Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf center in manchester. And today.

I'm going to give you a really simple drill to help you correct your ball flight get you hitting better shots. And even shaping it more on demand so giving you the flexibility to kind of control the golf ball and also on the same terms fix your either your slice or your hook or your bad shape that you want to try and get rid of all you need is three different colored markers now i'm going to use three different t-pegs here i've got a white a green one. And a blue one now you can use different colored golf balls you can use cones you can use whatever you wish as long as the three different colors. So you can kind of distinguish between the three at the moment i'm just on a normal map i've got a few markings on here. But nothing really it's going to help me take the club back. Or enter the golf ball in the correct angle so the first thing that i'm going to do is place the first t-peg at a position that i want to take my takeaway in now ideally we want to take this takeaway directly straight away from the golf ball. So i'm going to place this smart bang behind it almost at the edge of the mat. And about kind of a three-quarter this is a six iron here about three quarters of a six-sided position maybe like a nine-nine. Or a pitching wedge position directly behind the golf ball and that's going to act as my take away marker. So my club head wants to go back straight over the white teepeg position at the edge of the mat i'm then.

Going to put a secondary tpeg at the position that i want the club to enter the golf ball now this might vary between golf. For a golfer if you're a slicer you're going to want this second t-peg to enter the golf ball much more from the inside line. So i'm going to place this now inside that blue teepeg if you hook the golf ball you're going to want to put this either very close to the white t-bag. Or if it's a very vicious hook you might even want to put it on the other side of the t-peg because you want to enter the golf ball more from the outside we'll do the first one we'll do the making trying to get the club to come a bit more from the inside. So i'm going to place this about a foot. And a bit inside the original marker now this can be varied. And it's only used as a marker as an indicator of where our golf club wants to come in to the golf ball so we want to go via this second marker then.

I've got the third one so i want to put this where i want to exit the golf ball so if we're going to come in from this blue teeth bag we're going to want to exit out there now with all this in mind we've got to try. And do this with an absolute square club face. So we want to keep the club face directly pointing towards our target line so if i just show you this now so i'm going to set up to the golf ball we're going to go back straight over the white tpeg now instead of thinking oh get it inside drop the club this is a real simple way of visualizing where the club's got to come into the golf ball we're going to go white t-peg to the top bring it back in via the second marker which is the blue teepeg. And exit outside towards that green tea peg with all this club face directly at the target still and that'll promote a more of a right to left shape more of a draw shape so if you're a slice of the golf ball this is the perfect one. For you you go white t-peg blue and out to green you can see there the golf ball has just had a little draw on it a little right to left golf shot. So then.

If you were more of a uh right uh right to left shaper this is. For right on the golfer and this can be used. For right and left-handed we're gonna go this way so we're gonna go white t-peg again we're gonna go second tpeg and then.

Out to third t-beg to hit more of a fade and again fixing that hook so the balls move more from left to right there and again it's just i'm not thinking too much there and it's a real simple drill to you for you to master and get good at so if i move those ones back there another way of thinking about this is almost as if you stood inside a clock. So i'm stood currently inside a big clock so i'm right in the middle of this clock i know i'm not i'm not nine o'clock on this clock the golf ball's right in the middle now target line will be 12. camera back to you is six. So i'm going to go back to six. But an end to the golf ball more from seven and exit more at one likewise with the fade one out to six in from five exit out to eleven so it's a real simple way of you controlling the path of the golf club through the golf ball so that you're not just hitting the same shot over and over again this is a great drill. For golfers like say who hook or slice the golf ball viciously because you can fix this fix that shape by doing the complete opposite. And it's also a great drill for your more experienced players who want to shape the golf ball on demand you might be a mid to low handicap and want to get into single digits you need to start to be able to shake the golf ball to get close to the flags the guys thanks so much for watching my name has been rick shields down here at traffic center in manchester you can check me out on facebook. And twitter and do subscribe to the channel because the more subscribers i get the more videos i shall do thanks very much you.