Writing guys we're going to do some cobra flies a fairway we'll test it next.

We've got the 3-wood in the fly Z. And the 3-wood in the fly Z plus it's got the bigger head in white it comes in blue orange black white as sole justify z+ now I'm going to do two separate videos I'm gonna do the fly z normal first this is the bigger headed version three would probably quite a good driver replacement. And then.

We've got the Plus version which is a smaller headed version much more suitable. For hitting off the fairway what going to doing the Flies e+ video though I'm going to leave the data from the flies II. So we can actually see how they compare as well. So y z+ advising normal versions I've got this in the white head very big footprint of the head the lights say it comes in orange blue and black and white very very big head shape but certainly in the white I don't know if it makes it look even bigger and I've got this in 14 and a half degrees now the 3-wood version goes from 13 degrees all the way up to 16 and there are draw settings as well. So you can take off doubt. And you can put it into more of a draw setting as well it's got the big a gold metal kind of Iron Man weight at the back of the head well that's more in the middle of the head. So the center of gravity is like a difference all right I'm going to expect a slightly different ball flight I've got on a little tee only because on this one the flies yeah I would probably feel more comfortable hitting off a tee than the floor then.

We might hit off the floor as well. So it performs and I've got this in the normal stock stiff flex 95 grams shaft yeah looking forward to hitting it. So Sarah how it works that's a nice flight tiny bit left tiny tiny tiny bit left I'm expecting about 240 no I'm not I'm expecting about 250 it's a big hit. For 3 to 5 volt carry very nice it for a 3 I felt good off the face felt felt very powerful now it has got kind of a speed channel around the face which is helping with off centre hits pinless I just caught that a fraction off the tone a fraction low off the face. But still it's got up there easily up there I say with the big big head on this I could see this definitely replacing a lot of players drivers within the small versions much more suitable to being a normal fairway would love the sound love the sound another good here as well yeah it's probably about the distance I'll expect. For a3 about 240 carry distance which is about right. For 3 a normal 3 for me I've nama setting about 15 degree so 14 and a half degrees yeah it's about right it's about right with the big head understand the gravity of the back should be a very forgiving wood as well seems to be. So far being I didn't hit that one again didn't hit it absolutely in the middle of a club so a few more I've absolutely ripped that bavitz it left absolutely tonked it just under 250 carry again will fell to 40 felt from I felt I thought I must admit I felt like I hit that further I think the fly z+. For my game might suit me better it's got two more with this I've looked at some figures yeah that's a great hit killed that you can just see a little bit of draw built in that's me not the club right let's go up off the floor it's the only thing I forgot to do actually let's hit a couple off the deck you might see another three wood videos I've got a bit of a thing about shallow three woods I like shot very very shallow three woods. And this this isn't very shallow for a three the plus Phi Z plus looks more shallow I think. For my eyes that will suit me more off the floor I said I think. For this range of club with how big the head is. For a fair world it's a fantastic drive replacement for a lot of players let's hit a couple off the floor anyway so it performs yeah I just can't quite get to the bottom of the slightly deeper faced woods. So it's that Sarah it's got out there though take a hot consider I didn't hit that well it still got some very good purchase on it too for to carry and I didn't I didn't absolutely get a hold of that so how deep a face just just doesn't quite fit to my iBook not saying that's for everyone a lot of players might like the deep face to hit a lot of the lot of confidence boosting as well that could happen with that big face it's better then.

What does look good with the white head is the black face really stands out that's a nice it yeah when you can get it to the bottom of the face it really does perform I'm going to throw the figures let's see how this is performed. And then.

We're going to do another video where I'll do the fly z+ test up against those figures as well guys. So stay tuned okay. So figures are up on screen 108 clubhead speeds about right. For 3-wood and ball speeds coming out about 1/5 - that's quite a good hit for a 3 was quite fast the speed charlie around the face I can that's going to produce quite a lot of ball speed it's kind of the way it compresses off the face it's almost going to spring off the face a little bit better carry distance - 4 - of an average of all the shots are just hit they were off the tee. And off the floor I would have I would have predicted about 240 so I reckon that's a sitting where it needs to sit total distance 261 very nice very very nice and for me it's not got the wall yes I can't wait to use this golf club effect on this club. But I think the fly z+ may just do that. So I'm going to now in a jump over to I've got all the club head data there on the right hand side as well if you do want to dive through that feel free. So all the club head data all them columns on the right if you want to fight have a look at any of that you're more than welcome to I've got you know it's it's showing you where showing me where I'm hitting off the face my path my numbers everything else you can dive through that as much as you can the cobra flies the fairway wood it's got a lot of incredible benefits the fact that it's got a big footprint easy to set off the tee drive replacement big hitting I'm gonna jump on stop-loss because I can't wait it out off the floor as well guys thanks. For watching if you enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up comment down below join me next.

Time when I'm doing the Cobra fly z+ I'm gonna be using those figures as well with the Flies II to see how it compares to watching guys do subscribe see that's time you.