So this is quite rare it is a beautiful day here in Manchester. So I thought you know what I need to get on the golf course I thought of a little fun challenge it requires me going buying some golf clubs. And also I'm gonna pick up a mate of mine to play with right let's go and uh let's go meet a Palomar and buy some clubs and then.

Get out on the golf course because this weather is perfect [Music] this one's out ready to golf. So because it's nice weather and we don't get it very often in Manchester yeah um because I've not played golf with you. For a while I thought why don't we come up with a bit of a fun challenge okay can we go. And play as a team scramble yeah. And shoot under par easy however. I told you on the phone don't bring you golf clubs which you've not done you've literally brought your girlfriend because the catch is we've got to go. And buy a package set and we're not allowed to spend any more than 200 pounds and break part and then.

We've got to go out and play nine holes and try and break power as a team scramble do you want to see what we can find yeah do you think we can do it no okay mission complete like shocked we actually got that. And had four pens change that's how much we spend 196 pound 96p that's pretty good John mission one done first off let's talk about the clubs this is what we bought you get a driver of Three Wood hybrid five to sandwich irons put a stand bag three head covers. And a rain Hood so we had four we have 30 quid left so we needed teeth we've got par 3ts we've got driver tees the emotion novelty golf balls we've also got a novelty set so we needed a towel we also needed a pitchfork which has fallen out of place because you've always got a repair the actual gem of the selection 64 degree eight degrees of Bounce Slazenger lob wedge 10.99 the sky is still blue we've got our clubs let's go to the golf course. And see if we can shoot on the path [Music] oh you're really wanting to hit that ball Yep looks. So upset okay first hole. Or the tent hole here Par Four straight down can me. And Matt go underpower playing Scramble with a set that didn't cost 200 quid Slazenger v300 do your worst okay that's an interesting one. But I think we're in the Fairway 170 yards. But it's in play I Almost I almost felt like I could hear that ball scream then.

Oh yeah it's got a bit it's got a bit of play in it clear the bunker that's good that's good let 's like it let's go. So again just to be clear on the rules we both hit our tee shots we've chosen the best one which was mine which is just in this little Hollow here we've got just under 150 yards to the flag yeah good it looks very good [Music] oh a bit short a bit short right of the flag let it sling you a bit travel we did make a mistake on the ball we are both short on the green shot the green oh you're laughing aren't you yeah you think it's funny uh we're not on the green we're just sure Matt's Gonna Keep I'm gonna put this is effectively. For birdie but we'll we need up and down for par yeah I think a nice part to start us out there spin ball I've never missed with this portal map how does the white feel to it better than expected better than expected as long as you're inside my chip there uh Emoji raced off the face traveling nice just you can see it's smiley faces it stops never in doubt we're crying. Or laughing I think we're laughing something okay [Music] okay. So as we get out the Boogie and we got to the green good news everybody we're putting [Music] okay. For a team birdie [Music] Rick and Mort's day our third hole driveable Par Four normally risk and reward go big or go home really isn't it we're going driver big dog whole day qualified let's just have a look at look at that okay get it in the light get it give it oh yes the giving long okay Mark big dogs out let's see what we can do [Music] should be okay it's in the far away [Music] 75 yards away oh. So I've got a swa I swear what's the car behind you that'd be okay what Loft do we Reckoning this is 56. let's just go 56. we're making a hash of this hole. So good news I was just on the green I put Matt's ball next.

To me we've got a very long outside chance. For birdie that's good from there listen I'm getting the feel for these guys with the slavenger [Music] for paw and Rick him up stay level par so far three holes in how do you think we're doing that I think we're doing okay we're level par yeah I think this little laughing Guy this is our biggest problem at the moment even that wedge I thought I put a good swing on it. And it went about 30 yards I know I feel like I feel like this is okay if if you find a golf ball whether it be in trees in the rough anything like that you can then.

