The way you hit driver compared to your irons is very different in this video I'm going to show you the three rules you have to consider if you want to hit your driver much better when hitting driver the big fundamental difference is you want to hit up on the golf ball as opposed to hitting down on the golf ball with an iron it's absolutely fine to hit down you want to compress the ball hit the ball first in the ground after we drive you don't want to do that you want to hit the ball on the way up in the swing. So three things you have to change number one ball position it's very very important with driver we want to make sure the ball position sits inside our left heel my body then.

Is positioned much more behind the golf ball. So imagine a big circle around my body now the bottom of that circle is here about six inches behind the golf ball. And as that Circle starts to go up that's where we want the golf ball because that's going to encourage that upwards hit into the back of the ball number two at setup we want to make sure again we give ourselves the best chance of hitting up on the golf ball. So when I put a ball position further forward in line my left foot just notice as I settle to the golf ball my right shoulder is dropped back compared to my left shoulder I've got my hips. And my shoulders almost on that slight tilt that way again my body position stays behind the golf ball because at contacts we want to look a little bit more like this with driver notice how from a belt buckle to my sternum I've just got this slight slant backwards that way the club hits up on the golf ball you maximize your strike and your launch and therefore. your distance it is really important slightly behind the golf ball. And stay tilted as you come in to hit the shot and last but not least when we come to hit driver we want to make sure we maximize our extension of the club and the rotation so as we come down yeah we want to stay slightly behind the golf ball. But then.

We want to extend the arms and rotate the body fully like make sure you really spring that body to life that's where you get your speed from so slightly ball position forward slight tilt in the upper body and you want to come into the ball with that upper body tilt extend your arms and stretch through and that way you'll hit it much much better guys thanks for watching stay tuned be sure to like And subscribe and we'll see you next.
