to the next.

Level. So if the face now and the path are both aiming to the left we need to straighten that up. So the feeling is if we swing that now more to the right the face. And the path relationship will still stay the same. So his face in relation to his path would his orientation would still be the same to his path which is what we needed. So we got to the top of the golf swing and again we've still got the same strong grip and the face shuts down a little bit in the takeaway which we know about at the moment that's something we're going to address next.

Time. But from there now his path on the way down was. So much better and it really was it was a huge improvement if we look at his angle of playing on the way down before the shaft would come over through his shoulder through his chin here you can see it. And then.

Outside of his hands on the way down and that's what was producing that big outside twin path where here now the face of the plane sorry of the golf club is. So much more behind him he would hit the ball so much more from the inside and we started to see a little bit of a draw we started to see a bit more of a right to left shape which was really good we caught it a bit fat because the shallow angle of attack was in was changed. But we're going to work on that. For next.

Time so it was an awesome improvement. So really really good like i said late at night. And we saw some great changes we are going to address this. For next.

Lesson about hitting the ground a bit too far behind the ball so hopefully we'll see the improvement of that come up on youtube again soon and really impressed what he worked on he's going to work on the grip next.

Time to not be quite strong. And that's going to be something we work on next.

Lesson. And also the prevention of hitting the ground a little bit too far behind the ball but great session today.

Max very impressed guys if you enjoyed the video. And learn a little bit from it please do give it a thumbs up. And share if you like uh you i would also love to ask me to join me on facebook and twitter just at the top of the screen and also subscribe to the channel the more subscribe to get the more videos i shall do thanks very much. For watching guys and hopefully i've not confused you too much with path and face and bloody blood words and all this so if you are confused please do ask me some questions. And i'll be happy to help thanks very much you.