Use that golf ball from there on because it's a donation to the golfer oh smoked it that is actually ripped just a quick one sorry to interrupt the video. But if you want a chance of winning this set the set that we use in this video all you've got to do is like this video subscribe to the channel. And leave a comment down below I'm gonna pick a winner this said be great. For some of this new to Glass if you know something it's about to start enter for a chance of winning this set I'm even gonna throw in the Emoji golf balls too right straight back to the video foreign oh wow that is. So good third shot into his par five we're just at the front of the green and I thought it'd be the right time to bring out this the 64. do you think Matt bold choice on some wet Fairways be good I could die in the flag no zoom in on that now [Music] 64 is the future two good shots well that golf club was 10 pound 99. And they're the two shots we've just hit with it right first proper dirty opportunity nasty lip outs Rick and Matt stay level pass oh no oh that came out soft it's the wrong Club [Music] nice still Level pass all power. So far oh wow we are in trouble on this hole oh hold on just going left a bit one thing we've not done. Yet well I've not use a towel yeah considering. So much right come on we need to be on the green here yes boss oh that's a beauty that's a beauty really went. For it for our sixth power in a row [Music] travel smiley face winky Emoji with your tongue out face pinaya thing I thought I should be all right come on we need to make birdies we run out of holes now we've just had to slam on the golf bug here because we found a rogue golf ball from soft ener and chrome soft is that me is that mine okay thank you you know what we keep slagging off these novelty balls put it there split it back to there you've got this. For birdie go in no it just bubbled offline stopped ouch roll it in break break [Music] that's just another part ladies. And gentlemen seven powers on the bounce [Music] stop fading stop fading stop fading [Music] Matthew fryer get big ball get big bounced over that Hill Front Edge so we're green side that's my Callaway up near the green but you know what I think we might have ruled these novelty golf balls out a bit too quick we spoke too soon the the Emoji winky face it's just it's just sitting pretty there at the front felt great off the drivers literally front of the green. And now I think if it was dry that could have had potential of actually being a hole in one bottle shout I know ah joking me oh my goodness balls in motion Speedy a little bit too far out there oh you know what I might go back to the novel of format I think you need to the uh the Emojis laughing Who's Laughing Now who is laughing now okay all joking aside this isn't genuine birdie. For Matt with a 200 pound set in a novelty golf ball yes Ma 'am. And me effectively make birdie here on the 17th hole we go one under here we have it last hole par five let's do this no. And now it's lost into the distance over on that rotten side possibly never to be seen again never felt so much pressure oh that is beautiful well played Mr Shields thank you you've kept the dream alive breaking news we've just been over here looking. For the Emoji board but we don't need to we're going to leave it stop Maps down this buried got Pro V No Way Eagle he using it what about the Emojis he's dead to me we're 200 yards away from the green on this par five I'm gonna hit the five banks I feel like I can hit the steel shaft a bit harder yeah a little fade into this back right tin tap it in three under drawing off the middle of the green safely can we get underpower using clubs that are 200 pounds B good that's Majestic it comes down to this as the Sun starts to drop spinning here in Manchester Matt just throwing him in there with five iron I was pin level with him just on the left we're gonna go with this one have you got the Emoji Pitchfork please. And I'll leave home without it okay look at it right guys if you have enjoyed this video before we finish it off thanks. So much make sure you hit like guys if we get a birdie here to put birdie you've got to hit like and guys if you've not checked out Matthew's Channel Make sure you do does some great coaching content. And was uh was very willing with a with very little notice about coming out. And doing a random video right to put birdie one pot eagle can we finish in incredible Style keep tracking keep tracking keep tracking keep no right line even though the Emoji golf balls aren't with us this can still be with us all right I've got to run it over that. Or just exactly the same button why did I not hit that harder you're a fool never up never in who you would have used a hard Emoji ball let's finish it off two under everybody thank you. So much for watching hit like if you enjoyed the video and that's how you can go. And play golf with only 200 quid we'll see you next.
