Hi guys my name's rick shields down here at trafford girl central manchester and we've got the new cobra line these are the drivers that have come out. And are quite exciting i've just tried the new cobra fly z i have to say z not z z. For the uh of the american audience um that was very impressive. So go and check out my channel guys that's the the one where you can actually change the weight at the back. So you can't change the center of gravity then.

We've got the plus let me put that down if you've not checked out please do go. And check it out some very impressive numbers and this is the fly z plus first off love the head cover i'm a big head cover family i like head covers um i've got this in the orange head. But it comes in different colours i would probably prefer it in a slightly less bold color but that's just preference you might sometimes like it in that and this has got the center of gravity where you can change it from the front to the back. And from the back to the front it's kind of what they call it flip zone very clever idea so it's the weighting where you can change the central gravity. So guys again other drivers have done this where central gravity has gone forward spin comes down so for a custom fitting option this is great it's really really clever way of doing it you could change the loft then.

That would suit a certain certain spin rate possibly. And it comes in the adjustability in this in the loft option and the flight slightly as well you can turn it into a draw driver it goes from eight. And a half degrees up to 11 and a half degrees in one head setting which i think is pretty impressive i've got this in the same matrix extra stiff shaft that i tried in the fly z um because my club head speed is up to like 112 now this shaft is really offering me lots of feel. And lots of good forgiveness so and it's also this this driver as well that the uh flies the and the flies the plus has got this little speed channel this is a this is a border that goes around the club face around the right on the parameters of the club face which is helping maximize club head speed a ball speed sorry on miss struck golf shots. So if you don't hit the middle you're still not going to get punished you're still going to generate quite a little ball quite a lot of ball speed what i'm going to do in this video i'm going to hit three golf shots with the central gravity forward. And switch it around stick it in the back and let's see what changes does it change does it make a big difference we shall see i'm hitting real golf balls on gc2 on the simulator software. And this straight away from the above view it's a smaller head it's not as big and bold maybe even the coloring might be different on that it doesn't look quite as strongly colored on that so it might just be the fact that it's got that slightly different color so it might not be as big but you know what again it probably wouldn't be for me i would like the dark finish on that right let's get hit a few shots that is honestly complete preference. So this is central gravity forward. So we should expect low spin i've lofted it to 10 degrees let's see how it performs wow that performed well oh oh wow and i tell you what that that felt absolutely amazing that honestly did feel amazing the spin has dropped the spin has dropped by 300 from just from the fly z wow that honestly that did feel really good it sounded great it did sound great i've hit the middle good performance yeah nice that that's quite a nice start me let me get myself set i don't want to uh don't get too excited on that i felt really good should be another good shot again a little bit of draw on it probably a little bit too much draw i must admit yeah i'll probably i'm going to be honest i probably would have missed the fairway. But yet it's still pretty long let's see what the spin numbers are again oh amazing spin numbers 1500 almost a bit most of it too low spinning. So possibly as a custom fit option i could put more loft in that now to keep it up in the air but that was that was a high hit it's quite a high shot i'm gonna go one more with this this weight in the uh forward position i don't think that was quite as good a hit let's see what let's see how that performs that was a little bit off the bottom of the face actually let's see how it's performed it still got up into 290s still performed pretty well considering didn't absolutely kill that has the spin been affected yes it has it's gone up to 2 900. So let me hit one more that was more of a bottom strike that wasn't really to do with the uh because the reason i want to hit another one just because we're checking the spin of these two drivers. So that was a bit off the bottom. So it spun up too high really yeah that's more like the first two strikes just want to keep those spin rates regular you know i want to be able to it was good forgiveness. But we're checking the spin as well nice hit over 300 right so i'm gonna drop shot number three keep that last shot let's change this around this is quite an easy little tool to spin the weight you spin it out flip it. And spin it into the back so now this weight has gone central gravity has gone further back in the head so i'm gonna hit three more golf shots try and get the same rope regularity of strike and let's see how the spin changes with that weight in the back whether it does make any change at all. Or whether it's a little bit of a bit of jargon let's let's give it a test i'm gonna swap this over in a sec all right guys so i've put that weight all the way into the back um i'm going to be honest i didn't have the gc the hmt dots on the first three. So the club head speed wasn't exactly accurate so it's a bit of a judgment that but the ball data would have been exactly the same so that's it three shots now with the weight in the back and let's see if the spin changes at all hitting it this way let's give it a go so i've got the yellow line over the orange line on this felt like a good start it's got a bit to the right i must admit like a pretty good start it's going good distance again see what the spin rates are coming out at um higher higher brilliant it's kind of what we wanted to say it's definitely come out higher 500. And that felt nice like a good strike let's get the average over the three it seems to be launching a little bit higher as well seems to be getting up in the sky better some big hitting again cobra's making some great great great gear here that was a really nice hit uh spin rate yep still higher than the average of the other three let's go one more yeah that felt good. So three very i almost feels like identical golf shots nice big hit yeah not as far as the ones before. So let's have a look at now if i pull up the charts we can see with the weight forward position. And the weight back position let's pull those up so we can have a look. So we see on the screen the red kind of orangey color of the fly uh cobra fly z plus is when the weight was in the middle of the head lowest uh center of gravity club head speed i must admit i was my fault that i didn't have the dots on. So i'm not perfectly accurate everything else is perfectly accurate we're going to run off along the way we'll have a look at some carry distances first. So 280 yard carry distance very very very healthy good hitting average carrot average total distance 305 it's one of the longest i've ever hit on average it really is that's very very very solid numbers. And for me the spin rate was excellent the spin rate was 2008. So averaged at 2008 spin rate with a launch angle of 16 degrees that's a fantastic recipe for distance it really is i put then.

The weight back. So these are in the yellow column now the clubhead speed is accurate on that because i put the dots on my error everything else again is the same. So we have a look along the column again carry distance only two yards less 278. total distance two nine eight so a little bit less distance but not much felt easier to hit still in both settings but the spin was different the spin was 400 revs per minute different higher which is great it's kind of what we want to see it's technology that works technology it works the launch angle was higher averaged another degree higher um. And the peak height was another let's have a look it was actually it was averaging 10 yards higher with the weight in the back. So it's doing what it says on the tin and the spin rate's gone up like i said. So for me personally i would have the weight forward the advantage of having the weight back it gives you a little bit more forgiveness so the head doesn't doesn't twist as much with the weight being as far back but that's where the custom fitters come into play you could even change the loft you could have a little tweak with that but i think they've made. Or i know they've made a fantastic driver in this in a club head that has adjustability but not not massive amounts of just ability doesn't bamboozle you with information speed channel i think makes sense even though i didn't hit any massively off the bottom that third shot maybe in the uh the weight four which was a little bit of an indicator of that. But it still went a long way um i would i wouldn't have it orange but that's just my preference and i think it's a driver that's definitely going to be one that needs to be tested guys if you're looking. For a driver with distance cobra makes some long hitting clubs they really do. So i think the cobra flies zed plus. And the fly zed is definitely ones you should put on the wish list to try um i would definitely have the fly zed plus i would definitely have it in the bag i would have it in black though. So cobra if you're listening wait forward i'm in that setting guys thank you very much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up do comment down below if you've tried kobe clubs in the past is it something that you want to look into they've only really got one flagship player up there now which is ricky fowler. So since pull to left they've only really got ricky fowler now flying the flag that's where the oranges come from uh let us know subscribe check out the flies if you didn't before thanks very much for watching and we'll see you next.
