Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf central manchester. And today.

I'm going to give you a really simple drill to help your chip better. And it's about staying more connected when you chip it um connection is a really good thing because it helps you keep your arms more closer to your body helps you turn your body better. And therefore. your bad shot shouldn't be anywhere as bad because you're not using your arms as the power source you're using your body and keeping the arms and more connected to that i've got a little chip here i want to chip in this about 20 yards away i've got my 54 degrees now when i look at pitching and chipping my main objective is to make sure that i don't have my arms too separated from my side. So they're moving in one direction my body's moving in the other the idea of when you're chipping and pitching is to help keep those two units close together. So keeping your arms close to your body and letting your body do a lot of the work. And this is where it kind of comes down to once you're setting up in a fairly neutral chipping position quite a narrow stance because you don't need to create a lot of power. But wide enough so you can still maintain your balance i'm going to grip down a touch on this golf club like i'm using my 54 degree. And my main now objective is to feel like my triceps are more connected to my rib cage. So what i'm feeling here now not in a tight way and i'm not squeezing them really closely in but i'm feeling like my triceps there's not a great deal of room underneath my armpits and once i set up now i'm going to keep my armpits down keep my triceps connected to my uh rib cage i can then.

Just rotate from the middle of my body from my sternum i'm not certainly not going to slide sideways because it's something that one of my pet hates we're going to turn. And swing through keeping the arms connected in turn and swing through and the idea of this is then.

You're not going to use the wrist too much your arms aren't going to come super disconnected from your side. And the quality of your connection will really improve. So we'll give this a go so like some grip down the touch narrow stance my triceps are in my armpits are down. And all i'm gonna do is just rotate my body. And what you'll best do is you will use the bottom of the golf club much more effectively use the bounce angle of the golf club much more effectively therefore. you won't take huge big divots you'll take nice shallow actions through the ball therefore. getting a really consistent strike i'll try it one more time. So grip down triceps in armpits down and i'm going to turn from the middle of my body. And letting the bounce of the golf club do all the work nearly hold it guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do comment down below you can subscribe to the channel by clicking here. And you can check out my next.

Video just here that was all about connection when you're chipping keeping your armpits down. And turning your body much better thanks for watching you.