Right guys so we are down at the grove we actually don't know whose channel this is going to be on i'm rick i'm rick shields peter finch we really don't know the winner of this challenge gets to host this video on their channel oh actually we would have told the winners every time won't we anyway enjoy the video if you're watching it on on my channel live obviously watch it enjoy it anyway see how see how we i thought i thought this one well don't worry i didn't really think about it we also we are doing this with the new cleveland wedge. So we're not only just having a little bit of a jokey challenge we're also testing the new wedge today.

Which is the cleveland rtx uh five double eight two point zero wedge uh we've got it in satin finish we've been down here all day getting loads of knowledge about these golf clubs. And we've managed to get so many videos out of it so if you're not kind of checked out our channels there's there's gonna be loads and loads and loads of stuff on there so so we've got this in 56 using this one as well yeah i'll use that one two degrees bounce um. And let's let's see what happens so close to this two degrees back sorry two dots um it's the two dots isn't it two bounces twelve 12 12 degrees bounce right back flag it's not it's it's kind of a practice area so it's not super super slick up there it's not really fast though we'll just do closest to the flag i think you can fly it all the way there okay hit the down slope oh it's slowed down a little bit not a bad opening yeah it's okay it's okay there's a lot of sand in here. And there is a lot of sand in here rick's been having about 16 practice shots before this yeah i have 50 balls in there i've never been in a bunker before. So that's not quick either a combination of the uh we'll just play wait for the prize to go over so whether it stopped quickly because of the green or with the new rotex 2.0 grooves we will just never know the milling the the roughest facing wedge golf right you need to throw it further now not not quite onto the course it's been big stead guys you'll have to forgive us it's been a very long day it's been a very long day up here today.

So far set off at stupid o'clock yesterday don't make excuses that was terrible terrible terrible if you're watching this on peach channel you kind of know the outcome now they're literally touching it to the right. So i've got one shot one long i don't know what happens now i've gone within a few inches of each other i'm putting on some nice nice stand right this is going close it comes through the sound quite nicely it really does it cuts through very nicely oh i don't know if it should be closest i don't know it's got further. But it's on the angle isn't it it is we'll see we'll see not quite nice to get one up there yeah right last shot the most preparation you've done i've been feeling pressure feeling intense come on get it faster oh absolutely picked it clean too clean right let's head up there. But they're all stuck so we are just walking up to the green i say it's not not the super it's just a practice screen uh consistent though although i think on a normal green where we've pitched those was absolutely perfect. But unfortunately it's just a bit a bit long uh is this up here is you on the angle i think that's definitely me. So that one's mine just on the in front screen there and then.

Four of pete's there and there's the flag so winner was gonna say those i think those are my three that's unbelievable consistency i'm happy with the consistency there. But so one nil to rick we're gonna do two more challenges uh. And like say stay tuned to both channels to find out which one the next.

One is we could do that's like a surprise a surprise a surprise we'll come up with a good challenge next.

Guys um one more time bunkers don't matter anyway everyone knows that bunkers don't matter go. And subscribe guys to both channels like comment and do check us out on facebook. And twitter see you soon.