Welcome to the monday night goal show the chrysalis edition i definitely drew the short stroll with this i think i think we drew the correct straws i've got a tidy elf i think it looks beautiful that really does it's very christmassy not as christmassy as santa hat santa look how tall it's got it's my bubble's got. So cute i'm excited to be doing the show i am. So excited. For the christmas for the great i thought i could tell for the christmas special look at that gosh i will stop this music okay. So welcome guys this is our weekly roundup of all the the golfing activities in daft christmas hats. For our christmas special yes it's good how excited are we this is again too exciting this is monday morning far too much wine already is that what they call this i've been calling it coffee all year that's why we're. So giddy all the time so merry christmas guys merry christmas and thank you so much for your support we've really appreciated this year uh we've had some fantastic uh trips some we've made some great videos hopefully that you guys have watched um and we've made some new friends we've become more friendly almost almost almost we can almost i mean we spend half an hour in each other's company every monday i mean that is a big improvement where we work we've had to take the restraining orders off anyway that's that's that's the main thing the guy's not looking at his hat in the screen yeah. So thank you yeah again thank you. So much for watching our stuff um this year it's been really really good and it's nice to it's nice to know that the monday night golf show will be a permanent fixture going into next.

Year as well yes we might have a little break over christmas guys. So don't miss us too much and we'll start again in the new year when all the golfing season starts up again but still we've still they've still been busy the guys they've still been playing here there and everywhere what's up they don't stop belonging so we've had some we've had some winners across all different uh continents uh starting off with brandon grace who won in south africa his home country um a friend of the show friend of joe bradley we uh we might have a lot of friends in the show at the moment we chat tonight in turkey i know brandon from a few years back he's actually been down here hitting golf ball down at trafford and he smashed the field in the end he went into it with just a one-shot lead and unfortunately see the guy in second place see what shot the guy who was in second place shot an 89 17 over which he didn't do very well. So but to be fair brandon kept going he shot four under to have a total win i think it was seven that he won by in the end. But yeah bit of a bit of a bit of a blow up there. So brandon uh well done young golfer uh 2012 he won four events in the one year and he's taking him now to win his next.

Which it puts him in good stead next.

Year so welcome brandon good work very well done also guys lee westwood won out in thailand so well done lee yeah was on fire really really it's interesting looking through his clubs because he uses quite a lot of old ping gear just using the ping g10 driver using the g20 hybrid using i20 irons. So but he's brought a new putter in the bag yeah just think if you used all new ping stuff you might have a chance of winning everything well it took him ages to get his is eyes out the back yeah yeah it took him years. And years and years to get them out of the bag so whatever works whatever works and also jason day went out in the states so an another good name coming out into uh ready for next.

Year so i think they will go i think he'll do it very well. But they're all bitty comps aren't at the moment there's nothing substantial going on yeah apart from the ladies because the season finished in the ladies yes absolutely i mean normally we've kind of spent most of the year focusing on the men's game. But this week we thought we'd do something different because something's something that we've not touched upon which is the ladies european tour. And the order of merit winner this year charlie hill fantastic young british player who's got an exciting future she's 18 just 18. 18 and she's won the order of merit um also amy baldwin won a rookie of the year so well done amy uh fantastic result there but we're going to do the swing analysis of charlie hull today.

Uh because we're showing how she can create. So much power yeah with such a a small frame she's not a big she's not power super super strong. And powerful and so i want to show you how she produces the amount of power that she does to the ball. So far and this is good this is with the ladies game this is something that. So many it's not just the ladies that can benefit from copying a lady's swing there's. So many things within charlie's game that you can apply to yours to get more power you know you don't have to swing like macaroni to get more power that will help yeah i definitely will help you guys stay tuned. For the swing analysis and awesome we've got all your questions and we had a lot this week absolutely thank you so so much i mean each week we kind of swap social media channels to post questions the most the questions with the most likes will get answered. And it was just it was great between. So many so many questions so we will get onto that after the swing analysis yeah i try to keep my bubble up keep it upright keep it up keep it up it's early in the morning let's try to keep that up. So we're gonna we're gonna pick all the best questions and uh and hopefully answer one of yours so stay tuned guys if you've asked the question go from there so do subscribe to both channels ready to get the swing analysis going then.

