Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford girl centre in manchester. And i've got some cobra gear to test can't wait for this because i've only just recently done the drivers and they're up there they were very impressive. So the fly z i've got to make sure i got the z flies the normal driver and then.

The fly z plus and now we're going to get onto the new cobra these are the fly z uh just normal lines i've got the flyzee i've been saying flies a lot now fly c plus. And the fly z pro now i'm going to test these first i'm going to call upon a friend who's hiding behind the corner in his little cupboard. So i'm gonna i'm gonna review him first because these irons aren't particularly suited to myself they're more for a mid handicapper so i might get my my trusty mid handicapper tester giving these a hit as well and i've got this in the sixth iron and they look like very mean aggressive long-hitting clubs i can imagine these being going a lot an awful long way they've got a speed channel that goes all the way around the face. And they've got a very clever kind of acoustic uh almost tweaker in the back face so when you hit out the middle it makes a very strong sound hopefully you can pick this up on the audio i've got gc2 with real golf balls as always let's give it a smash it's got a bit of weighting towards the toe. And the heel as well to help bring the center of the strike more in the middle of the face so let's give it a hit looks gorgeous behind the club it doesn't look like a mega forgiving iron actually behind it's only from the back end it looks like it's nice and forgiving so let's give this a let's give this a clout that noise i'll tell you what when i've obviously got the the mandatory orange line ricky's orange line on the gt2 that noise was very very strong 193 yards of carry it's a big hit 193 of carry not 100 of the the loss of these. But relatively traditional but that sound was very strong you'll be able to tell when someone's hitting this cobra iron because it was really really strong noise set a few more they feel good they feel really nice actually. For a six iron it's getting just under 200 carry 195 that is a big hit. For a six that's right up there with some of the longest irons i've tested so far the xrs the taylormades they're right up there and for i think this is probably the first cobra iron i've ever reviewed on the channel on in in traditional cobra style you can change the coloring of the panel at the back. So i've got this in blue but you can also go orange black. And white it's just more of a preference there's no advantage over the shot there they felt really good wow wow wow wow i'll behave oh 204 yards of carry. For a six 204 why does it where does the distance stop i mean that's massive here i'm going to go one more. And i call him my trusty assistant he warmed up yeah yeah lovely great noise off the face very easy to very forgiving um big big long hitting irons right i'm gonna call on my trusty sidekick mr rob potter 13 handicapper. So rob is going to be perfect. For this because rob again has never liked me he's never tested a cobra iron but i think this one's going to kind of fit your mould yeah yeah you're seeing them by the way i just know i just heard it i didn't yeah they were big i heard it that they all behave generally as a clue yeah they all behave it's normally uh yeah i've hit that one well if if rickard says all behave you know it's gone like a bullet. So what do you think have a look look i like that looking at it uh i actually like the look of these um they are going to be quite honest. And cobra might not like me for it the back end's not too dissimilar to some of the callaway irons i've used in the past on how it's shaped at the back there uh what i like is this uh little grommet calm thing at the back that that's to enhance the sound apparently well the reason why i'm saying that is that that's kind of similar to what they use on tennis rackets when they put the little washer in the tennis racket just to amplify the noise. But dead and the um then.

The effect a certain degree i like the look of that okay um hearing from behind the the screen back there in your cupboard in the cupboard yeah in my code with my glove um cobra you've you've released a banshee in a golf club it's that loud it was mega i mean i've got big ears. But really um that was definite let's give it a smash. So this is a six. So i think. For you a six should be carrying near to just over 150 150. we're going to see a red line. For uh for rob shots looking at it looking at the bottom there's not an awful amount of offset um there's ample enough but it's not an awful lot that's it oh yellow line sorry not red yellow line okay a bit of a push nice hit though give over 151. six to six six six six oh it's nice hit i see it wasn't the best. But it was all right yeah nice net it's okay i'm i'm not generating club speed that you you generally that's not the idea i'm not trying to do that after drug test myself we're not trying to do that that's not the idea of this. But the the sound from me hitting it to rick i think it's actually quite a discreet sound it's not nowhere near as loud as that it's not knowing there's like because i'm not generating the speed no. But it's it's quite discreet the sound that's coming off it's it's not it's not bad it's not horrible the feels still nice see for me i felt like it was coming out loud i thought oh. But at least this club isn't suit this is not. For me this is not my club which is more. For kind of rob's rob's ability level and so far hitting those really nicely yeah it's not a deafening sound. For you though it's not definitely saying but it's also a discreet feel as well um i still know i'm hitting it but you know it's nice lovely very nice very pleased with those very pleased so let's let's should we throw up the averages yeah i got them all let's have a laugh okay. So we've we've pulled up the averages we've hit uh have it four robs hit three um it's not head to head no no you beat me any day i'll adjust um. So i was i was averaging carrying it uh we're not going to be at the perfect average here. But the top first four numbers are all mine. And i was getting it up there to nearly 200 yards. For a six that's ridiculous it's a big hit similar to what i've hit other manufacturer six irons of powerful hitting golf clubs very powerful uh clever speed i was up there nearly 100 miles per hour ball speed 134. But just for me it had that real strong loud sound and for me i didn't i don't think i could play with that all the time when rob hit it that sound just mellowed out it was a nice sound wasn't it yes gorgeous sound you averaged it at about 153 carrie yeah. So for a six that's pretty good that's not bad your normal six when we've tested it before has been about one four three one four four yeah yeah. For a normal six what he's currently using so it's longer definitely than the normal six hand you're using at the moment yeah all um of us have hit it relatively close to online which is good i can't see anything wrong no i don't i don't what color would you have it in rob. Or color yeah especially you can have blue orange white. Or black well the way you know the white the white isn't it the white's not going anywhere near you don't like the white no no no no no the white's not good no i don't see the point now um i like the blue the blue is nice. And the red's nice that's what i would go for nothing white so cobra fly z this is just a normal fly z iron um very nice it's got lots of good strong features too it's a very big hitting club nice bit of tungsten weight toe. And heel to neutralize where the middle of the face is loud. For when you hit it hard mellow for when you get the not hit it so hard yeah sorry rob yeah we're now going to jump onto the fly z plus. And then.

The fly z pro let's see how those perform very nice iron cobra the noise is just ridiculous guys thanks. For watching do subscribe go. And check out uh rob on facebook and on more twitter more twitter and his beard do subscribe comment down below let us know what you think about the new cobra fly z range uh very very pleased with that not real bad words say about it at all very very positive points thanks. For watching guys we'll see you all soon.