So you've got the shanks and you're desperate to fix it the shank that goes low to the right for right in the golf is horrendous shot your confidence is down on the ground. And you want to get better i've already done an intro to why you could be possibly shanking the golf ball so do check that out first i've done drill number one. And now this is drill number two to help you fix the shanks i'm gonna be using my bag here behind me to help me with this okay. So you can use a bag you can use a chair you can use something that's about hip height um that you don't mind knocking over that's not going to damage too much you're not going to knock it over hopefully. But just in case i'll be ringing me telling me i've damaged this that the other so there's one way that people can shank it once they get to the top of their backswing. And i've seen many golfers get into a brilliant tougher backswing position and still shank it and they're scratching they're going why how as they come down as a way of creating power. And this normally comes from a golfer who'd actually be playing a lot of junior golf for when they started as a youngster trying to hit the ball further they start to use the hits too much and they start to get this action happening so once they get to the top this action happens the club comes down and it's got nowhere to go if your hips have come forward your hands come forward your club comes forward and guess where you hit so what we're going to do is help fix that once you're set up nice distance away get your hands below your chin still keep this nice big gap between you. And your your legs i want to put the chair or a bag behind you now your mission is to try. And keep contact with that bag or chair through the swing certainly through impact that's really really really important so set up keep your bum back on that chair or that bag get to the top of your swing we're going to do some really slow motion get to the top. And then.

Back down again keeping as good of contact as you possibly can with the bag. Or chair i'll do it one more time. So bum on the bum on the bag of the chair get to top and just keep contact every single time you might look like a complete and utter idiot down at the driving range perhaps in this but honestly this will work wonders. For a huge percentage of you out there that are shanking the golf ball. So we've done drill number one we've done drill number two check me out for drill number three if these two don't work i've got one more little one for you it might be a dead simple one thanks so much for watching my name's been rick shields down here at traffic golf center in manchester please do give it a like check me out on facebook. And twitter and subscribe to that channel thanks for watching you.