Come back. And we'll do the questions okay complete a full backswing position without hardly any movement in her lower half at all now what that basically during the backstreet doing the backswing during the backswing. So what that does she gets to the top of the swing. And she's only rotated away with the upper body now what that basically means is all her power can then.

Drive from the ground upwards. And drag the upper body along for the ride and she very similar to mcelroy has a little bit of a squat and a little bit of an explosion up through the ball now that is something which we are seeing more. And more and more with the top players in the world who are physically fit enough to cope that is something that we see more. And more what's it called squatting squat on low dose quality squatting exploding it's where the the on the way down the legs actually go downwards and squat but then.

During just coming into impact the handle raises and the body almost jumps up through the ball and explodes and the power these guys are creating at the moment it's unreal it's crazy it's crazy i mean it's something that you've seen the smaller guys on tour. So you don't have to be a henrik stenson to smash the ball i mean wrong because we didn't really see it in everybody did we as much no i mean rory mcelroy is probably half the size of henry extension quite almost literally as far as height is concerned. But what he does is he just launches up through the ball. And it's something that whole charlie hill is doing as well. So flexibility go on pete let's see how you get on with this i was good i didn't really wait to have me like close to me. So it's almost like let me have you got your so charlie hardly turns this section keep turning that's turn your legs back that wasn't far and can you feel it here in your obliques is it a single part of my body i cannot feel this from there down. And then.

Explode and that is just power that is just power yeah it's flexibility i mean the thing is is power. But it's flexibility and power it's using the spring it's using like a spring effect as opposed to just brute force and probably one of the things which i really like about it as well is okay because there's less turn in the backswing we're able to squat explode a lot more. But also because the lower half is still still there's a lot less moving parts. So not much electron movement so quality of strike improves and and consistency improves absolutely and it's just such a simple it's just such a simple swing as well technically very very sound no hip squat exploding. So yeah we've got to call me charlie we've got a young a young promising british girl who is only 18 who is creating these powerful movements that is going to keep her playing golf. For a long period of time i mean could this become injury-prone this movement the strain on the body particularly she'd have to stay flexed she'd have to stay fit. And flexible wouldn't you yeah well i mean something i'm doing this is something i'm trying to implement. For a kind of project i'm doing next.

Year but it puts a lot of strength yeah a lot of strain on the body. So you do need to be physically capable of performing. So i think obviously charlie is a professional player she's going to stay capable she's going to stay fit she's going to stay strong. And she will keep performing this movement. So guys it's just interesting to see these slightly newer concepts like the nude swing designs coming out that are designed about power. But also consistency and also balance that's a huge thing from from what we talked about only a couple of weeks ago about how golfers are now getting fitter. And stronger and healthier i mean it's a great example just recently john spieth going from all the way from australia to the states yeah. And one back-to-back tournaments because he was staying fit. And strong and healthy and there was no there's no worry well charlie hull i mean she's she's won the order of merit. But she's not one kind of back she's not one event after event after that the reason she's not she's not been like lydia cole lydia calls them loads the challenge has been consistent yeah the reason that she's at the top of the order of merit is just simply because week after week she's getting up near the top up near the top just consistency yeah incredible. So guys go and check her out like we say we're gonna fire over to your facebook questions now where we've got lots to answer and we'll keep these ridiculous hats on charlie if you're watching this sorry that we uh reviewed your swing as we've got these death hats on i don't think they're ridiculous at all. And also we wanted they're charming we want to uh also mention andy gorman and they added some putting videos with uh earlier in the year he's charlie's putting coach so uh congratulations i'm leaving well done on a successful pupil yes indeed that's good answer some questions very good questions as well. So that was charlie swing hope you enjoyed watching that's some really really interesting stuff to be gleaned from a very very exciting talent really really looking forward to seeing what she could do guys go. And check her out on twitter as well because she's definitely the one to watch going into next.

Year absolutely. So really looking forward to seeing what she's doing next.

