Hi my name is rick shields down here at traffic golf center in manchester. And this drill is going to be help helping you create more power in your golf swing now you might think what the hell's he doing with these alignment sticks. But these are going to illustrate what our hips. And our shoulders do during the golf swing now at the moment if i set up we want the two sticks to be perfectly parallel to where we're aiming to. So that's the shoulders and the hips are set at exactly the same position now during the backswing ideally i want to turn the shoulders further than i'm turning my hips if i just place the club down. For a second as i set up i want the left side of this to almost point down to the golf ball as i'm keeping my shoulders at hips at a different angle to that so ideally we want to turn my hips shoulders as far as i can. But my hips very little on the way down i want to even create a bigger gap between these two sticks by turning my hips first and then.

Letting my shoulders catch up and they only really start to catch up fully after the shot you can see now the two lines are linked in together see a lot of players getting to the top doing this action sort of turn their hips the same kind of um distance in their shoulders. And i also see a lot of the time where the golfer will turn their shoulders. And not really turn the hips so hips action is a good thing to change. And to turn as long as your shoulder turn is bigger than that. So nice big shoulder turn turn the hips back towards the target and then.

Let your shoulders catch up so if i was to whip those two out of the way now. And do that with the golf club once i get to the top i'm turning my shoulder nice. And big a little bit of hip action and on the way down turning my hips first and letting my shoulders catch up and that way we get as much power as we can i'll do it one more time. So big shoulder turn a little bit of hip turn then.

Hip turn again on the way down and let your shoulders catch up guys that should help you create a lot more power in your golf swing thanks very much for watching my name has been rick shields down here at traffic golf center in manchester you can check me out on facebook twitter do subscribe to the channel. And if you like the video give it a thumbs up and share it as you wish thanks very much for watching you.