Year now we'll go on to your questions yes uh your special special christmas questions yes uh this week as well lots of good likes as well guys i appreciate that it's it's great that is definitely something that we've we're very happy about that we've done actually getting people to like the questions. And those who want to get answered because it really it really does make a difference it really helps us engage yes exactly it's really good. And i think we should start with the one that didn't get the absolute top likes. But it is including top likes. But brings us quite nicely into a segment that we're going to do in today's monday night golf show anyway which is from dan uh comes yep hashtag monday golf show what is your best memory of 2014 should i start yes please we made notes. So best memories of 2014 well it was definitely mcroy. For me winning the two majors so he went back to matt majors playing incredible golf uh he won the order of mary on both sides of the pond uh playing just um all incredible goals from a captain captain yeah really did what it's off with a rider. So yeah macaroni that was amazing unbelievable season. For you i'm so glad you're playing well now uh got rid of got rid of the misses and playing really well i should do a video on that yeah. And also just from a personal standpoint my beautiful daughter being born so yeah ivy now he's four months old uh he's doing really well. And that was one of the highlighters of my life not only 2014. first family christmas yeah uh my kind of highlight i mean there's. So many from the golfing season this year a really good story that i liked and so i'm really looking forward to next.

Year a pro called jason palmer who chips one-handed um anything that's kind of short enough to be used one-handed probably to within 50-60 yards he hits it one-handed he had terrible yips around the greens started shipping one-handed and now he's qualified for the european tour which is amazing which is an incredible story. So i'm really looking forward to seeing what he can do next.

Year um from a personal standpoint i don't know maybe from a personal youtube standpoint i think we went on some great kind of adventures last year up to scotland playing carnosti renaissance uh trump best cost ever yeah. And then.

Kind of going over to turkey. For the turkish airlines open so yeah it's been an incredible year work wise very nice personally. For me as well no babies i don't think anyway not. Yet so yeah. So ranking guys we're going to go. And answer some more questions we've got mark cleverley who asked hey guys i just wondered what you should expect from a custom fitting session this is at the most likes by the way uh i bought my first set of a set a few years ago from direct golf that's a uk uh online company. And paid i think they've got stores as well. And paid 30 pound for their custom fit which was to get the liar adjusted two degrees surely there's more to it than that especially as i'm six foot two. And had to pay extra elsewhere to get them lengthened and adjusted again hashtag when i go show um so mark six foot two you're obviously you know you you've been away and you you've had a set of clubs that you're not happy with and you needed to get them adjusted again um from a custom fitting standpoint from a custom fitting standpoint there are let's say let's summarize everything you need. For custom fits you need the lie adjusted you need lie checking yep length yep shaft yep weight swing weight swing weighting yeah grip thickness yep um. And then.

For me the biggest thing in custom fit is the makeup of the set. So what irons you should have to fill what gaps absolutely the other things that i would say is important. So we don't custom fit we actually don't do any custom fitting as coaches down here at traffic also we've got american golf. But we don't do any custom things that's all i think those are the things we'd expect if we went yes that's what we'd expect. And obviously you know these are all built around different clubs that you're testing out. So test out as many clubs as you can if you go to a custom fit. And you try and pigeonhole you into a certain club and a certain kind of set then.

You know that the commission's in the commission must be pretty good on that set um i think it is it is difficult because like rick said we're not custom fitters. And we don't know the ins and outs of your custom fitting session you know for all we know they could have taken you through absolutely everything and just found out that that was the only thing that needed change possibly we don't know. For sure but you should be getting a little bit more out of it than that so yeah i would definitely make sure that the they're doing all the criteria like what we just mentioned um. And sometimes the only other thing is on that mark is that you've been away you said especially on six foot two i had to pay extra elsewhere to get them lengthened. And adjusted again what was the time frame there. So was it was it straight after. Or was it another year. Or two years after not that you would have potentially grown but your swing might have changed so i think it's always a bit tricky thing with custom fitting i think if you're going to get done correctly if you're going to get really done i would actually go to the to the manufacturer themselves. So i would go straight to to ping so go to their fitting center go to taylormade fitting center go to tightly fitting center pick nike wherever and go go to their fitting center if that's exactly the club that you want you know that's the one you're going to go. For i think the big stores have got quite a big challenge because they've got to try. And fit for every single manufacturer and they can't they can't really do it. For everyone can they there's there's bits that they can do. But yeah they've got to be careful about how they fit. So yeah it depends i mean if you're lucky enough to actually be in an area that has a a specific custom fitting expert i mean we're not too bad got nick over in there in warrington. So yeah we're pretty lucky in that respect. So we can kind of point point people towards him. So research research definitely right so uh next.

One um rob potter so rob did some videos with myself 13 handicapper i think he's becoming a little bit of a celebrity robert yeah hashtag one night golf show do you feel golf in the olympics should be competed by a pros. Or give amateurs a chance to shine light boxing does it encourages growth in our sport um i think. For the entertainment value i think a lot of people would like to see the pros get involved um i think it'd be fantastic to see um uh the the top pros in the world competing at an olympic level. But i understand what you're saying there robert with the amateurs i think that's a lot of other sports do bring their amateurs into it. And i think that that would be a very exciting uh concept. And an idea for an amateur golfer it would give them the skill set to move on to turning pro a lot i'm sure a lot of amateurs that were playing the olympics would then.

Turn professional. But would they wait too long to be an amateur to play in the olympics i there's only only one in four years yeah i mean it's a tricky one i would actually much prefer it to be the amateurs um 100 uh just simply because golf's not been done in the olympics before. And the olympics it's you know people don't don't turn pro people don't turn pro and go oh i'm turning pro because i want to compete at the olympics yeah they turn progress they want to go on tour they want to win the majors yeah exactly they want to win the money now the olympics isn't about money it's about glory now if you're going to get a golf if you're going to get a golf event into the olympics then.

Why not open it up rather than the professional athletes to the top amateurs now give them a chance to shine give them something to aim. For it could be the fact that every four years that is the one event that every single amateur golfer in the world wants to win yeah it could be a fantastic idea. But in reality tv deals money it'll weigh out and people want to see the best players so it's going to be priced unfortunately yeah it will be frozen it will be yeah um. So thanks very much for that question rob um sean savage uh with the channels getting more interactive with followers would you be looking to include youtube facebook twitter instagram followers on any future course vlogs keep up the great work and the content too gents uh well yeah yeah we're absolutely dead keen on that uh well there might be an opportunity in january yes i say indeed yeah well might be off tuning in generally. And we already decided we're going to do a uh a golf event next.

Year we should just talk. So yeah sean uh yeah yeah absolutely stay tuned guys i've got uh hopefully a competition to run going into over christmas in the new year where there might be an opportunity to come. And play with me pete and one other guest youtuber that's featured on my channel recently whose question we might have just answered um and maybe do the course log a ryder cup venue. So stay tuned for that guys hopefully hopefully that should come off so yeah that that will be a prize. For one lucky winner to come and do a course vlog with us uh weather permitted uh. And then.

Going on to that then.

Let's have a quick look at that question yes last night uh did it did was it this one yeah i think. So this got this actually got the most likes out of all of the questions yeah. And this was from scott thompson uh he wrote it on pete's actual wall. So he's been a bit sly there but he has he has included the hashtags he'll let you off yeah. So it's um it's just a question hi would you rick hills and me and my golf as in me rick shields i'm in my golf be up for organizing the golf tournament for your youtube and facebook followers in the summer next.

Year could raise some money for charity whilst having fun um this got some amazing responses nearly uh nearly 40 likes and got ridiculous amounts of responses yeah um yeah yeah without question we would love to run an event i don't know the logistics of it i mean i i've mentioned uh we should do it in vegas i feel. For that i'll be well up for that one so yeah. So uh and then.

The next.

Person said actually can you do it in yorkshire. So we'll do it somewhere between those places uh yeah we would love to we would absolutely love to i think that would be a fantastic idea concept it'd be great to get one other fellow youtuber involved as well whether he'd be interested. But yeah we would definitely be interested doing it. For charity getting a bit of a golf day going on um. And seeing uh seen all of you guys that watch we would really appreciate that absolutely i mean one thing the one thing we don't have a massive amount of experience in though is tournament organization. So if anyone can poison the direction of sword you might want to get interested in being involved that'd be great comment down below comment down below oh wow we're going to get. So many people that's going to be like the best job interview ever. And then.

Going back to the questions uh this is about um uh the did she do them on that should we do the sports personality of the year one yeah it's got the most got the most likes uh. So this is likes this is what you guys wanted to ask uh craig allen even though you asked about 15 questions you got one of yours most liked uh should mark crossfield fellow youtuber win sports personality of the year. So if you're not familiar guys sports personality of the year is something that the bbc run in the uk uh it's kind of honoring all of the greatest sports people um. And their phenomenal achievements worldwide achievements um in their in their in particular sports then.

They're voted into a poll it's all about a vote so i'm not sure if if mr crossfield has won anything on a global scale i mean he's competing against people like rory mackerel. And lewis hamilton um so maybe maybe he wouldn't have won it he would have been a good contender um but going on to the sports personality um that was that was a bit of controversy last night wasn't it uh yeah i mean it was i mean you know fair play lewis lewis hamilton can only he's only competed in one thing he's competing in the driver's world championship yeah. And he won that you know he won it in good style that's the only thing he can possibly do yeah however. he had as well as rosberg the best car yeah now in formula at the moment if you're a good driver you're in the best car you're going to win. And like him and nico rosberg showed that kind of throughout the year mcelroy won two back-to-back majors two ordering merits topped it off with a ryder cup was massively consistent apart from that always finishing pretty much in the top ten world number one world number one there's there's not much more he could have done. And playing with the same kind of golf clubs that everyone else is doing as well yeah. So he's not and and competing in a much much larger field mm-hmm oh god i mean like the open how many people actually try. And play in the open that's thousands and thousands of people you should definitely do a race like that next.

Year on formula one everyone pitches up in a qualifier in f1 cars that's really cast. So yeah i mean we are whether we're biased whether we're biased. But we should have uh so sorry we've not actually said lewis hamilton won. And macro came second it was a public vote uh i voted yep clicked liked on the uh the website. So we voted um he should have won it he should have definitely got it for macaroni you can actually see on his face he was i think he was pretty disappointed by not winning it. And you could definitely tell hamilton hamilton was pretty sincere i think in his speech he was quite you know he's pretty taken back he was he was very happy about it. But he even said he even turned around. And said to macaroni it was very sad i can't believe you've not won it it was a real kick in the teeth um i mean. So yeah we're biased. But i should have won i mean i surely went home looked at his trophies sat on his throne made of millions of dollars. And who earns more money oh that's a good question actually who earns more money guys comment down below lewis hamilton formula one car formula one driver uh or rory mcilroy i'm not sure you tell me you'll be closer uh we'll do one more we'll get one more in quickly let's go down more big ones oh was that the one sorry seven nine oh nine uh daniel uh carolyn when's the next.

Course vlog as good above kabi flew bastard actually when the next.

Kind of course when's the next.

Course vlog yeah absolutely no idea absolutely no idea to be honest not planned anything. Yet no one thing which has um kind of changed. For us recently is the weather here it's a lot colder today.

Yeah it's a lot colder. But also the days are very short now um. And one thing which youtube has definitely helped with it's not helped the coursework but it's definitely helped us we're as busy as we've ever been and kind of coaching so it's difficult to juggle everything but believe me guys we will make lots. And lots of course logs next.

Year and some very exciting ones the problem is if we try. And let's say if we said right we're definitely going to do a course log next.

Monday we're going to go we're going to go all the way over there. And the weather's terrible we just can't unfortunately the weather in the uk at the moment which is not predictable enough i mean even when we're out to turkey it was only just we only just managed to play the rounds then.

Enough guys we've got a match coming up around christmas as well three-parter against me my golf christmas special where these hats may have come from here. And they have come from um and also someone's asked about the nike vapor range yes well actually in five minutes the nike man is coming. And i'm going to test the new nike vehicle. So guys check out that um that's it yeah done pretty much it done dusted. For a year thanks mate it's good really good yeah we had an awesome time uh we had some great uh let's say great feedback we love to hear what you think all the time guys. So please do comment down below we don't i'll be honest i hold my hands up sometimes i don't always get a chance to comment as much as pierre does you you're great commenting i'll i'll try better guys that's my new year's resolution i'm going to comment. Or is that yes that's totally thank you very much. For subscribing we have just hit a couple of new milestone milestones i'm up to 31 000. you're over 12 now yeah it should be 13. But in the years so we want to thank you for that guys we really do appreciate it uh stay tuned do subscribe again to both channels if you've not already well not again i don't think you can subscribe once unless you want to set up a secondary google account we don't mind that um thanks. For watching uh we have a little break now till the new year yes maybe maybe second weekend jam yep absolutely we'll uh we'll kind of keep you posted on twitter. And facebook we'll still be bringing videos out when we're gonna figure it out but yeah it's been great guys have a super duper merry merry christmas. And have a fantastic new year uh safe safety warnings don't eat or drink too much in that order what's your goals for 2014 as well 2015 guys tell us what you want to do in 2015. sorry we shouldn't keep playing with our hats in the screen um yeah is that it yeah. So we'll wrap some presents i suppose yeah guys soon let me fly the christmas jingle out okay okay dancing ah.